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15548754 No.15548754 [Reply] [Original]

Learn. The. Fucking. Difference.

>> No.15548755

No one here's ever going to believe your propaganda, redditor. You're just going to keep getting mad while everyone laughs at you.

>> No.15548762

He's joking about how retards think the summer being hot means human caused global warming.

>> No.15548764

Even Harvard grads mostly have no idea how the solar system works and how it affects our weather

Aphelion was yesterday and nobody on /sci/ even noticed or mentioned it

>> No.15548940

Everyone in this thread is retarded.


>> No.15548955

but especially you

>> No.15548967

>medieval warm period

>> No.15549358
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>> No.15549362

yes but this time it's special, each heatwave is a special snowflake to be exploited by politics.

>> No.15549534

>why yes, of course global temperature records have always been broken every year, why'd you ask?

>> No.15550125
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>surely the simpler and more likely explanation is that it's the apocalypse, not that taking temperature measurements in increasingly dense cities or on airport runways might lead to some teeny tiny measuring errors.

>> No.15550135

diberal sniberals are sooooooo bluu pilled. i KNOW (cause i'm a based conservative) that global warming is a sniberal HOAX. this thread proves that, and i'm much more based because of it.

>> No.15550142
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>I think this type of post will work on conservatives because it would totally work on me

>> No.15550147

i raise my MAGA to your diberal sniberalism. it's super effective and the illegitimate theory of climate change perishes

>> No.15550173

One of the more idiotic posts I've seen on here in a while.

>> No.15550181

Nothing about climate change concern is liberal. The point is to stop the climate from changing, which is literally conservative, and the solutions being proposed all involve an authoritarian merger of state and corporation, which is literally fascist.

>> No.15550217

this isn't facebook granpa

>> No.15550219

You're going on vacation next year in Alaska in December.

Do you:
Bring your bathing suit, beach towel and flip flops?
Bring your warm winter coat and snow boots?

You're going on vacation next year in Florida in June.

Do you:

Bring your bathing suit, beach towel and flip flops?
Bring your warm winter coat and snow shoes?

>> No.15550225

You missed one of your reddit spaces

>> No.15550231

do mericans not believe in climate change because they already live in a desert shithole? it's easily observable here in yurop where temperatures increased by 10 degrees since 2000s

>> No.15550249

Answer the question faggot.

>> No.15550254

I'm not dumb enough to vacation in AK in December winter or FL in June. What do you do?

>> No.15550261

Refusing to answer the question is pretty good proof that you're afraid to be proven wrong that it's very simple to understand the difference between climate and weather and very easy to predict climate. Because you don't want to understand you're left looking stupid as you desperately try not to answer a simple question.

>> No.15550263

There is actually some truth to that. Places closer to the equator are warming slower than more northern areas, so Europe is actually warming faster than most of the US.

>> No.15550265

Answer the question faggot.

>> No.15550283

We believe in climate freedom

>> No.15550303
File: 390 KB, 1284x897, IMG_8969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plotting temperature for a single location and not global temperatures
Deniers are getting pretty desperate when warming is becoming too much to ignore

>> No.15550450

Both sides ~should~ agree that temperatures are rising as we can literally measure it. The debate therefore should only be whether the rising temps are anthropogenic.

>> No.15550456

Oh snap that data goes back 44 years? There's no way we wouldn't capture relevant macro trends in the climate of Earth, a 4.5 billion year old system.

>> No.15550469

You literally can't measure it, bozo

>> No.15550479

Thermometers are placed in the sun, near electric transformers, near ur mums vagina, near AC units... on purpose.
The digital ones' data is straight up manipulated systemically.

If you isolate the analog ones that are placed in historical locations, the data anomaly disappear in pure cohencidence.

>> No.15550503


>> No.15550534


>> No.15550618

Yes you can, from space even.

>> No.15550623

Are you even old enough to post here?

>> No.15550675

(You) Not an argument

>> No.15550700

Are you even a human?

>> No.15550705
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>> No.15550727

Am I remembering this wrong or did the "greenhouse effect" originally refer to a tipping point past which we'd go into a feedback loop where the warming began to accelerate until we ended up at 400F with a Venus atmosphere?

>> No.15550901

You are remembering wrong

>> No.15550983

How old are you? I'm talking about when I was first taught about it in junior high, which was ~15 years before the infamous Al Gore commercial.

>> No.15550993

This was popular with the pre-Gore climate hysterics, yeah.

>> No.15551002

The greenhouse effect has never referred to Earth suddenly becoming like Venus. You probably confused some statement about Venus being hot because of the greenhouse effect.

>> No.15551005

Either way it's totally absurd since neither one of those things is true.

>> No.15551009

Are you sure? If you'd said the same thing before I just posted >>15550983 I'd have been a lot more confident that you remembered it, too.

>> No.15551013

If you look into Paul Ehrlich he's probably the guy who first started that whole myth in the 80s.

>> No.15551026

I didn't say suddenly becoming like Venus. Putting stupid words in my mouth and criticizing your own stupid words makes your post no more credible than this one >>15550993

>> No.15551034

I just told I was in junior high in the early 90s. You think I don't know about Ehrlich?

>> No.15551045
File: 660 KB, 1685x1895, IMG_3697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you get off by being repeatedly humiliated with simple data?

>> No.15551067

Well if you know about Ehrlich then you can google his doomsaying and find out you're completely right. He's the one who made that argument.

>> No.15551079

>you can google his doomsaying and find out [...] He's the one who made that argument
I can't. ehrlich venus greenhouse gives nothing on the first 3 pages. Can you? Link?

>> No.15551087

I could but it's a lot of work and I'm not on the clock. I just remember reading an interview he did years ago.

>> No.15551088

Your image seems to show that a Big Trans Cock obliterates a BWC which obliterates a variety of BBC. Am I misreading the data?

>> No.15551097

I already have the memory of what I'm asking about, I'm just wondering if it's real or not. You citing your own memory doesn't help me but thanks.

>> No.15551605

>no reply
climate hysteric got completely shut down

>> No.15552065

You're a shill clearly. NASA's Suomi NPP satellite has monitored global temperature changes, and there were satellites before that. The argument is not whether or not temps are rising, but whether the rise is anthropogenic.

>> No.15552517
File: 411 KB, 1284x1057, IMG_0663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is empirically observed and measured to be anthropogenic

>> No.15552531

Global temperature isn't measured, it's modeled from local measurements. Fucking retarded summerfags.

>> No.15552546

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15552549

I don't have to, I can measure your absolute retardation directly.

>> No.15552552

Alright, if you want to be a pedantic little bitch about it then the greenhouse effect has never referred to Earth becoming like Venus over any timescale.

>> No.15552557

I hope that sounded cooler in your head.

>> No.15552565

>in your head
Don't deal with reality that well, do you

>> No.15552576

I hope that sounded cooler in your head too. I'm not entertained by cringe.

>> No.15552583
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>> No.15552585

stop confusing me, I'm busy installing solar panels


>> No.15552591


>> No.15552592

That's probably the most cherry picked metric I've ever seen

>> No.15552598

I figured out the expression I was looking for, "runaway greenhouse effect." The science was less clear in the early 90s that it probably can't happen on Earth any time soon.

>> No.15552605

A runaway greenhouse effect is very possible, and even likely, before the end of the century from warming turning various natural carbon stores into carbon sources, and this could make Earth uninhabitable by humans by the end of the next century, but the Earth is unlikely to become like Venus before the end of this millennia

>> No.15552608

If it were capable of happening it would have already. But we already knew that.

>> No.15552620

>nooao, compiling measurements is modelling not measuring

>> No.15552621

I don't think that's true, or you're not using the standard terminology. Do you know of a newer exposition than for example https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2012.0004

>> No.15552624

In the 2000s there were days with 40°C in Germany.

>> No.15552640

>if I can’t see the earth’s curve it means it’s flat

>> No.15552643

>if I can’t see
If you can't SEE the curve, you didn't observe it or measure it, fucking imbecile. This has nothing to do with whether the modeling is or isn't correct or useful.

>> No.15552646

I don't care enough to pull that article up on scihub to circumvent the paywall, but from the abstract it seems that the are only considering the effect of CO2 at various concentrations on the climate and not considering more powerful greenhouse gasses that would be released from various carbon stores such as methane. It's pretty telling that they include altering the Earth's orbit as a "sustainable" solution to reverse a runaway warming event.

>> No.15552654

I love how deniers are at the point of flat out saying basic observations are fake
Good stuff

>> No.15552658


>> No.15552666

>Everyone I disagree with is a bot
Gotta love the classics

>> No.15552669
File: 3.52 MB, 1x1, Goldblatt-runawaygreenhouseimplications-2012 part 1.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too large to upload the whole pdf but here's the first half. All you really need, though, is the first sentence, which defines the term.
>The ultimate climate emergency is a ‘runaway greenhouse’: a hot and water-vapour-rich atmosphere limits the emission of thermal radiation to space, causing runaway warming. Warming ceases only after the surface reaches approximately 1400K and emits radiation in the near-infrared, where water is not a good greenhouse gas.

>> No.15552674

That's a bot quality post because it has nothing to do with what I said, not because I disagree. Illiterate fucking bot-ass imbecile.

>> No.15552678

>How dare you disagree with me, you... you... you... BOT!
Take a few breaths, autist.

>> No.15552686

Bot post.

>> No.15552694

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a bot you're just retarded sometimes. Go cope somewhere else.

>> No.15552709

Yet another bot post.

>> No.15552728

I read that first half and I wouldn't put too much faith in that article. Their definition of what constitutes a "runaway greenhouse effect" is dependent on the end point being Venus-like conditions where the oceans have boiled away and their conclusion entirely based on a physical model that implies that level of warming will be inhibited by the outgoing flux reaching an equilibrium. I assure you that equilibrium will be deadly to humans. You should look into topics like methane clathrates and carbon stored in permafrost. Once we've caused enough heating for a large store of carbon to be released we will experience uncontrolled climate change that we can do nothing about and that will not cease until Earth is unlivable for humans. Personally, I'd consider that a "runaway greenhouse effect".

>> No.15552732

>You should look into topics like methane clathrates and carbon stored in permafrost. Once we've caused enough heating for a large store of carbon to be released we will experience uncontrolled climate change that we can do nothing about and that will not cease until Earth is unlivable for humans. Personally, I'd consider that a "runaway greenhouse effect".
This definitely happened during the Medieval Warm Period after 10 degrees of warming above modern temperatures, which is why we're all dead.

>> No.15552734

If you think everyone is a bot then why don't you leave? If everyone were a bot then you'd have more productive conversations with yourself in the mirror.

>> No.15552737

The medieval warm period was a local phenomenon, not a global one. You should get new material.

>> No.15552740

Anthropogenic Climate Chaos is a local phenomenon, not a global one. You should get new material.

>> No.15552744

By definition and measurement it is a global phenomenon. Try harder or troll better.

>> No.15552748
File: 3.88 MB, 1x1, Goldblatt-runawaygreenhouseimplications-2012 part 2.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their definition of what constitutes a "runaway greenhouse effect" is dependent on the end point being Venus-like conditions
It's not their definition, it's the definition. (Or it was all through the last century and up to at least 2012.) I think you're just using your own idiosycratic definition for what you think it should mean.

>> No.15552747

By definition and measurement it is a global phenomenon. Try harder or troll better.

>> No.15552750

He seems to have a lot of unresolved issues, and he's using climate change doomerism to comfort himself. Many such cases among climate cultists.

>> No.15552756

>everyone is a bot
Only you. You keep posting canned replies about some "denier" horseshit that never happened. Total bot behaviour.

>> No.15552769

>We will experience uncontrolled climate change
I'm so glad we can control the change in climate, now. I couldn't imagine if the oceans stopped absorbing carbon at the rate we need them too. Combined with extra carbon being released into the atmosphere from permafrost, or even fires. If the oceans slowed their carbon absorbtion that would mean even more would just kinda hang out in the atmosphere. More heat gets trapped.

>> No.15552780

I looked it up and you are correct that the term is associated with an endpoint that prohibits the formation of liquid water on the surface, but that's pretty arbitrary and irrelevant to human life, which would have died off long before anyone could watch the oceans boil. "Runaway greenhouse effect" is much more concise than "positive feedback loops of greenhouse gasses released from natural carbon sinks that result in the extinction of man" and so I wouldn't be surprised if most people using the term colloquially mean that instead. Who cares if there's still liquid water on Earth when everyone on it has died?

>> No.15552789

No, I've just been making fun of you for insisting anyone who argues with you is a bot. You should ask your doctor to recommend you a good therapist.

>> No.15552798

It's not my field and I don't really have anything useful to say about it. I was just trying to piece a memory back together. Thanks for taking the time to look into it.

>> No.15552800

We have the ability to influence the climate, and we will lose that ability if these feedback loops are triggered. We should use our influence to prevent that from happening.

>> No.15552805

No problem. I wish I could have been more helpful, but I'm glad you figured it out anyways

>> No.15552808

>We have the ability to influence the climate
Narcissistic delusion.

>> No.15552813


>> No.15552820
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i would honestly prefer it if the world could just burst into flames already

>> No.15552825

Denial doesn't change reality.

>> No.15552829

>Bot, bot, bot!
Come up with something more interesting.

>> No.15553603

this, its a delusion that can only be held by people who are ignorant of math and science

>> No.15553991

We could ever influence the climate, with the current hundreds of thousands of factories running 24/7 and gazillions of vehicles.

>> No.15553995

but I'm not going on vacation to alaska or florida next year?

>> No.15553996
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>> No.15553997
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>pure cohencidence

>> No.15554068
File: 576 KB, 1293x1977, 20221202_192221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stealing this

>> No.15554141

>it's easily observable here in yurop where temperatures increased by 10 degrees since 2000s
Take your meds.

>> No.15554534
File: 93 KB, 1200x1200, taylor-swift-attends-the-2016-vanity-fair-oscar-party-hosted-by-graydon-carter-at-wallis-annenberg-center-for-the-performing-arts-on-february-28-2016-in-beverly-hills-california-photo-by-anthony-harve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of same fagging on this board.
And everyone here falls for it.