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15544957 No.15544957 [Reply] [Original]

>Unspeakable deep ocean horrors to discover and conquer?
>Perfect. Sign me up and put me into a submarine pod.
Any Europa enjoyers here?

>> No.15544976
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>> No.15544985

Josh pls go

>> No.15544988

Who's josh?

>> No.15544989

already in Yurop, don't care

>> No.15545145
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Haha yeah come join the crew anon

>> No.15545259

Good luck trying to find the economic incentive to get so low

>> No.15545309

I sometimes have trouble sleeping while thinking of the unspeakable horrors that must lurk in the deep oceans of Europa, Garnymede and Enceladus. Any life there has had billions of years to evolve so we can expect to find things far worse than megalodons and giant squid.

>> No.15545369

There's nothing there. Earth is the only planet that has life (as god willed it)

>> No.15545402
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>> No.15545449

We might find the real Godzilla in the deep oceans of the outer planets

>> No.15545501


>> No.15545717

sign me the fuck up

>> No.15545924

do logitech controllers work in space tho

>> No.15545939
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Earth is flat and stationary with a dome. You are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive. CGI is all you get in this life.

>> No.15546002

>tfw no europa underwater cave horror kino
Do hollywood artists even try

>> No.15547484

If there is life on Europa it will resemble large squids or octopus but with intelligence approaching or exceeding that of humans.

>> No.15548770

Will I be able to have sex with them?

>> No.15548968

Maybe, there is just one space jellyfish chillin

>> No.15548976

Probably not much there, I say this because I imagine life is like starting
A fire, you need a lot of ingredients and heat... underneath our own ice sheets we see some life but it’s all centered where there is heat... is there enough heat to have fostered life there? My guess is 85% no life there, but still worth investigating.

>> No.15549105

There's plenty of heat due to tidal flexing caused by Jupiter and decay of radioactive elements in Europa's core. If there wasn't a heat source there wouldn't be a huge subsurface ocean of liquid water.

>> No.15549262

Hmm good points all in all let’s go then

>> No.15549276

step away from the keyboard and have a nice cold shower, Kurt

>> No.15549293

>Europa report
It's shit though

>> No.15549455

>Exploring the deep ocean beneath the ice on another planet
This pic triggers my thalassophobia. I can just imagine piloting my tiny sub around in total darkness and then I hear sounds coming from outside.

>> No.15549462
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>made up phobia for situations you've never been in

>> No.15549635

Fear of large bodies of water is an evolutionary survival trait that was passed down to humans. Those early mammals that didn't have this fear wandered too close to the river/sea edge and got dragged in by the hungry predators lying in wait.

>> No.15549683

I liked the part where one guy has to do an EVA and gets "infected" with hydrazine and they can't let him back in or he'll fill the ship with hydrazine so they cut him loose.

>> No.15549709

yes, dunk me in cap'n

>> No.15549713

Scuba diving on Europa when? It could be fun to swim around just below the surface ice while holding a flashlight to attract any friendly Europa sealife.

>> No.15549779


>> No.15549787

Quite the imagination there.

>> No.15551532

What the fuck is down there?

>> No.15551549

The life under Europa's shelves of ice would be more beautiful and exciting than anything we've encountered; it's the stuff of dreams that transhumanism may allow humans to see it with their own eyes, or hold it in their hands.

>> No.15551555

We should attach a camera to an octopus and drop it in the Europa sea so it can swim around and see what's there

>> No.15551567

Niggas had the entire universe and yet they took our real estate. baka

>> No.15551591
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Dude just reread up on nudibranches (sea slugs) you’ll see all sorts of beautiful lifeforms you never knew existed

>> No.15551594
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>> No.15551596
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Europa posting cont

>> No.15551621

Reminder that Europa's ocean likely contains sufficient molecular oxygen to sustain animal life because oxygen produced on the surface by solar bombardment will eventually make its way down to the ocean as the surface ice is recycled. Europa has almost certainly evolved squid and octopus-like lifeforms by now.

>> No.15551634
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>down to the ocean

Truism: Where there is water, there is life

>> No.15551640


>> No.15551712

imagine setting up the first gym on Europa.. deadlifting under the gravity pull of based Jupiter. Imagine the gainz...

>> No.15551744


>> No.15551745
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>implying tidal heating has a large enough energy flux for life to exist
lmaoing at you OP

>> No.15551757
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>Earth is flat and stationary with a dome. You are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive. CGI is all you get in this life.

>> No.15551771

life on earth has also had billions of years to evolve
it would be different to earth life but i don't see why it would be inherently worse/scarier

>> No.15551774

Reddit meme terminology just like trypophobia

>> No.15551875

Something on Europa is producing enough heat to maintain the 60 mile deep ocean. Tidal forces can produce a shitload of heat in a small nearby moon. Look at all the volcanic activity on Io which is the next closest moon to Jupiter.

>> No.15551881


>> No.15551996

Meme or not thalassophobia seems to be a lucrative vidya genre

>> No.15552380

space is fake and gay. read the bible you loser sinners

>> No.15552383
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>> No.15552523

>implying Zyzz and Rich Piano are not getting jacked af on Europa right now

>> No.15552525

>you losers

>> No.15552611

Will we be alive when the first exploration of Europa happens or are we not anywhere close to the tech needed to drill through kilometers of ice on another celestial body.

>> No.15553247

>divert small asteroid so it crashes into Europa
>small asteroid smashes through Europa ice crust and exposes the subsurface ocean
>send down probe to sample ocean and search for life before the hole freezes over again
we have the technology to explore the Europa ocean right now

>> No.15553292

It would be piss easy for gobermints and their RTGs
What's lacking is the WILL
Europa clipper is an USA mission to select a landing site for such a mission

>> No.15553317

I don't think there are any aliens close enough for us to ever detect or interact with in any way. The Fermi paradox is just too big of a hurdle and when people on here try to blow it off the arguments are usually very bad. I suspect that abiogenesis is far, far more unlikely than people tend to assume and that the odds of life starting even on an earth-like planet are astronomically low, and that it was only by immensely improbable freak chance followed by freak chance that life came about on Earth at all. So I don't think there's anything there.

Also shut the fuck up about squid and octopi you freaks. Stop expecting alien life to look like earth life when the earth life looks "alien" to your ape brain. Stop overrating their intelligence, they aren't that smart. And stop being so creatively bankrupt that you can only imagine aliens as earth-like creatures. Instead of basing aliens off of animals like unimaginative retards, base them off inanimate objects like toothpaste caps and eyedroppers.

>> No.15553347

god i wish that were me

>> No.15553372

The ending where they finally confirmed the existence of life was pretty kino though

>> No.15554023

It makes no difference where your mind is located once you ascend

>> No.15554662

Yeah, some small asteroid is going to break through 8 miles of ice

>> No.15554687

>base them off inanimate objects like toothpaste caps and eyedroppers.
Why those things? Unrealistic. They’re probably just made of and eat different stuff

>> No.15554777

Personally I don't think abiogenesis is that big a filter in the Fermi paradox. Life, as fas as we can tell, turned up within half a billion years of Earth forming, probably not long after conditions were stable enough for it to viably exist. Complexity is the real blocker. Multi-cellular life took a good few billion years to get started, and anything more interesting than a blob only showed up in the last half a billion years or so. Some kind of intelligent, tool-using creature that could push into space like us probably depends on dozens of factors that almost never happen together (A big moon with tides to help stuff leave the ocean, the right amount of water so that there's a nice balance between land and sea, tectonic activity to stop everything being worn down into nothing, but not so much that you end up with global resurfacing events like Venus, a magnetic field to protect complex things on the surface, enough oxygen to allow fire without there being so much that a single spark will burn down everything, huge stores of easy fuel for industrializing, etc.)

>> No.15554787

Smartest vaxxcattle