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15544628 No.15544628 [Reply] [Original]

Teachers stunned after new science curriculum has no physics, biology or chemistry


Science teachers are stunned that a very early draft of the revised science curriculum makes no mention of physics, biology or chemistry.

Newshub has obtained the document, which was sent to a few teachers for their feedback.

Some of them were so alarmed they went public.

Doug Walker is the Head of Science at St Patricks College in Wellington.

"The moments I really thrive on are when you see that dawning epiphany on a student's face," Science Teacher Doug Walker said.

He has an absolute blast teaching science.

However, Doug is among a number of teachers who're worried after seeing a leaked draft of the revised school science curriculum.

"I was quite surprised and concerned about what seems to be missing from the document," he said.

That document proposes to teach science through five contexts - including the Earth system, biodiversity, and infectious diseases.

But nowhere in the draft does it actually mention teaching the basics of science, like physics, chemistry or biology.

"Major areas of science can't be seen in the document, to me the curriculum should be explicitly stating what, how and when to teach certain concepts to students".

Physics educators aren't happy either, and fear students could leave school without knowing the basics.

"We have a draft curriculum that doesn't even mention physics, it's very high level," NZ Physics Institute President, Joachim Brand said.

>> No.15544629
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"We are not trying to get rid of physics, chemistry and biology," Science Curriculum Co-Writer Cathy Buntting said.

Cathy Buntting co-wrote the draft curriculum and says it's about modernising our curriculum.

"It's proposing to teach those subjects differently, not operating in the silos that have been traditionally the structure of science education in secondary schools".

The Ministry of Education said in a statement any speculation on the curriculum is premature, as this is a very early draft.

A proper draft document will go out for wider feedback in August, and will give educators time to have their say and make changes.

Teachers like Doug just hope they'll all be able to get onto the same wavelength soon.

>> No.15544640

This is because they can't bring themselves to admit that NZ abbo belief systems have less merit than western science.

>> No.15544641

poor guys

>> No.15544688

>Earth system, biodiversity, and infectious diseases.
Globohomo propaganda short list.

>> No.15544716

If you ask me, the Nostalgia Critic doesn’t seem like much of an authoritative expert on the subject.

>> No.15544745


>> No.15544792

True and real. Education is nothing but brainwashing and all those responsible of promoting globohomo crap must be brutally executed. Those animals only understand violence.

>> No.15545020
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>> No.15545023

How the fuck can anyone read a list of single sentences broken out into 20+ consecutive "paragraph" blocks. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.15545025

Who's that and what does he have to do with this NZ curriculum?

>> No.15545058

Has anybody found the "leaked" document? I want to read it.

>> No.15545086
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>Education is nothing but brainwashing
yep, physics chemistry and biology will be replaced with global warming, gender studies and diversity training

>> No.15545100
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>That document proposes to teach science through five contexts - including the Earth system, biodiversity, and infectious diseases.

This semester in Science(tm) class we will be learning about how climate change is real, that there is only one race, the human race and how covid was the most deadly disease ever, with antivaxxers killing millions. And remember children if you are struggling to come up with the right answer in your tests, just ask yourself, what would the trusted science experts say?

>> No.15545156

Murdering babies is fine actually, and gender is fake

>> No.15545179
File: 126 KB, 851x1135, anywhere you want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted in another thread a while ago about how bad they're fucking over nz education. It's got so bad in the past few years it's accelerated like I'd never have believed.
First warning for me was seeing the university library removing HUGE chunks of the science sections to replace it with "Matauranga Maori," (means Maori knowledge, for the non NZ anons) and political shit. A 2 digit number of shelves of books were taken away and replaced with their political meme nonsense. Another library was completely closed down and those guys told me the books were just being sold off elsewhere.
Academics have been forced to resign after saying things like they don't think Maori knowledge should be considered equal to scientific knowledge, or that science is not a tool of colonialist oppression. Not lowly postdocs either, but high up academic staff getting pushed out for saying a single word against it.
Not only that, but the high school curriculum is also being hacked away at. Now, the mathematics curriculum has subjects removed like it's no big deal. Unless students are enrolled in international qualifications like IB or Cambridge, they are no longer taught even basic concepts like the binomial theorem. That's been cut, and replaced with nothing. The calculus papers have been drastically simplified, to the point that you can look up exams from a few years ago and watch the students being significantly dumbed down in only a decade. We went from having high literacy scores and relatively good mathematical knowledge in our kids to having them now know less than a student in Europe, Asia, or Russia 2 years younger than them. Even the difference between a New Zealander who graduated 5-10 years earlier than them is big. We can see them moving backwards in real time. Every single NZ-born student I have met this year is worse off than almost any other student from a civilised country. Oh and now they have a race based medical waiting list - whites and Asians to the back.

>> No.15545226

I finished school in NZ about a decade ago and considered it reasonably good to the point that people going to uni were basically repeating their year 12/13 studies. Recently my partners mum, who is a HS teacher showed me some of the year 11 and 12 NCEA papers and dude what a fucking joke. Maths that I learned when I was nine years old, jeet tier esl questions that can be hard to understand wtf they want you to do, the English paper had half of it dedicated to fucking social media shit asking the students to comment on the meaning of emoji reacts to posts. Apparently these papers had abysmal pass rates too. Lol civilisation is done bro, who is gonna maintain anything even slightly complex?

>> No.15545323

This is the future globetards want

>> No.15545337

As a Maori man I reject the unscientific bigotry discussed within this thread. Our ways of knowing are just as legitimate as colonially derived science, and are far more grounded in our deep natural connection to the earth, water, and sky.

>> No.15545340

You forgot the biology module on how trans women are real women etc.

>> No.15545451

They don't want the goyim to be educated, dumb people are easier to manipulate

>> No.15545546

>"It's proposing to teach those subjects differently, not operating in the silos that have been traditionally the structure of science education in secondary schools".
why tho?

>> No.15545550

Science is racist and needs social context

>> No.15545677

based, sci BTFO

>> No.15545794

>the English paper had half of it dedicated to fucking social media shit asking the students to comment on the meaning of emoji reacts to posts
English is even worse. The new English curriculum now explicitly says the students are expected to become advocates for equity with their English education.
I'm glad I graduated back when we actually seriously studied Shakespeare and Cormac McCarthy. You're now unironically going to be expected to regurgitate propaganda in order to get a high school qualification. It's very similar to the Chinese moral education courses.

>> No.15545817

this sounds a bit odd. why would the system reject teaching critical analysis

>> No.15545830


>> No.15545833

I'm not sure, we don't cover that in school anymore. I'm sure the government will release the official answer through trustworthy accredited media channels.

>> No.15546356

because they want dumb, easily manipulated citizens rather than well educated ones that might be a threat to the ruling classes

>> No.15546422

Doug Walker

>> No.15546433

yeah, you can thank the people discussed in this vid, you are in for the guest, not the host, and i encourage you to corroborate what the guest is saying by looking at the literature made by those discussed, specially marx's early writings, have a good day

>> No.15546499

Is this what science becomes? Just whatever political issue is currently important? Looks like schools have given up on teaching people how to think, and they no longer trust the adults they shit out of their system to understand the world for themselves. It's about time...

>> No.15546849

Ever since atheists stole the scientific method from Christians science has been this way. Since atheists don't believe in a divine commandment against lying they're untrustworthy.

>> No.15547131

Scientists are activists, propagandists and zealots. It's been that way since Covid (probably for much longer but I ignored them before that)

>> No.15547214
File: 281 KB, 1x1, protocols.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darwinism is mentioned by name in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion, which is 120 years old

>> No.15547243

>The new English curriculum now explicitly says the students are expected to become advocates for equity
what the fuck, it's real
>As they apply the tools of the English learning area and make links through stories, ākonga [students? When the fuck did we stop using English for this?] are able to connect with experiences and issues of global significance. They use their insights to advocate articulately and persuasively for equity

>> No.15547292

Back to redd1t

>> No.15547317

I'm not interested in your anti-Semitic garbage. The people involved in turning science into a joke are not from one ethnic/religious group. Too simplistic.

>> No.15547464

Oy vey

>> No.15547616

To be fair there really are fuck all Jews in NZ so at least for this thread he sort of has a point. They still have disproportionate influence, but the current NZ government pushing this junk science and making students become globohomo advocates to graduate high school is dominated by a certain Maori group.

>> No.15548799

>To be fair there really are fuck all Jews in NZ
Even small amounts of jew in your country is enough to poison it. USA is only 2% jew, but the country is dominated by jewish organized crime

>> No.15549387

theres only 3000 jews in japan and thats enough to force the NWO faggot tranny agenda on the whole country of 125,000,000 people.
1 jew in your country is too many

>> No.15549414
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>To be fair there really are fuck all Jews in NZ

>> No.15549482

Yeah that's right. I said they're overrepresented but they're a tiny fraction of the population.
The point is that this particular agenda is driven by the Maori Iwi groups and people like Nanaia Mahuta, not by Jews themselves.

>> No.15549564

But that law was just pr. I heard that it doesn't really protect them as much as it allows the nips to discriminate against them politely like they do with everything else.

>> No.15549566

And who do you think is funding them?

>> No.15549609

they make a fuckton off the way they've structured the law so that Iwi are basically these groups/gangs which automatically maintain huge political influence but almost never need to be subject to the actual laws, they also control a lot of natural resource rights as well as having connections to organised crime
Obviously Jews have outsized influence but it's lazy to just say "it's Jews" without even considering the actual situation. There's more than one group of people in NZ with their own ethnic interests. In this case you can literally just name specific people who are behind these policies and pushing back against them requires you to not remain ignorant about how the process works.

>> No.15549615

Also, another reason this is just lazy is that the Maori faction is almost always very strongly ANTI-immigration, whereas your typical Jewish neoliberal like John Key is almost always pro-immigration, and you usually wind up with infighting because of this. Part of the reason the Maori cultural stuff is so influential in NZ right now (i.e. after Ardern became PM) is because the Maori party almost never wants to work with National because they know they want to flood the country with Asians for muh GDP and muh house prices, so they went with Ardern, but then they wangled their way into a position where the cabinet would pretty much fall apart if anyone went against the foreign minister Nanaia Mahuta's agenda (she's pretty much the closest thing to Maori royalty you could get, and she probably had way more influence on the government than the actual PM at the time, so she was free to write bills which handed over resource management to Maori only and she even rewrote a bill literally less than 1 day after it going through parliament lol). Basically they put the entire government in a headlock and rammed through every policy they could that favoured Maori at the expense of everyone else.

>> No.15549699

new zealand is becoming the florida of the asia pacific region

>> No.15549849

not a shill but is this /pol/ math even true?
i assume he set the ratio by race and not by voting
so by his logic he divide the percent of race representation 75% with the number of race associate presidents 39
(0.75/39)*100 = 1.92%
and the population percent of jews with the number of jewish presidents
(0.11/3)*100 = 3.66%
as you can see this result differently.
then divide these values(with the wrong 0.037) and result with 51.
am i missing something? this is not seems like the way to measure this

>> No.15549952

They shouldn't do this. It was tried in Finland and it didn't work out at all.

>> No.15549961

this is the opposite of what florida is doing?

>> No.15550252

no, NZ is becoming the Sweden of the southern hemisphere

>> No.15550581

Sweden is on the mend, they shut down the government's climate and environment ministry entirely.

>> No.15551496

They're also trying to put an end to immigration, but its too little too late. The immigrants they already have breed like rabbits thanks to the welfare state

>> No.15551501

Too many people must have turned down the vaxx. Time for another round of dumbification in the ole school system.

>> No.15551504

What is even the reasoning behind this? When I was attending school in NZ the standards were very low, many kids would have failed if it weren't for the easy credits and the multiple attempts they were given to complete assignments. Why do we want to make it easier for them?

>> No.15551782

It's not "too late." Algeria kicked out all the French with a slogan "on a plane or in a coffin," and wow, it turns out that worked. It's as easy as that.

>> No.15552423

The ruling classes want a dumb population because a dumb population is easier to rule over and less of a threat to the ruling class's power

>> No.15553333

Extremely based

>> No.15554494

>The immigrants they already have breed like rabbits thanks to the welfare state
Also the Swedes themselves are mostly drug addicts living off the dole because of the welfare state. Turns out no Swedes want to work to earn taxes that will be paid out to immigrants