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15543639 No.15543639 [Reply] [Original]

> The medical arts played a significant and sometimes pivotal role in the witchcraft controversies of seventeenth-century New England. Not only were physicians and surgeons the principal professional arbiters for determining natural versus preternatural signs and symptoms of disease, they occupied key legislative, judicial, and ministerial roles relating to witchcraft proceedings. Forty six male physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries are named in court transcripts or other contemporary source materials relating to New England witchcraft. These practitioners served on coroners' inquests, performed autopsies, took testimony, issued writs, wrote letters, or committed people to prison, in addition to diagnosing and treating patients.

>> No.15543641
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Daemons, every single one of them!

>> No.15543642

Absolutely based
>t. MD student

>> No.15543665

Best way to sway over the retarded masses is to take away the only educated person in town, then convince everyone that education is evil

>> No.15545149

Nah the best way is to give everyone "free" public education. They pay to propagandize themselves.

>> No.15545365

Although based, you have to understand that medicine was not considered a respectable profession until the Victorian era. A surgeon was on the same social rung as a barber or d*ntist.

>> No.15545381 [DELETED] 

As it should be. Medical practitioners need to be humble or they get big-headed about their knowledge and fail to treat people properly.