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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15542851 No.15542851 [Reply] [Original]

Has this board always been dogshit? I thought I'd come here to get away from /pol/ and /x/ while also learning something, but it's literally the worst of both combined.

>> No.15542859

Nah it was significantly better pre 2016, at least regarding the /pol/shit. Board never recovered after that. Catalog used to have usually 1 thread up at all times for race discussion and that's it, now like 30% of the catalog is /pol/shit

>> No.15542862

The schizophrenia of this board is honestly among the worst on the entire fucking website and I am not exaggerating this in the slightest.

>> No.15542864
File: 154 KB, 720x197, topic dilution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real topics are bad anon only topics retards can mindlessly chatter are permitted by those who want to prevent discussion

>> No.15542872

Part of it is that you’re approaching the specified topics with apprehensions in the first place, and it’s likely you already constitute as an outsider pre 2016, and post 2016. By looking at the overall makeup of “science” circles on the internet, /sci/ has a special place to build hypotheticals around nonsensical or conspiratorially in depth content, where other spaces fail due to censorship and stigmas. Be happy /sci/ is open to these conversations, not butthurt you can’t have it be identical to Reddit.

>> No.15542875

>muh /pol/
Pattern recognition is essential to science.

>> No.15542879 [DELETED] 

Don’t you know, fellow anon? Math is science. How fucking DARE you notice, AND point out, statistical trend… the absolute fucking gall of you, sir!

>> No.15542881 [DELETED] 

Don’t you know, fellow anon? Math is racist. How fucking DARE you notice, AND point out, statistical trend… the absolute fucking gall of you, sir!

>> No.15542885

Don’t you know, fellow anon? Math is racist. How fucking DARE you notice, AND point out, statistical trend… the absolute fucking gall of you, sir!

Can’t believe I fucked up twice

>> No.15542932


>> No.15542980

This is pol 2.0

>> No.15542990

And so is recognizing bias :^)

>> No.15543123 [DELETED] 

No, there is definitely some at least semi organized effort to shit up the board. You can see interesting threads gettong flooded with a flood of schizo tier logorrhea posted in a rapid succession taking over. I think a first one tries to stir up a "debate" with a real poster, then another one takes the place of the real poster with insane schizo arguments, and the first fake poster begins to ignore the real replies.

>> No.15543129

No, there is definitely some at least semi organized effort to shit up the board. You can see interesting threads gettong flooded with schizo tier logorrhea. I think a first one tries to stir up a "debate" with a real poster, then another one takes the place of the real poster with insane schizo arguments, and the first fake poster begins to ignore the real replies.

>> No.15543135

The board is particularly dogshit since I came back

>> No.15543164

I had been banned since January 6th and this board is more dogshit now.

>> No.15543169

>The board is particularly dogshit because I came back

>> No.15543172

>Has this board always been dogshit?

>> No.15543177

It's in a bad state, even worse than a few months ago

>> No.15543182
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>> No.15543190

Maybe bots. The disturbance/derailing often has little or no relation to the thread topic.

>> No.15543203

Bodhi singlehandedly ruined the board. Whenever he enters a thread it derails into his whining over people disagreeing with the stupid shit he says.

>> No.15543241
File: 28 KB, 1347x114, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peek a boo I see you schizo

>> No.15543258

>mention bodhi
>within a few minutes he appears and starts whining
You really are here 24/7, aren't you?

>> No.15543261
File: 44 KB, 1331x126, alwayswatching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's mirroring/projecting again
Yes we are always watching schizo. I have people in a van outside your shithole hovel right this second in fact. We are coming for you

>> No.15543264

the board used to be 50% threads about university and homework, now its 50% /xpol2/
i would say that is an improvement

>> No.15543317

homework threads are banned, university schoolchildren are not qualified to be pontificating on scientific topics, if they were then they wouldn't still be in school. 4chan is a 20 year old website, if you're still just a wet behind the ears college baby then you're a newfag and were never wanted here to begin with.

>> No.15543606

i wish we could go back to the days where those were the biggest problem