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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15541797 No.15541797 [Reply] [Original]

>lay in pitch black room
>close my eyes
>move my arms around in front of closed eyes
>I can see my arms and my fingers as shadows
>can see how many fingers I'm holding up
Can anyone explain how this is possible?

>> No.15541843

Third eye

>> No.15541844

You're high you fag

Put more oxygen into your brain

>> No.15541855

I don't take drugs I can't I get urine tested at work. I actually have a urine test tomorrow I am certainly not on any drugs or medications right now.

I tested it further. Pitch black room with my eyes closed and with fabric covering my face and I can see the outline shadow of my hands and fingers. How.

>> No.15541859

Tactile sensation, you mong. Try making your girlfriend "see" how many fingers you're holding up, oh wait you don't have one.

>> No.15541862

It isn't being triggered. I have a gf.

>> No.15541868

He can "see" his hands, retard how can feeling correlate to seeing

>> No.15541869

Yes it is, and if your girlfriend can "see" how many fingers you're holding up too, it means she's a figment of your imagination.

>> No.15541871

No it isn't. Why are you angry.

>> No.15541873

Maybe you're just conscious of yourself moving your hand, and your brain is just filling in the blanks.

Or there's light in the room you fag

>> No.15541877

Classic coping mechanism

>> No.15541878

Because you're a mongoloid who took 20+ years to become aware of how your body works?
This is something toddlers amuse themselves with when they can't fall asleep.

>> No.15541879

No light. I assumed the brain has some kind of inbuilt knowledge of where all your limbs are and so in complete darkness I am hallucinating this mechanism.

But none of you have suggested this and this is supposed to be the smart board.

>> No.15541881

You're unable to substantiate your answer and you seem unable control your emotions. You chose to use this website. You can leave.

>> No.15541886

>the brain has some kind of inbuilt knowledge of where all your limbs are
What it has is connection to a broad sheet of sensitive tissue and small hairs covering your entire body and other nerves under it too.
Go play around with anesthetics for a bit (hopefully you'll kill yourself in the process)

>> No.15541888

That's what I meant, you're conscious with where you're moving your hand and your brain is filling in the blanks you fag

>> No.15541894

>What it has is connection to a broad sheet of sensitive tissue and small hairs covering your entire body and other nerves under it too.
This seems a lot less likely than my suggestion as you're still basing it on sensation which isn't being activated. I can't use drugs I'm drug tested weekly for work but it sounds like you have run out of whatever drug you usually use.

>> No.15541898

However I will admit my word choice isn't all the best, and my original answer has potentially been lost in this response

>> No.15541899

You didn't mean that you said something completely different and now you're attempting to save face by pretending its what you meant. None of you could explain such a simple concept until I put forth my assumption.

Do you give advice on this board for free?

>> No.15541902

Funniest thing is you didn't even need a black room or blindfold, you can just blow air on your forearm. Your brain distinctly perceives a cone of air or something, if you close your eyes you notice you're sub-visualizing it. Even though there's obviously nothing for you to see, even your arm hair is barely even moving.

>> No.15541908

>sensation which isn't being activated
And where does this moronic confidence come from exactly?

>> No.15541914

Nuh uh! I know what I meant

But yeah, fag you're right. It could be your brain just trying to make a sort of mental image of where exactly your limbs are, though I don't know if I would call it hallucinations

>> No.15541921

Because my left arm is still recovering from an accident where the skin and nerves had to be reattached I don't have much feeling in it but it looks the same as the right.

>> No.15541961

How dubious. But assuming that's true, it would mean your proprioceptors have recovered already. You can test that by positioning your left arm at a particular angle, closing your eyes, putting your arm down and trying to get it back to that particular angle without looking.
You can further test that by holding some object in your hand (ideally while holding the same in the other hand), if you can visualize both equally well then at least part of your somatosensory system in your arm is functioning just fine.

>> No.15541982

>urine tested at work
Do Americans really?

>> No.15542071
File: 1.83 MB, 2048x2048, 1688420150050026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyelids don't block out all light

>> No.15542094

>I assumed the brain has some kind of inbuilt knowledge of where all your limbs are
I don't believe it. There's a reason blind people can't walk, without eyes to see where the legs are they just stumble over.

>> No.15542151
File: 129 KB, 2373x1725, 1685359252269883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife
>He is sever autist
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive amd destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet.

>> No.15542168

your brain has extra info that you are not aware of at any time. it can track your limbs and can also create any type of visual image, overlayed on top of what your eyes see, in a way that you can't distinguish it from "reality".
all these "spiritual" bullshit is just a testament for how incredibly awesome, complicated and fascinating our biology is.
if people could just stop filling the blanks with whatever they wish for and call it "real", that would be great.

>> No.15542222

Sometimes when I am sleep paralyzed, I can still see myself wave my arms waving in front of my eyes, merely because I feel like I am currently doing this action, despite me rationally knowing my arms are currently paralyzed and at my side (I know this because after the paralysis episode, my arms are tucked under the sheath or wherever, so the waving was logically impossible).
The brain is spooky, innit?

>> No.15542236

Why does this thread even have over 20 replies? This is something most kids learned about by holding up a flashlight to their hand.

>> No.15542242

>holding up a flashlight to their hand.
and those visible photons have more energy than 5G ones.

>> No.15542250

Has no relevance, fix your bot.

>> No.15542300

He said it was a pitch black room.

>> No.15542306

>33 replies to this weak retarded bait.
Is /sci/ the most midwit board on the entire site? Just let this shit thread die.

>> No.15542538

>he says while still bumping it

>> No.15543684
