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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 228 KB, 1067x1170, SV40 causes cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15540454 No.15540454 [Reply] [Original]

New data on the SV40 in the clotshot causing cancer.

>> No.15540467

So what now?

>> No.15540478
File: 83 KB, 1352x804, wef evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Trust the government!"
"Trust the science!"
Obey Fuhrer Biden and the DNC "Democratic Nazi Corporation"
WEF are your new overlords, so obey!

>> No.15540486

Nothing. It will be purposefully ignored and anyone who points it out will be guilty of heresy. How could it cause cancer when it is Safe & Effective? Obviously the data must be wrong.

>> No.15540497

why do u care about the vaxcattle when they don't even care about themselves? they literally took some 6 month old pharma cocktail because the tv told them too and they wanted to fit in. who cares about them?

>> No.15540516

cross your fingers and hope you got the saline. otherwise, plot revenge.


>> No.15540540 [DELETED] 

Trump is done!

>> No.15540544

Show the charts for depression diabetes drug use ect. People shifted habits during the pandemic . Also there's the aging population. Too many variables to jump to the conclusion that it's vax related. How many of those new cancer patients were vaxed? Would need more data. I've personally observed an increase in people's blood pressure however every single one has also changed their diet and habits for the worse and not gone back post pandemic

>> No.15540545 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 827x681, dr-chud-autopsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been shown time and time again that chuds don't know how to interpret data with their midwit iqs, so the intellectual elite just ignore them now instead of wasting hours on each instance of misinterpreted data, letting the chuds seethe and cry in their chud bubbles.
shift+click, thread hidden.

>> No.15540558

>I've personally observed an increase in people's blood pressure
How peculiar indeed. I'm sure there's nothing to it.

>> No.15540564

Actually, the catholic church's teaching on social issues is to solve them as locally as possible. Pope Francis is constantly quoted out of context by the communists, and he certainly doesn't help because he's not a trained academic like his predecessors. I realize a bunch of his advisors are buddies with the WEF though, and they need to be excommunicated.

>> No.15540578

>Obey Fuhrer Biden and the DNC "Democratic Nazi Corporation"
you suffer from Democrats Derangement Syndrome

>> No.15540582
File: 38 KB, 904x159, Screenshot_20230703_223050_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15540588

I see you've removed half the data from my post. I was pointing out that a change can have many factors and without eliminating variables it's impossible to know the cause. Im looking for studies that can control for variables. It is not impossible.

>> No.15540883


>> No.15541957


>> No.15541964

>SV40 in the clotshot
Say what now? Do schizos now believe that there's SV40 in the Covid vaccine or did the lingo change and clotshot means something different now?

>> No.15541975

Yeah weird: working from home, munching doordash every day, I see no possible correlation with high blood pressure.

>> No.15542226

It's a fact, not a belief. The only question is whether SV40 actually causes cancer or not.

>> No.15542255

Which vaccine contains SV40?

>> No.15542307

The Pfizer and Moderna vaxxs.

>> No.15542366

lmao excess?

anything above a 0% cancer rate is bad

they dont even know what actually causes cancer.

>> No.15542389

I found nothing on the interwebs about this.

>> No.15542392

Strange. Maybe you shouldn't use google.

>> No.15542403

I use DuckDuckGo.

>> No.15542404

Try using yandex or bing.

>> No.15542416

This kind of one dimensional analysis is par for the course for /sci/ lately.

>> No.15542952

run by the CIA

>> No.15543105

I only care if it causes contagious cancer or contagious prions. Otherwise sorry no refunds vaxxies.

>> No.15543106

Look into the origins of Silicon Valley. In-Q-Tel and ARPA/DARPA.

>> No.15543279

Trump Dead Suddenly!

>> No.15543309

DuckDuckGo has a "former" In-Q-Tel executive on the board of directors running the show and directing the censorship, he is the founder's uncle. But the public cover story about DuckDuckGo is "super genius MIT student started his own search engine"

>> No.15544101


>> No.15544746

>they dont even know what actually causes cancer.
they know SV40 causes it

>> No.15544808

>they don't know
(1) 'SV40' is a cancer causing virus
(2) 'SV40' is also shorthand for a small promoter sequence taken from that virus that, *does not*, on its own, cause cancer.

>> No.15544814

Is this another correlation = causation thread or is there an actual link

>> No.15544835

SV40 is a virus known to cause cancer.

>> No.15544845

Thanks for the explanation. That opened my eyes just like when somebody explained me that antivaxxers understood the "sterilising" in sterilising immunity as becoming infertile. There were so many threads about birthrates plummeting, and now nothing came of it. Remember that one graph that showed the yearly number of births, and since it was released in March or so, it showed a drop by 80% for the ongoing year. All because some utter retard saw the word "sterilising" and went apeshit.

>> No.15544850

>That opened my eyes just like when somebody explained me that antivaxxers understood the "sterilising" in sterilising immunity as becoming infertile.
lol what. someone told you that and you actually believed them? you're beyond gullible for thinking that.

>> No.15545393

confirmation bias

>> No.15545395

Yeah that's probably it. His confirmation bias made him believe that the "antivaxxers" he hates believe something like that.

>> No.15546239

Immature people who aren't able to control their emotions are incapable of rationality, they will always favor emotionally pleasing confirmation bias over objective reality

>> No.15547328

explain the 11% increase in cancer deaths amongst vaxxies

>> No.15548478

>Is this another correlation = causation thread or is there an actual link
sup /r/sciecne

>> No.15548490

The one you made up in your head?

>> No.15548492

>meds not taken
>sources not cited
>images from /pol/ copied
yep it's schizoposting time

>> No.15548604

>here's a list of 1001 things that could cause the rise in cancer
"what about the vax you made everyone take, maybe?"
>NO! it can NOT be that, you stupid conspiracy theorist bigot!!!

>> No.15548609
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer vaccines of course, as effective fucking your health as any other Pfizer shit.

>> No.15548620

>rate has been going up since 2019 in the chart shown
>it must be the vaccine, couldn't be anything else
also what the fuck do any of those lines mean? where is the link to that "source"?

>> No.15548626

pfizer has been working on a cancer vaccine since before the pandemic
i know cuz i have cancer and i keep up with this
MRNA vaccines are already in trials for some cancers and they are looking really promising

>> No.15548648

They saw
and they don't understand what a promoter is.

>> No.15548650

Promising profits and 100% immunity for the manufacturers.

>> No.15548653

>i have cancer
how old are you? what low iq shenanigans did you do to yourself to get cancer?

>> No.15548655

i am hopeful that curing cancer is profitable, cuz it doesn't look like it and it makes me sad
won't share age, but it's genetic
had it for years now and im still alive

>> No.15548657 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 618x671, tts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the science and cut your penis, is good for you!

>> No.15548660

The profits are on useless vaccines backed by deep fried statistics. That is where the money is.

>> No.15548661
File: 122 KB, 600x613, two nonlegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you think its bad for the human species to allow fucked up genetics like your own to survive?
what good is that? so we can even more people with shitty genetics?

>> No.15548665

no, considering that most people wouldn't be alive if not for modern medicine
if hospitals ceased to exist 90% of humans would die, i don't think i'm special

>> No.15548668

Ok groomer, just stay away from the kids.

>> No.15548670


By that logic we should abort people affected by car crashes.

I came here to do science not just cherrypick winners.

>> No.15548688

LMAO, that is not true at all. Only a very small portion of the working population are saved by hospitals. Very old population is no longer productive and therefore not relevant to keep civilization going on.

>> No.15548828

Explanation: you're a liar.

>> No.15549190

Is this a nothingburger? It doesn't seem like a nothingburger.

>> No.15550366
File: 333 KB, 581x656, W1RWcS6zNEMq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15550422

The Data works in mysterious ways.

>> No.15551406

Hospitals are where people go to die, there isn't a more dangerous place on the planet than in a modern hospital.
"Modern medicine" is just antibiotics, it has nothing else worthwhile to offer. The invention of antibiotics by a white male Christian 100 years ago is the one and only reason why most people now survive childhood

>> No.15551431

trust tv, they also have useful advertisements to let you know which pharmaceuticals are right for you!


>> No.15552353
File: 148 KB, 1024x1016, 1675225594498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science murdered her

>> No.15553143

Not only that, they made a $9,000,000,000,000 profit doing so

>> No.15553198

With a lil help of a cunt

>> No.15554517
File: 269 KB, 1488x1488, you don't recongize him because he isn't jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if hospitals ceased to exist 90% of humans would die
medical error is the leading cause of death, if hospitals ceased to exist the life expectancy would stop decreasing. antibiotics is the sole reason most people now survive childhood and live long adult lives