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15540087 No.15540087 [Reply] [Original]

Do normies actually believe Tyson and Sagan are equivalent to Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler? They didn't even do anything besides popularize science. At least Tyson has published some papers I think, Sagan is a fraud who never did anything besides lie about nukes and speculate on aliens.

>> No.15540092 [DELETED] 

bait thread good science bad :)

>> No.15540140
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>NPC getting emotionally triggered by the truth about his TV sºyence heroes

>> No.15540152

Sagan was important because of the scientific image he put out I suppose. A lot of brilliant scientists come across as awkward dorks who can’t hold a conversation. Where’s the charisma?

>> No.15540155
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>> No.15540181

>eleanor roosevelt
tits or gtfo, ma'am

>> No.15540192
File: 40 KB, 355x417, 3D3047B9-08E6-4571-9EC0-C5DA0E5E89BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tv is my altar
>the people on tv are my priests


>> No.15540813

>They didn't even do anything besides popularize science.
Meanwhile Galileo & Copernicus were both heretics who weren't trying to popularize conventional science, there were trying to criticize it and alter it substantially because they both thought the science of their day sucked

>> No.15541959

He never published his thoughts, his writing was discovered after he was dead and publish posthumously. He was afraid of losing his cash money patronage from the church if he published while he was alive

>> No.15543195
File: 841 KB, 1000x525, KRtsgygdvmQq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sagan wasn't nearly as stupid as Tyson is, Sagan had an ability to see into the future which Galileo clearly lacked

>> No.15544103

good pic, dude called it decades in advance

>> No.15545273

yeah, but its like the one thing he was ever right about.

>> No.15545314

Only r*dditors, who view science as a fashion accessory, would think this. Most normies have never heard of any of these people and those that have are smart enough to understand the concept of a communicator.

>> No.15545321

No. No one believes that. You are creating a strawman.
Also latex testing here
[math] \hat{>_×} [/math]

>> No.15545331

normies don't think about any of these people

>> No.15545336

Test again
[math] \hat{\ddot{> }}_×[/math]

>> No.15546178

Sagan and Tyson both have massively high public profiles because all public school students are forced to watch their """"educational"""" videos in class

>> No.15547351

They got famous because teachers have hangovers and need to sit in a quiet darkened room all day to recover

>> No.15547382

Sagan was a pseudo-scientist. He founded an entire field of pseudoscience known as "astrobiology." It is pseudoscience because there is NO empirical evidence for any of it, and never has been.

>> No.15547385

When I was in school they used to make us watch Bill Nye videos whenever the science teacher was hung over.

>> No.15548444

those are the same teachers who will run their gums endlessly about the importance of education

>> No.15548710

If you think that's scary, check out Industrial Society And Its Future. It's only 34 pages long, but the guy fucking predicted the 21st century with deadly precision. Unreal stuff.

>> No.15549412

holy shit

>> No.15549426

This nigga is more of a scientist than either Sagan or Tyson despite all the dumb speculative pop sci shit he likes to churn out

>> No.15549430
File: 2.35 MB, 1200x1200, Michio Kaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot pic

>> No.15549432

ironic that he sees the issue but doesn't understand its the lack of superstition (religion) that caused it in the first place

>> No.15550489

He also believed in "nuclear winter" and the incoming ice age before he later switched to believing in the global warming meme. I once herd him say that the layer of lacquer on a typical schoolroom glob was proportionally as thick as the actual atmosphere was in relation to the Earth.
>>15543195 is a case of a broke clock being occasionally correct, he probably copied all that out of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>> No.15550617

Am I the only one that used to hate Bill Nye as a kid?
His videos give off an uncanny vibe

>> No.15550631

They literally think useless philosophers like Kant and Nietzsche are equivalent in intelligent and contribution

>> No.15550662

>Well, well, if it's not the consequences of my own ideology.

>> No.15551577

>he probably copied all that out of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
the protocols predict the future better than any scientist can

>> No.15552067
File: 27 KB, 474x478, I want to believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15552078

>Michio Kaku
complete schizo

>> No.15552110

>They didn't even do anything besides popularize science. At least Tyson has published some papers
You have it backwards. Tyson went into popsci after getting his PhD. Carl Sagan had rather fruitful research career long before before he made Cosmos.
Wasn't a scientist, but a mathematician. Astronomy wasn't a branch of Physics until the well into the 17th century, before then it was a highly specialized branch of mathematics that was only really concerned with making calendars and accurate time keeping.
> Galileo
None of his observations were relevant to the establishment of Heliocentrism (or the rebuke of the Platonic or Tyconic or Heraclean models) and he rejected Kepler's model because he believed the sun excreting a force to move the planets in their orbits was sorcery. Not only that he was asserting things that he couldn't know because the evidence didn't exist until after he died, the Coriolis effect wasn't discovered until after he died for instance.

>> No.15552876

>Carl Sagan had rather fruitful research career long before before he made Cosmos.
name one meaningful achievement of his

>> No.15553098

The creation of planetary science as a discipline

>> No.15553413

>Do normies actually believe Tyson and Sagan are equivalent to
No you stupid dunning. They don't believe the scientists on TV are equivalent to the pioneers of astronomy.

>> No.15553415

He was literally just describing 1995

>> No.15553416

LOL no, they're watching khan academy while the teacher browses reddit

>> No.15554717
File: 32 KB, 494x515, astronomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it amazing that neither of the two most famous astronomers of the past century were researchers. Its almost as if astronomy is a completely useless subject thats only popular because of lame comic bookish hollywood soience fiction movies