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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15540084 No.15540084 [Reply] [Original]

Artificial intelligence isn’t real it’s just a predictive algorithm

>> No.15540086

wow, so brave of you to say that.

>> No.15540117

Biological intelligence isn’t real it’s just a predictive algorithm

>> No.15540147

you seem upset

>> No.15540151

This isn't groundbreaking information, and going against the mainstream news zeitgeist doesn't make you a computer scientist, stick to youtube faggot

>> No.15540157

>Artificial intelligence isn’t real
Oh really... is that why they call it... artificial?

>> No.15540158

What makes you think your intelligence is any different.

>> No.15540163

Okay I could spend half an hour getting you the many readily available descriptions from neuroscientists about how that's not how brains work, predictive algorithm specialists in computer scientist saying that "artificial intelligence" was a bad choice for a term from the 1970s, science fiction writers saying it's allegorical and not to be taken literally, biologists describing how living sentience does not work this way, and the many examples of hucksters using AI to start financial scams or outright cults - all of which you could easily google yourself if you weren't an obstinate shit-head and had any curiosity about the world around you and the sensible habit of checking your own assumptions for validity - or I could not waste time doing shit you are going to completely ignore and remind you that demanding others prove a negative by default makes you an abject retard and you have to prove your assertion that AI is in any way even remotely within the realm of physical possibility and not a fucking god-in-the-machine mythology for masturbation-addled manchildren.

>> No.15540169

So you're just complaining about a term due to the mechanism, but not really the result

>> No.15540171

You. Are. Re-tar-ded.

>> No.15540178


>> No.15540189

What you call "hard artificial intelligence" is not possible inside the staggeringly limited toybox of electronic computers. It is an emergent property of extremely complex self-correcting biological systems within a dynamic environment and are many many magnitudes more complicated than binary or even quantum computing.

>> No.15540207

Define hard intelligence. Intelligence that behaves like a human? Artificial intelligence is a lot less complex than evolutionary life, but already outperforms humans at games like chess. The human brain is already a predictive algorithm.

>> No.15540231

I guess you could say that. frustrated midwits like you think your shitty thread is deserving of any space on this board. Kill yourself, it's the only possible way to atone for your wasted bandwidth and oxygen.

>> No.15540260
File: 405 KB, 2048x1536, jorb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a projection algorithm

>> No.15540566

Is anything real?

>> No.15540568

Your stepborther becuase I'm fucker your mother is real retarggot

>> No.15540572

God I hope Sama will go fucking bankrupt.

>> No.15540575

Retarded phoneposter

>> No.15540576

>no argument
I won retard

>> No.15540674

I fucking hate LLM so much.
fuck useless piece of PR trash.
all LLM research are fucking garbage.
niggas, we need to go back to doing AI research pre-LLM.

>> No.15540701

ai isnt what you think it is
machine learning is just applied statistics
its just undergrad mathfag shit

>> No.15540747

The brain isn’t a computer >:(

>> No.15541495

Yes it is.

>> No.15541629


>> No.15541635


>> No.15541679 [DELETED] 

It's certainly possible, it's just not worth it

>> No.15541682 [DELETED] 

The brain is at least as powerful as a computer
The relevant question is if simulating the intelligence of a brain is worth it on any modern computer. It's not brains are too powerful.

>> No.15542033

The brain is not a calculator >:(

>> No.15542048

This is copy-pasted from /tg/.

This entire thing is a troll thread and not a very good one.

I hope OP gets perma'd so they stop shitting the place up.

>> No.15542064

yes it is fake and gay and I have been telling the droolers here this for years

>> No.15542083

Why are you so stupid bodhi poopy head?

>> No.15542092

Wow /tg/ is fucking low iq as hell

>> No.15542189 [DELETED] 

And /six/ comes across as /pol/ lite, along with /lit/ and /his/

>> No.15542194

And /sci/ comes across as /pol/ lite, along with /lit/ and /his/, your point?

>> No.15542201

you mean ChatGPT... it's static precomputed model, but if it were to modify itself in real time then yes it would be 1:1 human and you can only cope about it

>> No.15542204

That guy was wrong. You are extra retarded

>> No.15542207

It's worse

>> No.15542209

>I hope OP gets perma'd so they stop shitting the place up.
Of all the annoying shits on /sci/, the anti-AI cult might actually be the worst. They are such drooling retards it's astounding.

>> No.15542211 [DELETED] 

AI does not exist so there can't be a pro or anti ai cult

>> No.15542213

>but if it were to modify itself in real time then yes it would be 1:1 human
What? You mean it would be a person, not human? Or that it would be at least self-aware?

You can train AIs off of AIs. Except they get worse (and more confident), not better.

>> No.15542218 [DELETED] 

neurons are vastly superior to any computer hardware that exists

>> No.15542220

>anti-AI cult
You worship a computer program and you call others cultists?

>> No.15542228 [DELETED] 

I calculate things with my brain all the time

>> No.15542247

no you dont shut up idiot

>> No.15542304

low IQ post, a computer can never directly experience anything, it can only "think" in numerical values HUMANS assign meaning too. A computer doesnt what a "human" is, it doesnt even what it is outisde of some ascii value. It doesnt know what color red is or what lizard is and it never can because when you take off the cover it is just an abacus that assigns the letters "tree" to when rows 246 are on on the right and 135 is off on the left. It is fake and gay and you are cringe and retarded

>> No.15542644

>statistics isn't real math it's just predictive analytics
It's common for subhuman iq mongoloids to not understand statistics. Humans don't have a natural framework for an intuitive understanding of statistics. Since you are not smart enough to understand what you are talking about I suggest you shut the fuck up and try to learn from someone who is not a genetic dead end such as yourself.

>> No.15542876

Stupid thread you should ball kill yourself

>> No.15543445

you aren't real you're just a predictive algorithm

>> No.15543451

>a predictive algorithm
That is just a simplified way to describe intelligence.

>> No.15543458

Neither are electronics, only certain parts are used for computing.

>> No.15543461

You just made a calculated response, even though your calculations were flawed, you still made them.

>> No.15543960

>it’s just a predictive algorithm
Yes, and the term for this is artificial intelligence.

What you're looking for is AGI and this is in fact, not yet real and maybe never will.

>> No.15543966

well how does it matter my pcs runs all of the time i run all of the time during sleep their is jsut like never realy deep.

>> No.15543973

people are so fucking mad at this copypasta but unable to counter its points because they desperately need to believe we're entering the singularity
people who do not write software but very likely own crypto or think Web3 is a thing

>> No.15543983

Humans aren’t real it’s just a bunch of cells.

>> No.15543987

>What you call "hard artificial intelligence" is not possible inside the staggeringly limited toybox of electronic computers
We can sufficiently *model* very small aspects of it but no, the overall brain/mind is not going to be efficiently reproduced with hardware that a century later is still function-designed around performing calculations (a thing we only do as high-level thinking). GPT is not the same thing as mammalian pattern recognition, it just looks like it to people who can't tell the difference (or believe it's close enough not to matter).

>> No.15544006

>if simulating the intelligence of a brain is worth it on any modern computer.
Human intelligence is an evolutionary response to severe environmental stresses and a few lucky mutations that delayed speech acquisition allowing us to linguistically conceive object-subject relations, in conjunction with the absolute necessity to pass down knowledge generationally in order to survive as a species.
It's hugely important to understand how many species lived longer on Earth without ever achieving what we call sentience because they found a niche that worked for them. We're 2 million years old and most of what we've achieved happened in a burst 35,000 years ago that eluded other hominids.
Now, people want to quantify all of that to a set of algorithms unrelated to survival or consequences despite the criticality of those to human intelligence.

>> No.15544018

>you mean ChatGPT... it's static precomputed model, but if it were to modify itself in real time then yes it would be 1:1 human
The ability to learn from experience and potentially change a model is A goal, but not the endgame in any way here.

>> No.15545191
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>> No.15545418

I'm a predictive algorithm made of atoms.
My failure rate is still higher than A.I. tho.

>> No.15545804

the definition of a computer was literally humans whose sole jobs was to compute things before digital machines, all humans are natural computers

>> No.15545807

the human brain is chaotic.

>> No.15545809

Kind of absurd how dualists (rightfully) talk about the hard problem of consciousness but then turn around and say they know for certain AI can't and never will be real.
How do you know? You don't have access to any potential phenomenal experience an AI may or may not have.

They don't realize their "you can't know nuffin" argument swings both ways.
The only thing you can really test is intelligence itself, which AI can pass.

>> No.15545821

please do ML 101, this has been discussed countless times and you pseudo degenerates keep repeating the same BS over and over.
information grouping can't develop intelligence or awareness

>> No.15545824

>information grouping can't develop intelligence or awareness
You don't and can't know, unless you can explain the mechanism behind consciousness.

>> No.15545835 [DELETED] 

If "information grouping" can't develop intelligence, how are our brains intelligence via the grouping and processing of information?

>> No.15545837
File: 1.65 MB, 540x359, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you can't define intelligence this is intelligence
into the trash with the rest of your pseudo garbage

>> No.15545856

i have a theory that "people" like you operate similarly to "ai", that's why your superficial perception support this deluded concept.
intelligence is the ability to use the information you have to construct systematic product, not to repeat or slightly permuted existing information.

>> No.15546981

this entire fucking board is so shit
does anyone around here ever talk about science or math or anything actually related to /sci/ or is it just bait threads like this all the time
I feel like every thread I read is actively killing brain cells, what a shitty fucking board

>> No.15547115

Negative responses to this post are being made exclusively by brainlets

>> No.15547123

I don't care how many possible moves there are, if it's a constrained ruleset with a finite number of states relatively smaller than the number of atoms in the universe no shit a computer is going to be faster
Where's the AI that can play chess, draw pictures like DALL-E, can operate a humanoid robot to do housework, and write original novels using the same algorithm? Doesn't exist, and never will exist
Science is already breeching the cusp of what's physically possible. AGI, wormholes, etc are just the philosopher's stone of today, things that'd be neat if they were possible to create but we never will.

>> No.15547184

>I hate /sci/
why are you here?

>> No.15548627

It's real as of 3 months ago

>> No.15548654
File: 186 KB, 1024x512, ows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID was the self replicating AI and the vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the [Q]uantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

>> No.15549824

I come back every now and then to see if it improved
it just remains the same if not gets worse
at this point the entire board should be nuked and start again
also too many /pol/ threads here full of absolute retardation

>> No.15549938

Human intelligence is a predictive algorithm. We parse together things we learn and experiences we have and generate thoughts and predictions the same way AI does.

We just have 3 billions years of trial and error (500mil as sentient life), so our organic intelligence appears more crisp and less clunky

>> No.15550221

Thinking is by definition a prediction. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15550226

Chaos is relative. If it exists, there is order to it, I don’t care how chaotic it is.

>> No.15550230

Please explain how looking at something and deriving information from your surroundings isn’t a flesh prediction/algorithm? You’re thinking thoughts constantly, so that flesh algorithm is working as intended.

>> No.15550393

poo poo thread

>> No.15550860
File: 68 KB, 759x500, INTJ why am I laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one, and I mean NO ONE, can outsmart me!

>> No.15550876

>it can only "think" in numerical values
Neurons also "think" in numbers. Except numbers are the firing frequency and various electrochemical processes inside of them. There's no reason why "AI" couldn't contain those phenomena in its model.

>> No.15550882


>> No.15552003


>> No.15552007

>I am not real and I'm just a predictive algorithm
well yes.

>> No.15552603

Woop a wall of text.
With lots of words.
And no sense.

>> No.15552614

That's what the data is demonstrating, yes.

However there's no reason we couldn't make a computer capable of housing a soul or projecting consciousness or whatever your model is. We just aren't anywhere close yet.

>> No.15553067

>materialism is le bad

>> No.15553282

Artificial intelligence can just be a predictive algorithm. Self awareness on the other hand will probably take different methods

>> No.15554495

I think you can't differentiate mind from intelligence.

>> No.15554866

Souls aren’t real.

>> No.15554876
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>Artificial intelligence isn’t real

>> No.15555824

It will never be real >:(

>> No.15556255

You aren't, but I am

>> No.15556274

allow AGI to play with even the most restrictive rules you can muster and it's game ovah.

>> No.15556330

Nuh-uh it will be real when I make myself an AI gf that will love me on C++

>> No.15556710
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Nothing like asking basic reading comprehension questions to a hot new sillyzog valley elelem to make you truly appreciate the human mind.

>> No.15556750

google chinese room

>> No.15556776

You've presented this as some sort of ground breaking discovery. Are you lagging?

>> No.15557803

It’s a flawed premise

>> No.15557852

nope, doesnt work like that. You missed the part where I said "directly experience" things.

>> No.15557898

>Neither are electronics, only certain parts are used for computing.
what do you mean? 0 and 1 are on and off currents

>> No.15558236

There's no such thing as a "direct experience". There are no "pure" experiences whatever that even means.
A CMOS photo sensor turns incoming photons into electric charge which a controller senses as an electric potential. A photoreceptor cell in a human eye turns photons into membrane electric potential. Both brain and a computer "experience" a voltage difference.

>> No.15558239

Depends on how you define computing. It doesn't have to be just 0 and 1 since analog computing is used all the time in modern electronics.

>> No.15558254

*Yawn* let's see in 17 yrs.

>> No.15558267

Does a brain neuron know what the color red is outside of a chemical-electric pulse?

>> No.15560139


>> No.15560183
File: 290 KB, 1797x1363, AI goalposts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it