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File: 195 KB, 1170x1662, BCijBKcZl8uH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15535694 No.15535694 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently participating in certain sanctioned extracurricular activities, even ones with scientific value like selective breeding or other experimental agriculture, can get you banned from certain universities. Everyone always says extracurriculars help with admissions, but apparently this is not always the case, so choose you extracurricular activity wisely

>> No.15535709

Why do commies hate farmers so much?

>> No.15535715

I'm going to be a poet when the revolution comes.

Sage for /pol/.

>> No.15535753
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Ultimately, political ideology is largely rooted in identity and economics, and I think a wide range of political thinkers have made a similar argument, including people as diverse as Karl Marx and Ted Kaczynski. In other words, political ideology is downstream from socioeconomics. In general, your political views will in some sense support or conform to your socioeconomic position. There is some room for individual choice too, but ultimately your ideology is broadly speaking going to agree with you socioeconomic status in some sense.

Connecting that to your question, woke neoliberal leftists, especially urban segments of the PMC (professional managerial class), have extremely negative attitude towards rural America, the white working class, and blue collar laborers as a consequence of the fact that their identity and socioeconomic status is very closely intertwined with the emergence of modern, globalized, technocratic capitalism, and especially the tech, biomed, and media sectors, in particular. The "white working class" or "rural Americans" are despised by these people because they are seen as standing in opposition to BOTH their social and political values, but also their economic interests. On it's own, either of these would obviously be upsetting to your average woke leftist, but when you combine these two traits, it just sends them off the rails. In their mind, not only is the republican voter an anti-science, anti-tech luddite, but they are also a racist, homophobic, and bigoted, and a threat to the new. emerging global technological culture that might be described as generically "western", in some sense, but very importantly, not European. In other words, not only are republicans "anti-science" conspiracy theorists who hate modern science and technology, but they're also racist, nationalistic, anti-Western right wing extremists who stand in direct opposition to the very foundations of modern western society and basic liberal democratic values.

>> No.15535761

I mean in general, it's not limited to america

>> No.15535766

>private collages
Why do you want to control the free market?

>> No.15535772
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And most of this sort of narrative is coming from highly educated, elite urban liberals, although the broader neolib populace of normies will then of course adopt these views as well. Basically, the woke neolibs are just powerful, and greedy, and selfish, and bigoted, and elitist, and classicist, and spiteful as the neocon Reaganites and the GOP base who they like to constantly seeth about. The only difference is that neocons demonized the the masses of commoners by painting them as lazy, poor, entitled, prone to criminal behavior, etc., whereas the woke neolibs have demonized the masses of commoner by painting them as uneducated, stupid, anti-science morons who are too stupid to understand science or go to college, and who therefore deserve to be poor and disenfranchised.

The details may be different, but ultimately woke neoliberal ideology serves essentially the same sociological function as the slightly older model of neoconservative capitalism. Both function to legitimize and justify the demonization and oppression of the working class.

>> No.15535777

>I mean in general, it's not limited to america
The same applies to the EU, just replace "rural America" with "Rural Europe".

The Dutch farmers, for instance, find themselves in a very similar position to you typical F-150 driving, MAGA-hat wearing populist conservative.

>> No.15535790

>neolibs and neocons
so it's just stalinists and trotskyites screwing over the workers?

>> No.15535795

Always has been.

>> No.15535801

because when you talk biology you encounter gender, which is not a social construct, and it infuriates people with gender issues, genuinely, they can't deal with it, it creates a lapse in conciousness and strange anti-progressive behavior patterns, for sexual intercourse with desired partners rather than other avenues of competition.

>> No.15535805
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>> No.15535807

Farmers have leverage and social control through food exports

>> No.15535809

Those candidates still have a much higher chance of being admitted than ones without any extracurriculars under their belt.

>> No.15535813 [DELETED] 

>seething about nafo in image
thank you for outing yourself as a slav(e)

>> No.15535831

Makes sense. I wouldnt want rednecks at my university either.

>> No.15535863
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>> No.15535874
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>> No.15535884

cuz farmers are faggots that like to act like they are part of le working class when they are rich as fuck and whine every time they are told to do something

>> No.15535903
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>> No.15535904

good post anon

>> No.15535912

The nonretarded commies want to control the food so that everyone is dependent on them and they can starve their enemies to death. The retarded commies basically think food just appears at the grocery store, so the fact that everyone doesn't get infinite food for free must mean the farmers are exploiting us.

The irony of course is that farmers are the hardest working, most underpaid and underappreciated people in all of society, while commies are usually the laziest and most useless. Thus, when the revolution happens and the farms get seized and given to the commies, food production grinds to a halt.

>> No.15535919


>> No.15535921

One day, there will be an economist that provides a means of giving a fair, living wage to farmers that actually grow food (instead of being subsidized to do nothing) without inflating the prices of groceries, and they will immediately die by suicide via two gunshot wounds to the back of the head.

>> No.15535975

>instead of being subsidized to do nothing
But anon we NEED to plant millions of acres of useless corn so that we can put high fructose corn syrup into every food sold in North America.

>> No.15535977

They hate food

>> No.15535983

They don't belong in unis, they belong in the fields, laboring and making food.

>> No.15536027
File: 69 KB, 564x800, privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just farmers, and it's not just commies.
Posting about race based inequality was never a problem, when it was being levelled at white people, but posting about this will see this post being deleted, which just goes to show that this was never about racial inequality, it is just about hating and attacking white people.

>> No.15536035

How can white rates be that low?

>> No.15536044
File: 141 KB, 612x855, jewish-overrepresentation-harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be because Jews are incorrectly considered white by most people. Then again, the graphic lacks an actual source, so it could just be bullshit. This is another one that also lacks a source, but the values appear similar, at least on first glance. This one gets deleted even faster than the other one tho.

>> No.15536066

The problem is real, however. There have been numerous protests by Asian Americans about unfair admissions practices at Harvard, for example. It looks like the Jewish owned media paints it as a white racism against Asians;
But, then again blacks and hispanics have it easier getting into Ivy League Universities, then whites according to this travesty of a news article/propaganda piece;
I mean look at it. Their audience is so stupid, they need cartoon characters to get their point across. Most of their readers probably go to Ivy League schools.
The bottomline is if whites are so racist, why do they let blacks and hispanics into their top universities at a higher rate than themselves. They don't and they aren't. The universities got taken over by the Jews during the 'long march through the institutions', while you slept.

>> No.15536068
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Forgot pic.

>> No.15536153
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>> No.15536201

Jews used the civil rights movement to take over the elite institutions in the late 1960's. Once in place, they mounted a campaign of covert ethnic warfare against the only credible threat to their global hegemony.

>> No.15536211

Part of the problem was during the isolation period right after WW1 conservatism ceded the liberal arts to the left as conservative culture became more pragmatic and adopted by business men and engineers. Killing the days of cultural relevance of Greek and Roman writing and Christian impact on philosophy

>> No.15536382

its not your university, ivy league colleges are the common heritage of mankind, as stated in the ubuntu principles brought to earth by our lord nelson mandela

>> No.15536384
File: 7 KB, 237x213, farming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The irony of course is that farmers are the hardest working
>most underpaid
True in a sense, crops are dirt cheap but farmers are still rich because they have thousands of acres so it adds up.

Something like 10% of money spent on food at a grocery store turns into farm income. This makes sense when you consider how a kilo a wheat costs 20 cents at the farm gate while a kilo of wheat flour at a grocery store can be worth 2 dollars.

>> No.15536386

Because they are ultimately self-sustaining white men who also provide food without which they will starve to death, so might as well use force to ensure they won't rebel and stop giving them resources.

>> No.15536391

>Because they are ultimately self-sustaining white men
Farmers are not self sustaining. A typical farmer will just sell a gazillion tons of a single grain and then buy groceries at a supermarket. Farmers dont just sit to eat their own corn every day

>> No.15536394
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>> No.15536431

Watching Clarkson's Farm made me realize how utterly fucked farmers are and how they are still assraped by leftover commie-style systems and laws in countries.

>> No.15536714

Systemic racism by who? It leaves out data about Jews. >>15536027
Systemic racism is real. The system is racist against white people.

>> No.15536724


>> No.15536728

Clarkson is an eye opener but even then you're only getting a snapshot of the reality. What actually happens is much worse.

>> No.15537493

Look, you can't blame the system for individual choices. So what if farmers don't like to follow higher education?

>> No.15537497

In that their entire movement is bankrolled by big corporations and founded on lies?

>> No.15537499

>Everyone's a communist: an American guide to political commentary

>> No.15537509

You are irrationally obsessed with gender to bring it up in a thread about farming of all things. It is therefore little surprise that you are talking complete gibberish.

>> No.15537633

>stop paying attention to our march through the institutions goy

>> No.15537643

Fear is an effective tool to control the masses, isn't it? Keeps you from thinking.

>> No.15537644

You think it isn't true?

>> No.15537647

nice graphic retard

>> No.15537653

Ameritards think anything that takes away their goyslop on tap is communism

>> No.15537660

>His source is a satirical song
What's next? Hard-hitting research from the Onion?

>> No.15537669

No that's just a light hearted piece.
But if you actually follow them back to the second word war you will understand. The hoover institute was literally set up by trotskyites

>> No.15537671

Trots aren't real communists, that much I can agree with

>> No.15537672

We're talking about neocons and neolibs you need to understand the subversion of terminology and follow it to its roots.

>> No.15537694

Something's been subverted all right, but it's no great conspiracy. All these capitalists acting in a capitalist fashion are not secret communists playing the long con through 4d reverse psychology quantum chess. They are simply neocons and neolibs now.

>> No.15537703

90% of "white" admissions are literally Jewish

>> No.15537705

>Honors and awards were negatively correlated with admission
Damn I knew those merit scholastic competitions were a trap and fell for it anyway.

The real question is what makes a university prestigious if they're not selecting the best applicants? Just money?

>> No.15537717

What do you even think communism is? It was always a scheme to subvert to create a state monopoly the bolshevic revolution was literally funded out of new york

>> No.15537720

I thought communists hated the state?

>> No.15537723

communists are he state, anarchists hate the state

>> No.15537729

Communists want to be the state in order to create the conditions for its abolition. Obviously, communists are not currently the state anywhere in the world. Least of all in America.

>> No.15537731

>Communists want to be the state in
>order to create the conditions for its abolition

>> No.15537739

haha i made you look

>> No.15537749

We're not coy about this, you know. Communists do not deign to hide.

>> No.15537750

>Communists want to be the state in order to create the conditions for its abolition
Communists are Statist almost without exception though. Both in principle and practice. Not that they're alone in this, it's just bizarre is all.

>> No.15537765

No state has ever progressed beyond socialism. What's really bizarre are those who continuously decry "the state" and then keep handing over power to the state to oppress the scapegoat du jour.

>> No.15537877

instead of raising the issue and making arguments about why is is an injustice, or how it could be addressed, you guys just start throwing around antisemitic canards and calling people communists

>> No.15537893

So you think you're a communist?

>> No.15538047

You think Silicon Valley tech bros are Stalinist so I am not considering your opinions on the topic.

>> No.15538058

neoliberals are not liberals, they were a corruption of classical liberal ideas.
modern crony capitalism and communism have a vast amount in common

>> No.15538060

I keep hearing how anarchism is communism though, now I don't know what you're talking about

>> No.15538061

Bakunin was anarchist but communism is marxist because marx was in line with central bankers

>> No.15538069

do not take political advice from this guy

>> No.15538076

>Ya neoliberalism has nothing to do with classical liberalism, it is a corruption
>It is communist tho
t. politics understander

>> No.15538155

likewise for you. anons should engage with the subject and history to come to their own conclusions

>> No.15538159

neolibs and neocons are just a label, we're talking about soviet era allegiances from before mccarthy was permitted his little show

>> No.15538165

Everything is just a label, as you prove when you blithely label everything communism without a functioning understanding of political economy.

>> No.15538176

Ivy Leagues like veterans though. I knew like a dozen, many that honestly probably wouldn't have made it without having served.

>> No.15538177

To cut ahead here do you recognise that china and russia were communist?

>> No.15538183

More accurately socialist

>> No.15538275
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>It leaves out data about Jews

>> No.15538306 [DELETED] 

>shamelessly presenting yourself as violent, racist, rural and urban retard reduces your chances of success in life
what a surprise,
>but I make the food
science makes the food, you just are a racist moron who cums inside his sister and drives a tractor with guns on it

>> No.15538410

Have you ever met rural whites? Most of them still think a fiction book written 2000 years ago is fact. This is like arguing for low IQ blacks to get in just because they are black.

>> No.15538423

So you are saying that they should be excluded by the people who think that their book written 2000 years earlier should be the ones making that decision. OK, Chaim...

>want to be the state in order to create the conditions for its abolition.
An abolition that never comes, because they want to be the state. How are you still falling for this after 100 years of contrary evidence?

>> No.15538608

did they go for their undergrad or grad program? do military people usually serve and then start undergrad late?

>> No.15538633

>OK, Chaim...
lmao you think Jews are religious.

>> No.15539533
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they are

>> No.15539613

Do Ivy Leagues even have prestigious Agriculture departments wouldn't those kids all be going to some ag school instead?

>> No.15539618

>this is what rural mutts actually believe
my sides

>> No.15540627

>Celebrity TV is my only experience with agriculture
>thats why I'm an expert
The Dunning-Kruger effect

>> No.15540709

Harvard and Cornell both have world class agricultural programs.

>> No.15541286

>they dont like the working class. they hate the rich and believe they should be in power.

>> No.15541931

>they hate the rich
pampered college commies are the rich

>> No.15542038

>they hate the rich and believe they should be in power.
Merchantile elites unsatisfied by established powers raise a rabble of dysgenic malcontents from lower classes to use as an army to depose of the ruling elite even if it's against the interests of everyone except these financialists.

It's pertinent to review the french revolution, much of the same things keep happening.


One of the 6 or 7 prisoners who were actually housed in the bastille was Marquis de Sade...

>> No.15542652


>> No.15542887

And they're doing their best to keep whites out of them as part of the jews' white genocide program, both universities have jewish presidents

>> No.15543347

Right, but they haven't inherited daddy's bank account yet, so they don't see themselves as rich

>> No.15544246

Being in ROTC for the all gay woke sjw military is a sign of low IQ.

>> No.15544367

I would be bothered too if someone gave me his left hand to shake

>> No.15544396 [DELETED] 

>Why do commies hate farmers so much?
Because they primarily consist of wannabe intellectuals who blame their failure on the upper clas, instead of their low intellect.

>> No.15544411

>Why do commies hate farmers so much?
Because they primarily consist of wannabe intellectuals who blame their failure on the dominance of the upper class, and the stupiduty of the lower class, instead of their low intellect.

>> No.15544422

>wannabe intellectuals
Look who's talking and feeling smart

>> No.15545334

Marx was upper class, he was a Rothschild. He lead a lazy life and never worked

>> No.15545338

He was a failson who squandered his father's legacy and had resentment towards his successful peers because of it.

>> No.15546085
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We don't want stupid rednecks in Ivy League.
Stupid disgusting hicks

>> No.15547290

Lazy rich kids all feel guilty and ashamed of themselves for the condition they let put themselves in and their shame, which is obvious to everyone around them, drives them to become ever bigger idiots, always ends up with cringe orgy of virtue signalling. you can see tons of this on every college campus, tons of overaged spoiled wealthy children, who should have already transitioned to adult life, acting out in failed attempts at disguising their shame

>> No.15547738


>> No.15548808

>you can see tons of this on every college campus, tons of overaged spoiled wealthy children, who should have already transitioned to adult life, acting out in failed attempts at disguising their shame
protip: they never mature even after they've left college

>> No.15549192

Isn't that discriminatory?

>> No.15549466

Whites can't experience discrimination, but if they could, that's a good thing, because whites can't experience racism either, and whites don't even exist. If you disagree then you're a white supremacist, and if you won't immediately cave then you have white fragility all up in yo white privilege. Only jews and BIPOCs can experience discrimination and have a zero quantity of privilege. This is basic science. Thank you, science!

>> No.15550495
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so you're saying that jews are not white

>> No.15551439

Israel is in Asia, so are all the other semitic countries. None over them even border of Europe. Semites, including jews, are an Asian race, not a European one. Whites are of European origin, not Asian. There are no whites from Asia, semites are not white, they are Asian

>> No.15551459

>There are no whites from Asia

>> No.15552379

nope, russian whites are from european russia

>> No.15552397

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