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File: 759 KB, 1164x597, antarctica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15534762 No.15534762 [Reply] [Original]

umm global warming bros???....

>> No.15534778

Gief cold plox

>> No.15535280
File: 230 KB, 1260x575, antarctica-minus-100C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually colder than that in places
I've been looking at this for the last few days
never seen anything like it

>> No.15535294


>> No.15535343

Dont look at that, its melting goy!

>> No.15535407

But I thought models and instruments didn’t work why are you using model data?

>> No.15535447

i can't tell if this is trolling or you genuinely think you just posted a gotcha

>> No.15535476 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 928x578, antarctic-sea-ice 1978-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535696

if it wasnt for global warming it would be colderer

>> No.15535735

both of these are colder than the previous record for the coldest temperature ever measured on earth

>> No.15536277

Ask a scientist down there

>> No.15536524
File: 33 KB, 540x285, al gore neck too fat for collar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15536580

>cold temperature? Umm w-well th-there are several reasons w-why that isnt actually true

>> No.15537434

This must be perfect for CO2 extraction from air, given that dry ice sublimates at -88 C.

>> No.15537480

You would need a jacket and some nice comfy warm socks for going out in this fren

>> No.15537564

Air-harvesting would be very cheap and efficient down there!

Of course it's fucking Antarctica so performing any industry would probably be more trouble than its worth

>> No.15537709

There are stong winds, so you can power the system without transporting fuel. Just produce large blocks of dry ice and then ship them north for CO2 injections into old oil and gas wells.

>> No.15537716

So does CO2 actually snow in that spot?

>> No.15537730

No, because "that spot" isn't nearly as cold at the surface. That's probably the temperature at the tropopause, yet chuds are losing their mind because of le cold.

>> No.15537758
File: 83 KB, 640x825, IMG_8557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad that it's cold in Antarctica.

>> No.15537789

>cold temperature? Umm w-well th-there are several reasons w-why that isnt actually true

>> No.15537834

>cold temperature at an altitude of 10km? LE GLOBAL WARMING IS HOAX! HAIL TRUMP
>deadly heat? Umm w-well th-there are several reasons w-why that is actually normal

>> No.15537836

There are fewer days over 90F now than there were at the start of the 20th century. Also whining about 94 is nothing. It used to get over 100F.

>> No.15537843

It's deep winter in Antarctica right now, that area has been in permanent darkness for months.

>> No.15537844


>> No.15537846

>wet bulb temperature

>> No.15537847

new buzzword just dropped boys

>> No.15537848

Ok... Now kys

>> No.15537851
File: 447 KB, 913x929, 1688246406165575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15537853

You really don't know history.

>> No.15537856

You really don't know what wet bulb temperature means, do you? Hint: it's not the same as temperature.

>> No.15537859

I am aware. You seem to be unaware of the regular summer humidity level in the south. This is not out of the ordinary whatsoever, and it is less common now than it used to be.

>> No.15537861

Just because you're too stupid to look a word or it's history up doesn't make it a "new buzzword," it just means someone is smarter than you.

>> No.15537863

Just because you learned a new word today doesn't make global warming real.

>> No.15537864


>> No.15537866

That is a lie.

>> No.15537869


>> No.15537871

It's okay if your high school education was too poor to teach you properly, just try not to project on everyone else, it makes you look even more stupid :)

>> No.15537872

It is in fact the truth, as hard as it is for you to accept. The number of days over 90F has dropped precipitously since their peak in the 1930s.

>> No.15537883

The number of days over 90°F says nothing about the numbers with a wet bulb temperature above 90°F.

>> No.15537887

You're not smart enough to understand the correlation apparently. Hint: if category B requires category A and C to be large, shrinking category A by 80% necessarily shrinks category B regardless of the size of category C.

>> No.15537900

If A goes from 100 to 20, then B can still go from 5 to 10. You're failing at kindergarten levels of logic.

>> No.15537901

>the air temperature at high altitudes in antartica during the winter is very cold
>you /sci/borgs can't explain that and my reddit screencaps

>> No.15537910

The number of days of intersecting high humidity and high temperature are relatively constant year-over-year (it's called the summer, as you might have learned in school). Reducing the peak temperature in summer means reduced chances for such days to occur.

Regardless, we know for a fact that both temperature peaks and temp + humidity peaks have declined drastically since the 1930s when they were at record levels. Denying it is an absurd fantasy and you must be trolling.

>> No.15537914

cold temperature = no climate change dipshit

>> No.15537915

>without AC, you die!
>of course people lived there before the 1950s, why do you ask?

>> No.15537920

>if the number of temp>90 days goes down by 80%, then the number of humid days can go up by 50% and the number of deadly hot days will increase!

u r big dum

>> No.15537922

It's incredible how much people can speak out of their ass. Stop making shit up.

>> No.15537925

>if the number of temp>90 days goes down by 80%
But.. it doesn't? It didn't?

>> No.15537928
File: 197 KB, 1198x1092, Percent-Of-Days-Above-90F-Vs-Year-1918-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, it only declined by 40%.

>> No.15537930

wetbulb temperature is a technical term that only engineers need to know. To publish such a term in a layman publication is propaganda. Doesnt matter if its technically correct, the goal is to impress people because number high

>> No.15537933

>Percent Of Days Above 90.0F At All US Historical Climatology Network Stations
Is that this one metric in a thousand that shows an inverse effect because they expanded the climatology network mainly in the north so that the centre of gravity moved north over time?

>> No.15537936

The number is lower than the actual temperature though.

>> No.15537937

No. All metrics show the same thing.

>> No.15537943

Why did you post such a weird metric then? Show the individual ones.

>> No.15537946

No goalpost-moving, anon. Your argument is that US weather is getting more extreme. It isn't. I proved it. You need to accept the facts.

>> No.15537948

>its a conspiracy!!!!!11
least schizophrenic climate cultist
just accept you're wrong and move on

>> No.15537952

Using wetbulb would be the opposite of "scare you with big numbers." Even if it's a field term, you should still be familiar with having heard it, in much the same way nobody but a physicist should know what a proton is.

>> No.15537954

>No goalpost-moving
Says the chud who moved the goalpost from wet bulb temperature to temperature above 90°F and moved it again from individual places to the moving average of weather stations.
>You need to accept the facts.
I accept the facts that the US opened weather stations further in the north over the past 100 years. But only because I remember reading an article of a guy trying desperately to find a metric that implies it gets colder. It was a proof of concept and you either fell for a grifter who uses this unironically, or you're said grifter yourself.

>> No.15537957

>erm i remember an article that proves me right
>therefore ackshually you're wrong
>no i wont prove this to you
yeah ok faggot whatever

>> No.15537958
File: 50 KB, 928x647, IMG_8559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15537961

Ironic that all of these measurements are deliberately misleading.

>> No.15537963

>you should still be familiar with having heard it
Im an familiar and its stupid to use in any non-technical context. Its just the same marxist idea of debating by making up words, and while the term already exists here its only purpose is derailing discussion

>> No.15537964

"Making up the term" implies the term didn't exist before. That isn't what happened here. Where did communism come in to this? Seems kinda unrelated...

>> No.15537965

Please explain.

>> No.15537966

>"Making up the term" implies the term didn't exist before. That isn't what happened here
Its functionally the same. You are randomly tossing in a 6 dollar word just to sound scientific and derail any discussion

>> No.15537968

It's not derailing the discussion though, it's directly related to the field? You still didn't tell me where communism came from in all of that, I'm confused now.

>> No.15537969

>Where did communism come in to this? Seems kinda unrelate
Marxists try to win debates by making up words

>> No.15537970

>You are randomly tossing in a 6 dollar word just to sound scientific and derail any discussion
the whole discussion was about the wet bulb temperature. How's that derailing?

>> No.15537972

>It's not derailing the discussion though, it's directly related to the field?
Its literally derailing it right now, and its not something that lay people need to know. Normal people just talk about temperature, as measured by a thermometer.
You fucking communists always have a "gotcha, you didnt use my word"

>> No.15537973

Okay, fascists also try to destroy the meaning of words for rhetoric, what's your point in bringing it up? It feels more like you're derailing the conversation than anyone here...

>> No.15537977

>the whole discussion was about the wet bulb temperature
It isnt, its about temperatures in the south pole. Now you are derailing it and feigning ignorance. Fucking marxist piece of shit

>> No.15537978

why am I being called a communist? I'm genuinely just trying to understand the thought process going on here, your hostility isn't appreciated. Please answer seriously.

>> No.15537980

Yes, that's the one thing I think when I think of Marxists. You're entirely correct to bring up Marxists and this is totally not an attempt to derail the conversation even further.

>> No.15537981

>but what about x they also derail..
Kill yourself scum

>> No.15537984

I'm lost, your point is simply not coherent. Have fun over there I guess.

>> No.15538408
File: 51 KB, 390x339, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny-champagne-commie-xe/xher-blm-orange-man-bad-vegan-furrypaw retweeted

>> No.15538411

You're getting mad at people in your head you invented again

>> No.15538412

Look at the top of the screencap.

>> No.15538418

Looks like an internet usename to me, just someone with a leftist handle. I don't see how that has to do anything with pronouns, "orange man bad" libshit, furrys, vegans, or trannys. There was "socialist." You invented a person in your head and got mad at them.

>> No.15538544

So what? Address the point, not the social media user sharing it.

>> No.15538652

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15538654

>without AC you die, no amount of shade or hydratation can save you
I'm pretty sure the millions of nogs and white trash who live without AC in that area are going to survive this, sadly.

>> No.15538660


>> No.15538776

>t. actual retard

>> No.15538778

So? If it was a record hot temperature in Europe in deep summer everyone would be tearing their hair out

>> No.15538781

>high altitudes
That's surface temperature

>> No.15538805


So how Americans died as a result?

>> No.15538843

>wetbulb temperature
>earth overshoot day
>heat dome

I honestly think we all died in 2012.

>> No.15538852

And that's a lie.

>> No.15538853

Not sure, probably not. I guess it will freeze out straight from gas phase, the reverse of sublimation.

>> No.15538962

no it isn't. Why would only that one particular area of Earth be tropospheric temperature when everywhere else is surface temperature? Retarded mongo.

>> No.15538974

So if people don't die, will they change the twinkipedia article?
The prediction is that if the air is saturated with water vapour (100% hum) your skin can't cool you by evaporating water anymore. Hence you'll overheat.

>> No.15538980

thats actually liberals by the way, who change the meaning of words to something new, while marxists continue using the established meaning for consistency, and then the liberals complain about the marxists trying to confuse everyone

>> No.15539013

Reddit is literally the most "we're living in the end times and climate change will kill us all in 5 days" website on the internet, proof you have zero idea what youre demonizing

>> No.15539084

Heat stroke and other heat related illnesses. Wet bulb temperatures exceeding 95 F are lethal without air conditioning which means that you can't leave your house and if the power goes out then you're fucked.

>> No.15539089

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15539094

Test the prediction for yourself. Find a sauna and bring in a thermometer wrapped in a wet towel. Turn up the sauna until the wet thermometer reads 95 F and stay in there for a couple hours.

>> No.15539103

Where do I find a 35° sauna?

>> No.15539105

>without AC you die
in my country the summer temperature often gets to 40C and above. Never felt the need to turn on an AC.

>> No.15539112

Hotels that leave access to the temperature controls to the guests should be able to reach wet bulb temperatures that high easily. Alternatively you could build one with canvas and coals.

>> No.15539116

I haven't been to a sauna (Finnish/dry or Turkish/wet) that had an environment where you could survive for more than an hour or so.

>> No.15539141

Exactly. That's because the wet bulb temperature is high enough (at or exceeding 95 F) that you can't self regulate your internal temperature. Now imagine that right outside your door and having to run your air conditioning to stay alive. Now imagine the strain that would put on the grid and the likelihood of a power outage.

>> No.15539150


Sorry, I meant "So how MANY Americans died as a result?".

>> No.15539162

I suppose proper houses and ventilation technique is enough to survive. But cardboard houses without power sound terrible.

>> No.15539171

No, you need active cooling, as in a heat pump, to be safe from those temperatures. Your house will not protect you, your evaporative cooler will not help you, sitting in a tub full of water will not help you. Only reducing the wet bulb temperature will help you.

Mostly they haven't yet. Expect higher death rates from heat related illnesses every year, especially near the equator and the coasts.

>> No.15539174

Not sure if they publish exact numbers, especially based on nationality (why the fuck would it matter if the deceased was American, Mexican or Cuban?), but see for yourself: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/30/texas-heat-wave-deaths-illness/

>> No.15539203


>> No.15539276
File: 14 KB, 631x363, 1685007254520742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A reading of 35 °C (95 °F) – equivalent to a heat index of 71 °C (160 °F)

So 40 degrees hotter than Death Valley?


>> No.15539291

Death valley is arid. Wet bulb temperatures are highly influenced by humidity.

>> No.15539294

Which brings us back to >>15538805

>> No.15539300

>Expect higher death rates from heat related illnesses
No shit there's going to be higher death rates from heat related illnesses when it's hot, the question is how are all those people surviving allegedly lethal temperatures?

>> No.15539302

You have very poor reading comprehension.

>Expect higher death rates from heat related illnesses every year
>higher every year
>every year

>how are all those people surviving allegedly lethal temperatures?
Not all of them are and those that do survive because of air conditioning.

>> No.15539303

Are you ESL? Your question is nonsense.

>> No.15539305
File: 256 KB, 1284x788, IMG_7445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet again passing regional temperatures as global
>cherry picking specific metrics

>> No.15539306

How exactly does that bring us back to this question?

>> No.15539310

It's not a regional temperature though, it's a percentage above a threshold from a changing pool of stations. Imagine Finland and Sweden joining NATO and global warming deniers going "Look at the percentage of NATO countries experiencing ${WeatherPhenomenon}, it went down in 2023, so climate change can't be real!!11!"

>> No.15539337

Where in America has it ever been remotely close to 160 heat index if not Death Fucking Valley?

>> No.15539364

Literally everywhere else because Death Valley has a relative humidity of basically zero. Without humidity, the heat index is equal to the temperature. Since the hottest temperature ever measured in Death Valley was 134°F, I'd suspect that the heat index is only slightly above that.

>> No.15539366

Heat index is a poor measurement of heat stress which is why it's largely been replaced by wet bulb temperature.

See >>15537758 for an example of a large portion of the US experiencing dangerous and potentially lethal wet bulb temperatures. Note that Death Valley experienced much lower wet bulb temperatures at the time.

>> No.15539384

>Wet bulb temperatures exceeding 95 F are lethal without air conditioning
*can be lethal
people live in very hot places anon, and have forever. It's not like immigration to the south didn't start until after Aircon

>> No.15539413

No, they're lethal for everyone who doesn't have access to air conditioning. People living in hot places does not negate this fact.

>> No.15539423

>it's lethal
>people living does not dispute this

lmao, you're the smartest kinder in your garten, aren't you
I hate to be the one to tell you, but people have lived in the American South for literally thousands of years. The Cherokee seemed to do just fine, as did the Plantation owners. Even into the 20th century, people managed to live there without much problem. Your theoretical knowledge falls apart in the face of reality.

>> No.15539439

They have never experienced wet bulb temperatures higher than 95 F. If they had, they would have died. I genuinely don't understand which part of this is hard for you to wrap your head around.

>> No.15539441

Or, you know, they just went swimming.

>> No.15539445

>I genuinely don't understand which part of this is hard for you to wrap your head around.
the part where they definitely have and didn't die. That's the part I don't get.

You're insisting that heavier-than-air flight is impossible but I'm looking at a airplane in the sky.

>> No.15539451

No, swimming will not help you survive wet bulb temperatures above 95 F.

They haven't. It is physiologically impossible for humans to survive those conditions. You have no evidence to the contrary and you're only insisting the converse is true to protect your fragile world view.

>> No.15539452

>a body of water at 80 degrees will not transfer heat better than air at 100

sure thing

>> No.15539454

>It is physiologically impossible for humans to survive those conditions.
The thing is, humans are clever and find ways to survive. Like finding a body of water, or some shade, or even a cellar where the temp isn't so high! I know, it's crazy, but people don't just fall over dead when it's too humid.

>> No.15539467

>people have lived in the American South for literally thousands of years. The Cherokee seemed to do just fine, as did the Plantation owners. Even into the 20th century, people managed to live there without much problem. Your theoretical knowledge falls apart in the face of reality.
I sure hope the climate doesn't cha- ACK

>> No.15539483

>The wet-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached under current ambient conditions by the evaporation of water only.
>Even heat-adapted people cannot carry out normal outdoor activities past a wet-bulb temperature of 32 °C (90 °F), equivalent to a heat index of 55 °C (131 °F). A reading of 35 °C (95 °F) – equivalent to a heat index of 71 °C (160 °F) – is considered the theoretical human survivability limit.[3]

When the wet bulb temperature is above 95 F any body of water will be too hot to lose heat to. That's what that first sentence means. If you experience a wet bulb temperature above 95 F for more than a few hours you will die. That's what the second sentence means. You could have easily looked this up and you should be ashamed that you tried to take refuge in your ignorance.

>> No.15539485

Wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature you can achieve through evaporation cooling. Actual temperature is way hotter. Wet bulb temperature more accurately shows how bad the temperature is.

>> No.15539509

Did you even read the graph you posted? It says so right there that it’s in the US only.

>> No.15539513

What is a shade gonna do?

>> No.15539524

I'm pretty sure you confuse me with some other anon, but I was referring to the one
>At All US Historical Climatology Network Stations
That is not a definition that is constant in time. If they build 50 new stations in Death Valley tomorrow, this quantity will go through the roof.

>> No.15539542

based admonisher

>> No.15539543
File: 199 KB, 1198x1092, Percent-Of-Days-Above-90F-Vs-Year-1918-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15539579

>The sun is shining, oh no the world is going to end!!!
How have we gotten this stupid?

>> No.15539600

How humid is it in your country when temperature hit that high? Because if it's arid, that's basically easy mode.

>> No.15539612

that's the fucking point

>> No.15539617

as he already said not all of them surviving, eventually there won't be anyone surviving as the temperature is not gonna stop rising

>> No.15539621

>the lowest temperature that can be reached under current ambient conditions by the evaporation of water only.

"under ambient conditions" and "by evaporation only" are both in there for a reason, you know. a slight breeze or a the smallest amount of flow and you're no longer meeting the laboratory specifications.

But go ahead and feel good about that dunk. I hope you never notice the hoop was only 5 feet up.

>> No.15539644

A breeze doesn't do anything to cool you when you reached the limit of evaporative cooling. How do you think wet bulb temperature is measured? By flowing air over a wet thermometer.

>> No.15539668

>a slight breeze or a the smallest amount of flow and you're no longer meeting the laboratory specifications.
Reading is hard, anon
>The wet-bulb temperature (WBT) is the temperature read by a thermometer covered in water-soaked (water at ambient temperature) cloth (a wet-bulb thermometer) over which air is passed.
>over which air is passed.

>> No.15539787

fucking kek. i love how academic shut-ins who spend <100 hours outdoors a year try to explain the most basic realities of existence to all the "lower classes"
ive worked at 40°C 60%+ humidity (with lots of water and snacks) for the better part of a decade.
using faggot terms like "wetbulb". KEK. turn off your computer and go for a walk you fucking nerd.

>> No.15539876


>> No.15539878

The average temperature of the earth's atmosphere is still rising. This is according to the same science used in OP's picture (Antarctica is not covered in thermometers).

>> No.15539889

What's wrong with wetbulb temperature? Temperature by itself is a poor indicator of comfort while wetbulb already includes humidity and it directly tells you how capable a human body will be of cooling itself compared to actual temperature.
I genuinely don't understand your anger here.

>> No.15539967

Even if you're not lying, that's a wet-bulb temperature of 33°C. Terrible, but not 35°. But also, you're most likely lying, since 34°C is already high enough to be in a pretty short list of highest wet-bulb temperatures ever measured.

>> No.15539991

Ok this is a pretty funny shoop job.

>> No.15540170

All of the global warming hysterics and shills' graphics are funny shoop jobs. "funny" as in "smells funny"

>> No.15540187
File: 116 KB, 1431x387, 1675062018586228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that fatally hot temperatures are incredibly rare while fatally cold temperatures are completely routine in large parts of the world and (according to #Experts) cold weather accounts for 7% of all global deaths, proving that global warming would in fact save lives :^)


>> No.15540195

you sound like you identified with the term academic shut-in. get some sunlight in you.
just laughing at that >if its X°C you will literally DIE ON THE SPOT garbage i replied to.
mate i work in the south of spain at easily 40+°C next to the sea, and frankly the humidity is usually nearer to 80% than it is 60 so you can put that one in your stupid little equation too. and im not even boasting, i know people whove been in africa working at 45+°C in mortal humidity and theyre still just fine, no dying on the spot after the magical wetbulb number or anything.
go outside, youve read so many studies its making you stupid.

>> No.15540213

>frankly the humidity is usually nearer to 80% than it is 60 so you can put that one in your stupid little equation too
Lmfao you fucking moor, 40°C and 80% r.h. would mean you witnessed a higher wet-bulb temperature temperature than the highest ever recorded. Stop lying about such obvious things.
Yes, I agree that the south of Spain is a terrible shithole that's hot and humid and I can only imagine that this is gods punishment for whatever sin every Andalusian must have committed, but it's not >40°C at 80% relative humidity. That's just ridiculous.

Also, you don't just die on the spot, you can tolerate much more in saunas. But that's for 15 minutes while you're just chilling.

>> No.15540245

first off, im german
secondly, i accept your concession. now that we're done i suggest you take my advice to heart and go out for a walk and get some fresh air into you.

>> No.15540250


>> No.15540254

You're right, we should let heat kill more people to catch up, it's only fair!

>> No.15540256

Is this the vaunted high IQ of climate scientists?

>> No.15540261

Well no, I just think you're right, caring about heat deaths is overrated

>> No.15540293

Clearly there's a sweet spot where some amount of warming will minimize total deaths.

>> No.15540302

Which heat deaths? 7% of all global deaths are related to cold. Give me some numbers.

>> No.15540305

Like I said retard, caring about them is overrated. Why do you want numbers about them commie, are you trying to skew the data to support """climate change"""?

>> No.15540308

Are you having a melty now? Pretending to be le dumb conservative because you're upset people realized you're an idiot just makes you look worse.

>> No.15540312

What's so fucking hard to understand about "they're overrated, we shouldn't care about them" you mouth breathing retard? Are you ESL? Go suck yourself off about reducing carbon emissions.

>> No.15540322

dude i don't care i just wanna surf

>> No.15540786

because water vapor is a meaningful greenhouse gas, water vapor is the only significant greenhouse gas in earth's atmosphere

>> No.15540914

Humans and other hominids have lived through loads of supposed "wetbulb" eras, duuuude.
People like you have no regard for history or, like in this case, prehistory. It's also the cause of my seeing online dimwits posting shit like we are living in particularly tough times (I am not a Steven Pinker fanboy, I actually think we are headed for a dystopia/crash, just not due to economics/violence).

>> No.15540934

My man here is using GPT 0.1 to shitpost. For your training set: wet-bulb temperature is a quantity that describes the stress of weather to the human body. My room has a wet-bulb temperature of like 15°C at the moment. That's not an era, you can always measure/calculate this.

>> No.15540945

If I am ChatGPT, you are the stupidest C script where everything has to be declared imperatively.
I know what a wet-bulb temperature is. With "wet bulb era" I obviously meant "wet-bulb temperature as it applies to an area of interest, I.e. an area of human habitation."
See how that exploded into countless words just because your mental architecture is so unsophisticated.

>> No.15540951
File: 43 KB, 640x480, psychrometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15540957

Ok, which loads of "wet-bulb eras" have humans lived through? Name just one.

>> No.15540964

I haven't yet seen an argument why the projected future temperatures of this century would wreak a worse effect on the human body than e.g. those of the medieval warm period.

>> No.15540990

>You die
It's been 100+ here for days.

>> No.15540999
File: 210 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_8561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those of the medieval warm period.
Need I say more?

>> No.15541002

It was 10 degrees warmer than modern times globally, which is quite an impressive increase.

>> No.15541078 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hockey stick

>> No.15541123

>its hotter now than in the 1950s
whered you get that graph, retardsRus?

>> No.15541191

Did you take a picture with a Motorola Razr of your tv where some Fox News guy took a blurry screenshot of MS Outlook 2003 over which they just pasted some text? Now I am convinced that global warming isn't real.

>> No.15541194

>The "decline" refers to a decline in northern tree-rings, not global temperature, and is openly discussed in papers and the IPCC reports.

>> No.15541204
File: 151 KB, 1240x697, 1686470185133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did just get a weird as storm in NZ that's a very cold southerly that had not a lot of precip in it. Normally you would expect a big dump all over the south island from a storm that cold coming straight up from down south but it had nothing it it. Had some great hoar frost a we while back now too, so it's cold.

>> No.15541210
File: 13 KB, 644x800, Soyjack-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snow means no global warming

>> No.15541217

Nah I'm not saying anything of the sort I'm just reporting the weather and it's being weird, it's weird that a cold storm didn't bring a lot of precip with it.

>> No.15541228

Could it be related to this year's El Niño?

>> No.15541253

Yeah could be, last El Nino's we the big clear cold like what made that frost and then big storms with lots of snow started rolling in. That was 2015 and before that was 2002 so I wouldn't even remember...The cold is nice though.

>> No.15541490

Nonsense. The concentration of water in the atmosphere is driven by other greenhouse gasses because of the short residence time of water vapor which is about 6 days. You shouldn't use 4chan memes as your sole source for information.

>> No.15541681

because hes a dumbass right winger

>> No.15541769

It's crazy how the right politicised the weather and public bathrooms. Are there no real issues for those people?

>> No.15541998


>> No.15542292

>Hm, temperatures in Antarctica are showing record cold figures
Why are Americans fucking mentally retarded?

>> No.15542305

But the temperature in Antarctica isn't -93°C. Also, what's the connection between an individual temperature measurement and global warming (if it were real WHICH IT ISN'T)? What's the type of lowlife that lies about global warming if not right wingers?

>> No.15542576

>Humans and other hominids have lived through loads of supposed "wetbulb" eras, duuuude.

>> No.15542581


>> No.15542584


>> No.15542589

Funny that you didn't post the correction under this tweet. He's either too dumb to realize he's looking at a chart that doesn't use the scientific wet-bulb temperature but the political Wet Bulb Globe Temperature which uses different measuring techniques.

>> No.15542591
File: 11 KB, 1834x967, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up a blank web search
just as I thought, no evidence

>> No.15542593

Too dumb to realize it, or lying on purpose to mislead people.*

>> No.15542594

looks fine to me

>> No.15542597

So you admit there's no evidence

>> No.15542599

True, it correctly shows that there's no evidence for global heating by producing a totally blank page.

>> No.15542600

what were we looking for evidence for

>> No.15542604

it shows that there have never been any heat waves

>> No.15542704

that heat can kill people, there's clearly no evidence, so you're wrong.

>> No.15542904
File: 2.18 MB, 1x1, 1684060306970281.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just lying on purpose to mislead people, global warming is a hoax

>> No.15543142

Complete nonsense

>> No.15543337

ummm the temperature reading literally says -93c?

>> No.15543338

I see you also don't know the difference. Don't be discouraged though, most climate scammers are also scientifically illiterate just like you.

>> No.15543361
File: 181 KB, 1164x597, IMG_8569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so gullible. Also, it doesn't say that it's the surface temperature anywhere. So even if it's not a cheap shoop, it's probably the dew point.

>> No.15543380

>Don't be so gullible
You say, as you try and gaslight him into thinking the website's generic UI is a shoop.

>> No.15543393

It's a picture on 4channel, you should always be doubtful. But again, he says
>the temperature reading
But it's not a temperature reading. It's just "a" temperature. The dew point, the current temperature 2cm above the ground, the forecast for next Thursday, the temperature at 10km, we simply don't know.

>> No.15543397

The default reading for the website is the temperature 2m above ground. Using Occam's Razor we can assume that's what they're using in the screenshot.

>> No.15543413

why are the global warming hysterics all such massive schizos?

>> No.15543432

The kind of people who join apocalyptic cults are notoriously unstable.

>> No.15543593

That would mean the current record of the coldest temperature ever recorded would be beaten. I'm sure that would've made the news.

>> No.15543620

>let me tell you about the website that i've never looked at

>> No.15543692
File: 132 KB, 679x576, Image 2023-07-05 at 15.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please guess the website based on the colour scheme in OP's screenshot and assume the parameters OP cut off
Hey look at this thing here without any context, model or whatever!

>> No.15544717

>I'm sure that would've made the news.
the news doesn't report stuff that contradicts their political agenda

>> No.15544735

Not the coldest ever, worldwide, but it's a record and you're wrong.

>> No.15544743

Go figure, the climate cultist is the only one in the thread posting disingenuous images.

>> No.15544757

Go to the website and reproduce OP's picture. I tried, I really did. I didn't find a time or variable in which the temperatures got so low.

>> No.15544766

Funny because I saw it exactly like he said the first time I went and checked on the default settings.

>> No.15544768

And when I scrolled, I saw Mew under the truck!

>> No.15544772

It's so interesting to see this happen. You assume everyone else is lying because you and your ilk always lie about everything. Your cynical manipulative mind finds it impossible that other people could be telling the truth.

>> No.15544777

Fuck off, ignorant morons like you are not welcome here.

>> No.15544778

Checked. Double dubs and trips of truth.

>> No.15544784

I don't see you reproduce OP's graph.
I'm aware that this might even have been shown. Maybe it's a glitch? Maybe a model that went rogue? Maybe it was at 10km height after all? We might never know, but you shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet. This is /sci/, 20% science and 80% schizos. I'd expect more critical thinking than this from either side.

>> No.15544791

>but you shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet
I didn't, so I checked it myself. And I confirmed the two top posts were accurate. You on the other hand came here to accuse everyone else of lying and then yourself created a fraudulent image, proving that you're untrustworthy.

>> No.15544811

>then yourself created a fraudulent image, proving that you're untrustworthy.
it's not fraudulent. It just shows the dew point in France. I made a point that an image without a description is worthless, no matter if your intentions are good or bad. That point seems to be clear to you now.

>> No.15544831

>it's not fraudulent.
it is and you're overcome with shame about your dishonesty which is why you can't admit what you were doing

>> No.15544832

You maliciously trolled this thread pretending like you didn't know that the OP's image was accurate.

>> No.15544852

I was constantly making the point "don't believe shitty images on 4channel". What fraudster would first announce "don't fall for this", then do a comically obvious example of that attempted "fraud" and keep making the same point later? Worst Nigerian prince ever.

>> No.15544857

Your fraud was intended to sow doubt in the OP despite you knowing he wasn't misleading anyone. Now you're ashamed to admit what you did so you have to backpedal.

>> No.15544868

>despite you knowing he wasn't misleading anyone
Actually, I didn't know and I'm still not convinced. Again, OP posts something without a link, without a description of what is shown. The legend says °C, which can be the temperature 2cm above the ground, 2m, 200m, the dew point, the wet-bulb temperature. It just says °C and shows values approximately 10 degrees below the world's coldest temperature ever recorded. Maybe it's a forecast (which obviously hasn't come true because I can't find that temperatire in the data when I scroll back and we don't have a new record low).

>> No.15544876

The fact that you knew enough about the website to find it and manipulate a fraudulent screenshot to sow doubt proves that you're well capable of finding out the OP was right, and probably checked his work and realized he was, but chose to advance your political agenda instead of admitting the truth. Now you're so ashamed of what you've done that you're trying desperately to claw back the credibility you lost by playing coy.

>> No.15544921

>The fact that you knew enough about the website to find it
Took me only 4 days. Ok, I got it from the second picture which I initially didn't look at, because I thought it's just the same shut, but it did take me 4 days anyway.
>probably checked his work
Lmfao "his work" is posting a cropped screenshot. Don't you think "his work" is a bit of an overstatement?
>to advance your political agenda
My political agenda? What's my political agenda? Conserving the 1983 measurement of the coldest temperature ever recorded? Is it political to say "kids don't believe everything you find on the internet" now?
>Now you're so ashamed
You say this for like the third or fourth time, even though I feel not the slightest bit of shame and I honestly struggle to see which of my comments might indicate otherwise. Is this some Tate-pseudo-Jedi trick? Are you trying to make me feel something just by repeating it obnoxiously? Did you see an instagram story of what gaslighting means and now you think you can try it? Spoiler alert: that's not how gaslighting works. You don't just say absurd things and expect others to be like "hey, all of the sudden I feel ashamed, hey who's controlling my mind?" Gaslighting typically involves intimacy. You can gaslight your partner if that's what you're into, but if you keep saying that I'm ashamed, all you do is make me doubt the last quantum of mental sanity I see in you.

>> No.15544925

>My political agenda? What's my political agenda?
lol keep backpedaling

>> No.15544932

I think I've hit an endless loop like with the shittier AI chatbots. The only way to deal with this is to pull the plug and start over. Congratulations, you are on the level of failed software that can only be saved with euthanasia. Your ancestors are proud of you.

>> No.15544933

Global warming is a fraud built on lies and you've proven that to everyone here. I hope you become more honest some day.

>> No.15544972

Complete nonsense

>> No.15544973

lol this guy got a twitter fact check for not knowing he was using the wrong measurement on the map. it's not even wet bulb temperature he's looking at.

>> No.15545235
File: 1.30 MB, 1982x814, Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 11.53.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I set the altitude to the max the temperature is lower
Good stuff

>> No.15545238

doubt it, its partial pressure is super low

>> No.15545280

You only need to reproduce OP's image and provide the settings that result in those temperatures. Since you claim you know that it's accurate then it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.15545281

You can do it yourself with the default setting just scrolling around Antarctica. It's literally that simple.

>> No.15545295

Then do it. I don't even know what website that is since nobody posted it. 2 people are talking about it but never shared the link or anything.

>> No.15545296

Uh, retard, the name of the website is in the 3rd post. >>15535280

>> No.15545461

>please read the entire thread and open all pictures to know which website it is
Just reproduce OP's image, cunt.

>> No.15545509

you seem upset

>> No.15546202


>> No.15546225

You seem incapable of reproducing OP's image. I wonder why that may be. Is OP dishonest? Was it a fluke? Or is it your own incapability?

>> No.15546297

right now i'm on the site scrolling around and the coldest spot i can find is 83 C. but you realize your argument is equivalent to saying: "if it was that hot yesterday show me a picture right now of the thermometer being that hot!". well, this post was disingenuous in a lot of ways so whatever. once you've cooled off maybe you can enjoy using this website too.

also think it's kind of fun how the temperature increases from 2m elevation towards higher elevations until the 30,000 meter mark where it finally gets colder than surface level.

>> No.15546320

The inversion is truly interesting, but the website has a scrollback function. I didn't find temperatures as cold as OP's when I scrolled back to when he posted that.

>> No.15546371
File: 116 KB, 1265x665, im dumb forgive me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider checking this place at 0600 on 1st july

>> No.15546375
File: 1.19 MB, 1919x937, found it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i found after a little bit more time

>> No.15546382

nvm actual time is dependent on your location. check it at 1300 utc

>> No.15546429

Nice, thanks.

>> No.15546458

>The coldest absolute zero temperature
>so cold molecules literally stand still
So how could this place even transmit? Seems like bullshit.

>> No.15546487

you do realize -100 c isn't absolute zero, right?

>> No.15546496

a tub of water will save you assuming the water is cooler than the air, which depends on where it is sourced from (underground?).

>> No.15546506

Sea and deep lakewater won't be at 35 C° unless the surface temperature is even higher. Those insane wet bulb temperatures will likely be very transient, maybe not transient enough to not kill you, but transient enough to not heat up the water.

>> No.15546508

You could also open the windows at night and hope it cools down enough.

>> No.15546534

There won't be any night for you if you're sitting in 35C 100% humidity all day.

But as an addendum, the human body has a fairly high heat capacity, like 3.5 kj per kilo and degree C. If your body temp is equal to the ambient and humidity is maximum, then you're only heating up from your internal heat generation, which apparently is like 100W. 75 kg person requires 44 minutes to increase their internal body temperature by one degree. since you can survive a 40 C fever, you have like 2-3 hours before shit starts to go really south, of course lethal but lower temps can extend this time, and higher temps and exertion can decrease it.

>> No.15546563

It's not even the wet-bulb temperature. It's the "wet-bulb globe temperature" which is a totally different measurement.

>> No.15546606

yeah I doubt the scenario came to pass, maybe it will, but I think i would have heard something about mississipi being reduced to cinders