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15534059 No.15534059 [Reply] [Original]

She says 60% of American college freshmen need remedial education before they can start taking college level classes.
My fellow Americans of /sci/ is this accurate?
How many of us needed remedial education as freshman before they could start taking college level classes?

I did not, I went took a couple classes over the summer before starting as a freshmen and I had AP credits, then I took over 20 hours per semester both freshman semesters and summer classes the next summer, had over 60 units completed before starting sophomore year. Doing all that game me breathing room when it came time to take the core upper level classes in my major.

>> No.15534087

I learned algebra in 6th grade
I learned it again in 7th
And all through highschool.
I literally don't know what happened between 5th and graduation. I don't think I learned much.

>> No.15534213 [DELETED] 

This is the science board, your retarded academic shenanigans are NOT science. Fuck Off kys

>> No.15534235

i bet you got plenty of important and valuable education about the holocaust in there too, how many years of holocaust class did you have to sit through?

>> No.15534260

Hey now let's not forget civil war history (focusing on Atlantic slave trade) for a decade straight.
Korean war? What's that?
How to interview for a job??????

>> No.15534829

I taught for three years and then got a STEM job that actually paid. Regardless of what subjects are taught in what proportion, students typically leave school with substandard attainment in all of them. Even if you do a centrist circlejerk curriculum filled with luxury beliefs the kids will graduate not knowing things like "Why do seasons happen?" and "What's a Germany?". Kids are not learning as much as they used to across the board.
I blame modern society for this, but specifically, I blame anti-intellectual celebrity culture.
People getting fame and fortune because of natural charisma and parental wealth without working for it has always happened but in the last few decades the stories of it happening have dominated TV, film, social media and culture. Kids see that adults spend most of their free time talking about, participating in or consuming media about this and conclude to themselves that celebrity bullshit matters far more than learning.

>> No.15535401

>kids will graduate not knowing things like "Why do seasons happen?

>> No.15535412

What is a Germany?

>> No.15535415

From what I gather, American history education is: 2 chapters on European history before the discovery of America, oh noes the natives, slavery slavery slavery civil war, women's rights, WWI, and then for no reason at all Hitler rose to power, that bitch on a bus, JFK, MLK.

>> No.15536424

Yeah, they probably don't even teach the revolutionary war anymore, too many "old white men"

>> No.15537599

theres no time for that because they spend so much time teaching about the 9001 genders and the holocaust and about how negroes secretly invented everything, but were cheated out of credit for it by the evil whites who control the media

>> No.15537711

College teacher here, this sounds about accurate.

I teach at community college, which is where most college students start. And yeah their knowledge is often extremely lacking. Also skills assessment testing is fucking retarded and is basically checking if they still have memorized random ass formulas from 5 years ago so you get kids who have taken calculus in the same remedial algebra class with actual retards who cant add fractions and thing [math](a+b)^2 = a^2 + b^2[/math] and it's simply impossible to grade them on a curve without giving the non retards 150% or flunking 1/3 of the class. And most of them end up sitting through 1-2 years of literally the exact same math topics they were already presented with once in high school and didn't learn the first time around, the result is predictable.

It's a fucking mess.

Anyone on /sci/, anyone even remotely qualified to receive a STEM degree from a decent university let alone higher studies, is in a totally different category. Teaching calc 2 and higher is a different world, there are still plenty of smart kids. It's just the average is horrific

as I recall (from 15 years ago) it was sumeria, Roman Empire, chapter on how shitty europe was in the middle ages and how much better the arabs and chinese were, chapter of wakanda tier made up nonsense about african "civilizations", then pretty much what you said from the discovery of americas on.

Reality is 99% of what Americans learn about history comes from movies and tv, not school.

>> No.15537767

Grade on a logarithmic curve?

>> No.15537908

>15 years ago
Were you in a rich school or an inner city shithole? Need to gauge the degradation of education quality over 15 years.

>> No.15537919

I was an instructor for a first year Chem Lab class back in 2009.
Even back then most of the students were retarded.
I shudder to think how bad it is now.

>> No.15537962

Education in general got watered after WW2. Greek and Latin used to be taught in US highschools and having a highschool diploma was sufficient credentials to work fairly decent white collar jobs, not everyone graduated though. Similarly less than 10% of Americans ever went to college, and the curriculum was much more rigorous in that there were no remedial algebra classes.

History in Middle and Highschool for me was:
A rundown of world history from ancient times to the modern era in 6th and 7th grade
US History from colonial America up to the civil war
US history after the Civil war freshman year of Highschool
A Civics/Government class sophomore year
A more in depth world history Junior year
You only had to take the aforementioned previous 3 in highschool, but there were other electives (European History, Asian History, World Religions, ect) and I decided to take AP US history my senior year so I just pick up the credit.

>> No.15537967

Roughly 2 months, We spent the same time on just about every other major war in human history, I don't get the big deal?

>> No.15537974

A lot more people are going to college now compared to the past. College in the past was something rich kids with free time did, and most american's could have a wife, kids and a home with a high school education. Now college is basically required to do anything above fast food and to be competitive for jobs. Before college would have been average intelligence people and above, and now we are getting everyone, so more stupid people will be joining as well.
On the bright side, maybe we can reach some of the stupid and annoying people and make them a little smarter and better for society.

>> No.15538034

Had a college algebra instructor who would curve grades by multiplying the square root of the original grade by ten. Made a 36? That's now a 60. You're (barely) passing!

>> No.15538187

>On the bright side, maybe we can reach some of the stupid and annoying people and make them a little smarter and better for society.
This is never the case and it only ever results in things being dragged down to the lowest common demonator. Consider the incredibly naive and incredibly common tactic of the elementary school teacher pairing up the dumbest kid in the class with the brightest. The performance of the dumbo is hardly improved.

>> No.15538292

Literally everything they "taught" me first two years of college, I already knew. There was no point to attending a single one of those classes, except maybe some humanities classes, philosphy, history etc.(Which I took as electives, so wasn't even part of the coursework for my degree so I can't give the admins any credit for that). And this was at a T10 college for a STEM degree, so I can't imagine how bad it is elsewhere.
We don't need remedial classes. They should do an aptitude of all student and determine which classes they need and which ones they don't. Some people would genuinely graduate within a year if they did this, because of all the unnecessary coursework they make you do. And to hell with repeating all the high school shit again, that is literally already what they do in introductory clasess. So doing that even more would be much much worse for the educational experience. Idek what they would be doing, start teaching a man algebra from scratch? If a kid needs remedial classes to such an extent, he shouldn't have been let in in the first place. This is burdening the system unnecessarily and increasing costs and trouble for everyone.

>> No.15538321
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>She says 60% of American college freshmen need remedial education before they can start taking college level classes.
>My fellow Americans of /sci/ is this accurate?
Yes, due to leftist government "education".

>> No.15538330

Idk about others, because it differs state to state, city to city. But for us where I am (big city, east coast), in hs. You had three different history classes. World history, goes over more broad world history for a year, not too focused on the USA. A little middle-east, but mostly european focused, But about half the class was 20th century onwards, so you can imagine how much focus was given to older history.
US history is what is more focused on the US. For us, it wasn't really entirely focused on race or women issues etc. per se, but they brought up SJW stuff in a lot of non-relevant topics. Like "how did the invention of the steam engine affect the blackies and women?" It did if you think about it, but it seems like pushing it on a short history class material. But yeah, same thing, more than half the course was 20th century onwards.
Third was government/civics. And that was less history, more about laws, politics, government structure, court cases etc. But they counted it as a "history" course because obviously history is involved in all that.
There were other optional courses like Art history (which I took, genuinely learned more history than all the regular history classes) and European history etc. But I'm not gonna go over them, since they are not mandatory.
I would say your description is inaccurate because European and American history wouldn't be in the same class. There's not really too much focus on natives. Only as much as needed. The rest of it seems correct, but you're forgetting all the other wars. Revolutionary, war of 1812, Mexican American, Spanish, all the cold war stuff etc. And also, they really talked about economics a lot in history. When the nation was doing good, when it was bad, why that was, the banking sector, international trade etc. Basically though, at least just the american history class, it is Wars, money, racial relations and women's rights.

>> No.15538460

>My fellow Americans of /sci/ is this accurate?
Yes, lot of retards in American higher ed, the quality of student has been diluted by teachers who don't give a shit and the predatory nature of American schools.
Here's an example that's stuck with me:
>be me, intro sociology class (mandatory core class)
>teacher: can anyone tell me the significance of the steam engine?
>student: uhhh, it made trains go faster and stuff?
>teacher: yes! Very good

>> No.15538464

>2 chapters on European history before the discovery of America,
Lol, money went like this
>magna Carta
>plymouth, Jamestown
>revolution, manifest destiny
>slavery, civil war, Jim crow
>depression, wwii
(Spent 3 days on the war and context, two weeks on holocaust)
>civil rights, boomers are so cool!

>> No.15538751

So nothing on European history?
How much of the education was "your ancestors were fucking evil"?

>> No.15538823

No, it's because public education has to cater to niggers.
TND would solve so many problems.

>> No.15539147

European history was cursory at best, everything I know about history is self taught because it interests me

>> No.15539680

>your ancestors were fucking evil
Thats American history

>> No.15540748

reading history is interesting stuff, much more so than the lame soience fiction cartoons that most of the people on /sci/ seem to favor

>> No.15540754

>I had AP credits
A bunch of kids from my dynamics class came out of the California education system with these credits. 2/3 them failed the class. What’s up with that? I’m a non traditional student.. are zoomies really this retarded?

>> No.15541976

>college students are dumb
yep, if they weren't dumb then they wouldn't need to go to school like children even though they are adults by age.

>> No.15542308

>My fellow Americans of /sci/ is this accurate?
Yes, but only because there's no study culture.

>> No.15542316

Yes, and some of the "non-remedial" classes are still basically remedial classes where students try to learn things they were supposed to learn in middle school. They're only non-remedial in the sense that the students get credit hours for them.

>> No.15543184

>the California education system
if you'd been in gender studies class with them than they've have been the ones looking down on you

>> No.15544108

Are you the chemistry professor that got busted for fucking dogs?

>> No.15544112

California's math standards for high school are lower than Alabama's. That poor standard likely leaks into everything, including AP classes.

>> No.15544131


>> No.15544170
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>> No.15545287

Public education is being dumbed down intentionally in order to make the goyim more easily controlled and docile. People who can't do math can't figure out when they're being stolen from

>> No.15545661

>i've been found out

>> No.15545793

>Greek and Latin used to be taught
it's the biggest sin in education policy throughout the West that this has been abolished. Superb and reliable retard filter, better than any IQ test. I was at least taught some Latin in Germany and I remember it separating the wheat from the chaff more than even math did.

>> No.15546082
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It's american culture and aesthetics from top to bottom. The teachers themselves couldn't tell you how seasons work or how to prove the Pythagorean theorem. It's a fundamentally uncurious culture entirely based on bravado and social "skills". The parents don't read books or care about this shit; why would the kids?
Can confirm that many college students coming into calculus classes can't do basic algebra.
>uhhh, it made trains go faster and stuff?
There's definitely some effect from the Joss Whendonization of discourse. EVERYTHING has to be a funny quip just like from their favorite marvel movie.
Virtually none. The British were evil because they wanted to tax you and make you follow rules. Uh but our current government is totally legit and only a terrorist would consider doing anything other than voting.
It's actually just to cover up racial differences in scholastic achievement. It also takes no special effort to "dumb things down", kids and people in general are very happy to goof off and not do any work.

>> No.15546089

Get a good view. I told her to let it go. We don't punish. We agree to their terms. Like a dream come true. The life after will be too good I don't care. Hurry up with your side of it.

>> No.15547224
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Science teacher for 13 years here and yeah, you're right. It's also a culture of shitty parents and poor oversight. I'm not saying I'm fuckin Dead Poet's Society over here, but I take pride in my job. But I work with people who straight up are bullshit artists or plain awful at the job. We had our two engineering teachers, one an actual engineer with a PhD and the other a Navy vet, just give up and spend the last few years taking smoke breaks and yelling about politics during class. And the parents... Holy hell. The differences between boomer and Gen X/millennial parents are stark. Boomers were helicopter parents for sure but they at least blamed the kids. The newer parents of our teens are lawnmower parents and just blame everything on us or the school. We would get kids doing shit like ripping toilets out of the wall and smashing them in the lobby, and then parents come back around at the expulsion hearing with a lawyer arguing "Well did anyone SEE Johnny do it? Are you sure those hallway cameras aren't deep fakes? And why are you picking on my son anyway, don't you know he's got a learning disability and is 1/64 Native American?!" I'm not even kidding, we had a father break in past security and challenge the principal to a bare knuckle fight because the security desk asked for his ID before letting him get his son and he shouted, "This is tyranny! I know my constitutional rights and you can't do this to me!!" And ofc the principal chickened out and just let him get the kid before having the father escorted out. Our principal also has a habit of calling Asian kids "orientals" and pointing out which female students he thinks are hot too though so...

>> No.15547235
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Further more, I'm reminded of a physics professor when I was a freshman saying that certain texts ~20 years before I started college were written with the assumption that people had better algebra skills.

>> No.15547242

My first year and half of community college was pretty much all AP level shit playing catch up, but then I was rock solid when I transferred to university, top of all my classes. Public high school really fucked me over. It's a combination of bad teachers and really bad influences from being around low life retard peers.

>> No.15547274
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average zoomer university students

>> No.15547296

I really hope the Musk kills twitter, if it happens in tandem with other social media sites imploding we might get a return, however slight, back to the 2000s internet.

>> No.15547304

I should be thankful that my hs seems to have been pretty decent

>> No.15548006

>Our principal also has a habit of calling Asian kids "orientals" and pointing out which female students he thinks are hot
Um, Based? But seriously "oriental" was never a slur and anyone who acts like it is, is a fag.

>> No.15548081
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It’s probably a combination of things.
-the bureaucratization of education making it so that people cannot develop any sort of human connection to the material and link it to their real lives in a meaningful way. Since it’s all just presented an inhuman data points to internalize. disenfranchising them from the whole learning process.
-an anti intellectual culture in America going back to its founding. The people groups that came over from the British isles and which formed all the American regional cultures had some sort of distaste for intellectual or didn’t value academics. They were all either middle class or otherwise disenfranchised and peripheral from the core British society. meaning they didn’t like intellectuals since they were used by were all of the upper class. Meaning Americans have hard time thinking about abstract philosophic concepts
-cultural change after ww2 amongst the boomer generation of disliking judging people or having standards for others.
-lack of social mechanisms by which people can enrich their lives and use to push themselves.
-higher education becoming rotted out from the inside by woke shit and bureaucracy meaning people learn how to appease the standards of people in school rather than actually learning how to solve problems in the real world.

>> No.15548459

chinks who don't want to get called out for being abnormal should just stay in asia

>> No.15548517

>China and Russia are interested in world domination
And what the fuck do you think the US has been doing? Why do Americans have this weird paranoid projection where they constantly accuse everyone else of shit they have already done 10x worse.

>> No.15548522

>resisting our attempts at world domination means you are trying to do world domination

>> No.15548560

>Russia interested in world domination
Lol. Lmao.
The “remedial education bit only applies to nigs and ESLs. The white and asian american kids attending big universities are doing just fine.

>> No.15548592 [DELETED] 

I'm a tourist here, but in my ap euro they taught that German nationalism happened because of le romanticism

>> No.15549445

>I really hope the Musk kills twitter
He is doing that, he lost his bandwidth contract with Google and the site is now locked down and losing all it's traffic.
>if it happens in tandem with other social media sites imploding
Not happening, Zuckerberg is taking over all of Musk's traffic

>> No.15549544

>Not happening, Zuckerberg is taking over all of Musk's traffic
Oh well, still one down I guess.

>> No.15549627

Its because of niggers spics and dysgenics and gay faggot woke shit retard zoomer culture niggers lower iq sensitivity egalitarianism pussification.

>> No.15549660

German here; we only had three years of history in my high school, each one with a new teacher because they didn't have enough history teachers.
We spent every year on the french revolution and the final semester for no reason at all everybody hated jews and holocausted them.
Peoplein the office think I am some kind of rain man tier autist when I just spent my breaks and free time reading books instead of novels, but nowadays in this country even reading a newspaper article past the headline makes you an intellectual.

>> No.15550233

To your second point, you're actually completely wrong. American protestants had an autistic education and knowledge bent. They literally debated religion all day long it's why they left England because Anglican church wasn't about that.

The main part of educational decline is quite simple and quite modern:
>Boomers assume the success of America is innately from being American and not any combination of complex systems. This general framework has many negative consequences.
>As part of the post WW2 economy, follow your dreams kid becomes standard advice
>As part of the civil rights movements, jobs are no longer allowed to test for general aptitude, only aptitude that is relevant and justified to job.
>A shift in pensions and life long companies causes boomers to decide that training is a waste.
>This leads to college degrees becoming a requirement for work.
>Since the older generations got fabulously successful jobs on rather simple degrees, they tell everyone that to just go to college (not realizing the shift in the American economy and that their education, even in stupid fields, was actually meaningful)
>These combined issues lead to many activist and government groups pushing for full 100% graduation in high school, as now middle class lifestyles are locked behind degrees.
>Standards are forced to be lowered in order to give everyone a chance at a degree.
>Since the majority of the older generations didn't get degrees, none of them actually know what you should study at university
>Follow your dreams mixed with this misunderstanding of higher education leads to a proliferation of useless degrees from colleges
>The students in these degree programs, and their professors, gain a lot of institutional power and begin to further erode things since their power is ONLY in numbers.
>Oh and by the way, the internet has atomized everyone to the degree that they believe they are perfect and beautiful

You are here.

>> No.15550408

Yea it was weird. We went from fur trading in Canada for a semester to a whole semester on the holocaust.
>also who the fuck thought Schindler’s list was an appropriate movie for ww2 era history class? Ffs I would have taken all quiet on the western front as somewhat acceptable

>> No.15550414

>what is a Germany
I second this. I know it is a country, but is there anything deeper than that?

>> No.15550419

Well, doggone it! I ain't got no book-smarts, I tell ya. Y'all reckon y'all can say the word "educaton" out loud? It goes somethin' like ed-JEW-caton. Ever since I done figured that out, I ain't wasted a single day in no fancy schoolin'. And to be downright honest with y'all, my kinfolk, I plum forgot what them fancy little squiggles called commas are for. So there ya have it, my IQ's 'bout 87, and I'm mighty proud not to be one of them highfalutin' brainy types, worryin' 'bout the whole dang world. Nope, I can just live my carefree life.

Now, to sidestep all them schoolin' rules and regulations—back in the day, when the laws weren't as strict—my ol' pa told them folks down in Alabama that I was gettin' me some "homeschoolin'." Now, my pa ain't no genius, 'bout 84 on the IQ scale, but he sure knew how to pull one over them fancy city slickers. I'll keep on tendin' to the land, enjoyin' the simple life. This here farm is like my own slice of heaven, and that fertilizer, well, it's like givin' them plants some steroids, I reckon. The sun wakes me up in the mornin', and when the moon comes out, that's my cue to hit the hay.

>> No.15550420

>What is a Germany?

>> No.15550426

Was never good at math but I have noticed the same with computer studies at the college I teach at.
Kids take a semester learning the same shit over and over again that should have taken maybe 1 week if that
>how to make a fucking zip file, extract from the zip file.
>basic command line/power shell text
>downloading windows server

I waste so much fucking time on the same shit that I had to dumb down my class to get most of them through. Because god forbid I tell Janjeeta that his parents paying 3x the cost of tuition isnt enough to keep a visa and live in my fucking country.

Fuck ‘em, I am retiring this year

>> No.15550435

>he doesn't whip out his barometer, notepad and pencil to calculate the exact boiling point of water based on his location
>he thinks it's "just one temperature"

>> No.15550462

Water boils at 68 Celsius in Mt Everest

Water boils at 95 Celsius in Denver.

>> No.15550473

Lmao barley any of European. If you think American history is bad, Canadian history is BORING AS FUCK unless you have a cool teacher who went into depths about the Native American conflicts before and during colonization.

>> No.15550487

It is easy to tell when water is boiled without needing to know the temp.

>> No.15550492

There's already been a spill back into 2000s board culture but I don't think it's significant compared to the heaps of phoneposters salivating for the next normie homebase. Look at how many people pay for media for fucks sake.

>> No.15550494

I’d say it is more the natural result of such a system that provides more power/money the better at it you are.
Take that away and your left with only people who are genuinely interested in learning.

>> No.15550907

It's accurate that kids today couldn't compete with previous classes, but there's been a downward trend that way for 60 years now. There's no need for remedial education though because all degrees (including stem) are a fucking meme and literally all colleges are diploma mills now.

>> No.15551516

University graduates were all idiots in the 20th century too
But back then there were fewer of them, the problem today is that theres too many of them, not that they're dumber, they were always dumb

>> No.15551550

The smart are getting smarter and the dumb are getting dumber basically

>> No.15551632

I took remedial courses for a few weeks to to get a GED, but that was after essentially skipping 7th through 12th grade. On the entrance exam, I was 1 point shy of not needing remedial math courses. The dude offered to just push me through, but I opted to take them anyway as well as a remedial English course just because I didn't know the actual rules of writing beyond what looked right. Lo and behold, my bigass head carried me through college well enough. The lowest I ever fell was when I tried to take physics without studying and made an F on the first exam. I barely managed to get a 90 in that course in the end though.

>> No.15551740

I think most of the world has 3 year bachelor college degrees.

>> No.15552553

60 years ago ppl had to work to graduate high school

>> No.15553551

>The smart are getting smarter
no they aren't

>> No.15554941

>She says 60% of American college freshmen need remedial education before they can start taking college level classes.
Right, but they're experts on social media an iphones

>> No.15555477

Same thing in poland, and probably all european countries. I study molecular bio and 90% of material was covered in high school. I remember feeling disapointed in my polish SAT-equivalent results but looking back I know I did as I did because I couldn't bring myself to study for such a boring format. Nothing changed in university, each exam leaves a bitter feeling when it turns out the culmination of a semester of study is a 30 question test.
Stupid students are stupid, smart students get good grades because they cram the previous exams. There is no scientific curiosity, if professor didn't cover it you're a nerd for wanting to know it. And there is a culture of braging about "achievements" like writing a "paper" (no matter the journal). Good professors are dying or retiring amd people that come after them are progressively worse.
So truth is, 60% of of studens need remedial education to fake being abke to learn colegge level classes, the rest can fake it without remedial education and almost no one truly curious is left

>> No.15556180

i learned algebra in 6th grade
algebra 2 in 7th
geometry in 8th
trig in 9th
single variable calculus in 10th
multivariable in 11th
linear algebra in 12th

sounds like you might be dumb if you had to retake it 6 times

>> No.15557023

This, people go to college as a means to avoid joining the adult world, college is daycare for overaged children

>> No.15557074

My worst subject was math when I started at community college. Ended up taking algebra 3 times before I got a B. Anyway i got my degree in electrical engineering, after I was able to grok algebra the rest was easy enough.

I say all that to say that in high school we literally did no math to the point that I graduated high school and passed all the required state testing without actually knowing math. Yeah I totally believe that 60% of college freshman need remedial classes.

I distinctly remember in 11th grade my math teacher just told us “when you see a question like this on your test this is how you put it into the calculator to get the answer” there was no explanation of what it was or any deeper meaning. Later after linear algebra I realized she was showing us how to get our calculators to solve systems of equations with matrix operations. Literally didn’t give us any explanation of what a matrix was or why they’re useful or anything.

>> No.15557970

just think about all the other important information they intentionally withheld from you in your '''"education""""
what were they teaching you about instead of math? how many semesters of holocaust class did you have to sit through?

>> No.15559223

I had a year of holocaust history in 2nd grade, 5th grade and one in jr high & another in high school.

>> No.15560528

more than half of everyone gets a college degree, which means that university students are midwits and low iq

>> No.15561126

>murrilard establishment
>not concerned with world domination
lmao, just look at which country has military bases and vassal states all around the globe.

>> No.15561243

the rothschild banking conglomerate

>> No.15561270

>The people groups that came over from the British isles and which formed all the American regional cultures had some sort of distaste for intellectual or didn’t value academics.
Please actually read about colonial history

>> No.15561315

Not him but none of that shit is the actual issue here.

People keep mistaken education decline for the true culprit which is education creep. When your competitors (primarily Asian countries) are willing to literally sacrifice nearly their entire social lives for the first 25-30 years of their lives you aren't going to beat that unless you do the same.

You want American kids to do better? Make them do schooling/studying for 60-75hrs a week.

>> No.15562239

>You want American kids to do better? Make them do schooling/studying for 60-75hrs a week.
They'll only end up studying racism, trans rights, feminism and the holocaust twice as much as they already do

>> No.15562246
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>> No.15562310

>how many years of holocaust class did you have to sit through?
Four years. Not joking.

In 8th grade, English class was holocaust class. That's all we read about.
In 9th grade, History class was again holocaust class. That's the only history we were taught; WW2 in the context of the holocaust and only enough earlier history to provide "context" for WW2.
In 10th grade, English class was again holocaust class.
In 11th grade we had "Social Studies", which was again holocaust class.

12th grade probably would have been holocaust class again, but I took all my classes at community college instead (paid for by the state because my grades were good, that was a fun year.)

>> No.15562318

As if the egg gives a shit

>> No.15562386

>but there's been a downward trend that way for 60 years now
national immigration act, all these dumb fuck shitskins and niggers and foreigners dumb down the average iq

>> No.15562725

Can't beat the burden? Join the bugmen!

>> No.15563795
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After all that holocaust education, do you think that it really happened or do you think its was a hoax?

>> No.15563838

It never happened. They deserved it. It will happen again.

>> No.15564862
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it was faked in order to help them cover up the mass slaughter of 66 million russian christians in the early years of the ussr

>> No.15565799

I had 4 semesters of science history in college, every department was required to have a history class, none of the science departments wanted to devote a lot of energy to that, so they buried them all as 400 level courses to make sure as few people as possible signed up for them. I got 16 units of upper level science course credits for doing elementary school tier book reports on science history books.

>> No.15567478

>60% of American college freshmen need remedial education before they can start taking college level classes.
thats because they let low iqs go to college

>> No.15568194

>it was faked in order to help them cover up the mass slaughter of 66 million russian christians in the early years of the ussr

>> No.15569184

zoomers are low IQ because they spend every second on their "smart" phones instead of working

>> No.15570511

>ppl who go to college need remedial education
and people who are high IQ enough to join the adult world when they're 18 years old do not.
college kids are over aged children suffering from delayed intellectual development

>> No.15571475

This, they'd be better off dropping out of school as soon as they learn how to read

>> No.15572657

>college students are dumb
>women get the overwhelming majority of all university degree

>> No.15573712
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If college were really for high IQ ppl then women would not be getting 2/3 of all university degrees

>> No.15574160

Yes, I had to since my state's public education is horrible and I slacked in high school. On the bright side, I come from a state where college is basically free, and I also started uni right as COVID happened so all my remedial classes were online. Fortunately, it didn't delay my graduation since I crammed my schedule hard and will be getting my B.S in math this year and hoping to complete a PHD in the future.

>> No.15575027

reading can be taught at home just as much as any other topic.

>> No.15576126

The degrees that go to boys mainly go to the other affirmative action demographics. College is for low IQs.

>> No.15577406

I learned to read at home before starting school, learned arithmetic too, then I went to school and it was boring an the teachers chastised me for not paying attention

>> No.15578421

This. If you're still in school like a child when you're an adult by age then you are mentally slow

>> No.15579265

Over privileged children use college as a means of extending childhood so they can avoid getting a job and becoming adults. Daddy pays all their bills at college, just like at home when they were babies

>> No.15580487

>college students are all dumb

>> No.15580491

i used college to slay gash on the state's dime

>> No.15581211

pics for proof or ur lying

>> No.15581318

I had a really fucking good public high school experience. We had good funding and I guess it got allocated properly. There are all sorts of extracurriculars--major sports, minor sports, arts, music, literature, language, FBLA, FFA, coding, robotics, even a TTRPG club. The teachers from different departments also collaborated and sometimes had units that coincided with one another. Like, we learned about WWI in history class at the same time we read All is Quiet on the Western Front in my sophomore year. It acted as sort of a spaced repetition. That kind of collaboration is impossible for a lot of teachers though. You have to account for the ego of your other individual(s).

>> No.15581325

I go to CMU and when I was a freshman there were kids in the computer science and engineering schools who couldn't even do fucking calculus. Like they'd have to retake it just because they couldn't even get a 5 on the AP Calc BC test. As an engineer.

As a freshman I left half the AP Calc BC test blank by mistake (it was during online AP testing) and I still got a 5. College kids are fucking braindead. Also my friend goes to Brown and he only knows a handful of people in the engineering and science programs who got anything above a 3 on a STEM AP test.

>> No.15582764

>Also my friend goes to Brown and he only knows a handful of people in the engineering and science programs who got anything above a 3 on a STEM AP test.
Ivy matriculation has more to do with bribery and affirmative action than talent

>> No.15584087
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>> No.15584097

>It's literally spellcheck
72 IQ post.