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15532446 No.15532446 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15532455

well no, this is like it is, but the reason, is a multidimensional time fractal. the "bang" is the furthest point we see, but the real time is infinite.

>> No.15532460

you can travel into the past if you triangulate the true core, jet i wouldn't suggest it. its a multidimensional time fractal. you might find things you are familiar with. like familie members but you might also find other things cause it self has a time speratet form yours running on, changing things in ways you might not expect, besides this its dangerous.

>> No.15532463

it also has much more energy so if you grab a family in a deep time fractal and drag it out it explodes destroying the universe like we know it.

>> No.15532472



>> No.15532476

>Build 10 billion dollar machine to study galaxy formation.
>Oh noes, these naive models made before launch don't match all the data.
And it is a huge, baseless assumption that this must be the big bang. Flattie-tier logic there.

Fuck off back to rddit.

>> No.15532485

you know just for earth 1 year is already a full blow supernova exceed the mass of the star.

>> No.15532487

but ofc you need time to get their so.... you don't reach tings a year away in one year so its even more charged.

>> No.15532488

how did you come to the conclusion that the big bang theory is wrong from this?

>> No.15532492

its easier to jump on an phantom beacon in the future but well it will be just a replica.

>> No.15532497

you can, if you are smart enough, i am not jump on an phantom beacon from the past in the future. but it will be a replica.

>> No.15532499

the other thing is that the planet closer in its geometry will be drawn to this place as well. so you might jump into a denser version of your self killing a lots of stuff.

>> No.15532501

i never heard of an dimensional counter so the discussion is useless, i know earth it self jump from time to time how and why never sth. happens idk.

>> No.15532502

Wasn't it a Catholic priest or monk who came up with the big bang theory?

>> No.15532503

its the most idiotic thing you can do if you arrive first and the entire much more massive planed jumps after you you die.

>> No.15532506

i mean imagine you get shifted into a wall its a nuclear explosion.

>> No.15532508

the magnetic meth grid of the earth can process 2000 unketillion data points per second you cant.

>> No.15532517
File: 155 KB, 708x780, 1627356197649726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The freemasons and the powers behind them lied to you about literally everything. Either half-truths, false concepts, or blatant lies to confuse you and give you a false understanding of the world, mankind, time, history, and your place in it so that you dedicate your life, soul, and energy to their doctrines in which they have full authority over every aspect. They control Science™, they are the priests that ex-plain and ex-plane the earth for you, they wield that trademark, and that means they control our space in life (if we give them authority over the earth).
Right from the start this world lied to you about the very ground you stand on, the 3 dimensional reality you live in. A fundamental lie, and everything people derive from this false reality will consequently be some kind of falsehood. We are now at the point where mankind believes they are mutated animals, and they are spinning around themselves on a perfectly spherical rock in random space that exploded once. A psy-op, mental conditioning. Do not underestimate the spiritual life-guiding implications of this godless concept. Most people are not level-headed, they are not stationary, they are not based, they are incapable to see physical truth at this point. Common sense isn't really all that common anymore. They rather believe in jewish mysticism like space-time and relativity, which leads to everything being "relative". No distinct up and down, which leads to good and evil being "relative", male and female being "relative", all empty space and imaginations in our mind. Let that sink in, the majority of people ultimately don't even know what is UP and what is DOWN. In other words, there is no absolute truth in this universe.

>> No.15532519
File: 69 KB, 711x577, MillikanLemaitreEinstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geoges Lemaitre. He was a professor of physics as well as a priest.

>> No.15532526

yes, we as a society have regressed

>> No.15532593

>The freemasons and the powers behind them lied to you about literally everything.

Free masons are just the reminents of the guild or "union" of the builders "employed" (indentured servance) of the Catholic Empire, but you know that, glowie. This is why the Freemason structure is designed to mock religion, you know that too. Makes you seeth.

>> No.15532599


I judged you too soon. I had stopped at your trashing of freemasons. You seem based enough. Just know that freemasons are a reaction to oppression, not the root of it. They are basically just a union of guys abused by religion, and so they get together to talk sht about it. That's why Catholics ban their flock from joining.

>> No.15532603

>They are basically just a union of guys abused by religion

This is also why America's founders were masons. They despised the church. It was basically the only community for atheists that existed at the time.

>> No.15532605

>they are mutated animals, and they are spinning around themselves on a perfectly spherical rock in random space that exploded once.

Nope. Nevermind. You are a glowing afterall

>> No.15532606

>Do not underestimate the spiritual life-guiding implications of this godless concept.

Catholic glowie confirmed. Your church in

>> No.15532607

Catholic church invented big bang theory as a psiop. The entire lie is designed to prevent us from being able to reason our way to the truth of how things work. You cannot reason to an aetherless, big bang universe. You need "experts" (priests) to explain it to you in the lack of evidence and therefore give up your own sense of reason and agency

>> No.15532613

Anyone intelligent enough to do real science knew the Big Bang couldn't have been real a long time ago. It will take these asshats years to even start considering the possibility despite the mountain of evidence coming in. Fuck them, fuck academia I no longer care.

>> No.15532620

>Fuck them, fuck academia I no longer care.

Yeah. But academia knows it's bullsht too. Teaching a false curriculum is how they maintain authority since if everyday people are "allowed" to reason to the truth then academics would not be needed. "Ignore all the evidence that the universe is an infinite and eternal superfluid - that electricity and magnetism are movement in that fluid and atoms are vortices in that fluid. We'll blacklist you for even thinking it! Instead learn all this bullship about 11 dimensional strings that other nonsense that we pulled out of our ass"

>> No.15532624
File: 3.90 MB, 3472x4468, JudeoMasonry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15532635


Yes, that's exactly what I said. Masons are a group opposed to the Catholic Church and the dark ages the church creates which nearly fell Europe. Other groups were also opposed to that oppression. Where is the contradiction?

>> No.15532636


Hitler was a catholic. Of course he hated masons.

>> No.15532639


Hitler gave a speech accusing the Masons and Jews of being warmongers kek. You know Hitler was full of sht, right? He was trying to gaslight Europe so they wouldn't expect the invasions he was planning. I come to Sci because I am a REAL academic, Anon. And sadly this is one of the only places we can still speak freely, NOT because I'm a bigot. I'm not.

>> No.15532643

Jewish and Catholic ideology are both bullsht, but I'm not going to pretend that is ReAlLy the minority of the two that's the real cause of scientific advancement. Catholicism is blocking advancement in virtually everything they have a hand in, science least of all.

>> No.15532646

>the real cause of lack of scientific advancement

I meant to write

>> No.15532651


Hitler boasts that he will fell England in the bullsht rant kek! What do people take that clown seriously here? He was a loser and false prophet

>> No.15532663


The masons "surround themselves with secrecy" because they are an anti-religious union and catholics had a tendency to, you know, burn people alive. There is nothing deeper to it than that. The masons didn't make Hitler go to war. Absurd. Hitler went to war because he was trying to take land and property for his constituents - he was blatant about it. Didn't even try to hide it.

>> No.15532670

just no .....

>> No.15532674


>> No.15532676

not an argument namefag

>> No.15532677


Just like in the animal kingdom where larger animals prey on smaller animals, so too it is with ideology. I don't know if you are knowingly spreading propaganda, but the larger ideology of Catholicism will invent any excuse to try and eat Judaism. Both are bullsht, human made, ideologies but I hope you understand that everything in that image is nonsense.

>> No.15532936

kikes are not hiding anymore

>> No.15532966

>ever recover
They get their earnings as before and will come up with the next BS. BBT is BTFOd since the beginning- But too many people asking questions after the Covid fraud. So they must resort there total idiotic BS to the next fraud. Meanwhile there meddle with world salad to old you in confusion. Proof: the thread.

>> No.15533153

people here have a terrible habit of ascribing everything bad or anything the poster doesn't like that white people did to jews
e.g. someone called the education system jewish (prussian), or the enlightenment and capitalism as jewish inventions (british/dutch)

>> No.15533694
File: 43 KB, 320x480, muh anti-science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the real problem is all the Christians and the white working class. Just like all those low IQ MAGA hillbillies who spent the last three years claiming that the Lab Leak Hypothesis was just a leftist New World Order globohomo psyop. Science denial is basically an innate feature of right wing ideology. A huge coronavirus pandemic emerges in the vicinity of a coronavirus research facility, and ends up killing millions of people, but the MAGA conservatives and the alt-right repeatedly ferused to investiaget the situation because they were all convinced that it was a great big lie by the "globalsits" and the "woke left".

>> No.15533699

Hi Gary.

>> No.15534659

>they are not stationary, they are not based
