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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15531688 No.15531688 [Reply] [Original]


How do you hold "science" accountable when those who wield "science" hide from transparency and are deathly afraid of sunshining upon them?

>> No.15531729

the covid origin investigation is a waste of time and being used as a distraction from the mismanagement and deliberate corruption

>> No.15531757
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>the covid origin investigation is a waste of time and being used as a distraction from the mismanagement and deliberate corruption
Also picrel. Biden has been shown to have committed more crimes than all other Presidents in history combined, but not a word from the lugenpresse or the corrupt DOJ or the corrupt FBI, or the corrupt etc. etc.

>> No.15531778

>[Event] is a waste of time and being used as a distraction from the mismanagement and deliberate corruption
The majority of state action at this point is just simple misbehavior. If you dropped every investigation every time some newer, more impressive abuse occurs you'd never investigate anything for more than a single news cycle.

>> No.15531800

[this explicit corruption] is a waste of time and being used as a distraction from other whataboutism.

>> No.15533531

Multitasking, have you ever heard of it? Also different groups investigate different topics. The IRS agents looking into Biden's finances wouldn't be involved in the investigation into the origins of COVID19.

>> No.15533565

>The IRS agents looking into Biden's finances
LMAO! Yeah, like that is actually ever happening.
Looking into it to help cover up the corruption perhaps.
Bidens are part of the rich 1% elite. No laws for them.

>> No.15533790

Accountability is meaningless if no one cares. Trust overcomes malfeasance and deceit even when evidence for them is overwhelming. They can put in piss in the vaccines and no would bat an eye.

>> No.15534321

the cover up of the origin is part of the corruption

>> No.15535345

>They can put in piss in the vaccines and no would bat an eye.
they did, 30% of the vaccines were placebos

>> No.15536427

its a good distraction since """"covid-19""""" never existed to begin with

>> No.15537611

The Khmer Rouge knew how to do that

>> No.15538566

they have a fake coverup of the fake origin as a means of distracting from the fact that there was no viral epidemic at all

>> No.15538678

>not a word from the lugenpresse
Come on, if you use literal Nazi language, at least capitalise your nouns and dot your umlauts.

>> No.15538714
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just put a few in jail they're pussies


>> No.15538926

obvious pharma shill

the existence or origin of the virus has 0 relevance, 3-4 months into the pandemic we knew exactly how minoric its lethality is.
going into the bureaucracy loop is moronic and a major time waste.
by this point we should ask ourselves if the "crisis" measurements were justified, if the actions taken make senses, the answer is no.
if they managed to get fauci and the CDC director into a congress investigation based on suspicion alone, they should demand them to deliver thier personal/external bank account transactions and records, and be done with it.

>> No.15539717

>we knew exactly how minoric its lethality is
because it didn't exist

>> No.15539723

> minoric its lethality
>1,168,197 deaths in the US by now

>> No.15539754

Can a biological weapon be designed to kill all these antivaxx posters? This topic is getting rather tiresome.

>> No.15539984


Honestly, the existence of a pandemic (not a virus) really ought to be questioned given that the main surveillance tool (PCR test) is known to be unreliable and that this unreliability can be "tuned" to a particular level by variation of the cycle threshold. And additionally, because of the treatment protocol for those who did receive a positive test, who would receive not the standard treatment for respiratory infection (antibiotics and steroids), and would instead receive remdesivir and ventilation. The latter of which they quietly stopped using without explanation.

>> No.15539997

bait thread good science bad :)

>> No.15540001

i wish OP would kill himself so badly

>> No.15540008

I trust God, not science.
/sci/ is the most midwit board on 4chin.

>> No.15540823

Difficult question since the government now has a monopoly on the use of violence. Back in the Leo Frank days lynchings would have taken care of the problem, but thats off the table these days.

>> No.15541989

people who presume that they're too smart to get tricked are the ones who are the most easily tricked

>> No.15542891

>define a breathing death as someone who was confirmed or suspected to have breathed recently
>breathing is now highly lethal

>> No.15543224

why does the idea of transparency in science trigger you so much?

>> No.15543236

>complains that something literal isn't written literally
Retard alert

>> No.15544179

>emotionally triggered vaxxxxxxie

>> No.15544184

Interesting thing to assume I'm criticizing kek

>> No.15544243

>lets argue with the science community/government about the "consensus" FOREVER
obvious pharma shill.
this won't work and as i said if there is reasonable suspicion, it is possible to demand the expansion of the investigation and force the suspects to deliver their bank account records for evaluation, there is no other way to deal with this.

>> No.15545407

>it is possible to demand the expansion of the investigation and force the suspects to deliver their bank account records for evaluation
that isn't possible since the governments involved are all corrupt

>> No.15546293

how many boosters are you on?

>> No.15547302

if you want a censored safe space free of science reddit and facebook and dozens of other websites are available to you, snowflake, i don't see why you feel entitled to have 4chan censored to fit cater to your fragile emotional state too

>> No.15547327
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>> No.15548476

imagine taking an untested experimental medication just because tv tells you to

>> No.15548505

stop bumping shit threads on page 10 faggot

>> No.15549361
