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15531441 No.15531441 [Reply] [Original]

America will be gaining a few IQ points after this.

>> No.15531486
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>> No.15531490

Not the heckin spics and bantus

>> No.15531492
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>being intellectually elite is when you are given a spot you didnt earn not when you are actually ... intellectually elite

>> No.15531493

I like the white boyfriends hovering in the back

>> No.15531501

>Jews seething at this decision
>but pretending "buh i was always on your side, remember we were also discriminated"

>> No.15531517

>making it easier for asian
Do you know what have you done? You took away their hard mode!

>> No.15531520

Our college sent out an email reaffirming their support for Diversity, equity and Inclusion. And said that they will look at the decision very closely in the coming days and see what they can do about it.
Basically they're gonna look for loopholes to make sure that they can still let underacheiving minorities in. Probabky going to look something like asking a question on the application that asks students to tell them about how their race and racism affected their life and academics, or how their ethnic background helps them bring something new to the table. Something like that, so it's technically not based on race, but life experience.
And I'm sure many other colleges are going to do something similar. You can't force them to do the right thing by a SCOTUS decision. The problem won't be fixed as long as the administrations are not entirely replaced.

>> No.15531531

the guy who litigated against affirmative action is named edward blum

>> No.15531539
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Reminder that literal Nazis supported affirmative action when Jews were overrepresented. That's what Democrats want.
This. Applicants will just write about their race in their essays and affirmative action will happen the same as before it just won't be official

>> No.15531540

And the supreme court justice that voted for Affirmative Action is a Russian Jew named Elena Kagan
Jews play both sides for their Greater Israel Plan. Whats your point

>> No.15531545

It literally only helps blacks and Asians by ~1%. Also it primarily benefits women. Not blacks.

>> No.15531548

But of course they did, they believe their virtue signaling will get them social points. It will take time to re-mold the NPC midwits through social pressure. Expose them by responding to the email and saying "so you support disenfranchising asian and white students and this institution supports systematic racism as a matter of policy? So this institution is not merit based it is based in racism?" You have to expose that they are not the good guys in the scenario the way they want to portray themselves as. Expose what they are really doing

>> No.15531561

>Expose them
No thanks. I would like to stay and graduate, not get kicked out and become a bum.

>> No.15531562

In fact forward the email to me @ bodhi.karma98@gmail.com so I can "reply all." I will make sure to remove any indication of who sent it to me. I will expose these faggots to their entire staff

>> No.15531564

-> >>15531562

If not you, who? If not now, when? Evil thrives when good men do nothing. Stop being a fucking coward all you do is put off the inevitable and make it more difficult down the line. Do your fucking part for a free and just world. Do you want to forward science? Explore the stars? Well how do think any of the things you want will happen if you don't support ... neh ENFORCE a meritocracy? Quit being a coward and stand up faggot

>> No.15531574


Seriously... Asians are PROOF the standardized tests are not racist, Niggers just are dumb as rocks

>> No.15531596

There is immense naivety in your assumption that an aggravating email will change anything. It won't. I could give you examples (I won't, to not doxx where I go) of when even organized open protests by students and actual inflammatory shit (not just emails) didn't change their policies. the administration doesn't give a fuck. I wouldn't be doing my part in anything other than my own demise, inviting disciplinary action against myself. If I am at one of the top, best educational and research institutes of the world, I refuse to sabotage my life prospects just simply to promote my political views when I don't even care about it that much. And even if I did, I am neither the president, nor a SCOTUS justice. I have no power or authority to change anything. If you want to make change, become an authority figure first, then do something. Screaming about it won't do anything.
Also, if there is even a 1% chance that the email you would send to them can be traced back to me, I'm not taking it. You are greatly overestimating how much I care about "le fairness and justice" over a good life for myself. Call me a selfish pussy, but that's just the world, that's just how life is.
Also, I will say this. Most men I know at the college are, like myself, quite conservative (at least the white men in the STEM areas). And they will only express those views once you get to know them personally. But when in public, or in class etc, they will express the opposite views. Think about it for a second. why would they do that?
Because that is the secret to success in life, not caring too much about politics and working on your life. And that is why they are at this institute and most will likely be millionaires in the future, because they know how to play the game within the system instead of going against forces stronger than them.
The quicker you realize how life works, the better for you. Don't play He-man. You are not a superhero. You won't change anything by yourself.

>> No.15531610

>There is immense naivety in your assumption that an aggravating email will change anything.
I have been fighting the culture war while your stupid ass was still in grade school kiddo you got nerve calling someone else "naive." I am the one who woke your stupid asses up from the matrix so spare me.

>It won't
Maybe it won't, but it plants the seeds and says out loud what cowards like you believe but are too cowardly to say yourself. I very clearly said to apply social pressure. A journey of 1009 miles begins with a single step.

>the administration doesn't give a fuck.
Not yet because they don't have to answer for their actions ... yet. Ask bud light and target how that worked out for them. There is change in the air and people are tired of the bullshit. If this email were to go public on right wing twitter .... let's just say cowards and criminals work in the dark and when they are exposed by the light change comes a lot quicker.

>I wouldn't be doing my part in anything other than my own demise, inviting disciplinary action against myself
Persecuted for standing up against racism? That is grounds for a lawsuit and becoming a right wing martyr, martyrs can be handsomely rewarded via go fund me campaigns and it may be the best career you could ever make drawing the attention of people like Elon Musk and many others out there who prefer courage over cowardliness and truth tellers over yes men.

> I refuse to sabotage my life prospects just simply to promote my political views when I don't even care about it that much
Of course you don't because you aren't forced too ... yet. When they wont hire you because you are a white man you will care a lot more I assure you. You are more than happy to let other people fall on their sword for you however. I wont even read anymore of your bullshit because you are a piece of shit coward and deserve your fate you sniveling weasel.

>> No.15531617

the ruling will have no meaningful impact because the people who are in charge of university admissions don't believe in the rule of law, they believe in their political ideology. they will continue the same policies knowing that most college applicants won't bother suing and it any do, they money lost will be the university's rather than their own. they would rather have their institution go bankrupt than have their institution stick use a merit based admissions policy.
women are the largest group that benefits from affirmative action and they are not sane or rational, women are emotionally driven by penis envy.

>> No.15531625
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btw they are already talking about this on right wing twitter and it would be real easy to get that email to them and boost it to millions of people like Jordan Peterson, Ashley St Clair, Mike Ceronivch and countless other people who coud get it in front of literally millions of eyes. These are all people Elon Musk himself has in his feed and boosts. You are a midwit so you lack the imagination required to be able to force change in this world. I however do not have this problem. I know how to get results and I am already a multimillionaire you lowly fucking retard. When your intellectual superiors are speaking, you should stay silent and listen.

>> No.15531637

Instead of forcing different races to compete against one another why not designate entire schools as "the white university," "the asian university," etc. Harvard of course will get the blacks, since they wanted diversity so bad.

>> No.15531640

>Jordan Peterson, Ashley St Clair, Mike Ceronivch
What are controlled Opposition grifters going to do?

>> No.15531644

>Harvard of course will get the blacks, since they wanted diversity so bad.
harvard can have as many blacks and jews as it wants

also there did used to be segregation, but people complained and went on massive social guilt campaigns to stop it

>> No.15531660

What I just said they will do. Boost the visibility that this university is adhering to racist and illegal admission policies to apply SOCIAL PRESSURE just like what happened to bud light and target. When right wing twitter gets in a tizzy and their admissions department is inundated with emails and phone calls and their alumni hear negative about the negative sentiment on facebook and twitter and enrollment significantly drops and whole host of cascading events if you think they wont come out and apologize you are the one who NAIVE and doesnt know how things in this world really work kiddo. But of course I knew that from jump. Right wing twitter influencers will froth at the mouth to be the first person to post something like this email and get the ball rolling of making the next example out of a "woke" institution. The iron is hot right now riding on the back of elon buying twitter and crushing bud light, disney and target. Blood is in the water and the unleashed beast is looking for its next victim to make an example of

>> No.15531677

Because some People (catholics) believe they should be the king of all humans.
Others (jews) believe they should declaw all goyims.
Bad people in this world led us here.
You have to fight to make it right.

>> No.15531679

all abrahamics are supremacists half wit stfu. The Jews literal religion is that they are supposed to rule the world and make all the goyim their slaves and the Muslims believe the same thing in establishing the global caliphate. Stop posting about things you dont understand

>> No.15531681

dont ever fucking respond to me you retarded name faggot

>> No.15531683

stfu hack pseud I will do whatever I want whenever I want because I am your superior in every way, peasant

>> No.15531686
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>he actually believes top universities won't find loopholes to keep their racist practices

>> No.15531687

>Don't just send an email! You have to psyop it!
Which agency are you in?

>> No.15531693

whatever meds you are on up the dosage

>> No.15531694

nothing will change in your small pathetic life as a consequence of this.

>> No.15531700

Took that one right out of the handbook didn't you?

>> No.15531701

Yes, the DSM-IV

>> No.15531702

This is /sci/, DSM-IV belongs on /x/. Psychology is a pseudoscience. Go back.

>> No.15531704

they're already abolishing SAT scores and making admissions entirely on gpa and essays. it was over before it even started.

>> No.15531705

>knowing that most college applicants won't bother suing
Yeah right. We are talking about rich white and asian families who want their children to go to ivy league schools. They understand the system and they will sue. That's how it got to the supreme court in the first place.

>> No.15531725

>When they wont hire you because you are a white man you will care a lot more I assure you.
Thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.15531737

But now more people are awake to the scam than ever before, so they won't be able to push that onto every university. Instead, the most leftoid universities will drop their standards, while the more right-leaning ones will keep them. In places like Florida they'll will probably make the testing even more rigorous. The smart people will flock to the colleges that value them. Within 10 years the establishment schools will be a laughing stock.

>> No.15531749

i don't get how gringos can rejoice at little wins that hardly do anything good for them while their elites consistently make their lives worse.

>> No.15531755

can jannies just ban Bodhi finally?

i was hoping there could be a reasonable discussion of this topic here but of course one of our resident schizos ruined it

anyhow today is a great day for science and academia. we still have the woman problem but at least future generations won’t be afflicted by the science establishment kicking out tons of people with great potential to elevate a bunch of mediocre potential people based solely on their skin color. it literally is insane how for the last 5-10 years science has become a Kendi-esque exercise in “equity” at the expense of Science proper

>> No.15531758

>Needing to have it explained to you that blacks are only 13% of the population while women are 50%.
Yes, there are four times more women than blacks. You're a genius.

>> No.15531761

>Because there's no way they will just get sued again and lose again.
I understand you're coping, but you lost. Antiwhitism is going away. Your attempts to exterminate my race will fail.

>> No.15531763

>we still have the woman
Women accepted to elite instituitions have roughly similar stats to the men that are accepted there. In terms of academics and extra-curriculars.

>> No.15531764

it's about Conviction, Integrity and Gumption
A shitskin like you wouldn't know

>> No.15531766

cry more you mental midget. I am the only person on this board capable of "reasonable discussion" because this board is mostly populated by retarded morons like you

>> No.15531772

You think it is funny? What do you think they are trying to accomplish?

>> No.15531774

they underperform (statistically) in the hard sciences and math by a lot though, even in graduate school and postdoc performance, yet there is major pressure in those fields that have led them to get 50% or more of tenure-track jobs, which is an obvious sex-based violation of the Equal Protection clause imho

>> No.15531780
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What do you think is happening here? You think this is a game? These people arent playing games. They want you disenfranchised and enslaved. What do you think is funny about that?

>> No.15531783

They don't underperfrom by a lot. They underperform by a bit. For just undergrad admissions, this doesn't mean much since they don't accept people for hard sciences or humanities. The apps are general, and their higher English section scores make up for it.
For grads, post-docs, and for actual jobs in the STEM field, it is absolutely not a 1:1 ratio of men to women. There's way more men, especially the higher up you go in the heirarchy.

>> No.15531785

out of all the words to accurately describe america, integrity definitely isn't one of them, and "gumption" is just a buzzword.

>> No.15531787 [DELETED] 

>For grads, post-docs, and for actual jobs in the STEM field, it is absolutely not a 1:1 ratio of men to women. There's way more men, especially the higher up you go in the heirarchy.
Because women can't hack it in those fields despite the intense pressure to choose them over men.

>> No.15531790

Bodhi has been talking about these kinds of things here for years while people like you called him schizo and told him to go back to /pol/ but now you are the thought leader?

>> No.15531797

Taking off your namefag name doesn't make your desperation any harder to spot.

>> No.15531801

that isnt me schizo but whatever you need to tell yourself to cope.

>> No.15531807

So where exactly is the problem? What are we suggesting here, that women shouldn't be allowed in college at all?

Btw, I am no feminist and I understand women aren't as proficient in STEM as men. But this cope that "Women are the prime benefactors of Affirmative action" was spread by BLM types to actually say "WHITE women are the prime benefactors of affirmative action, not blacks". Which is simply not true. Being a woman simply doesn't give you that edge that being a racial minority does.

>> No.15531810
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I mena you have been accusing me of samefagging for years because you are a schizo who thinks I am the only person capable of understanding certain things and I can pull countless posts from the archives to prove it. Also you a psychotic so that doesnt help your case much

>> No.15531813

the thing is though, supreme court rulings that establish legal precedents, don’t just apply within the narrow confines of the particular case at hand. what i mean here is that ruling against affirmative action on the basis of skin color for undergraduate admissions will INEVITABLY translate to skin-color based preferences in other admissions/hiring processes. and i think it will definitely start impacting graduate school admissions and postdoc hirings, soon.

i am not going to speculate whether the SCOTUS is going to rule on sex-based preferences which obviously do exist. but anyhow my point is that any logical person who looks at the fact pattern here should conclude that the multi-generational legal trend of favoring race- and sex-based preferences is finally facing some pushback, and maybe a genuinely meritocratic system not based on protected class status is on the table now

>> No.15531814

Black women are certainly the most lifted-up of any minority, but white women are the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action. They have both a high ESG score (woman) and a high intelligence (white) therefore the bump they receive from sexist policies pushes them higher.

>> No.15531816

PSS you got banned for your thread maliciously and psychologically attacking Tooker and are currently ban evading so I wouldnt be calling for the jannies psycho

>> No.15531820

>calls me schizo
>thinks every anon is one person

>> No.15531821

Shitskin doesn't even have the integrity to state the truth.
And I can already tell a god damn shitskin like you is lacking in some gumption.

>> No.15531826

I know your particular brand of crazy psycho. See the thing about schizos is they dont understand how their bizarre behavior sticks out like a sore thumb to people who arent insane. I can and do pick you out in any thread schizo with zero effort because your posts are never insightful, rarely on topic, generally the stupidest shit I read that day on the internet and always malicious towards another poster.

>> No.15531828

>See the thing about schizos is they dont understand how their bizarre behavior sticks out like a sore thumb to people who arent insane.
Yeah I'll say.

>> No.15531832

hurts when it hits home doesnt it? look I know you dont have any friends and pretty much everyone who ever had to deal with you in any manner hates you with a passion and shitposting is all you have but you picked the wrong person to tangle with here kiddo. I know exactly what you are and see right through you and I will expose you every chance I get just to lol about it and how you sit there livid about how I have you pegged dead to rights and know what shitty and empty life you live

>> No.15531834

Well if they're high intelligence, it's not affirmative action is it? It's just a fair acceptance.
In colleges, not all 'minorities are rated equally. For instance, your sexuality or religion might help you pull the minority card in real life, but on college apps, they're almost meaningless. Some minorities that help you irl in woke world, such as "mental disability" are even rated against you in college apps. Similar is the case for sex. Yes it may matter slightly, but not enough to really be of any worth. Not all minorities are the same, and the main minority that they cater to are racial minorities excluding asians. If they really were giving all these benefits to white women, they would be overrepresented, but they are not. White women and white men get in in roughly similar numbers.

>> No.15531835

>white women are the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action.
Can confirm, advisor straight up told me that I'd have to work to not get college for free. Meanwhile all the men who are smarter than me have to drown in loans.
Race/sex based scholarships need to die before we see a return to meritocracy but this is a great first step.
>Verification not required

>> No.15531836

it's like you're an actual caricature, you remind me to stop using this forsaken site

>> No.15531840

The SCOTUS decision also applies to grad school, as well as med school, law school etc. So there won't be much spillover there.
But yeah I agree, affirmative action has been a disaster, good riddance

>> No.15531844

significant post here, i see the same thing but as a man my opinion is worthless

>> No.15531846

Didnt you wonder how I knew you made that thread about Tooker? Simple, it was because you are a malicious little piece of shit who thinks it is funny to pick on someone who is mentally ill because you lack morals, honor and the intelligence to make a thread about anything that requires actual knowledge of a scientific topic. I know there are a lot of morons and retards on this board but I will give most of the people here credit for not being an actual sociopath. That is all you. You are the only person on this board who I know abuses animals and anyone you perceive as weaker than you who you can get away with abusing because you are a coward with a black little heart who hates the world because they see what you really are

>> No.15531848

>The SCOTUS decision also applies to grad school, as well as med school, law school etc. So there won't be much spillover there.
um, obviously based on what you said, since it does apply then we should expect LOTS of spillover. right?

>> No.15531849

Sorry faggot just putting in my 2 cents

>> No.15531850

>If they really were giving all these benefits to white women, they would be overrepresented
>White women and white men get in in roughly similar numbers.
You were so close to seeing it.

>> No.15531852

kek i like you, look forward to more posts on this board

>> No.15531867
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>people like Elon Musk and many others out there who prefer courage over cowardliness and truth tellers over yes men.

>> No.15531871

>thinks every anon is one person
The irony. I posted that you seething psycho faggot.

>> No.15531882

NTA but now i’m curious what your point is

>> No.15531884
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I thought you initially said spillover in the post-UG admission for Education. Right now it's really bad (picrel), but without affirmative action there wouldn't spillover there from Undergrad after SCOTUS decision. Or do you mean spillover in the hiring process? There simply isn't the same incentive. You just don't see, for instance, many black men in high performing law firms. There will be still some, but for the most part, if you're running a company, you won't have much of an incentive to hire a black CC grad over an Asian Harvard grad. A black harvard grad, maybe. But there's not gonna be that many of them soon

>> No.15531897

WDYM? He said I was Bodhi

>> No.15531902

Seeing what exactly? They aren't overrepresented.

>> No.15531906

You think 50:50 is equal representation because the numbers are equal, but if the distribution weren't influenced by ESG quotas it would be heavily weighted in favor of men.

>> No.15531915

>Jews play both sides for their Greater Israel Plan.
Ahhhhaaaa you dumb faggot. Yes, everything Jews do is for their "greater Israel" plan and has nothing to do with the fact that Jews are individuals with varying political viewsand not a single hivemind.

>> No.15531922

>Within 10 years the establishment schools will be a laughing stock.
This. Schools that abandon meritocracy are going to devalue their degrees and destroy their reputation in short order.

It's already the case that most graduates from East coast Ivies are insufferable faggots and not nearly as smart as they think they are.

>> No.15531924

>we still have the woman problem
A genuine meritocracy would solve the woman problem in short order as well if the law were actually enforced.

>> No.15531928

he knows it isnt me. he always does this. has been doing for it years. He accuses people who arent me of being me when I am not even in a thread and if I am in a thread says I am samefagging if anyone else points out his bullshit. I can ink to 100;s of post in the archives where he has done it. He even said I was cult of passion for weeks and made a thread about it I can find the archives too if I look for it. You have to understand how the mind of these schizos work they dont care about truth in the least, they just try to manipulate people. He knows you and I know it isnt me but if he can convince someone else to believe it he will jizz pants. These people arent real sharp though they think they are because of how often they get away with manipulating unsuspecting people. If you want to see this shit in action watch the amber heard trial.

>> No.15531937

NTA but it sounds like your reaction to this is genuinely unhealthy. Maybe you should lay off social media for a while and decompress.

>> No.15531941

I told you you I can always spot you schizo, you cant hide from me. You may as well have a neon sign on your posts

>> No.15531942

There isn't any meaningful difference between admitted women and men in terms of academics though. Though they score lower on the math section, the women score slightly higher on the english section, and the average SAT score difference between the genders is 10-15 pts. either ways a meaningless difference in the larger scheme of things (Asians and blacks for ex. have a difference of 300 pts, an actual meaningful difference).
What you're saying is that women are worse than men at STEM. I agree, and that is evident with the demographics after undergrad. But Ugrad admissions don't take that into account. You can come in for anything and switch majors later even. You don't apply exclusively for STEM. They don't look at the students aptitude in STEM and humanities separately. They look at it together. But even if they did, the differences are minute enough that good colleges can easily find as many women as men. And they do. The men and women admitted to most ugrad instituitions have similar stats for the most part, similar SAT's, similar gpa's, similar levels of EC's and LOR's. My point is that the difference between men and women gets more pronounced higher up, not on the undergrad level.

>> No.15531945

See what I mean? This isn't normal behavior. Whatever he actually did to you, jumping at shadows is only going to drive you crazy.

>> No.15531946

you are supposed to be sitting down to a warm bowl of shit right now for dinner

>> No.15531950

Brother I'm trying to take your side on this. If this is how you treat everyone you talk to I can see why people troll you.

>> No.15531974

Now the Nazis in the democratic party will cry about something else to discriminate against the Asian Americans.

>> No.15531976

don’t have pity. bodhi is a schizo like Tooker and all he does is ruin threads

>> No.15531978

Let me explain something to you schizo. All I did is explain his behavior here >>15531928 so people learn how to identify these type of people irl because they are everywhere and constantly stir up shit and create chaos simply to laugh about it. These people are cancerous sacks of shit that destroy every community they infiltrate. You know how people bitch about women in men's spaces because they are attention whores and dram queens? Well that is a cluster B dialed up to 11. If your response to me simply explaining this behavior is
>sounds like your reaction to this is genuinely unhealthy.

It shows you are schizo my guy. Normal people do not think or say things like this, What "reaction?" Calmly explaining what your schizo ass is doing? This is projection my mentally ill friend.
>you are the one that is defective and unhinged for pointing out someone else's schizo and manipulative behavior
Kid I can read you like a book. I know you better than you know yourself. I know every trick you will pull and how you will do it before you do. No one "trolls" me you fucking schizo 99% of posts ever even to me are your retarded schizo ass.

Not to mention you didnt understand what was ironic about accusing someone of samefagging while accusing that perosn of being schizo for thinking multiple people are the same people. You are fucking schizo so you can understand irony because your narcissism keeps you from possessing self awareness. No one who was mentally unstable would have any problem understand what was ironic that you fucking schizo. You will never understand this but your behavior is as obvious as an autist who cant understand social cues, normal people will always be able to see this and they will always be able to see how you are broken and do not function properly

>> No.15531983

>There isn't any meaningful difference between admitted women and men in terms of academics though
Source on that.

Show me a source that breaks down race/gender (white male, white female, black male, black female, asian male, asian female, hispanic male, hispanic female, etc) Then show me the same for acceptance rate compared to GPA/SAT score.

The only metric I've seen is about the race metric where Asians are extremely heavily discriminated against in a systematic way. Where Asian students are administratively discriminated in the most subjective of tests. "Likeability factor". AND ONLY with the administrations, not with peer students not with professors rating. Just the administration at the campus reviewing the student admissions. And ofcourse reverse side of things is, blacks/latinos become saints in the view of the administrators.


>> No.15531984

thought we would have a good old fashioned minority-hating thread but instead we get this schizo tripfag

>> No.15531985 [DELETED] 

Until sci bans tripfags and schizos every thread will end up like this.

>> No.15531987

here comes the samefagging schizo meltdown (after projecting it on someone else first) like clockwork, top kek. kys you fucking psycho drama queen.

>> No.15531990
File: 52 KB, 1023x264, schizofucktard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two different schizos dont nkow what a trip code is
eat shit schizo retard

>> No.15532004

>Gpa by gender (i just did a google search)
>Women average gpa 3.1, men 2.9
>SAT scores by gender
>Women average 1043, men average 1056

>The difference of SAT score and GPA for accepted studnet of some colleges
Note that all the SAT differences by gender of accepted students are within 20 points. Which is a minute difference.

Also, judging by the first two stats, that of gpa and SAT scores in general, it shouldn't be hard to extrapolate that, guessing by the fact that there is a bell curve, top educational institutes (not in the researchgate link as their average accepted SAT is around 1500 or above) don't find it hard to find as many women as men to accept based on academic stats alone. Just deduce it logically, obviously Ivies don't post gendered stats so it's impossible to do otherwise.

>> No.15532006


>> No.15532024

Your statistics show a lie by omission.

Its easy to see. There's ~3% difference between men/women in math. <1% in avg/literature.

From these, you would assume, its "close enough." But we're not looking for averages. We're looking for outliers. So the omission of race based male|female comparison is whats missing here.

The reason is, you'd see a much bigger difference when you separate them by race AND gender. Where the curve falls depends upon how you measure the graph. If you want to hide something of significance, the best place to hide is in the average statistics. What I want to see is not just the outlier difference, but also the distribution curve of the outlier differences.

>> No.15532046

>But we're not looking for averages. We're looking for outliers.
Men and Women have the same or similar bell curve for intelligence. If the average is roughly similar, the number of people in the top 1%, the outliers, is going to be roughly similar as well. And that is really all they look for, once you have proven that you are academically in the top 1%, elite colleges will start to look at other stats as more important in determing their offers of admissions. You're right in stating that the very highest scorers are typically men, but once you go above 1500, the SAT really doesn't matter that much for the admission anymore and getting a 1600 won't help as much as other stats do. Based on a bell curve distribution and averages known to be similar, is it really that hard to conclude that men and women would be above 1500 score in similar numbers?
>The reason is, you'd see a much bigger difference when you separate them by race AND gender.
At that point, the main differentiator of the gap will be race, not gender. I am suggesting that within race differences of academic performance in high school are not that significant. So just white women accepted to Ivies will be roughly similar to white men, not necessarily black women.

>> No.15532139


>> No.15532244

you don't really know anything about jewish religion

>> No.15532253

who even cares about such concepts as 'race' it is not even scientific

>> No.15532262

it is probably you who's psychotic, your language kinda betrays how dumb you are

>> No.15532277

this projection

>> No.15532290

stfu bitch ass faggot. I know more about literally everything than your stupid ass ever will

>> No.15532294 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 1250x863, scapegoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Lord thy God blesseth thee as He promised thee; and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.

Now talk some more shit bitch ass faggot. I have spent more hours listening to rabbis sermons than you have spent picking your ass, and that is a lot of hours. I know about stealing Esaus inheritance through deception and the satanic kelly pots you claim the goys souls come from and how you "transfer" your sins onto us. You are in the wrong neighborhood here son.

>> No.15532295
File: 824 KB, 1407x1002, takeyourmeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is some top tier projection

>> No.15532298

you are so full of shit

>> No.15532300
File: 70 KB, 492x492, conniseur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more schizo, always knew you were a kike

>> No.15532304

i don't think it really matters who's sameperson who's not, obsessing about such stupid shit probably means that you are psychotic no-lifer

>> No.15532306

by adding straw man argument to histerical argument you achieved kinda uh em nothing i guess, you are not only intellectually dishonest but also disgusting

>> No.15532307

eat shit outta my ass psycho

>> No.15532311

yet you don't know much about jewish religion and you obviously ignore the fact that most jews are non-religious and had secular upbringing

>> No.15532313

It's funny how Asians are considered smart in the US, but not here in Europe.

>> No.15532314

so is that verse about spreading knowledge or something?

>> No.15532315

i am not even jewish yet i do know more about jewish religion than you so i do not make ridiculous claims such as you do
you probably attack jewish people because you imagine they wouldn't fight back, you are evil immoral piece of shit, probably, and also deluded and sick

>> No.15532316
File: 140 KB, 976x549, _90565641_dscn3099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edward blum
His laywer looks like she has downs, wtf.

>> No.15532317

you speak like psycho
i myself am psycho so i know better

>> No.15532320

Europeen here, why do US universities care so much about diversity.
What kind of political play is this?
What do they gain from it?

>> No.15532321

it's like with covid, no one really knows anything, they simply are swayed by media hysterics

>> No.15532323

isn't discriminating based on race already illegal and highly immoral anyway
so any system will just sidestep all that

to be fair asians have poor performance when it comes to actual academic contributions, it's only tests and the school environment they are suited to for cultural reasons. still good culture and worth emulating but incomplete. not because excelling in school is inherently a good thing or indicative of anything intellectual or academic, but because it is indicative of a serious mindset and discipline that is itself worthwhile in our times.

>> No.15532325

it is a mystery. You would think that systematic forces would be too strong at this level but it really does seem to be completely ideologically driven.

I think diversity has something to do with rankings though so that might be it. Rankings taking into account diversity is also ideologically driven though.

>> No.15532326

new left took over us in 1968, it will get worse unless america bans all forms of communism

>> No.15532330
File: 58 KB, 1130x678, IM_NOT_A_SHILL_GOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am not even jewish

>> No.15532332

yup i'm not jewish but i do live in israel so i see more jewish people than you do, read more jewish books and speak with more jewish religious authorities than you do
you only shitpost, and whatever you say bears no scientific knowledge

>> No.15532335
File: 105 KB, 861x895, fakePrivilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disenfranchise the dominant and high IQ culture to bring in hordes of low IQ shitskins and put them in positions of power to destroy and fuck everything up and get the rest of the low IQ shitskins to "vote" for communism.

>openly admit you bring in brown 3rd worlders to "do jobs americans wont do" so you can pay them shit wages
>get rich off all the money you are saving not having to pay them a decent wage
>dont assimilate them
>when they get tired of being a slave class use your control of the media and institutions to blame whitey and have a "communist revolution" to take all their shit
old playbook, I have heard this song many times

>> No.15532337
File: 1.79 MB, 355x343, joker6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off retard

>> No.15532339

iq is not scientific, it is psychology and psychology is not science
real brain do not have such function as intelligence. it is more complex and modular

>> No.15532340

how does it feels to lose an argument with a retard lol

>> No.15532342
File: 175 KB, 460x460, akshually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant tell if you are meme'ing an actual autist retard. Either way stfu dip shit

>> No.15532346

you are ignorant and do not know any neuroscience whatsoever, so you believe in iq
i know that there is no functional part in the brain that produces iq
iq is a stupid shit used to measure how people score on iq tests which measure their ability to score on iq tests, this whole mess is propagated by uneducated people like you

>> No.15532348
File: 270 KB, 450x360, texan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15532349

so retard knows more neuroscience than you do, because he studied it and you didn't bother, so you lost an argument with a retard

>> No.15532358

ah yes there are totally 3 schizo retards in this thread and not one samefagging who already got busted once samefagging in this thread and who I have exposed samefagging countless times and even impersonating me and other people here in this shithole. eat shit and die schizo fucking retard

>> No.15532361

Punishing success.
All of society is punishing success (i.e. Whites and some Asians) at this point.

>> No.15532369
File: 40 KB, 1024x523, 1670563998555518).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>victory for Asian Americans
How is it a victory when when this is coming off the heels of $1.7 Trillion dollar student debt crisis, falling rates of male admissions, stagflation, higher costs of living and advent of A.I.?

Congratulations you just got the cherry on top of shit cake. Now you can take pride in your victory after the public is waking up to the scam that is college degrees.

And I say this a guy working in System Engineering. If I had a kid I'd push him into the military and tell him not to even bother with this country outside business ventures.

>> No.15532370

Your first sentence is immediately wrong.

>> No.15532373
File: 638 KB, 1366x1047, NOTJEWISH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao the "not jewish" Israeli reported my post exposing what his religion is really about. What did you think you would accomplish by doing that Chaime? Everything posted on this website is archived newfag

>> No.15532376

iq is just a sort of phrenology it has no merit
whole notion of intelligence is just too abstract to be verified, real brain functions are way much simpler and numerous
any instance of 'intelligence' that you observe is in fact different case of different functional regions differently integrated every time in every other person

>> No.15532377
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, brandon brown racer racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they candidly admit that affirmative action was the only thing propping up niggers and spics
Whatever happened to meritocracy? Whatever happened to the idea that the most qualified person should get the job regardless of race, gender, religion, and so on?
This used to be common sense. Now the media treat it as some kind of radical idea.

>> No.15532380

i simply clean up other people's mess, it is simply how i am
you either have a proper discussion with me or i will report you shitposting
so eventually you will have to put effort into anything that you say
but knowing how you are, you would probably come up with more sophisticated outraging nonsense, being intellectually dishonest as you are
if you'd been interested in jewish religion you would study it and not shitpost you see
so you lost your argument before the start

>> No.15532381

It's important to be aware of people's disadvantages to make sure all processes are fair for everyone. It's basic intersectionality dude, get on with the times it's decades old stuff by now.

>> No.15532384

i am not really into cultural marxism, i think it's evil
hope one day americans will ban all sorts of marxism especially antisemitic new left, blm and all them sjws
unfortunately there is no way for academia to be apolitical

>> No.15532386
File: 728 KB, 635x461, kikechoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silence hebrew

>> No.15532387

should you ever go and study jewish theology, language, history and culture, you will find out that there are more people knowledgeable about it than only jewish people
to know anything about jewish faith you don't have to be jewish really, you only have to be interested in it (which is not your case)

>> No.15532390
File: 343 KB, 1024x768, kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said silence reptile

>> No.15532391
File: 265 KB, 922x1324, 1687820882563500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't stop Wh*toids from going extinct.
The Admins in these Universities will find loopholes anyway.

>> No.15532395

>Whatever happened to the idea that the most qualified person should get the job regardless of race, gender, religion, and so on?

The idea was hardly ever true, legacy and connections is still the biggest factor for getting the top jobs especially in private companies and firms. Wealth and estate via inherentance comes next which is who colleges actually bow down too since they can afford the raw costs.

Only when you get to Military level does meritocracy actually play a legit role. But only because you are given a chance to prove yourself in government service over the span of an entire lifetime. Instead of job hoping every 3 to 5 years or being """retrained""" because most of your industry was shipped to a foreign country because of cheap labor and materials.

Remember college was supposed to be a fix for all the blue collar work going to China. What about the poor fools back then who championed meritocracy when that shit played out?

>> No.15532397

you said all kinds of nonsense i beg to differ
for example an idea about jewish people ruling the world: it was prophesied to happen after the world ends, which isn't really happening

>> No.15532404

ah yes you are just interested in a nuanced discussion which is why you didnt respond and reported the post. stfu you slimy kike filth

>> No.15532407

This but unironically

>> No.15532409

if you speak with antisemitic memes there is nothing to respond to

>> No.15532410

so if a person is like 1/4 jewish he is like up to 1/4 of world domination or is he up to dominate 1/4 of a world?

>> No.15532412
File: 1.15 MB, 1249x935, StoddHimm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

son I know more than you do, you are just a peon kike, not one of the giga kikes. Have you read the zohar? Have you read this?

>> No.15532413

Good question, scientists are working on it to this day.

>> No.15532415

zohar is cabala and cabala is unorthodox judaism only recently incorporated into rabbinic teachings but kinda not really, it was done after rabbinic institutes could not defeat cabala for centuries so they kinda adopted it
i myself think cabala is not the coolest mysticism around

>> No.15532417
File: 272 KB, 1189x645, CJB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I know the people here are lazy and stupid I will post the screenshot. Doesnt matter if you report any of this I have unlimited IP address to use so go for it. I will just repost it and continue to repost it until you are gone. I am independently wealthy and have no where to I have to go unlike yourself

>> No.15532418

So you admit you dont know dick about ESOTERIC Judaism, you only know the pleb shit. Yah I know that kid and said it from jump you can fuck off now. thanks for playing

>> No.15532637

>to be fair asians have poor performance when it comes to actual academic contributions,
Admitting large number of asians will be suicidal
They clog up all the colleges without contributing anything

>> No.15532642


>> No.15532647

Uhh Terence Tao?

>> No.15532659

>Terence Tao
>part of some elaborate psyop to make asians look smarter
Why do you think his face is plastered everywhere as the greatest mathematician?

I have some serious doubts about his contribution to Green-Tao theorem

>> No.15532802

What are your doubts?

>> No.15533085

Smart Asians do not immigrate to Europe.

>> No.15533093

This has zero to do with fairness when legacy admissions exist

>> No.15533115

>how dare you ban male genital mutilation when arabs do it on both sexes across the ocean?!
-tier argumentation

all you stand for needs to be banned. Only then the neofeudal yoke can be thrown off. Marxists are the enemies of the people and elites' whores.

>> No.15533347

>And then id tell the kid to get into politics to ensure america is always reliant on Israel.

>> No.15533351

>t. retard

>> No.15533356

Asians in the US are from China/Korea/Japan.
"Asians" in Europe are from dumbistan

>> No.15533563

>No blacks or hispanics in colleges
>They'll just reproduce more instead
Haha yeah we'll be so much better off...

>> No.15533593
File: 148 KB, 750x385, 20230630_161203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't do it. It's a meme based on the dissenting opinion. I've seen a couple of colleges sending similar emails being posted online. They are just placating the liberal masses for the time being. They will have to lawfully comply, or get sued at every turn now.

>> No.15533601
File: 354 KB, 3600x2400, 1687633895156791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the "Dumbistan" immigrants to the US are high IQ. And Indians in the US are the single highest earning ethnicity on average, almost double the income of whites, whereas Indians in Europe are shitstain on society. It's just selective immigration in the end.

>> No.15533621

Well, at least this will partially solve the debt crisis, of the future.

>> No.15533624

Low IQ cope post.

>> No.15533646

Conservatives crying about elites and larping as leftists while voting them more power and influence will never stop being funny

>> No.15533665

>I've seen a couple of colleges sending similar emails being posted online.

its just hilarious to see big universities boasting how they are going to find a loophole to continue racist unconstitutional discrimination. The left has really been unmasked.

>> No.15533670
File: 70 KB, 994x360, 360_F_283171251_jJIOC89O5bWMbrDO74C7knU5PdnfyNqY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you do not know any neuroscience
>i know that there is no functional part in the brain that produces iq
Tell me then, oh great neuroscientist, what is the function of the frontal lobe, and why is it necessary to distinguish us from other primates? And how does it work in conjunction with the parietal lobe?

>> No.15533679

rofl AOC quoting mouth breather can't come up with original thoughts. your retarded bitch idol is so fucking stupid it is mind blowing. I guess get taught in grade Scholl that there are 3 branches of government and the judicial branch does not LEGISLATE they determine if legislation is constitutional. It is HER job to introduce legislation if she wants to change something not the fucking courts.Typical fucking leftist moron blaming someone else for not doing their own job and you are typical leftist who quotes and votes for these morons. Unreal how fucking stupid leftists are. you aren't failures cause the man holds you down you are failures because you are stupid and you for stupid people to lead you. Just a mambo line of morons who can never figure out why nothing changes when they elect former bartenders with a double digit iq who don't understand grade level civics

>> No.15533683

A handful of gigacorps own most of the shares of all our public companies. They require each company to commit to ESG in order to be eligible for purchase. They buy these shares to bundle them into ETFs and similar products to sell to normies. But after they pass the bag to normies, they still retain all the voting power from those shares. They are able to puppet these companies as they wish.

Once companies cede ownership to the gigacorps, they are unable to leave the plantation, so to speak.

Companies are indirectly obligated to join this plantation at any cost because they are legally required to maximize shareholder profits, and the most profitable strategy is to get bundled into an ETF.

>> No.15533708
File: 831 KB, 830x2732, HitlerOnCommunism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communism (centralized control of the ecnomy) through capitalism, jewry at its finest

>> No.15533717

Isn't /sci/ majority white? You guys should hate this. While it keeps Black and Hispanic enrollment at prestigious universities low, it also keeps white percentages low (by about 2%) while MASSIVELY boosting Asian ones.

Is this what you really want? 25% to 50% Asian enrollment?

>> No.15533723

Asian women are cute.

>> No.15533724

we want a fair, merit based system you retarded thirdworld brownoid

>> No.15533726

I'm Asian though.

>> No.15533727

I guess *she didnt* get taught

>> No.15533730

ok, you retarded bug man then. First world countries are FIRST WORLD because we are meritocracies. No one gives a shit if the people in the positions they EARN are bug men or brownoids. We just want them to be COMPETENT

>> No.15533731

>No one gives a shit if the people in the positions they EARN are bug men or brownoids. We just want them to be COMPETENT

Except this isn't true at all.

>> No.15533732

Based civnat bodhi. Mitt Romney 2024!

>> No.15533738

Yes, I want the selection to be based on objective standards and rigorous testing, not the whims of Marxist administrators who are only capable of destruction. Obviously. You should stop projecting your racism onto everyone else.

If only Asians can rise to the challenge, then only Asians will get in. However, once the stage is set, I think the outcome will be more interesting than that

>> No.15533739

our nations are failing due to INCOMPETENCE. We have morons in every postilion of power who are so fucking stupid they dont even understand how our government works at a grade school level and morons like this who think they are coming up with high IQ hot takes quoting them >>15533093

Oh excuse me bug man I didnt know you were an expert of political science of foreign countries

>> No.15533741

>I didnt know you were an expert of political science of foreign countries

I'm an American who attended an ivy league university. What you said isn't true at all. You're conflating your feelings with facts.

>> No.15533742

We live in a muliracial nation, what do you suggest we do galaxy brain genocide brownoids? Please enlighten us all as to your giga brained political platform.

>> No.15533746

>fucktard is trying to convince everyone he is clairvoyant whole talking about other people conflating feelings and facts.
I am hoping you are trolling and not really this stupid but I have doubts

>> No.15533748

>who attended an ivy league university.
You should've waited a few years. Now with affirmative action gone that degree might actually mean something. And if they go the next step and cut legacy admissions, people might even start to care

>> No.15533749

Why do whites want to eliminate Affirmative Action when it actually benefits them? For white men, it benefits them a tiny bit. For white women, they're by far the biggest beneficiary, even more so than blacks as a whole.

Whites aren't friends with Asians. If you've been to university, you or one of your friends will inevitably mention how much they hate Asians because of how many of them are around. Ending AA will only boost that ratio.

>> No.15533752
File: 2.82 MB, 540x480, 1685309634228523.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With test-only admissions, the share of White students at top colleges would rise from 66% to 75%; the combined share of Black and Latino students would decrease from 19% to 11%; and the share of Asian students would fall slightly, from 11% to 10%.

>> No.15533755

I'm doing okay and making a modest living in the midwest. I could go to California for nearly double my salary, but I'd rather not. Don't like the people there, and I don't end up saving anything with the expenses. Prestige means nothing to me except the people who attach it to my degree, I just want a comfy life.

>> No.15533756

Ignoring the fact that Romney isn't a civnat but controlled opposition, how are those white ethnostates working out in Sweden, Britain, France, Vermont, etc? I'd rather live in Japan.

Right-leaning competent Asians >>> left-leaning retarded white people

>> No.15533758

See >>15533752

>> No.15533759 [DELETED] 

My fellow American. In this moment of national division I believe that all patriots can unite behind one single platform: messing with schizophrenic namefags in as funny of a way as possible.

>> No.15533761


How many of those are "Jews"? I notice that for MIT and other universities, they don't have a "Jew" label for universities, despite seeing many on campus.

>> No.15533764
File: 33 KB, 400x544, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do people want to eliminate discriminatory and unconstitutional laws

>> No.15533765

Lol, fair enough

>> No.15533767

Jews are white. The world doesn't operate on 4chan Racial heirarchies.

>> No.15533769

in two years the first class of all white merit based acceptances will start college with affirmative action based upperclassmen and everyone will wonder why freshmen are taking upper level courses and breaking the curve on the upperclassmen and the students who were freshmen in 2024 will all end up graduating before the ones who were freshmen in 2021

>> No.15533773

Jews are not white moron, "white" refers to European Christendom with shared history, culture and military allegiances not skin color, which Jews do not belong too. If it was skin color then Asian would be white you fucking mong

>> No.15533784
File: 34 KB, 921x488, 70e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a religion. Not a race.
Asians have a completely different physiognomy and are easily differentiable from whites. Jews have the exact same physiognomy as whites. A jew is just as differentiable from an Englishman as a Spaniard. They are a different ethnicity, yes, but still white. Just like a Serb and a Swede don't look the same, but both are still white, just different ethnicities. That is why memes like this exist. You need to check early life to make sure if they are jewish or not. Because they are white and jewish is just a religion. They are indifferentiable from non-jewish whites. You would never need to check early life section for an Asian because the magnitude of difference between and Englishman and a Chinaman is too large. They are a differeng race in reality. Not just on 4chan

>> No.15533785

"White" is a meaningless category in this instance that includes Arabs and other groups that do benefit from Affirmative Action, you idiot.

>> No.15533787

Jews are not white, Israel is in Asia, not Europe. Israel doesn't even border on Europe, it is 100% within Asia. Jews are not European, they are semites, semites are from Asia, not Europe. Whites are from Europe

>> No.15533793
File: 694 KB, 1080x1691, Screenshot_20230312-094111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashkenazi Jews are European not Israeli. They lived in Europe for thousands of years.

>> No.15533795

75% of whites in Harvard are legacies and are the ones “taking spots” from others not the few dozen Black people who squeeze by

>> No.15533797

As I already told you "white" is not a race, it is a political category and based on an ethnicity that encompasses what I already explained to you, European Christendom. "White" people are of the Aryan Caucasoid race. If you want to say Jews are Caucasoids, I can agree with that somewhat however they are also Asiatic as Ashkenazi are khazarians. (pic rel). Jews consider themselves to be of the Shem bloodline while Aryans are from Japheth bloodline. Jews and whites do not share a common culture or ethnicity therefore they are not "white" and none of them would ever claim to be white because they understand exactly what it means. Jews are not white, they are Jews. I dont know how else to explain it to you but you are wrong

>> No.15533799
File: 142 KB, 1200x900, ashkenaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.15533800

It's pretty obvious why they're banning Affirmative Action now. US needs to maintain its tech supremacy. Letting dumb people into universities would hamper that.

>> No.15533803

Ashkenazi jews are European. Even the word Ashkenaz refers to Eastern Europe in hebrew. They migrated to Israel within the last 100 years, not even that long ago. This is like saying South African boers aren't white, they're black because they're in Africa. And in fact, the boers have been in Africa much longer than the Ashkenazis in Asia.

>> No.15533804

>Black fragility
Ban legacies and stop crying

>> No.15533807

>South African boers aren't white, they're black because they're in Africa.

>> No.15533811

>mouth breather cant even quote his retarded idol correctly
>75% of whites in Harvard are legacies
This is nowhere near true idiot. What AOC said was 75% of LEGACY ADMISSIONS are white. Imagine being stupid enough to think 75% of the student body of a University are legacy admissions you goddamn clown. Also 75% of America is WHITE is it is literally perfect demographic representation of what would be expected. kys troon dipshit

>> No.15533812

>Prestige means nothing to me

Everyone with fake modesty says this. Why did you feel the need to mention Ivy League if prestige doesn't matter to you?

Of course hypocritical people like you would support Affirmative Action because it doesn't impact you.

>> No.15533817
File: 2.04 MB, 2560x1706, Amir-LevyGetty-Images-gondar-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I am not talking about political categories. I am talking about biological categories here. You can choose whatever political categories you want, it has no impact on reality outside of 4chan. People go by what they observe in reality, and they don't observe political categories, but biological categories. Shem, Khazar whatever is all biblical nonsense, not based in reality. Ethiopian jews, picrel, also claim the same heritage as the other jews. Does their claim suddenly make them biologically middle-eastern and not Ethiopian black? Same for all other jews, the Indian jews, Mizrahi, Bukharian etc. Are they all middleeastern instead of their own race? Ashkenazis are the same. Yeah they claim to be middle-eastern and blood brothers with other jews like picrel, but any sane man can tell that that is nonsense. They are just whites who are jewish, simple as.

>> No.15533822

I love how every time AA comes up, leftists start yelling at the wall about legacies. No one, literally no one, supports legacies. And yet, the leftoids never convert that yelling into even the slightest hint of real action. They protest or riot almost every minor issue, every fabricated injustice, over and over again until every major institution complies with their demands. But it never seems to happen for legacy admissions, which might be the single greatest example of "privilege" in America. Why do you think that is?

>> No.15533825
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>The decline for Asian Americans may be surprising, given that year after year, data from the College Board show Asian Americans earning higher scores, on average, than other groups on the SAT, and having their average scores go up, on average, more than those of other groups. And data in the Harvard University admissions litigation suggest that Asian Americans do better when evaluated on academic criteria alone (at that university) than when other factors (including status as legacies or athletes) are factored in. Jeff Strohl, director of research at the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, said in an interview that it was hard to be certain why the Asian numbers would decline. The study did not indicate what factors were positive in evaluating the applicants who were admitted with all factors considered, not just test scores. But Strohl said that he suspected that a key factor was the high rates of Asian Americans (compared to other groups) who apply to top colleges. As a result, many of those applicants were in the original pool.

>> No.15533826
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>I am not talking about political categories but let me use this term that is a political category to describe a racial category
No matter how much mental gymnastics you want to do to and rationalize your misconception you are still going to be wrong so just stop. What you are trying to imply is that Jews are Caucasoids and I already said I would accept that but I will tell you for the third and final time, Jews are not "white"

>> No.15533835

>Race is just a political category
Great. Jews are still considered white, politically speaking. In fact, in the US, even Arabs are considered white, politically. So yay, let's just trust the politicians, and accept the truth.

>> No.15533836
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because most of them are recipients of that "privilege"

>> No.15533839
File: 3.56 MB, 929x5091, ScamAgainstWhites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact, in the US, even Arabs are considered white, politically.

>> No.15533840

I never said race was a political category, I said just the opposite and explained they are two different things to you fucktard

>> No.15533854

Let me explain the history of this designation to you. America was founded to be an ehtnostate for "free WHITE men" so there has also been political debate about who is white and therefore able to immigrate and become citizens. At one time the Irish were debated as to whether they were white and Ben Franklin considered Germans to be "tawny." There was a court case to determine if whether a north Indian was white and could be a citizen which he lost, lost his citizenship and was deported.

White typically refereed to North European and who was white has been debated and decided upon continuously throughout the history of this nation. But as you can see I have very clearly explained to you it is POLITICAL CATEGORY not a race

>> No.15533859
File: 167 KB, 639x663, thind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was a court case to determine if whether a north Indian was white and could be a citizen which he lost, lost his citizenship and was deported

>> No.15533885

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