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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15530729 No.15530729 [Reply] [Original]

Science bolsters intellect. This is science! Science is not spoke about possessively in the third person. Such as 'the rate of science', that's retarded, a product of a modern Jew plot. Most people are retarded. Science is not a curse like you imply and continue to imply. Science is enjoyable! Yay!

(Die fags)

>> No.15530733

I updated the sun a few weeks ago using my eyes. This is is it's current state. Look at it's vertical flow. It's going to get all swirly and generate magnetic rings.

>> No.15530734

>Yet another unmedicated schizophrenic tripcunt stalking /sci/

>> No.15530736
File: 62 KB, 512x512, latest_512_0304 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic related

Barkel booter out.

(Noticed time going quicker lately? That's me too. I'm a universal moderator. Nature trusts me so neh)

>> No.15530742

Stop postan on MUY SCI faggit

>> No.15530747

Fucking make me you impotent twat

>> No.15530751

Did you update a sun before? No. Then shut up. This chat is for people who update suns or near enough intelligence.

>> No.15530755

>Pishing about with measly suns

>> No.15530771

Right on time. You faggots are never late.

>> No.15530783

I'm updating everything now, using my eyes.

>> No.15530796

Nor am I early. I arrive precisely when I mean to.
Patch note: ur gay