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File: 223 KB, 679x639, hxaDSlq2Rurd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15529485 No.15529485 [Reply] [Original]

NIH finally admits that Covid-19 was a total hoax and that the epidemic never even existed at all

>> No.15529493

the important thing is that you got the vaxx, and will continue having to take the vaxx in lieu of a functioning immune system


>> No.15529498

I see the point and I agree with the authors but you're retarded. NIH didn't admit anything. How do you even think they will come off their high horses?
NIH just indexes journal articles. In this case it's an article published on the journal, Surgical Neurology International, which btw has an impact factor or 0.76.

>> No.15529500

Wow, this guy looks like a total dipshit. Have you read his responses and other papers? Who the hell is this nutcase? And you're quoting him?

Oh, look what I found

The guy's a hack who lies for profit. Groovy paper you've got there champ.

>> No.15529506

So you can prove that artificially manufactured msg is 100$ safe?

>> No.15529510

Nothing is 100% safe. Walking down the street isn't 100% safe. Sleeping in your bed is not 100% safe. Drinking water isn't 100% safe.

Bad faith argument by a low IQ individual.

>> No.15529511

>The guy's a hack who lies for profit
So just like Fauci.

>> No.15529515

I quote from that article
>How can that person simultaneously be an expert on vaccines, MSG, agriculture, chemtrails, and the deleterious effects of aluminum cookware? And finally, does this quack really believe his own crap?
>Blaylock is not a dentist. He is not an oncologist. He has never received any nutritionist qualifications or formal education — or if he has, he’s never mentioned them in any of his biographies.
etc are typical leftist tactics. You can say the exact same thing for Bill Gates, black soience man, that down syndrome swede. In this case, since Blaylock is actually a medical professional, he has a lot more understanding in many of the fields compared to lefty idols.

>> No.15529523

>lies for profit
who pays him and why?

>> No.15529529

When I checked out his citations on the dangers of fluoride they were all substantiated.

>> No.15529583

>attacking the source
because you can't refute the facts that were presented to you

>> No.15529602
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>> No.15529617

what's the profit motive of exaggerating health effects of msg?

>> No.15529713

>i'm unsane
you seen upset

>> No.15529854

This describes you pretty well

>> No.15530120

Nice of them to finally admit that Covid-19 was a hoax. What do vaxxxxxies have to say about this? Chagrined?

>> No.15530322

ok i finally broke and watched the video. not bad.

>> No.15530334

>Nice of them to finally admit that Covid-19 was a hoax.
it isn't though

>> No.15531163

yes it is
and everyone who fell for it is low iq

>> No.15531166

>NIH finally admits that Covid-19 was a total hoax and that the epidemic never even existed at all
that's not what the article you linked says.

>> No.15531238
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>How can that person simultaneously be an expert on vaccines, MSG, agriculture, chemtrails, and the deleterious effects of aluminum cookware?
The dangerously based syndrome

>> No.15531258

He's a high IQ white male, I wouldn't expect anything less.

>> No.15531270

why can't you retards go somewhere else with this? where does it say covid is a hoax?

>> No.15531272

easy, having retards read and watch your shit generates money

>> No.15531302

if you want to be on reddit then you should use reddit instead of 4chan

>> No.15531304

"Evil people taking advantage of a real emergency/disaster to undermine liberty" is not the same thing as "the disaster wasn't real and never happened". Please learn about the difference.

>> No.15531306

>a real emergency/disaster

>> No.15531315 [DELETED] 

no, fuck off and go back to /x/ or /pol/ with this shit
seriously every board on 4chan is about politics except for pol which is about blacked porn

>> No.15531318

it's funny cuz the only european country that took advantage of covid to push nonsense was hungary which those retards probably think is a based country

>> No.15531431

it's 100% safe for me to cuck you then slap you across the face because you are a soi cuck

>> No.15531451

kek, describes most of the people on this board

>> No.15531495 [DELETED] 

this is the guy in the video you posted the other day who was dressed like a clown, subbed.

>> No.15531512
File: 2.34 MB, 1366x7848, midwits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the guy in the video you posted the other day who was dressed like a clown subbed. I have described all of this here before in detail btw.

>> No.15531538

midwits are the great bane.

>> No.15531557

indeed. given enough time they turn everything retarded

>> No.15531577
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>> No.15531676
File: 239 KB, 563x676, whatdat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NIH finally admits that Covid-19 was a total hoax and that the epidemic never even existed at all
Aint nobody got time for all dat! Tay Tay be on da TV!

>> No.15532148
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>> No.15533214

good pic

>> No.15533222

literally all of those are false

>> No.15533227

So Jeffery Epstein didn't have an island where elites were supplied with young girls?

>> No.15533249


>> No.15534215
File: 71 KB, 1200x900, hawking at epstein island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535245

Everyone who has high enough IQ knew it was a hoax from the very start.

>> No.15535253

>Everyone who has high enough IQ knew it was a hoax from the very start.
Everyone with a low IQ did as well.

>> No.15535260

Zoomers are in meltdown.

>> No.15536118

"As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. Learn more about our disclaimer."
Can you even read, retard?

>> No.15536139
File: 25 KB, 492x449, 415354342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% vaxxrate.

>> No.15536429

only in civilized countries, its under 10% in africa

>> No.15537592

Does that mean that Africans are higher IQ than """"civilized"""' countries?

>> No.15537595

The future looks like some sort of hell

>> No.15537905

>all the braindead goylems falling for the lies of the Jew being dead
Choose 1 and only 1.
Once the sword and the shiled of the demons dies, that's when humans can take back this flat plane.

>> No.15537916

>flat plane.
You are stupid, I'm sorry it's terminal.

>> No.15538007

Space is a lie, oil is abiotic and infinite, your mother is a cheap whore, and the holocaust didn't and should happen.

>> No.15538050

This somehow makes the earth flat? provide actual testable proof

>> No.15538324

I knew it was fake before everyone else here even hear about it at all, they started circulating the rumors in november 2019, it was a transparent psyop from the very get go

>> No.15538337

>The guy's a hack who lies for profit.
you mean he's a scientist

>> No.15538343

>80% vaxxrate.
So you believe everything the TV and "news" says? LMAO!

More like 35% vax rate globally, with maybe
60% in the most vaxxed areas.

>> No.15538376

The curvature formula have been falsified.

>> No.15538380

Which formula?

>> No.15538450

Its a scientific paper. Reputation dont matter if peer reviews confirm the study.

>> No.15539499

>a hack who lies for profit.
and every other scientist

>> No.15540614

>The future looks like some sort of hell
Its no coincidences that atheists are turning our Earthly paradise into hell, atheism and satanism are the same thing. Thats why people call them death cultists. See the CERN human sacrifice thread for details

>> No.15541885


>> No.15541891

>10% in africa
you're wrong

>> No.15543094

fake news
>i trust stats from african governments
low iq, they get gibes by lying about high vax rates

>> No.15543121
File: 153 KB, 332x328, 1672000721209357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Covid-19 was a hoax!
>Some how 195 countries on this one specific issue agreed to tank their economies over a hoax

>> No.15543146

You braindead nigger, 80% of all us dollars was printed during the deployment of mutagenic death.
Did you bother checking FOREX ?
Did you notice how US dollar pairs didn't budge that much either up or down ?
Do you understand this means 80% of all other fiat ALSO got printed during the willful consented self-genocide ?

Holy fucking shit i can't wait for clots and cancers to kill you you braindead retarded goylem cattle FILTH

>> No.15544153

>Covid-19 wasn't a hoax
low iq

>> No.15544319

>Some how 195 countries
Barely any countries complied with the nonsense, but some client states of the US had their leaders couped for not going along with the plan.

>> No.15544373
File: 116 KB, 965x714, Screenshot - 2023-07-05T155811.104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NIH finally admits
dumbfuck spotted

>> No.15545117

>Covid-19 wasn't a hoax
low iq

>> No.15545493

>they get gibes by lying about high vax rates
they gave those same incentives to american doctors too

>> No.15545516

the fuck are you talking about? not him but i'm from the third world (arab) and we all had those dumbass social distancing signs and whatnot and they were all enforced

>> No.15545530

moslem law permits lying to infidels, you're not a reliable source of information

>> No.15545542

>Proves the exact point he makes in the article
Good job fagwit

>> No.15545547

oh shit so islam is in on the entire conspiracy too? fuck me man i should be careful of my local imam

>> No.15545548
File: 179 KB, 1200x800, social distancing at the bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.15545554

He ended up arguing and speaking the same way he started the video. How ironic.

>> No.15546277

those are mexicans

>> No.15546399

Why do you think the elitists have been mass importing muslims?

>> No.15547451

arrr rook same

>> No.15548791
File: 71 KB, 2809x1351, mexi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15549395

>Everyone who has high enough IQ knew it was a hoax from the very start.
>80% vaxxrate.

I'm looking forward to living in a world where all the IQs under 125 are dead and forgotten

>> No.15550560

>Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health
Yes it does, if they're publicizing literature then they are endorsing it

>> No.15551366



>> No.15552328
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>> No.15552345

Science doesn't care if you cut off your penis or not. Science cares if evidence supports conclusion.

In this case, the paper overwhelmingly shows that you're a tranny

>> No.15553239

Most scientists are too stupid to understand economic mathematics.

>> No.15554530

no, they're all true

>> No.15555900


>> No.15556318 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15557208


>> No.15558096

excellent video, how come 4chan has embeds for globohomo censored jewtube, but not real video sharing sites like bitchute?

>> No.15559484

crab bucket mentality could easily be renamed midwit mentality

>> No.15559538

Thanks for the link m8, great kekkings were had.

>> No.15560540
File: 587 KB, 1080x1008, 1qmuSxHwyLQh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, hopefully the vaxxx kills all the low IQs

>> No.15560548
File: 406 KB, 2097x1400, al gore wondering when the buffet opens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical leftist tactics
they accept greta, who didn't even graduate high school and al gore, a politician, as their science experts

>> No.15560564

Your mom loves slobbing mah knob after a hot soak in the tub

>> No.15560614

but what is to be done with midwits? are they salvageable or do they just need to be kept busy with various retarded issues? I mean they are useful for voting and boring/manual labor. but can they be intellectually useful? like would they be able to solve higher problems just on longer timespans, or are they limited in the type of problems they can solve?
I am curious because my personal hunch is that midwits would greatly be helped and in turn help society if they were trained on useful models for reality. but that might also go wrong, as unexpected behaviors can emerge, which might complicate things even more.
what is to be done with midwits?

>> No.15560645

>>15560614 me
yeah I finished watching the video, he does address this. good video, subscribed.

>> No.15561389

these, the reddit midwits should really go home, they contribute nothing here.

>> No.15561509

>TOAD KILLER ($TOAD) is a cryptocurrency that has been created by a mysterious team of well-known figures in the crypto industry who have a history of the space. The team behind TOAD is unique and they have managed and funded some of the principles of the memetokens space.

>The goal of $TOAD is to demonstrate to the world that there is only one original project, and as their slogan says: "We already killed a dog" - so frogs and new memecoins are about to end when the king reappears. There's many hints on their launch and website that hint everyone who may be back of this mysterious project, specially when talking about killing dogs.

>The project has been launched with a stealth approach, much like the successful Shib project, and the team is relying on organic growth, with people discovering it and trying to unravel its mistery. They believe that $TOAD is the determination to create something that stops this new fever and demonstrate all the new meme-devs who is the leader on this area.

>> No.15562260


>> No.15563729
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Good article, its irrefutable, but vaxxies will never admit it, so they can only resort of ad hominem attacks on the author

>> No.15564807

I knew it was fake and gay from the very start, how high is my IQ?

>> No.15565531


>> No.15565767

Since psyops are a midwit trap, you're either 1SD above or below the norm.

>> No.15567381

a lot higher than the midwits who never figured it out

>> No.15567398

real papers cost money to read you fucking pirate

>> No.15568120

surprised they would ever admit it

>> No.15568134

They not only always admit it, they always say what they're going to do before doing it.
This is a spiritual imperative for satanists, you MUST consent.

Goylems have been trained to spout "schizo!" or simply ignore any attempt at pointing it out.
This makes gathering (technically not) coerced consent extremely easy.

>> No.15568416

very good pic, thanks for sharing

>> No.15569123


>> No.15570469

>reeeeee covid wasn't fake
>i'm not really a low iq midwit who is easily tricked by tv news

>> No.15571423


>> No.15571450

Everyone does sweety

>> No.15572414

So it took these coward fucks 3 years and a half to finally admit the obvious. Better late than never i guess.

>> No.15572608
File: 140 KB, 795x1080, CAESAR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True and real. Any billionaire that showed any hint of authoritarianism during the pandemic must be proscribed so it will be the duty of all citizens to do harm onto them.

>> No.15572627

Cool it with the antisemitism there, you literal Hitler.

>> No.15573751

you're a low iq vaxxxie, opinion discarded

>> No.15574784

It was obvious from the very start that it was a hoax, you have to be low IQ to not have recognized that

>> No.15576042

>a low iq vaxxxie
All are vaxxxies are low IQ

>> No.15576079

All of those countries have Rothschild central banks that agreed to allow the money printer to be turned out, allowing government to steal from citizens even more than usual, thats why the governments were so compliant

>> No.15577261

I told you all it was fake back in 2019 when the psyop was first starting.

>> No.15578484

The low IQs who fell for the hoax will never admit that they were tricked, they prefer to remain in denial of their own low IQ

>> No.15578489
File: 68 KB, 747x398, Mind the Gap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange events afoot.

>> No.15578490

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15578810

Link to the thread?

>> No.15578830

the Pfizer jab is 100% safe and effective, chud