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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15529447 No.15529447 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of Michio Kaku?

>> No.15529448
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>> No.15529454

you appear to discuss people there chud

>> No.15529520

Okay, chud

>> No.15529533

>Supreme minds discuss 4chan

>> No.15529541

is that the guy who claim that plants have feelings?

>> No.15529544
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He's alright.

>> No.15529582

the narrator doesnt count

>> No.15530536


>> No.15531861

utter pseud who believes in a myriad of myths including free will and string theory.

>> No.15531868


>> No.15531911

I wish those popular science faggots (and movies), were more in line with the dark forest theory when they talked "aliens".

The universe is so vast in space and time that there may be thousands of civilization just hunting in the dark.

>> No.15531913

also the fact that those vast distances, make it practically impossible to find any meaning on what we've found in the solar system alone.

there are 10^24 solar systems in the universe (at least) and there have been billions of years of developments.

>> No.15531914

You will be sorely disappointed when your childish science fiction delusions turn out to be false.

>> No.15531930 [DELETED] 

we will be long dead before any evidence is found. you popular science faggots together with hollywood had the delusion "our radio signals" we reach aliens.

you stupid fucks are radio signals are lost in space noise billions of years because almost all of the universe will be reached.

>> No.15531932

we will be long dead before any evidence is found. you popular science faggots together with hollywood have the delusion "our radio signals" will reach aliens.

you stupid fucks our radio signals are lost in space noise billions of years before almost all of the universe will be reached.

>> No.15531933

Aliens don't exist.

>> No.15531940

we have already developed with the almost-random processes that allow it and we know exactly how the chemistry that did it works so "aliens" have already developed here on earth.

with 10^24 solar systems (at least) and billions of years of time then it's almost impossible to not have alien civilizations (probably millions).

you faggots don't get though (just like hollywood) our "radio signals" will be lost in space noise before 99.9..% of space is reached.

>> No.15531943
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Astrophysicists are the fanfic writers of the science world.

Yes, it’s important to try to understand how celestial bodies move and how we can navigate space etc etc, I’m not talking about the ones that work for NASA calculating trajectories and orbits and practical shit like that. I’m talking about the ones that just make shit up, put some bullshit math behind it , and then somehow think of Themselves as gods among men.

No one fucking cares what a galaxy 10 million light years away is doing, it doesn’t help anyone, it will never help anyone, and you are probably wrong. Same goes for black holes. No one really knows anything about blackholes, it’s all theory. And the best part is that it’s UNTESTABLE , so it really doesn’t fucking matter because no one can disprove you anyway.

Daily life of an astrophysicist
>make shit up
>explain how large and incalculable the universe is for the billionth time
>explain latest fanfic about how universe was born, big bang, bounce theory etc
>spend 6 hours a day on reddit and twitter telling everyone how smart I am
>go on joe Rogan and get mad whenever you’re challenged in any way
>shill for the science™ at every opportunity

The common civil engineer is worth more than 1000 astrophysicist in terms of use and impact on the world,

>> No.15531949

You will be sorely disappointed when your childish science fiction delusions turn out to be false.

>> No.15531954
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I have had an irrational seething hatred for this motherfucker for the longest time and I'm tired of seeing him. I get the whole "science needs to be fun and digestable for the masses" shit and that's fine but he takes it to an extreme. He talks about all kinds of pseudoscientific wack bullshit and how humans are going to be able to backwards time travel and you can go back in time to fuck yourself. This motherfucker is on ancient aliens for Allah's sake and the science community keeps pushing him onto the news to popularize science and learning.

>> No.15531961

we will be long dead before any such a chance you stupid fuck (at least those of us posting here). this is not a question of if we'll find aliens, but that's probabilistically almost impossible to not have alien civilizations (probably millions) when 10^24 solar systems exist at least and billions of years of time has passed.

>> No.15531962

Well ever since string theory was disproved he hasn't had much to fall back on in the academic department. He's looking to grift on whatever he can.

>> No.15531973

He's way too into the waste of brainpower known as string theory.

>> No.15531982

>an irrational seething hatred

>> No.15532113

Pseud globohomo popsoi grifter and some other buzzwords I'm sure I forgot.