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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15528426 No.15528426 [Reply] [Original]

Why do scientists take it as a given that we’re only born once?

I already came into existence without any effort of my own once before, who’s to say it won’t happen again?

>> No.15528432

Who say it will happen again?

>> No.15528437

>religion vs science thread
oh wait, that rule only applies if the religion being discussed is Christianity.

>> No.15528441


This isn’t about religion

I’m asking about the nature of conscious existence within the realm of science.

>> No.15528447
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From the individual perspective, once, but from an external perspective, many.

I have experienced this, wouldnt recommend it, but its pretty cool to see echos of your past in the past. The problem is these retards have suchban individualistice (haha looks it me [picture of himself but old style cloths]) perspective as to make the concept retarded with their presence.

Genetic proclivity. I wish you people werent so fucking retarded...

>> No.15528455

The scientific/biological term for rebirth is metamorphosis.
Like regrowing limbs, its not a function of human biology.

>> No.15528462


I’m talking more about the nature of consciousness and the individual self

>> No.15528463

How do you know you were here before? Because you have faggot memories or some type of deja vu?

>> No.15528468

Only because I just showed how all your assumptions in the OP are complete rubbish and even then, you have no idea how the consciousness transitions when an individual changes from worm to butterfly, so you are still just talking hogwash from your own ignorance.

>> No.15528476

>How do you know you were here before?
Because when you burn away all the retarded braiwashing you've recieved since birth to confuse you about what and who you are you become closer to abslute truth which is eternal no matter the time or space, so any point in history you will walk, talk and act the same.

Why do you think Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, all of them, spoke of a future Prophet?

Because theyre retarded like you? Why do you think youre not retarded?


>> No.15528481

Why wouldn't you trust anon over the dead/missing retards who entirely lost control of their respective groups?

>> No.15528523

I have no ideas what youre talking about.

Everyone is retarded compared to me.

>> No.15528524

Then why are you the one with no ideas?

>> No.15528525

Not the anons fucking you up in that god thread kek.

>> No.15528541

>with no ideas
Ive literally invented fields of research, how are you sonfucking retarded? Seriosuly?

Nah, that dude is an idiot and fails to learn anything. In real life I would ring him, but alas...a fool online can shit talk a navy seal with ease...

>> No.15528545

>no ideas
>invented fields
Yes we have established that your qualifications are entirely invented since you can't even go a single post without contradicting yourself.

>> No.15528547
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None of you here are qualified to opine. Get a job, youre (OBVIOUSLY) not a Research Scientist of any kind...

>> No.15528551

Is that why you come here, you don't think anyone is qualified enough to notice how often you contradict yourself? I guess its time to move on now that you have been proven wrong and people here are smart enough to notice that you are retarded.

>> No.15528558
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>Is that why you come here
No, I came here to talk STEM.
>you don't think anyone is qualified enough
Theyre not, period, but occasionally a legit guy posts, the idiots post ideas for me to research on my own, because....you know...research papers and universiry lectures are not 4chan but I do so while I shitpost.

You....dont just shitpost, do you?

>I guess its time to move on now that you have been proven wrong
You've seen nothing for you are but an ant on this hill.
>people here are smart enough
No, but people here will be smart enough to recognize I am.

Debate, sounds fun!

>> No.15528564

So you only make shitposts and contradictions because you research field is actually just your own idiocy?

>> No.15528572
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>> No.15528582

Can you make a nice clean text post summing that all up and acknowledging you are just a retarded self-contradicting shit poster who is just indulging your own idiocy, for posterity sake?

>> No.15528588
File: 90 KB, 720x720, 2023-03-20_19.56.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my card.

Dont call me, I'll call you.

>> No.15528589

I call them like I see them, and since I only ever see you being a self-contradicting retard, it is what I will call you until you prove otherwise, it would just be nice to have you on record admitting it a bit more clearly than you already have, for posterity's sake.

>> No.15528590
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>> No.15528594

>on record
I live life "on record", dumbass, youre the kind of person to lie to someone when no one else is around to hear it.

The fact you even think in terms "GOTCHYA!" means you think there are hidden times where "you can get away with anything".

Sad...youre not worthy of Heaven, Love, Glory or Greatness...you must toil for your lot like a beast of burden...

>> No.15528599
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Maths, Ive posted a bunch mire but didnt save it, its more about someone making use of it than me collecting, as Ive invented too much shit to remember, tons just got tossed into the bin in the back of my mind and forgotten.

>> No.15528603

>I live life "on record",
Then simply say what you just said without using memes and in more clear language than >>15528564 >>15528572 so that you can be held to your words in the future rather than getting away with being a shit posting credential inventing idiot in new threads.

>> No.15528606

>so that you can be held to your words in the future
The same thing can be described in many different ways, the fact yourd trying to pin reality into a single metrix is WAAAAY the fuck beyond you kid.

Thats MY level of shit, Unidimensional Metric of Reality, you dont have a Unified Theory of Everything rolling around in your head...if you did you wouldnt be quoted saying something so amature as "just tell me the thing and one thing, not two or three or any of that".

Jeez...Number Theory would DESTROY you, as all the definitions of Everything in math is fucked with, you woukd be crying because "Ayy, thats not right".

The Professor would say "Shut up, you dont define reality, I do."

>> No.15528618

You don't define anything and you just proved it is idiotic to even try which is why you have degenerated into a babbling retard instead of saying anything meaningful.

>> No.15528619
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>You don't define anything
"What number theoretical assumptions are required."

If they dont exist, make them.

>> No.15528620

This "I" is unique representation your brain creates depicting you as interacting steuctural process. When your body "dies" the idea of "I" goes with it. There is no this "I" anymore. What is interesting to conaider is taking in account genetics which transfer to new ofspring. So while you may be decomposed, your deacendants live and you live trough them altho not as a whole.

>> No.15528621

You haven't made any number that you can present, all you have posted are words that contradict other words you have posted.

>> No.15528630

Because scientists have yet to see a baby say fuck this and crawl back in

>> No.15528634
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>You haven't made any number that you can present
How would you know?
Youre not a Mathematician.

Im not going to lecture an unruly student, you deserve beatings and time outs, not wisdom and wit.

Instead Im going to have a drink, go to sleep, and rest before my flight in 36 hours or whatever idfk...

>> No.15528642

Ah, yes, makes perfect sense now, alcoholic psychosis does explain your situation and delusions of grandeur quite elegantly.

>> No.15528664
File: 845 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170603_194900605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeeit...., kid.

>> No.15528676
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You drink? No wonder you sound so doopid. Fag.

>Reading your posts

>> No.15528685

Youre a small child compared to me and you havnt killed a lot of people so shut up kid.

Youre a clean boy from a good home.

>> No.15528800

I've had a NDE and also an ego death. Both very peaceful and I saw like a timeline of the past and future and multiple universes all at once. Pretty sure when I die I go to that place and I get to choose where I want to be in the multiverse.

>> No.15528809

maybe look for another board.
I have read many of your posts... and they are kinda stupid. maybe go out and watch a movie or something.

>> No.15528822

>I have read many of your posts
You read only what your retarded brain could translate and compute, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER.


----->POST<----- ------>THESIS<--------

>no Im smarter

Thats an automatic disqualification for "smarter than me", youre too stupid to even see me, you have an idiots version of a smart man as an idol in your mind; a relatable moron.