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15528268 No.15528268 [Reply] [Original]

whats the scientific explanation for how increased atmosphereic CO2 results in condiment shortages?

>> No.15528272
File: 2.41 MB, 406x720, 1687928305401.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just natural. The hotter it gets the more spices you need to make the food digestable.

>> No.15528278
File: 220 KB, 553x569, B1BD9E42-124B-4282-9190-AE4993EF3B10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you, white people!!!


>> No.15528297

$500 worth of food stamps

>> No.15529281

>oy vey muh goysauce!!!
>better give up my car and give all my money to greta and al gore!!
nice try soience

>> No.15529898
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nooo not my cocksauce!

>> No.15529937


>> No.15529975

Were these people born without tastebuds?

>> No.15530187

Not even Indian people are this bad.

>> No.15530202


>> No.15530430

"they" want us all to suffer with hunger, lack and austerity, in as many ways as possible.

simple as

>> No.15530451

increase atmospheric CO2 levels lead to increased global temperature, droughts wildfires and crop failures which all affect the veggies and spice that are used to make up your condiments
it hasn't reached a point where we will run out of things yet, but it will if nothing is done to improve the CO2 levels in the atmosphere

>> No.15530487

Didn't the Sriracha fad die about two years ago? I know it's been around for a long time but a few years ago hipsters discovered it, went nuts and wanted to get Sriracha everything to post on their social media accounts, and then moved on to the next thing.

>> No.15530501

Yeah, it really sucks that plants hate CO2 so much.

>> No.15530531

plants don't hate CO2, but if the atmosphere was pure CO2 plants will die like we will if the atmosphere was pure O2
CO2 raises the global temperature and reduces rain which fucks with the plants
this is an eco system that is existing with such a fragile balance, introducing a literal metric fuckton of CO2 will kill it

>> No.15530611

>but if the atmosphere was pure CO2
Actual it's a trace gas.

>> No.15530626

yes, that anon said that. Congrats on demonstrating your 3rd grade reading level, want to try EXPANDING on that and demonstrating a better reading ability? Or is this an "I ate breakfast yesterday" conversation?

>> No.15531086

you can name the jew here on 4chan. sometimes jannie will ban u for it tho

>> No.15531345

Why bother discussing a hypothetical which is physically impossible? Humans couldn't even in their wildest dreams introduce enough CO2 to unbalance an environment that evolved at 2000 ppm or higher.

>> No.15531376

Climate change will strangle the human population to acceptable levels sooner or late, so it's really a self correcting problem.

>> No.15531379

>but I ate breakfast yesterday

>> No.15531393

Eating or not eating breakfast is a hypothetical within the realm of human experience. What anon above is trying to tell you is that the hypotheticals employed by climate cultists are the deranged scrawlings of madmen and schizophrenics, and answering them is a waste of effort.

>> No.15532152

if you're so concerned about overpopulation and want a solution for it, then why aren't you committing suicide?

>> No.15533216

>oh no!!!
>not muh meme goyslop sauce!!!

>> No.15533459

Srirachi used to use an American pepper supplier that kept them well supplied, but a few years decided to fuck them over (and lost a lawsuit over it), and had to switch pepper suppliers. And of course they picked some incompetent Mexican farmers who promised cheap prices but couldn't deliver. And now Srirachi is trying to shuffle the blame for their own executive's poor purchasing decisions onto muh global warming.

>> No.15533894

It's better to let humanity figure everything out for themselves. Killing myself wont make people stop using fossil fuels, and will even delay the collapse. We need to get to the point where things get so bad that we simply no longer have the capacity to use fossil fuels, so accelerate away.

>> No.15534190

how hard is it to mix chilipeppers, garlic salt and sugar together and then cook it down a little. are zoomers really so lazy that they can't do that if their babby bottle of goyslop isn't available at the jewstore?

>> No.15534204

which brave white man would try this?

>> No.15534273

Same thing happened with sweet chilli sauce in the 90s then Periperi sauce in the 00s. Bunch of white middle class hipsters "discovering" some shitty hot sauce and all of a sudden its fucking everywhere, over hyped and over commercialized.

They've all moved on to Gochujang now except this time theres a bunch of gay Korean Americans all screaming about cultural appropriation like they ain't got a whole music industry based on black music.

>> No.15534287

Damn that looks good.

>> No.15534302

>muh fragile balance
life on earth survived disasters worse than a few ppm of co2

>> No.15535364

>CO2 raises the global temperature and reduces rain which fucks with the plants
false, first of all CO2 does not cause global warming, that experiment has already been pulled off, CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing for decades without any change in global temperatures, but if CO2 did cause global warming that would mean an overall increase in rain, due to an increased rate of evaporation. all of the places on the planet that have large annual rainfall totals are in warm regions

>> No.15535380

>did somehing happen?
>this is how its proof of racism, sexism, white supremacy, anti semitism, climate change, the militarization of the christian church and the rise of the fourth reich

>> No.15535954
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Wasn't it actually because the company making it had negotiations fall through in pricing along with some new factory failing to open on time?

>> No.15535961

Yes. They tried to outsource their pepper farming to foreign scabs instead of US farmers who expect to be paid fairly, and the foreigners couldn't meet demand.

>> No.15535989

Wait did they throw away everything to the trash and just eat the crab?

>> No.15536004

Kenan & Kel have gone too far this time

>> No.15536005

CO2 is what plants crave

>> No.15536444

it was all purchased with food stamps so they don't care.

>> No.15537285
File: 732 KB, 828x830, IMG_3225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiracha was made ILLEGAL here in Finland some time ago, you can only get weird knock off brand that tastes like shit

>> No.15537648

why is it illegal?

>> No.15538015

bro, you need me to ship you some illegal shriracha? I can package it inconspicuously, like put it in regular chili sauce bottles.

>> No.15538031

fwiw, shipping 22 kilos of sauce to you costs about 56 euros.

>> No.15538328

>black market condiments
time to get rich

>> No.15538347

I love globohomo now, time to reboot the V O C

>> No.15538646
File: 320 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_20230619_131202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's supposed to be illegal in all of EU I think because of some additive but only Finland is enforcing that shit as usual

>> No.15538806

Source? I can only find a previous-year article about a shortage because of a failed chili pepper harvest.
Oh, and this:
Banned because "too much natrium" - they put in too much table salt, LOL.

Ah, found it:
Sulfite. In one (1) brand of it. I doubt it's actually banned in Finland, just the one recipe of the one Chinese brand.
And sulfite is not illegal in the Netherlands (see E220 – E228), and... the one I got at the supahmahket has sodium benzoate and acetic acid, but not no sulfite.

>> No.15539761

they don't get food stamps

>> No.15540759

When a government bans something, thats just economic price supports for smugglers.

>> No.15541973

hopefully science wipes out all the goyslop industries

>> No.15543150

>try to find a cheaper mexican supplier
>the gamit to increase profits fails, the cheap mexicans were unable to deliver what they promised
>blame global warming in order to escape responsibility for bad business decision making

>> No.15543223

Suicide isn't the answer. We need genocide

>> No.15543300

It's a very common gambit. Many companies now do this to socialize their losses.

>> No.15544094

Back in the 1980s CIA was importing cocaine in order to fund central their central american wars at the same time the government was pouring fortunes into the DEA to prevent other smugglers from competing with the CIA

>> No.15544751

>CO2 does not cause global warming, that experiment has already been pulled off, CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing for decades without any change in global temperatures

>> No.15544838

That is 100% wrong. The only reasonable solution is to mutilate and burn alive Bill Gates. Is all his fault and therefore he must pay with his life so we can prevent future condiment shortages.

>> No.15544843

True and real. That is why the organized crime in eastern Europe made billions in the black market thanks to NATO warmongering.

>> No.15545469

>eating shitskin food

>> No.15545578

Thes niggaz are going to be on dialysis before the turn forty fasho fasho

>> No.15545598

Not like it was edible anyway.

>> No.15546344

the medical industry will make a fortune off them that way

>> No.15546357

I don't know it's fucking hot as balls

>> No.15546580

This might be the coldest summer I've seen.

>> No.15546844
File: 208 KB, 1100x700, cfsr_world_t2_day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively false

>> No.15546846


>> No.15547420

last year was the coldest spring ever recorded in my neck of the woods, stayed cold until the start of july, this year was the opposite, warm sunny weather started in early may.

>> No.15548780

azn food is for bugmen, any westerner who eats it is a cuck and a traitor

>> No.15549403

this, also it all loaded with s o y and turns you into a faggot

>> No.15550470

global warming is now the universal scapegoat, i wonder if the irs will accept global warming as an excuse for nonpayment of income tax?

>> No.15551491

global warming made that titanic sub implode
global warming brought cocaine into the white house
global warming did 9/11 and the holocaust

>> No.15552047

>minor logistics problem
The absolute state of journalism.

>> No.15552868

chink food need sauces and seasoning to disguise the fact that its disgusting slop

>> No.15554311
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks might eat dogs, but at least they don't fuck them like the scientists do

>> No.15554319

Yesterday I was cataloging my normiecon meme folder from January 2021, the only meme still salient is this black Greta meme

>> No.15555221
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>> No.15555227

Do you have the one with her holding up a sign about coalburning?

>> No.15555299
File: 174 KB, 1125x1431, greta fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but i have these

>> No.15556267
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>> No.15556953

This. If you use any seasoning, then you're not white.

>> No.15556974

Everything except the orange and lemon juices are normal for a typical crawfish or crab boil. Gotta be honest, never seen the orange juice thing before. I would think that it would ruin it.

>> No.15557262

I had a 36oz prime rib with endive from my garden for dinner tonight, it didn't need anything except a little salt to be perfectly delicious. The endive marinated in the steak juice was crunchy & fantastic.

>> No.15558021

Greta confirmed for trans

>> No.15559467

those two had great chemistry

>> No.15559576
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>> No.15559890
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>increased global temperature, droughts
This doesn't make sense anon.

>> No.15560045


>> No.15560577

eschatology has never made sense, eschatology is purely emotional

>> No.15561312


>> No.15561351

Life on earth has survived far worse conditions than excess CO2 emissions from human activity. Btw, our output can be instantly dwarfed by a single super volcano or a flood basalt eruption, which happened many times in the earth's long history.

>> No.15562132

>But it’s not just heat’s invisibility and inequity that make it hard to cover. Research suggests that humans are able to adjust to new weather extremes in just a couple of years. Back in 2016, when I was working my first climate-related job at a communications nonprofit, one of my first tasks was helping to prepare a press package around NOAA’s announcement that 2016 (another El Niño year) was set to be Earth’s hottest year since records began in 1880. Every year since then has stayed within the top eight hottest years on record, not to mention seemingly endless announcements about smaller monthly, weekly, daily, or seasonal records. The heat alarm has been sounding so loudly for the past few years that it’s easy to tune it out—even the particularly loud alarms of the past few weeks.
>Perhaps that’s something that viewers and readers should take responsibility for: that the media is partially reflecting our own inability to fully panic about something that’s truly becoming the new normal. The world is going to keep breaking records, and what worries me is that we’re all used to it already—that our reaction is to shrug, turn off the TV, crank up the AC, and go about our lives.

TL;DR: People getting used to increasing temperatures (if they are even increasing) is actually...BAD. The media not talking about it, due to there being nothing to talk about, is ALSO BAD!

>> No.15562142

/ck/ professional here
this crab boil was legit ya'll don't know what you're talking about

>> No.15562337

Negro detected
Opinion rejected

>> No.15563693

You're wrong, crab is good enough on its own that there is no good reason to turn it into goyslop. I boil mine in seawater for about 10 minutes

>> No.15563706

>raises the global temperature and reduces rain which fucks with the plants
Literally how? That would increase evaporation. Where the fuck do you think the rain would go once it evaporates?

>> No.15564793

this "muh fragile balance" is just a tv catchphrase, when someone uses it, they are tipping off where they learned everything they know about nature from

>> No.15565808

nature's fragile balance is a danger or our democracy

>> No.15567487

>worse conditions than excess CO2
Nature thrives at higher CO2 levels, the low CO2 levels of the past few million years is the worst that life on Earth has ever suffered

>> No.15568189

correlation doesn't equal causation

>> No.15569245
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They're also tipping off that they're highly suggestible people who can easily be manipulated by the TV or other media sources

>> No.15570496

This, it is retarded that people who call themselves environmentalists don't want to see nature thriving at higher CO2 levels

>> No.15570509

The shortage has NOTHING to do with climate, the company is literally screwing over the pepper farmers.
Fucking moron.

>> No.15571465

>The shortage has NOTHING to do with climate
of course it doesn't
global warming is fake

>> No.15571607
File: 43 KB, 433x270, C1D5F513-AD1F-4C91-B97B-2E23159057D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer white food

White Creole
White Cajun

>> No.15572647

i had andouille and butter beans for dinner

>> No.15573716


>> No.15574851
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>> No.15576051

who says they don't?

>> No.15576481

Glad to see UN food aid hasn't gone to waste.

>> No.15576492

Why do climate alarmists like yourself not consider ways other than reducing CO2 to combat the affects of climate change?

> increased global temperature
build dams
cut the trees down
>crop failures
use irrigation

See how easy that was? Don't even need government control for those!
Ah, but that's the problem isn't it? If there's no need government interference people like you can't wander about with a clipboard and high-viz jacket ordering the serfs about like a kapo.

>> No.15576493
File: 28 KB, 660x417, CO2 past.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good things CO2 won't rise much above what it was in the devonian then.

>> No.15576498

>reduces rain
more heat = more water vapor, dunno what dictates rainfail zones tho
>eco system that is existing with such a fragile balance
Don't care, farms is all we need. If we find an animal has a use to us, we'll keep it around.

Please try again alarmist sheep.

>> No.15577324

they don't care about nature, their feigned concern is just a disguise for their true motivations

>> No.15578388
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>> No.15579109

There isn't enough carbon on this planet to push the CO2 level high enough to cause real trouble

>> No.15579161

I've seen the predictions, and we passed that point many decades ago. There's basically no point reducing emissions now as the coming warming will be so great that massive ecological collapse is inevitable and that will do the job for us when most of the earth's population dies.

The current climate change zeitgeist is that catastrophic warming is inevitable within 50 years even if emissions stop tomorrow, so the focus should be on surviving on the sterile dust ball earth (or escaping it) rather than trying to close the gate after the horse has bolted with CO2 emissions.

>> No.15580247
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>> No.15580261

I hope global warming is real so all the liberal pseuds on the coastal cities get drowned.

>> No.15581144
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that would be primo, but you're better off hoping for a tsunami to pull off that trick

>> No.15581146

>le sterilized earth
>just completely ignore all the times it got way fucking hotter and had way fucking more CO2 than now

>> No.15581148


>> No.15582429

>global warming makes goyslop go extinct

>> No.15583417

Haven't even seen mid 90s yet where I'm at, we had triple digit temps two years ago.

>> No.15583476

>Where the fuck do you think the rain would go once it evaporates?
people who believe in global warming are low iq, they don't think

>> No.15585113
