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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15526094 No.15526094 [Reply] [Original]

Yes it's genuine, they are not faking it.

>> No.15526098

well no i know you blame me for doing it.

>> No.15526126

Because photons are a wave, not a ball going in a straight line. Light bounces off the ball to the mirror and then into your eyes.

>> No.15526258
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>> No.15526285

because mirrors are portals to the anti-universe where everything is opposite

>> No.15526298

Does that mean they have a good 4chan with an intelligent /sci/?

>> No.15526319

decades of intentional policy to destroy the thinking ability of americans

>> No.15526454

Did your school only teach you to blame Americans every day or were you too "smart" to enter a school?

>> No.15526490

Probably wouldn't be able to actually explain the phenomenon if they seriously had to

>> No.15526493

the phenomenon is people thinking mirrors exist as agents that see.

>> No.15526498
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Behold, the answer!

>> No.15526550
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you can't trick me mirror man

>> No.15526561

>the mirror
this is the worst part

>> No.15526564
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you all pretend to be smart, but I bet you can't answer easily, why are your hands the wrong side on the mirror but your head is still up and not down?

>> No.15526579


Note how someone ALWAYS writes the verb "bounce".

>> No.15526585

Man, dysgenics will really screw us all over.
I knew the average idiot is batshit retarded, but I don't think I ever truly, viscerally realized just what "batshit retarded" means.

How do these troglodytes even breathe?

>> No.15526586

Wrong: it's genetic. Dumber people have been outreproducing the smarter ones since the middle of the 19th century.

>> No.15526588

Get a good look in the mirror and glance the idiot before you.

>> No.15526589
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answer: not found

>> No.15526590

i wanna know what they expected to see there

>> No.15526591

Automatically. If they for a second question it and switch to manually breathing they'd panic and pass out.

>> No.15526601

>the point

>your head

If you were smart you'd realize that I already answered by insulting you: the answer isn't the mirror. It's you. The image in the mirror is a projection, it does not invert anything. Just like you're projecting your own imbecility unto others.

>> No.15526606

What I was asking is, why the hell aren't we killing them all? We should. There's that conspiracy theory that the elites want to depopulate the planet. If there's any agency reading my posts, sign me up. There are way too many stupid people on this planet.

>> No.15526611

>why the hell aren't we killing them all?
A. Lose of cattle/votes/labor
B. Way too easy for manipulation
C. "We" is not a unified collective
D. Morality

>> No.15526614

>wastes his time being enraged about retards on tiktok who succesfully farm his attention
>thinks he's smart and superior
You're just an inch above the mouthbreathers

>> No.15526638

Wait to see how they react to AIs.

>> No.15526654

Hey, guilty as charged. The dumbos truly were the geniuses all along. Long live dysgenics.

>> No.15526675

It's a funny social phenomenon.
If this got posted on 4chan, you would instantly assume it's bait.
But if it's posted on [other site] in this case TikTok, you assume that they are actually retarded and don't understand how mirrors work

>> No.15526677

Because people here act stupid on purpose to be funny or bait. On other sites, people treat it like business or real life.

>> No.15526679

><[SA]HatfulOfHollow> i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet

>> No.15526686

mirrors how do they work ?

>> No.15526721

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.15526726

> just look at it
> it's obvious

nice "science" there ..chud

>> No.15526727
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>The image in the mirror is a projection, it does not invert anything
in inverts left to right you stupid fuck.
the question is why does it not invert also up and down.

>> No.15527011

This isnt a real explanation, its just a trick that lust "mirrors" anything in front of the mirror. Of course it makes sense but WITHOUT THE PAPER!
Care to explain why the mirror would mirror any light from the egg when its blocked by a paper? No, you cant, so all you do is act smug as if you know better

>> No.15527105

that's not all mirrors. when i look at my reflection in a silver spoon, i am upside down. therefore, it has something to do with the curvature of the reflective surface.

>> No.15527107

you're literally too stupid to understand how stupid you are

>> No.15527524

>mirrors have eyes
impossible to explain to self centred degenerates how things work

>> No.15527555

ok but nobody itt has actually explained why doe

>> No.15527558

because as you well know, trying to formulate an explanation of mirrors that a person too stupid to understand them intuitively would understand is an impossible task.

>> No.15527559

There is nothing to explain
You just have a reflective surface

>> No.15527592

i don't know anything about optics but i guess that objects have a reflective property driven from photons projection that are "captured" during the reflection process, so it doesn't matter if you place an object behind another solid object they both release photons that are interpret in our eye/brain.
i barley learned physics so this explanation is purely intuitive and probably wrong but it makes sense to me