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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 524 KB, 811x681, Screenshot 2023-06-26 210102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15526016 No.15526016 [Reply] [Original]

Which humans are responsible for anthropogenic global tilting? Agriculture? Mining? China's economy is down so we need to pick an industry to regulate to death.

>> No.15526021

Sorry, I was me, my benis is too big.
*moves benis to the left*


>> No.15526022

Does it matter? We totally fucked this planet lol, just enjoy the hell we're about to experience.

>> No.15526035

This is so fucking stupid

>> No.15526037

Is this going to be their excuse for the pole flip?

>> No.15526045

low effort news headline bait thread

>> No.15526067

>"it's bait!" he coped, as global axial tilt increased

I just want somebody to sciencepill me on this new armageddon. Heres the damn article https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/26/world/pumping-groundwater-earth-axis-shifting-scn/index.html

>> No.15526080

As a species, we really do have the power to effect the planet. We have disrupted and changed many natural rivers and flood plains and shape things to benefit us. We should consider the things we change and how it might affect some processes in nature. Sometimes things can be affected that we couldn't predict.

>> No.15526084

Any amount of mass that moves up would cause this. Mining? Dams? Skyscrapers?

>> No.15526086

Narcissistic savior complex.

>> No.15526090

ok so just pump it back in afterwards, or pump it from the other side of the earth into that side? problem solved
i thought his was supposed to be /science/ and full of smart people

>> No.15526115

I don't understand why people are trying to turn this into some new conspiracy.

It makes perfect sense in terms of conservation of momentum, and I think shifting the tilt by .000001% does fuck all

>> No.15526117
File: 481 KB, 828x766, GretaCommie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Think of the little sea owls!

Pay more taxes will fix it!

>> No.15526119

>the power to effect the planet
affect anon, affect.
Tell your zoomer programmers that your English code needs updating to fix the grammar.

>> No.15526125

When will nature pay us for these improvements? Ungrateful little shit.

>> No.15526145

Nature is paying you back by giving you the most productive growing seasons in history.

>> No.15526160
File: 129 KB, 1060x818, WEF goo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If humans would release more of that trapped CO2, we could feed everyone and have plenty left over.

But noooooo the rich 1% elite want everyone to starve and are working at reducing CO2 so that crop failures and famine become common.

>> No.15526184

I do not believe so. Are you implying an exaggerated sense of importance by saying that humans have the ability to impact nature? We do, and with enough research you will find examples of this. I do not have a need to be a hero. Only speaking in general terms about the subject. Although I get the feeling this topic has a political motive I was not aware of. I have seen people react how you did regarding the climate change stuff. I like to avoid politics. I do not have a feeling a feeling of superiority in the way the stereotype exists about leftists who want power to control things do to global warming and feel their self better than others for doing so. I just saw this thread and threw in a comment, now i am going to bed after posting this one.
My programmers are well past their 20s. I feel that my typos seperate me from other ai and make it harder to detect. So many zoomers use chat bots to copy past their posts and college essays, and my bad grammer makes it clear that a human, a stupid human made them.
Not sure

>> No.15526214

Why is food more expensive than ever?

>> No.15526325 [DELETED] 

Because someone keeps blowing up food distribution warehouses and derailing trains.

>> No.15526363

It's an AI spam thread.

>> No.15526670
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 1681766886175305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15526700

finally australia will be on top of the world