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15524779 No.15524779 [Reply] [Original]

Well maybe this vaccine stuff is getting out of hand.

>> No.15524785
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First and foremost all patents and copyrights must be declared null, void, and illegal.
Second all those CEOs involved in creating that poison, all of them need to be hanged, shoot, or whatever ends their lives.

>> No.15524786

will antivaxxers still stay antivaxxers once we have vaccines that can prevent cancers?

>> No.15524787

surely they'll realize their stance is irrational by then right? right?

>> No.15524789

That shit would only cause cancer you stupid moron.

>> No.15524791

If I weren't lazy, I'd dig up articles from the 1980s that researchers are just a few years away from curing cancer. The only difference is the definition of vaccine was different back then so no one thought of using that angle as a "cure".

>> No.15524794
File: 51 KB, 800x457, once we have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once we have
How many more weeks?

>> No.15524800

haven't you read the article OP posted

>The next big advance in cancer treatment could be a vaccine.
>After decades of limited success, scientists say research has reached a turning point, with many predicting more vaccines will be out in five years.
>These aren’t traditional vaccines that prevent disease, but shots to shrink tumors and stop cancer from coming back. Targets for these experimental treatments include breast and lung cancer, with gains reported this year for deadly skin cancer melanoma and pancreatic cancer.

>> No.15524805

I hope so, we need far less of these retards.

>> No.15524810

This is further proof of how conspiracytards simply need to be shot in the head
>mister anon, we have been working for decades on a vaccine for cancer, we expect one to come out in the next few years

>> No.15524811

cancer vax with give you turbocancer (but there will be a vaccine for that!)


>> No.15524817

so true

>> No.15524843

this contradicts the provax climate change issue, more people more pollution.
does the "science" cult even care about anything but themselves?

>> No.15524848

pathetic bait

>> No.15524916

You do realize that there are more than two people on Earth, right?

>> No.15525076

Getting autism instead of cancer isn't a big win, you know.

>> No.15525106

nice bait

>> No.15525110

LMAO, that is just trash tier propaganda. No corporation can be trusted, all patents and copyrights must be abolished.

>> No.15525114
File: 21 KB, 448x603, cypyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your daily covid booster and cut your penis, is good for you!

>> No.15525179

why is it always retarded vaccines and never an actual cure?

>> No.15525201

Bait aside, one is fatal, the other is not. That's a win in my book.

>> No.15525222

Because the real causes and cures were invented decades ago but were hushed up

>> No.15525526

>can "cure cancer"
>still can't cure even hemorrhoids without surgery

>> No.15525630

>you didn't listen to the salespitch!?!?

>> No.15525658

I would rather see autism cured before cancer. Autists can be dangerous. Cancer people just lie there and die.

>> No.15525711

Will you take the shots the moment they're released without thinking to wait 10 years to see if they work as intended?

>> No.15525733

>hey goy, i've got a ""vaccine"" for a disease you may never get and if you do get it, it won't be for 50 years.
>pay me for it now

then 50 years later maybe you get cancer or you don't, unless you were already killed by something in the vaccine

>> No.15526174
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>will antivaxxers still stay antivaxxers once we have vaccines that can prevent cancers?
The governments and big pharma will never allow that to happen.

There are already cures for cancers, but they were suppressed.

They can make $100,000 off a sick person with it, but it would be a hard sell to charge people $100,000 to cure their cancers, since many couldn't afford it.
Bad PR/image to charge so much for a life-saving drug, and people would revolt if they did.

>> No.15526177

>Stop eating carbs and heated foods
Boom, cancer does not happen save for the cases which are caused by chemical poisoning