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File: 88 KB, 1000x500, paY7cPyn4RJr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15523927 No.15523927 [Reply] [Original]


How much longer before the next ice age?

>> No.15523989

Not for awhile since the planet is warming

>> No.15524102
File: 101 KB, 1030x727, XHCmKSiTELWG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it isn't

>> No.15524105
File: 244 KB, 2749x1128, global cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're headed for an ice age, they're supposed to kick in pretty quick

>> No.15524482

its due soon according to what the scientists say

>> No.15525253

they've been saying that since the 1960s tho

>> No.15525258

Thank god. I love snow. I wish winter is year all around. I’m glad my children’s children will see my dream come true. I love snow

>> No.15525585
File: 522 KB, 1274x683, climate-citation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize this is a temperature anomaly *from yearly average* right?
>The normal values for each month are then subtracted from each monthly temperature average to create anomalies or departures from normal that can be compared between networks over time.

>Normals were computed using a base period of 1981–2010 to maximize the number of stations from the RAWS and SNOTEL networks, which expanded markedly during the period. If a station had a complete record in the base period, then the normals were simply averages of the 30 monthly values.

I thought it was funny that the data set doesn't mention climate change, but this graph has absolutely nothing to do with increasing annual temperatures. All they did was take the monthly average temperatures and subtract off the yearly average temperature, which doesn't say anything about climate change. What you get will be a graph which is, by definition, centered around 0. Pic related is from the citation the NOAA site is based on, and "version 2" is the citation's version of estimating seasonal warming.

Basically if you look at any of this for a second denier's argument's fall through, that graph doesn't say what you think it says.

>> No.15525596

We are just coming out of one

>> No.15525606

Scratch that, it's monthly deviation from "30 month temperature average". Which if you look at this >>15524102 graph, you have to add up all the monthly temperature deviations and you'll get the warming/cooling, and when they did this it clearly, hands down, showed warming. You can clearly see there are more months with positive temperature deviations than months with negative.

>> No.15525747
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1682051594888191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts climate study at end of little ice age in order to give the false impression that the global warming narrative isn't a blatant lie
why is the environmental messiah complex crowd so dishonest? they're giving science an even worse reputation than it already has.

>> No.15525789
File: 127 KB, 1058x794, interglacials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, out of the interglacial right into the scheduled 100,000 years of cold.

>> No.15525926
File: 74 KB, 637x641, 2RcAVk8P1TSm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15526303
File: 330 KB, 1350x976, pnas.1012231108fig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice ages aren't that cold, its not like the whole planet freezes over, its only like 5-10ºC colder than it is now. Seems pretty comfortable to me. Plus theres the added benefit of deserts springing back to life, the Sahara has a whole system of unnamed rivers buried beneath the sands, the old greek myth of Phaethon was created to explain why the formerly bountiful Saharan plains became desert, in the next ice age the Sahara will spring back to life.

>> No.15526344

Let me guess
2 more weeks

>> No.15526347

Do you even have an inkling what will happen if temperatures drop?
Crops would die out
There will be no food

>> No.15526367

We should do something to make sure the planet stays warm.

>> No.15526408

yeah, like start a fire or something

>> No.15526573
File: 185 KB, 1113x552, 223131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ice ages aren't that cold, its not like the whole planet freezes over, its only like 5-10ºC colder than it is now. Seems pretty comfortable to me
You don't know what you're talking about. Take a look at the current interglacial temeprature fluctuations. On the left graph the part circled out is current "warm" period, and to the left of it the ice age. The right graph is the red circle magnified, and within there are fluctuations that are not even 1/10 the temperature drop of the ice age on the left, that nevertheless contributed to Bronze Age Collapse (1), collapse of the Roman Empire (2), Medieval Dark Ages (3), and Little Ice Age (4). Each one of those had global food shortages, plagues, massive human migrations, wars, huge population drop and collapse of prominent civilizations.

>> No.15527163 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no the world is coming to an end!!!
why is it that no matter what happens, there is always some faggot soientist who is screeching that its the end of the world and that you need to give them all your money in order save humanity?

>> No.15528032

>Each one of those had global food shortages, plagues, massive human migrations, wars, huge population drop and collapse of prominent civilizations.
you fags say the same thing about your gay global warming lie
>if anything changes even slightly everyone is gooonnaaaa die!!!!
you are mentally ill
theres a wikipedia page about out
plus who gives a crap if all the lowest iq idiots die, its good for the species

>> No.15528317

hopefully, i like cold weather.

>> No.15528358

was due to come in 25k years, but with global warming that won't happen.
50k years at the earliest

>> No.15528388

Crops die out in one zone
Become able to grow in another

>> No.15528394

I hope so. We need to extend the interglacial period as long as possible for the good of the planet.

>> No.15528499

no, i want canada covered in a mile thick ice sheet
fuck leafs

>> No.15529350

>Canadian refugees everywhere
If you hate leafs when they're already remotely located from you, you'll only hate then more when they're living in a refugee camp in your neighborhood

>> No.15529973

>omg were all gonna died from a 5ºC temperature drop.
get a load of this effeminate hysteric

>> No.15530148

>the sahara is going to become fertile again, thats why everyone is certain to starve
yep, climate morons are very stupid

>> No.15530151

actually sahara will get fertile again when it gets hotter.
the dry seasons will oc be even worse, but the monsoons will start to reach more north than before, which will be enough to start collecting water in the area.

>> No.15531024

>reflexive contrarianism

>> No.15532162

this, people are already comfortable living in places like alaska, russia & scandinavia during the winter, so an ice age will be just fine

>> No.15532364

When would you start the data?

>> No.15533155

>no temperature increase over 2 decades regardless a 15% increase in CO2 over the same period
looks like CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, if it were then the temperature would be going up

>> No.15533164

>I turned on my stove and the temperature didn't increase within 2 seconds, I suppose it's useless for heating stuff

>> No.15533299

So... the temperature increase is negligibly slow compared to its reuptake?

>> No.15534224

how does that work? how do co2 levels in the atmosphere go up for decades without any measurable increase in average temperature over the same period? do the photos reemitted by co2 travel much, much slower than the speed of light? let me guess, they move at the same speed sea level is rising at

>> No.15535250
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because global warming is fake

>> No.15536509

>looks like CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, if it were then the temperature would be going up

>> No.15537580

gas stoves are destroying the environment

>> No.15537587

They move in political cycles.

>> No.15537600

The official narative is that humans producing co2 is driving anthropogenic global warming
they claim this using the unknowable variable "radiative forcing"

>> No.15538539

>Each one of those had global food shortages,
they didn't have cheap plastic greenhouses, electricity and grow lamps
>massive human migrations, wars,
we already have that
>huge population drop
killing off the weaklings will be a nice reversal from creeping dysgenics
>and collapse of prominent civilizations.
none of the current civilizations are any good

>> No.15539583

>radiative forcing
soience newspeak

>> No.15539589

i wish you people atleast get paid by oil corporations like ben shapiro does, but you don't
you are retarded for free

>> No.15539594
File: 56 KB, 620x531, 187923789123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you people really not notice the temperature increase? also the global average has increased by a few degrees

>> No.15539648
File: 452 KB, 1042x816, Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 2.43.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the directly measured radiative forcing?

>> No.15540620
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats why you have to give me all of your money and do everything i say

>> No.15540625
File: 275 KB, 837x744, Pepe_Voice_Of_Reason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much longer before the next ice age?

Next? We are in an ice age now.

>> No.15540630

>do you people really not notice the temperature increase?

>> No.15541875

Are we? I didn't notice since the weather hasn't changed even slightly in the past 70 years

>> No.15542962

The "scientists" wouldn't need to tell lies to make global warming seem real if it were genuinely real

>> No.15542964

If there are ice caps, we're in a glacial period.

>> No.15542968

>Cincinnati mentioned in the same breath as NYC with equivalent importance
Ohiobros, how do we return to our golden age of relevance?

>> No.15542983

and for about 2000 years from (that) religion. humans coomed to doom porn since we started walking upright.

>> No.15542985

Why is the science man accelerating us toward the end?

>> No.15542986

Christians are too smart to believe in nonsense like global climate whateverism.

>> No.15542988

OP's picrel anon.

>> No.15542989

The one of the scientist pushing the clock so it runs out of time faster?

>> No.15542991

Schizophrenics like that homeless man are usually Buddhist.

>> No.15542992

for fucks sake I was talking about doom porn. each religion has its reasons, including sains. indeed it could be argued that sains ones are more probable than religious ones.

>> No.15542993

How are they more probable if soientits need to lie about them constantly?

>> No.15542996
File: 115 KB, 359x200, 238976492362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well for starters they kinda make some sense. I'm not on the whole climatechange hype. could be tho. but I wouldn't bet on picrel

>> No.15542999

meant for >>15542993

>> No.15543560

>readings from 1880s
hard pass

>> No.15544007

why does a scientist do anything?
cause they're paid to

>> No.15544736

paranoid schizo

>> No.15544959

bring on the ice age

>> No.15545197

Nah I'd prefer it if we had another climatic optimum, like the world did in the Medieval Warm Period or Roman Warm Period.

>> No.15545206
