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File: 35 KB, 285x380, ist2_3411362-professor-with-bushy-moustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1552324 No.1552324 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the greatest scientist alive today?

Since Norman Ernest Borlaug died late last year, I'm not sure who to pick myself.

>> No.1552328
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>> No.1552330


>> No.1552337
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>> No.1552341
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>trolls detected

>> No.1552342


>> No.1552343
File: 13 KB, 250x310, Michio Kaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1552346
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>> No.1552349
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>> No.1552351
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>> No.1552354
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>> No.1552356

glenn beck

>> No.1552357
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>> No.1552359

who is this guy, and why should i care?

>> No.1552361
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>> No.1552363
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>> No.1552364

because he's one of the worlds greatest physicists (alive), and a leading theoretical physicist.

>> No.1552366
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>> No.1552367


>> No.1552369
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>> No.1552370
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>> No.1552371

Aren't physicists scientists too?

>> No.1552376
File: 31 KB, 595x325, 3669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got my phd from harvard, on a full scholarship.

don't you backsass me boy.

>> No.1552380
File: 56 KB, 500x339, 500x_0730_algore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats goin on here guyz?

>> No.1552381

if they're good at it maybe, not shitty ones like Dr. Popscience asian retard

>> No.1552382

Michio Kaku, worlds greatest physicist/scientist (currently), but he dumbs his shit down into layman terms, so that even retards can understand science/physics/etc., so he loses credibility as a scientist and should not be spoken of.

>> No.1552384
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you're a faggot politician

get the fuck out

>> No.1552386
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>> No.1552387

I vote for Dawkins.

>> No.1552389
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and what's wrong with that?

Sagan and Tyson do the same shit.
he inspires people all over the world into becoming interested in this field of study.

>> No.1552390
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>> No.1552391

no, he inspires retards to sell fake products because "quantum mechanics dun it"

>> No.1552394

I lol'd

>> No.1552395

Who is better,

Jim Al-Khalililili or Michio Kakukuku?

>> No.1552396
File: 5 KB, 171x240, MichioKaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you're stupid and know nothing of my work and contributions

>> No.1552399

It casualizes and mainstreams science so that even a redneck can get interested in and pursue a degree without any intellect or foresight in understand the real shit, completely ignoring all the math and figures that goes into learning science itself, and just spouts and spreads them to other retards who'll only understand the bare principles instead of the actual science.

>> No.1552403



>> No.1552406
File: 15 KB, 380x253, 0612-alvin-green-curious-story.jpg_full_380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Another thing we can do for jobs is make toys of me, especially for the holidays. Little dolls. Me. Like maybe little action dolls. Me in an army uniform, air force uniform, and me in my suit. They can make toys of me and my vehicle, especially for the holidays and Christmas for the kids. That’s something that would create jobs."

>> No.1552408
File: 96 KB, 333x500, 3029241156_b0078efaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you would rather have the average person NOT interested in physics what so ever?

most people don't even know what the fuck quantum mechanics study.

and you never know, it could cause these red necks to decide to take a class or two on physics, maybe even pursue a degree.

>> No.1552414


>> No.1552417

This thread has successfully been Kakufied.

>> No.1552421

LOL. STFU. Michio Kaku has discovered literally nothing. Being a TV presenter doesn't make you a great physicist. If you want great physicists, you might want to start with the nobel laureates in physics, as they've all discovered something significant.

Gell-Mann is on that list discovering the fucking quark. And he is still alive. So he's the best candidate I can think of.

>> No.1552422


>Michio Kakukuku

Oh God, I lol'd.

>> No.1552426

Michio Poopoo

>> No.1552427

It's people like you that make people suspicious of science. I'd rather have people occationally getting it wrong than people not understanding shit.

>> No.1552429
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>> No.1552432

But they are common man, retards, and will only dumb down science so that even some random douche will be credited by his peers for talking about the bare basics of string theory he learned from a documentary, instead of actual people that actually spent years to understand all they could about science. Those people, the latter, should credited and given recognition for their efforts, not common people that know nothing about science other than what they heard from a tv show. You're taking away credibility and rewards from real scientists.

>> No.1552439

>underageb& detected

also, he has contributed quite a bit to the superstring theory.

and he popularizes science amazingly with making people all over america interested in the things he's saying.

>> No.1552447

I think it's great that people like Kaku and Cox go into the field of popularizing physics. But they are now publicists, not scientists. Much less are the THE GREATEST scientists. Neither having a recognizable face, nor popularizing science makes you a good scientists.

>> No.1552450

you're retarded, honestly.

how is some random person who pursues some knowledge & interest in this field take away any credibility from someone who is actually contributing to it?

>> No.1552462
File: 74 KB, 333x500, 3514379299_68e910de31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I'm Timmy the cook and I think you're a stupid redneck if you cook your own food. You shouldn't be allowed to create recipes and share them online, because you are taking credibility away from the real cooks who have taken years out of their lives to learn how to create proper meals!

You dumb down cooking with your inferior use of pots and pans, and poor taste!

>> No.1552466

I guess they just keep FORGETTING to give him his nobel prize for his awesome contributions. Popularizing science is not science.

By your logic Zahi Hawass is the world's greatest mummy, because he popularizes mummies.

>> No.1552469

Because they get credited with for their scientific knowledge, instead of the person who actually contributes (who deserves the credit and not the common man). The contributors never get anything, only the people who express their knowledge do. This is why popular science is the death of science, it allows just anyone to get into it and spread knowledge, which in turn falsifies it.

>> No.1552472

>implying thats not completely true

>> No.1552475
File: 21 KB, 445x465, Murray_Gell-Mann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Murray Gell-Mann, and I am the last of the great living physicists.

>> No.1552481

This guy is just nuts. Stop arguing with him.

>> No.1552485

So you're completely fine with people being uneducated? You want people to stay uneducated and only let a limited few pursue their degrees/educate themselves in science?

>> No.1552491


Every fucking documentary out there by these popularizers are about strides revolutions and triumphs in earlier ages.

In fact so few of them are about up-to-date science, that even those that were made in the seventies are still watchable. They celebrate their field, not individuals.

>> No.1552493

At least those few actually deserve it, and not just your common retard.

>> No.1552494
File: 24 KB, 420x525, 64831_EpicWin_Epic_Wins-s420x525-48785-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1552499

Like it means shit that you get to study physics in to Harvard

>> No.1552503

These are the greatest living physics. They are the living winners of non-shared nobel prizes in physics.

1992 Georges Charpak "for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber"
1991 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes "for discovering that methods developed for studying order phenomena in simple systems can be generalized to more complex forms of matter, in particular to liquid crystals and polymers"
1985 Klaus Von Klitzing "for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect"
1982 Kenneth G. Wilson "for his theory for critical phenomena in connection with phase transitions"
1969 Murray Gell-Mann "for his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions"
1967 Hans Albrecht Bethe "for his contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars"

full list: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/

>> No.1552510
File: 48 KB, 616x480, stephen-hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about I fuck your gook shit nigga,

Its the fucking hawkinator in the house

>> No.1552512
File: 91 KB, 600x432, gallery-scscandals1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when Alvin made a cameo in this thread

>> No.1552516

He's a popscientist too, therefore loses just as amount of credibility.

>> No.1552521

Hawking at least made a very significant contribution to physics, unlike kakuku.

>> No.1552524


>sits in a fucking wheelchair doing entropy sums all day
>needs 3 bitches to hold his dick while he pisses

Cool Story Bro Inc.

>> No.1552543

He, like Kaku, dumbs his shit down for the retards to understand, thus is a popscientist.

>> No.1552554


So your only criteria for greatness is winning a non-shared Nobel prize?

That's like saying Titanic is the best movie ever made because it won 11 Oscars.

>> No.1552580

>So your only criteria for greatness is winning a non-shared Nobel prize?

>That's like saying Titanic is the best movie ever made because it won 11 Oscars.

No it isn't. Nobel prizes in physics are given for actual significant contributions to physics.

>> No.1552595

Correct win.

>> No.1552597

Wasn't Michio Kaku the one who fleshed out string theory to what it is now? Or at least the one who could interpret and understand what Einstein was trying to get at with it, and produced the version that many scientists are continuing to develop?

>> No.1552598

Tesla never won a nobel prize.

By your logic he contributed nothing in the field of physics and sciences.

>> No.1552602


but no one really knows for sure what einstein was trying to get at.

string theory attempts to unify QM and GR

>> No.1552615

Einstein was trying to get at theory for everything.

>> No.1552732

Tesla was not a physicist. He was an inventor. He discovered a lot of cool ways to use electricity, but he contributed nothing to physics.

>> No.1552734

moving electrons aren't considered physics?


>> No.1552735


Because that's better than not understanding anything at all. Something tells me that you were abused and mistreated as a child... or adult. Care to talk about it?

>> No.1552740

Michio Kaku

>> No.1552748


he's already been told.

>> No.1552753

He did some important research in string theory and supersymmetry, in the early stages of those fields. Not to diminish his contributions, but there were a lot of other people who's names neither of us know offhand who did similar work. We just know kaku because he's on tv.

>> No.1552768

Are you retarded?

>> No.1552797

The field of electricity:

* Electric charge – a property of some subatomic particles, which determines their electromagnetic interactions. Electrically charged matter is influenced by, and produces, electromagnetic fields.
* Electric current – a movement or flow of electrically charged particles, typically measured in amperes.
* Electric field – an influence produced by an electric charge on other charges in its vicinity.
* Electric potential – the capacity of an electric field to do work on an electric charge, typically measured in volts.
* Electromagnetism – a fundamental interaction between the magnetic field and the presence and motion of an electric charge.

Name me one of those that don't fall under physics niggercunt bitch faggot cock-up divvy dago gitty grotty manky pish tyke wally nigger ass bitch.

>> No.1552805

Yes I am. Please disregard the next post I direct at you.

>> No.1552817

>Implying engineering is science

Oh I didn't did I?

>> No.1552827

I see... and which these fundamental properties did Tesla add to the understanding of? Is a sculptor a physicist since he works with atoms?

>> No.1552830

isn't magnetic field strength measured in Teslas? i think you have to have made a pretty important contribution to have a unit named after you

>> No.1552835
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Agreed Tesla was not a physicist, he was actually a faggot (engineer). He didnt discover anything new about electricity, all he did was come up with fancy ways to apply it. The fundentals of EM "maxwells equations" are physics.

Applying those equations is usually just considered engineering (shit tier)

>> No.1552837

get out

just get the fuck out

>> No.1552846

you can go too.

>> No.1552848

Exactly what I was going to say... that everything Tesla came up with was an engineering application of the physics discovered by Maxwell and his predecessors.

>> No.1552853

agreed Tesla was not a physicist, he just did shitty applications (engineering)

>> No.1552856

No matter how much you guys hate engineers and say they are faggots

Electrical engineering has A LOT to do with physics.

And at Tesla's time, all of his work was original, so he's not the gay engineers you guys refer to in modern times.

>> No.1552859

an odd combination of


actually it's not that uncommon.

>> No.1552872

The magnetic field is also measured in Gauss. Do you think Gauss was a physicist?

>> No.1552873

Your non-shared criterion leaves out Glashow and Weinberg.

>> No.1552876
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Tesla is not considered a scienist or physicist by any legit scientific org or uni program.

When learning about EM, Tesla is never really brought up. If he only mentioned when refering to engineering, and basic engineering applications of EM.

Only retarded little kids on /sci/ every confuse Tesla for a scientist.

>> No.1552877

I am.

In the year 2843 I am going to invent a time machine. I cam back to this moment so that I could tell you that I am fucking awesome.

Also, I am currently alive at this time, therefore, it counts.

Suck on it bitches.

Also, primitive captcha system is primitive. In the future, we make people insert their genitalia into specialized ports on their computers and perform biometrics in an exceptionally pleasant manner in order to verify their humanity.

>> No.1552878

I like engineering and I think Tesla was a genius. None of this makes Tesla a physicist.

>> No.1552881


when tesla (and edison) were doing their engineering work that was "just applying physics", the physicists of the day didn't even know which fucking direction electrons go. applications my ass.

>> No.1552887

I wouldn't be opposed to selectively adding some of the shared recipients

>> No.1552889

and you're saying Tesla is the one who discovered which way electrons go?

>> No.1552891
File: 174 KB, 600x882, 1278193728316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucker. Tesla was not a physicist. He is not Taught/studied or part of any physics program, even on the PHd level. No one, but dumbass little kids think he was a physicist!

Tesla was an engineer (faggot).
Also, Bill Nye is a engineer (faggot) too. He only played a scientist on TV. No one wants to watch the "engineering guy". Conservative parents dont like exposing their children to homosexuals!

>> No.1552895

It doesn't make him a physicist, indeed.
It makes him an electrical engineer

Which he indirectly contributed to physics with.

Only retarded underageb& or retards in general think his contributions are anything less than great.

>> No.1552909
File: 72 KB, 200x299, 1279160851843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless, Tesla or Edision didnt find that shit out either. Can you just Stop being a little bitch for a second? Is your vagina just bleeding to much?

Your logic is just fucking retarded! Do you consider the Guy who made the TV? Or the Toaster to be physicist?

Application of known physics isnt physics!

>> No.1552920

No one has said his contributions weren't great. But several people have repeatedly pointed out that TESLA WASN'T A FUCKING SCIENTIST.

I don't agree with the above poster who says that a physicist needs a PhD, although nowadays you probably can't contribute to the field without one. What you do need to be a physicist is to work on problems concerning the fundamental properties of nature. Tesla didn't work on any such problems. He worked exclusively on problems of what could be practically accomplished and technologically built. This is not what a scientist does. That doesn't mean there's something wrong with it, or the contributions weren't great. It only means that Tesla wasn't a scientist.

>> No.1552928

even the application of unknown physics isn't physics.

>> No.1552948

Definitions of scientist on the Web:

* a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences

Work on electricity = science (electrical engineering)

Meaning Tesla was a scientist.


>> No.1552954

continuing ..
Electrical Engineering:

"the branch of engineering science that studies the uses of electricity and the equipment for power generation and distribution and the control of machines and communication"
>engineering science

Anyone who says Tesla wasn't a scientist doesn't speak English correctly.

>> No.1552981

>engineering science
say it again...
>engineering science

>> No.1552988
File: 11 KB, 462x112, sshot-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn faucet... I'm going to have to call a plumbing scientist.

>> No.1553041


i never said that tesla figured that out. just saying that ITT people are making it sound like physicists build roads and plant trees and then engineers are just idiots that walk in and grab the low hanging fruit. this isn't really the case, engineers and theoretical scientists have been playing leapfrog in most fields since forever.

>> No.1553057

"pure" scifags get the fuck out and realize that engineers will forever own your asses

>> No.1553087
File: 39 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



without him a lot of countries would not have overpopulation, natural selection should have been allowed to take place among those areas.

>> No.1553163


Oh, shut the hell up already. We can get your point without you having to expose yourself as either an underage b& or a manchild with autism.

>> No.1553183

umm, ever heard of Gauss' Law for electric fields? maybe this will refresh your memory
<div class="math">\oint{\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A}}=\frac{Q_{enc}}{\epsilon_0}</div>

>> No.1554259

What the fuck.