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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 156 KB, 720x1305, 1687572018065652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15522746 No.15522746 [Reply] [Original]

There was a kind of interesting thread on /pol/ yesterday, actually a bunch of threads, that /sci/ might be interested in. They uncovered some sort of conspiracy similar to pizzagate that revolves around a girl named Maya Wehbe (picrel) who is now a physicist at CERN and something called "The Lilith Agency"
Heres a link to one of the threads >>>/pol/431813324
The rest can be found on 4plebs
This is a video of the human sacrifice they did at CERN, Wehbe was the ringleader of it,
Theres a strong occult aspect to all of this, which seems out of character for CERN since its supposedly a scientific organization, but theres so much factual evidence of The Lilith Agency that this is all definitely more than just an elaborate hoax, the agency has been around for a long time, seems likes its freemasonry for girls

>> No.15522750

Fuck off to your containment board.

>> No.15522874

/pol/ is one of the only boards left with a lower average IQ than /sci/

>> No.15522917

Wtf that's pretty spooky shit

>> No.15522931

>similar to pizzagate
so, a completely retarded schizo-fueled delusion?

>> No.15522937

you telling me you don't think pizzagate is real?

>> No.15522942
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>> No.15522943

i'm telling you that seeing people emailing eachother about pizza and somehow coming to the conclusion that they must run a secret pedophile ring in the basement of a tiny pizzeria that doesn't even have a basement is completely retarded, yeah

>> No.15522952

Are we back to "but they sacrifice our children"?

>> No.15522955


>> No.15522957

It does have a basement you mouth breathing imbecile

>> No.15522961

Sorry, man, I stopped caring about /pol/niggers and their LARPs and happenings in 2016. There was a time the board had an average IQ of around 130, but now it's full of dumb rednecks and MAGA boomers.

>> No.15522966
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Jews worship Lilith since she was the first wife of Adam. The rest is just a mix of classic rites carried out by bored rich men and the illiterate, low IQ masses that don't get it. Essentially >>15522961

>> No.15522970

I think its just the feminist cult of south korea

>> No.15523006

they literally do

>> No.15523013

>Sacrifice a child to ensure total accuracy in the sensors at the LHC
Actually based, fuck kids, do science

>> No.15523024

>fuck kids
Please don't fuck kids

>> No.15523050

Every aborted baby is a sacrifice to that demon Lilith. Those fuckers even run a defamation campaign against Pazuzu, who is the one that Lilith fear the most.

>> No.15523068

This is not preddit you groomer piece of shit.

>> No.15523075
File: 35 KB, 1600x1435, asf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to be burned alive to save that witch so be it.

>> No.15523083

you live in a delusional nightmare-fueled reality you've made for yourself. there's no witch, just a regular corrupted politician, and nobody's gonna burn alive

>> No.15523086

>nothing to see here
kys nigger faggot

>> No.15523091

>taking /pol/ memes seriously and blame it on putin or whatever
this is getting unbearable you have to go back

>> No.15523094
File: 51 KB, 564x497, 6VAZmxHkRNAi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> diablo 4 released a month ago
> Lilith agency

How dumb can one be?

>> No.15523121
File: 1.75 MB, 750x1334, F78B057F-F94F-42CE-A726-807AEFC22591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is real

>> No.15523144

I hate that I'm forced to argue this point, but if she was a dude you wouldn't even complain. This is partly because she wouldn't have received as much attention, but ultimately it's not her fault. Just let her do her PhD in peace

>> No.15523160

>Unverifiable blurry video
>Shaky cam cuts away right at the "juicy part"
/pol/-tards: the proof of human sacrifice is irrefutable!

>> No.15523164

>so, a completely retarded schizo-fueled delusion?
Please explain all the cheese pizza and chicken references in Hillary and Podesta's emails?

>> No.15523170

Who is Pazuzu?

>> No.15523200

Holy shit a statue? Wtf bros... it's made of ... what is that bronze? I'm losing my mind...

>> No.15523213

Is that a Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer reference????

>> No.15523215

That’s not interesting

>> No.15523217

If this is how they react to cheese pizza, I would hate to see the reaction to delicious caek

>> No.15523760
File: 232 KB, 1908x1146, 247D039E00000578-0-image-a-6_1421171697202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If pizzagate wasn't real then why is Ghislaine Maxwell in prison for trafficking underaged prostitutes to politicians?

>> No.15523773

Just rename /sci/ to /sch/ - schizo already. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.15523889
File: 231 KB, 1060x1280, xeVdbzn9JoHt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the current state of ethics in science
why is science in the present era such an absolute farce?

>> No.15523901

yeah take it back to >>>/pol/ shitwit

>> No.15524396

that CERN devotes so much time and energy to playing witches and warlocks like this:
is what explains why CERN is so unproductive and incapable as a scientific organization

>> No.15524403

By Occam's razor: they were talking about pizza.

>> No.15524411 [DELETED] 

What does the "pizza" in the username "Dr. Pizza" refer to?

>> No.15524489

Lot's of trannies mad about /pol/.
This isnt your discord echo chamber, /sci/ is a white supremacist board

>> No.15524493


>> No.15524494

its symbolism fetish, just ignore it, let these boomers die off and their little game be forgotten

>> No.15524507

Only because it is spammed by /pol/ posters every day

>> No.15524531

>Only because it is spammed by /pol/ posters every day
BASED. /pol/chads improving /sci/ one post at a time

>> No.15524536

>he doesn't know about maxwell or epstein
holy shit anon wake the fuck up, you've been in a coma!

>> No.15524537

the pizza place in question had nothing to do with it, but i assure you the pedos sending those emails were in fact talking about human trafficking. you need not even be told they are talking in what is barely code about the buying and selling of human beings to come to that conclusion when reading the emails. maybe it will be news to you to learn that some of the elites on the planet fuck children, in which case, you have some reading to do.

>> No.15524854

Stupid fucking video. All I see is a bunch of dudes wearing black robes. Someone lays down on the floor. As soon as the guy in black robes leans over to touch him/her, the camera starts shaking like there was a magnitude 8 earthquake or some shit. A few seconds later, the camera stabilises for about half a second. You can't see shit, anon. How am I supposed to know what's happening here if the cameraman was too much of a pussy to film the actual sacrifice taking place?

>> No.15524861

/pol/ users are about as valuable to a discussion as a kick in the nuts

>> No.15524896

You can argue about whether the emails were about child trafficking or not but they were obviously speaking in code which you would know if you had actually read them instead of mindlessly repeating what you were told by people with an agenda. I bet you still believe that Trump colluded with Russia.

>> No.15524909

actually the most rational explanation is they were talking about child trafficking because politicians are overwhelmingly pedophiles so its only logical to presume their private, clandestine matters involve child rape

>> No.15524924

>women successfully organizing on any shape or form
>women keeping a secret
yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit on this one

>> No.15524939

Kill yourself

>> No.15525261

OK groooooomer

>> No.15525315

Groomers like you belong in the wood chipper, feet first.

>> No.15525317

Fuck off groomer, you will get your balls cut with the Occam's razor.

>> No.15525609

You are a babbling autistic child

>> No.15526190

you're a pedophile

>> No.15526488

There is no difference. 4chan is nothing without /pol/. I can't believe it's 2023 and people STILL don't understand the chans. Unless the wider internet completely flips a script, this place will ALWAYS be the bastion of banned conversation, topics, and conspiracy.

Literally, if you don't want this shit then go to the literal COUNTLESS other science and math forums that monitor speech and topics more carefully. /sci/ is quite literally the only place on the internet where stuff like this is even remotely permitted, if you don't like it leave. It's pretty much the point of all chans desu.

>> No.15526534
File: 124 KB, 1374x1031, pol_meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that /pol/turds are literal turds

>> No.15527090

>Nooooo you can't bash the cesspit of a board and how they invade other boards... You need to LEAVE if you don't like it, NO criticism is ALLOWED

>> No.15527258 [DELETED] 

lol butthurt

>> No.15527509

>i want to stay and suffer
so be it retard

>> No.15527767

>Hana shirt
Man of culture

>> No.15528287 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1080x774, 16466665083638372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they invade other boards

>> No.15528322

what does a scientist look like?


>> No.15528450

The idea CERN was created for occult ritual purposes makes a lot more sense than the idea that it was created to do science when you take into account the fact that CERN had produced no useful or noteworthy science regardless the fortunes of money that have been stupidly wasted on it

>> No.15528506

they look better than any shitskin chuds I'll tell you that much. more than that they work on what they enjoy and improve as a consequence. /pol/tards on the other hand destroy everything they touch while claiming to be the last bastion of western civilization. go back to stormfront or whatever flat earth forum you crawled out of.

>> No.15528767

>no timestamps
hmm i wonder why

>> No.15529323

because it was screencapped from a board that doesn't have that feature

>> No.15529508


>> No.15529868

B-but Higgs boson !!

>> No.15530523

/sci/ casually forgetting we don't live in a vacuum, that many scientists attribute their "knowings" to the "aether", that for the vast majority of human history that government and religion were amalgamated into the same thing and functioned as such.

So, if the same people telling you "God isn't real." happen to be the same people funding the experiments that tell you "God isn't real".... is there a chance they're feeding you a narrative on purpose?

What I'm saying is if the only thing you can EVER hope to possibly completely fully understand is the human experience by virtue of you being a human, you should probably begin to trust HUMAN experiences that we have endless records and accounts of over synthesized reports coming from the same few agencies.

>> No.15530538

This idea of science being separate from spirituality and magic is so fucking insane to me. Spirituality and magic came first- as in, we know that certain things work, we just might not know why. Science comes out of spirituality and magic- science is it quantified. The illusion of the separation of church and state and the subsequent illusion of spirituality and science being two wholly unique never-crossing subjects is a direct measure taken by the powers that be to get you to never understand the world you live in.

>> No.15531140

>the same people telling you "God isn't real." happen to be the same people funding the experiments that tell you "God isn't real".... is there a chance they're feeding you a narrative on purpose?
yes, because they are devil worshippers, thats why they do human sacrifices at CERN. the big supercollider is a massive pentagram

>> No.15531148 [DELETED] 

these are the people calling you nigger kekekek

>> No.15532164


>> No.15532175

I'm always surprised how fucking retarded people can be. How can someone who's a PhD student in 2023 be the ringleader of a troll video from 2016? She probably was in high school back then.
Let me guess, that woman rejected you and now you want your personal army to harass her.

>> No.15532185

>There is no difference. 4chan is nothing without /pol/. I can't believe it's 2023 and people STILL don't understand the chans
You're wrong. 4chan's best times ended around the time the infection became so bad they had to introduce a containment board. That's like saying "you're nothing without a cast". No, the cast is an attempt to deal with a serious problem and it's a constant reminder of it. /pol/ just attracted more of the schizos who were supposed to be contained in that ghetto board and they spread to the rest of 4chan. Just look around.

>> No.15532194

/pol/ was created because 4chon.net/new/ was stealing too much traffic from 4chan and making all the best memes.
why are you even here if you hate 4chan?
nobody wants you here, you don't contribute anything

>> No.15532206

Why are you here if there are people who hate you? :^)
Why are we commenting in a thread that a PhD student allegedly filmed a troll video 7 years ago? Why are religious schizo conspiracy theories on /sci/?

>> No.15532564

go back

>> No.15532581

Yeah the podesta brothers "booking a pizza for an hour" is a totally normal eay of talking about pizza

>> No.15532583


>> No.15532591

it doesn't

>> No.15534210

So the european super colliders are some sort of mega pentagram disguised as as a scientific instrument? That would explain why it produces no useful or even noteworthy results.

>> No.15535278

Its kind of humorous how the atheist science worshipers are unwittingly worshiping a bunch of religious loons

>> No.15536185


>> No.15536525
File: 123 KB, 1169x1184, TOsT9tCvZtdS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, totally fake, because the globohomo media says so. just like the epstein island stories were all fake, right?

>> No.15536586

why did he shoot the hard drive?

>> No.15536658

you don't even know how to save a picture, none of the lies you spread matter you subhuman scum

>> No.15536666

this pepe really sums up how i felt seeing this OP

>> No.15536668


>> No.15536726

Jesus fucking christ wtf

>> No.15536850

/pol/ is mostly brown people so your statement makes sense

>> No.15536888

Please explain how a girl who started her PhD in 2021 is the head of this operation which took place in 2016. she was probably in high school then.
Here's a conspiracy theory. This girl probably has nothing to do with cern or anything and OP is using schizos as his personal army to harass her. She probably rejected him or he was too autistic to ask her out.

>> No.15537534

She became boss of the Lilith Agency when she was 13 years old, that whole store is in the threads at 4plebs, pleb

>> No.15537904 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15538232

Totally anon busy political staffers working 90 hour weeks would never make a typo while emailing from their phone

>> No.15538235

85 IQ graphic lol
[Citation needed]

>> No.15538591
File: 278 KB, 481x654, 1687577254506651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rothschilds are directly invovled with The Lilith Agency and they are also directly involved with CERN

>> No.15538601

Banks are involved with everything. Its more common to have a bank account than a faceberg account.
Banks know what you buy and sell, where you work, where you live, how much you are paid

>> No.15539531
File: 397 KB, 1170x897, march.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Banks are involved with everything.

>> No.15539532

my sides
what else anon? tell the class

>> No.15539534

this is the first time i see the original of this posted
it's always the one with the happy merchant kek

>> No.15539868
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>> No.15539875

Give us a source, an ACTUAL source. All we’re hearing is

>> No.15539879

>these "people" are calling you retarded for doubting race science
I dunno maybe they're on to something...

>> No.15540623

>the big supercollider is a massive pentagram


>> No.15541882

human races are all equal, evolution only happens to other species because thats what my political masters tell me to say. i only come to /sci/ to discuss politics
t. >>15526534

>> No.15542319
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in your troon echo chamber

>> No.15542400

>you should probably begin to trust HUMAN experiences that we have endless records and accounts of over synthesized reports coming from the same few agencies.
you mean trust a system shaped by gorillion years of evolution into best tricking you into doing things that you don't fully understand? when the brain has constant sensory input from surroundings and can completely alter all of your sensory inputs, in ways that make it impossible for you to discern what is real and what is fake, APART from checking with science? that brain you want to trust with the most important decisions by completely discarding science and trusting "your gut"?

>> No.15542401

Those are movies anon. Cinema isn't real.

>> No.15542410


>> No.15542423

yes a movie that says something about our nature and the way our brains trick us.
what you are saying is to fully trust your ego without testing via scientific method. your ego is always going to feed you bullshit. it always does. you have no choice but to trust it.

>> No.15542424

The extent of my understanding of the world also comes from movies.

>> No.15542440

if there ever was a more vanilla strawman. the simple fact that you went there screams that you lost the argument.

>> No.15542444

>that you lost the argument.
Oh no! Anyway.

>> No.15542456

do you think it's a coincidence Lilith is all over right now with Diablo 4? and do you think they are collecting virgin gamer energy for anything in particular?

>> No.15542678


>> No.15542689
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>interesting thread on /pol/

How to ruin your post with a bad intro

>> No.15542949
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>> No.15543336

jannie deletes that one because its racist. you can say anything you want about whites on this board, no matter how insulting, but don't you dare criticize the jews

>> No.15543929

>booking a pizza for an hour
what did he mean by this? is this the making of a bunch of outcomes? or is it the making of some trolling god?

>> No.15543930

>probable outcomes*
even when i make a mistake it doesnt seem like i am renting pizza

>> No.15543933

you dont have them though, tranny

>> No.15543935


>> No.15544074

/sci/ unironically has a high average IQ. There are just a small number of persistent retards who aggressively post nonsense all day

>> No.15544962

>/sci/ unironically has a high average IQ
it doesn't, nerds are genetic endpoints

>> No.15544977

I heard about that like twice and then never again. Never even saw any standard deboonker narratives. Wonder if it was legit

>> No.15544982
File: 159 KB, 657x527, 593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I went to CERN, they had beer at the cafeteria. Also a ping pong table. But no human sacrifices. If I see any on my next visit, I'll let you know.

>> No.15544986
File: 61 KB, 940x1024, 1637698636096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't the sacrifice be most likely in the sacrifice room instead of the cafeteria?

>> No.15544991

>he didn’t order the shwarma

>> No.15545043

>nerds are genetic endpoints
All genelines are genetic ends now. Genetic therapies ensure this.

>> No.15545127

Are you being forced to undergo genetic therapy?

>> No.15545483

no, it lives in a sci-fi fantasy world as a means coping with the fact that it is a genetic dead end

>> No.15545583

That third paragraph is powerful, anon.
Extremely based.

>> No.15546287

IQ is a cope, its intangible and because of that it is nondisprovable. Your cringey self-assigned high IQ only exists in your imagination

>> No.15546994

why do low IQ people feel threatened by high IQ people? why does it matter so much for you, and what do you think will happen if you just accept the natural order when it comes to IQ? why does it always have to not mean that much if anyone ELSE has a higher IQ than you? don't you feel like a weak idiot for doing that?
I mean, if you go to a car repair shop do you suddenly start a dick-measuring contest with one of the mechanics there, trying to imply that them knowing a bunch of shit better than you is no big deal? why not USE that opportunity to repair your car? or maybe learn something new?

>> No.15547000

Gauss curve meme:
Retard: IQ is dumb
Normie: IQ is le important
Wizard: IQ is dumb

>> No.15547006

>Maya Wehbe (picrel) who is now a physicist at CERN and something called "The Lilith Agency"
Is it related to the Korean's nine goddesses cult?

>> No.15547403
File: 43 KB, 850x400, einstein quote politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you just accept the natural order when it comes to IQ?
If you want to be high IQ then you'll have to go to >>>/pol/
The smartest scientist of all time says >>>/pol/ is where the real brainpower is

>> No.15548530

its a big magical circle they use to try to conjure power

>> No.15549351

most of /sci/ does

>> No.15549366

I'm not even high IQ it's just that some retards perceive me as one and they get scared they'll be cast out of the tribe and die alone in the woods so they need to do something about it.

>> No.15550547
File: 63 KB, 750x767, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15550598

Rest assured, you're in no danger of being perceived as high IQ.

>> No.15550797

This sounds like shit straight outta Steins Gate

>> No.15551571

succinct communication

wall of text spaz

succinct communication

>> No.15551574

> a circle is a pentagram

>> No.15551800 [DELETED] 
File: 850 KB, 900x900, 64zgmhmz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooooooooooooo true!

>> No.15551805

whatever feels more comfortable for you anon

>> No.15552556

anime is for faggots

>> No.15553543

CERN claimed it was visitors who did the sacrifice at the time, not staff.

>> No.15553564

I know some of them. That's a fine technicality. They weren't CERN staff, but also not tourists. They were researchers affiliated with a university. They were also banned from CERN and had to move back to their home institutes (not sure if all of them were from the same one). The PhD students had to finish their projects in their own labs instead of CERN.
Fun fact: they were caught because they had their phones with them and CERN could read out the Wi-Fi logs, which user registered in which cell at which time. So if you plan to troll the public at an international research institute, leave your phone at home. Also, don't wear the gown from your own bloody university which identifies you to the trained eye. Buy a costume.

>> No.15553582

Since CERN and yourself still didn't post any proof or names, we will all still just assume she is one of them.

>> No.15553594

She's way too young. This video was recorded in 2016 or 2017. The youngest people at CERN are summer students and you usually do this in your third or fourth undergrad year.
Also, while I don't want to doxx the people, OP's girl appears to be affiliated with cea leti (France) while the gowns in the video show that they're from the UK (again, not naming the university, if you don't recognise the gown, you don't need to know their alma mater).

>> No.15554939
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, 1000_F_294012838_EiBqtEuwJ8gic3sufywOQdCY4Va5V0AZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the Lilith agency insignia, not the inclusion of the Planck constant

>> No.15556209


>> No.15557136

Everyone go home, the media says its fake. They would never lie to us.

>> No.15557142

Retards like you are why pranks like this are so funny.

>> No.15557179

I don’t know about you guys but I love walnut sauce on my cheese pizza

>> No.15557996

i don't understand this reference

>> No.15559476

oy vey!

>> No.15559487

A few years ago someone leaked emails from presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. There were emails from planning an event like
>We should get pizza, maybe 4 times pepperoni, 4 Hawaii and 4 margheritas
Schizos then realized that if you replace every word, it can mean something different. If instead of pizza they wrote sex slaves and instead of pepperoni they wrote little boys and instead of margherita they wrote little girls, then it would be very bad. Only they didn't.

>> No.15560522
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>> No.15560646

You mean "they" have the power to convince you that pizza means preteen sex slave?

>> No.15560652

Is this what the MSM narrative was?

>> No.15561379

If they'd admitted the truth then they would have suffered the consequences of their misdeeds, so they lied instead

>> No.15561387

All the whites left cause of brownoids flooding the board

>> No.15561460

What consequences?

>> No.15561478

You are completely delusional...

>> No.15562316

/pol/ was right again

>> No.15563698
File: 455 KB, 300x268, racist_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the n word is racist

>> No.15564509

This thread was moved to >>>/b/902656464