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15519896 No.15519896 [Reply] [Original]

You are not intelligent. Your IQ means nothing. You are just another cog in the system, and your narcissism which leads you into a false sense of superiority only serves to keep you spinning. You are no less of a mindless drone than the supposedly low IQ masses.

>> No.15519900

Remain utterly sedated and helpless

>> No.15519901
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 1612278119036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 180+ here (don't even bother to ask for a proof).
Let me deboonk the most common midwit misconceptions about IQ.

>but intelligence is multifaceted
IQ tests numerical and symbolic pattern recognition, verbal comprehension, short term memory, spatial visualization and logical reasoning. Wanna add something? Then present a rigorous test and justify why it should be included in the definition of intelligence.
>but what about emotional intelligence, social intelligence, twerking skills, number of followers on tiktok/onlyfans
Sorry sweaty, we're measuring intelligence here, not your ability to copy NPC behaviour.
>why didn't you win a Nobel prize/Fields medal? IQ means nothing when you're a loser
Intelligence comes with no obligation to contribute anything to the industrial-technological system. Acadummic success is mainly determined by obedience and social networking. A shitload of midwits (and in social "sciences" even actual brainlets) have a PhD nowadays.
>but what is your IQ good for then?
IQ enables you to quickly learn, understand, connect and creatively play with abstract concepts and to analyze, question and improve theories. Unlike a midwit whose highest achievement is superficially regurgitating what he's told.
>but IQ is racist
No, IQ is a factual statement. It doesn't tell you morally how to treat others.
>if you're so smart why aren't you rich?
Because I wasn't born rich and our economy wants obedient workers, not smart workers. You don't get rich by being smart, you get rich by being popular and sociopathic.
>if you're so smart why don't you get laid?
Attractiveness is determined by looks and status. Women are generally anti-intellectual and think of an intelligent man as a nerd in the negative sense, unless he's a gigachad. I say this as a married man btw.
>isn't this just cope?
The only ones coping here are the IQ denialists. If they didn't need to cope they'd just accept that there are people who are rightfully proud of scoring high on the IQ test

>> No.15519955

Don't care. I'm very happy with being smarter and being able to view the world differently.

>> No.15520029

>Wanna add something?
yes, interpersonal relations
>Then present a rigorous test and justify why it should be included in the definition of intelligence.
your paystub should suffice

>> No.15520031

All of this is based except for
> there are people who are rightfully proud of scoring high on the IQ test
You shouldn't be proud of genetic ability. You should be proud of what you've done with your life. Cliche, I know, but why would you be proud of the hand you were dealt and not proud how you played it?

>> No.15520049

>WAIS doesn't measure past 160
Nice try pseud, how about you kill yourself next

>> No.15520063

>hi-range iq tests exist
Nice try pseud, how about you kill yourself next

>> No.15520085
File: 89 KB, 1048x479, Screenshot from 2023-06-23 16-57-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op being dishonest as fuck as usual, the relationship is very strong, except it decreases slightly at the very top. Of course a Grigori Perel'man will not be the ceo of amazon

>> No.15520093

>The most intelligent persons don't value their own income OR what others think of them
Why think they should? Because it would be economically and socially convenient?

But you're right, IQ precludes other forms of value.

>why would you be proud of the hand you were dealt and not proud how you played it?
Because they're the same thing. It's like you're dealing some people uno cards and others pokemon cards and wondering why they aren't all playing the same game. Even dispositions are genetically determined. If you're lecturing your own brother or clone or something *maybe* you could discuss their attitude or work ethic, but otherwise it's absurd.

The world is not just and looking down on someone struggling for not "playing their cards right" is not only naive, but can actually be morally wrong and essentially bullying.

>> No.15520116

Christopher Langan is a good example of your statements. He had a fucked up home life and was never even able to finish college due to lacking the finances. But you can easily tell just how smart he is in spite of everything that’s held him back

>> No.15520132

This reminds me of the movie margin call where the CEO of the investment bank tells the analyst (who was a giga brain phycisist) he’s not the CEO because ”big brains” or anything like that, it’s because he has the guts to make the big calls. Top people in business are undoubtetly smart but it takes so much other characteristics

>> No.15520138

>you don’t get rich by being smart
Uhm sweaty U can be smart, go to med school, become an orthopedic surgeon, be smart enough to open your own practice, and make a few million a year

Or be smart, go to a good undergrad, work in banking/ private equity

Or be smart, go to Stanford, work at Apple


>> No.15520203

Above a certain point, intelligent people can't stand doing the stupid shit you have to do to make more money

>> No.15520643

a high IQ individual will make it so others foot the bill for him

>> No.15520820

this is the same information as OP rotated by 90°

>> No.15520824

>frog poster
>high intelligence
(X to doubt)

>> No.15520830

>Wanna add something? Then present a rigorous test and justify why it should be included in the definition of intelligence.
the burden is on the designer of the test to show that those points of measurement can cover all of the finer skills, not for anyone else to prove that they fail to for any particular skill. in the extreme, don’t retard savants demonstrate that all cognitive skills are capable of being fully unrelated to any underlying skill like pattern recognition, and that the meaningfulness of those underlying categories is not universal?

>> No.15520921

good post

>> No.15520935

>top 1 percent
Kys idiot troll.

>> No.15520963

>Your IQ means nothing.

Where are the burger flippers making millions of dollars a year?

>> No.15521074

You aren’t either,IQ aren’t important to people when they get higher

>> No.15521098
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 1687603777392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is publishing such utter garbage? Why do we allow midwit trash to ruin academic research with their stupid crap?

>Are the best-paying jobs with the highest prestige done by individuals of great intelligence?
Obviously not. Just look at musicians, actors, politicians and soccer players. They make 100 times more money than science nerds.

>compulsory military conscription test
A retard test, not an intelligence test. Also not even subtle in their attempt to push war propaganda in their "study".

>plateaus at a modest level of +1 standard deviation
I.e. less than midwit intelligence. The only valid conclusion is that intelligence doesn't matter at all.

This shit was painful to read.

>> No.15521116

This is wrong
Iq indicates higher problem solving
Higher iq are more valuable than NPCs

>> No.15521141

leave your house taleb, it's over

>> No.15521146

Past a certain income level, success is about understanding/managing people. Extremely high IQ people can't relate to normies so they can't run companies, manage people, schmooze clients etc.

>> No.15521261
File: 80 KB, 486x494, 3467479317077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believed you up until this point

>if you're so smart why aren't you rich?

Because I wasn't born rich and our economy wants obedient workers, not smart workers. You don't get rich by being smart, you get rich by being popular and sociopathic.

keep coping poorfag, what you are is not smart
it's called autistic

>> No.15521399

autism isnt real, its made up bullshit

>> No.15521458

By haven't you cured cancer or invented something to benefits humanity? Why waste your gift on being a nobody?

>> No.15521491

IQ tests are designed to identify literal retards.
They are accurately and consistently identified with scores far below the 100 weighted average.

You are basically bragging about passing a retard filter.

>> No.15521517

That’s midwit success. Climbing corporate ladders and working within well defined parameters is all they can aspire to.

Running a business well is about designing efficient processes and abstractions that create value and generate income on their own, running essentially autonomously with minimal input on your part. This requires intelligence. A midwit cannot pull this off. And yes, this includes defining a hierarchy and incentive structure within which you place midwits to middle manage the grunts working at the bottom.

>> No.15521594

intelligence is a catchall human term which is immeasurable and every measurement of is just dumb humans trying to grasp at something incomprehensible on paper
same shit with "creativity" and "happiness" meaningless quantifiers that were invented for human language which have bare application in the real functions of things
your score only represents how well your neurons were trained or genetically trained for those specific tasks which happened to appear on the test, and that happening to appear on the test could be due to the universe allowing your genetics and upbringing to be fractally relevant to scoring a high IQ and at the end of the day you are still a drooling faggot unable to let go of muh intelligence means I am smart without ever asking what exactly you are intelligent at

>> No.15521616

The top 1 percent literally are ruled by luck. Intelligence doesn't matter at that strata outside of highly technical work like dentistry.

People conflate wealth and intelligence or skill, which is stupid. It literally only matters up to a certain point, beyond that it's just luck. Even across the strata there's a lot of luck to be had, but we can separate the signal from the noise still.

Have you ever been around the wealthy? Like the extremely wealthy? They aren't particularly smart the newer rich types aren't particularly different from the average person, under every metric (outside wealth) they aren't much different from the average person. What separates them is luck and randomness. You're bound to have ultra wealthy just by the sheer size of population.

>> No.15521620

Nah, ultra successful business is ruled entirely by luck. A successful business may be ruled by good practices and intelligence, but those that skyrocket to the top are not.

>> No.15521811

>successful business is ruled entirely by luck
this cope is so incredibly low IQ it’s not even worth refuting

>> No.15522551

>"happiness" meaningless quantifiers
happiness is a quality, not a quantity

>which have bare application in the real functions of things
nope, people do things that make them happy all the time

>> No.15522560

I'm intelligent enough to know that either
(i) you have sour grapes about your result
(ii) you're annoyed about a bunch of 75-IQ rednecks LARPing as high-IQ gigabrains -- understandable annoyance -- so you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater

>> No.15522643


>> No.15522657

Worst cope post I've seen in awhile. Sorry you're a brainlet with poor pattern recognition I guess.
>intelligence is a catchall human term which is immeasurable
Which is why there's a theory of intelligence which breaks it down into subcomponents. When we talk about intelligence, we do in fact mean certain things and it's not entirely ill-defined.
>and every measurement of is just dumb humans trying to grasp at something incomprehensible on paper
>same shit with "creativity" and "happiness" meaningless quantifiers that were invented for human language which have bare application in the real functions of things
>your score only represents how well your neurons were trained or genetically trained for those specific tasks which happened to appear on the test, and that happening to appear on the test could be due to the universe allowing your genetics and upbringing to be fractally relevant to scoring a high IQ and at the end of the day you are still a drooling faggot unable to let go of muh intelligence means I am smart without ever asking what exactly you are intelligent at
Cope. As I said, sorry you're a brainlet I guess.

>> No.15523855

>Your IQ means nothing
IQ means how good you are at taking IQ tests. People who are good at taking IQ tests are often times good at performing other types of tasks.

>> No.15524428

>People who are good at taking IQ tests are often times good at performing other types of tasks.

>> No.15524781

You don't view the world any differently than anyone else. That is a cope created by your delusions of grandeur

>> No.15524815

height is much more correlated with wealth than IQ test result

>> No.15524829

Your attention span is so low that you didn't bother to read the whole post. You either have ADHD or are you legitimately retarded. He is completely right.

>> No.15525995

>Because they're the same thing. It's like you're dealing some people uno cards and others pokemon cards and wondering why they aren't all playing the same game. Even dispositions are genetically determined. If you're lecturing your own brother or clone or something *maybe* you could discuss their attitude or work ethic, but otherwise it's absurd.

Even under complete genetic determinism, it still would not make sense to be proud of an IQ test. The primary benefit of intelligence is how well it allows you to succeed in life. In that case what would be the point of bragging about potential for success, and not actual success? Seems to me like bragging about IQ in itself is a cope under this system.

>> No.15526023

I can even see the rumination characteristic of high IQ people being a detriment to business.
Nah I feel like the smartest people often get dragged into doing more work themselves. Happens at my place with my manager.

>> No.15526110

all words are made up. they are used to transmit information. in this case about some people which share a condition.

>> No.15526155

>You are not intelligent.
Thanks for setting me straight, anon.
Your opinion means a lot to me.

>> No.15527611

Earning is reflective of conformity, so you'd find increases outside of pay metrics, but the problem is IQ isn't real, so what are you looking for, and outside of massive scale "compulsory military tests" to stalk you for life, why bother. The obsession with money outside of security of body is not only a waste of time, it's harmful. "Smart" people know how to give you the right answer, which is to say they might well be wrong, but how would you know? It could be measuring aptitude for lying if anything. If it's pattern recognition, then computers surpassed that. If human beings have unique access to limited education brackets that make their abilities more useful, then these environments are what are valued over the human being themselves. Does an IQ test show anything that can't be done by a computer? No. Not at all, apart from external factors, like, what motivates a person?