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File: 123 KB, 1199x626, FzL1e32aUAAOJLm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15518717 No.15518717 [Reply] [Original]

is this an accurate description of the hypothalamus?

>> No.15518841

seems pretty accurate to me

>> No.15518913 [DELETED] 

>t. hypothalamus neophyte

>> No.15519770 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 500x593, 26e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music enjoyment and preference is the result of cultural conditioning, the hypothalamus is not involved

>> No.15519777

>is the result of cultural conditioning
Funny way to say Organic Mathematics.

>> No.15519779

your >>>/pol/ bait is bad you should your mother will die tonight if you don't reply to this post

>> No.15520964

do want more look lke?

>> No.15520967

>your >>>/pol/ bait is bad you should
What should he do?

>> No.15521572
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Pretending you love the latest prolefeed is conditioning, liking music in general isn't.

>> No.15521596

Sounds like he doesn't know what vestigial means.

>> No.15521777

Wait, this is what happened to the Vampire: the Masquerade writer? wtf?

>> No.15521796

The experience of awe involves a lot of different parts of the brain. Extrapolating this, he's saying clinically depressed people are less human. From a certain point of view, this is not wrong. Anyway, if your hypothalamus were completely nonfunctional, you'd probably just die or at least be comatose.

>> No.15522809

what does it mean?

>> No.15522840

>hurr durr, muh orchestral music
Classical music has been dominated by white males for centuries and it is inherently racist.
Go listen to some beautiful rap songs. So many artists of color are underappreciated.

>> No.15523059

>Go listen to some beautiful rap songs
But we're talking about the hypothalamus, not the amygdala.

>> No.15523796 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15523798

I don't give a single fuck what this guy thinks about anything beyond prescribing jew pills to ruin people's lives, because that's all he knows about

>> No.15524222

Yes it's accurate.

>> No.15524227

fun strawman, want to actually present a point though?

>> No.15524481


>> No.15524483

Physician: I don't know. I pray that there is a change. One of the things I've been
thinking about is what puberty blockers do to children. This medication is called a
"gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist" and it comes in the form of monthly
injections or an implant. And because it simulates the activity of this hormone, it shuts
down the activity of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is this almond-sized
structure in your brain, it's one of the most vestigial structures we have, and it controls
all the other hormonal structures in your body—your sexual development, your
emotions, your fight-or-flight response, everything. But it shouldn't be described in
such cold physiological terms because your hypothalamus is not just a hormone
factory. It's this system that allows you to stand in awe of the beauty ofa sunset, or to
hear the sounds of orchestral music and to stop whatever you're doing and want to
listen. And I always think that if someone were to ask me, Where is it that you would
look for the divine spark in each individual? I would say that it would be somewhere
"beneath the inner chamber," which is the Greek derivation of the term hypothalamus.
To shut down that system is to shut down what makes us human.


This is a valid concern. Drugging up the children and adults is not a good idea and is why civilization is in decline.

>> No.15525462

just think about how much worse it will be when those children are adults

>> No.15525484

They don't know what vestigial means, that's for sure.

>> No.15525880

It means it used to serve a purpose but not anymore.

>> No.15526397

i wonder who started the trend of taking a. wyatt mann comics and putting ben garrisons name on them, or changing bens comics to be more racist
think it's a deliberate slander operation or just an elaborate prank?

>> No.15527204 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 920x1110, hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey ben garrison is so racist!
>this is like the holocaust all over again
now you know why a basic political cartoonist is banned from every major platform on the planet.

>> No.15528068

>oy vey everyone is a nazi!!!
who does that?

>> No.15528324

it means something that was once larger.
a vest is a jacket that got old and the sleeves fell off

>> No.15529302

The asteroid Vesta got it's name cause when they first found it they presumed it used to be a planet

>> No.15529563
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, inabakumori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese artists are where the real gems are at.

>> No.15529659

cute anime girl

>> No.15530102


>> No.15531006

>trolling outside of /b/

>> No.15532174

whoever did it made ben 1488x more popular than he ever would have been otherwise, if they were trying to harm his career then they fucked up badly

>> No.15533261

>I pray that there is a change.
looks like the decent professional scientists are religious

>> No.15534233

Same thing happened with Hal Turner, nobody would have ever even heard of him if he hadn't been attacked by liberal trolls. Hal Turner's radio show has been making him good money for 20 years now and is still going strong, all thanks to antifa's online wing

>> No.15535258

Hal Turner is still more popular than he ever was before antifa/anonymous raided him

>> No.15536406

Streisand effect

>> No.15536414

Music is bad for you.

>> No.15536419

woaaaah dude le heckin 3rd eye amirite

>> No.15537606

Correct, music is unnecessary and wasteful and the lyrics are a form of brainwashing, the music helps you remember the lyrics, which then get stuck in your head forever

>> No.15538482

I guess thats why the puberty blockers are being shilled to hard

>> No.15539491

Scientists will shill anything for the right amount of money

>> No.15540606

So "hormone blockers" are actually a drug that attacks brain tissue and gives the person taking the drugs a partial lobotomy

>> No.15540619

Thanks for pasting the text. I can't be bothered to critique it manually, so I asked chatgpt. Here is a curated reply:

Vestigial structure: The use of the term "vestigial" in reference to the hypothalamus is incorrect. A vestigial structure is something that has lost most or all of its original function through evolution. The hypothalamus is not vestigial; it is a crucial part of the brain involved in numerous essential functions.

Role of the hypothalamus: While it is true that the hypothalamus is involved in hormonal regulation, including sexual development, emotions, and the fight-or-flight response, the statement that it controls "everything" is an overstatement. The brain is a complex organ with many interrelated structures and systems.

Hypothalamus and aesthetic experience: The text implies that the hypothalamus is responsible for the experience of beauty and awe, such as appreciating a sunset or music. This is not accurate. The experience of beauty and awe is complex and involves various regions of the brain, including but not limited to the hypothalamus.

"Divine spark" and Greek derivation: Associating the hypothalamus with the "divine spark" is more poetic or metaphorical than scientific. Additionally, the etymology provided for the term hypothalamus ("beneath the inner chamber") appears to be incorrect. The term "hypothalamus" is derived from the Greek words "hypo" meaning under, and "thalamus" meaning chamber, referring to its position in the brain beneath the thalamus.

Shutting down what makes us human: This statement is a hyperbole and not scientifically grounded. While puberty blockers do have an effect on the hormonal system, they do not shut down the entire hypothalamus or eliminate human experiences such as emotions, aesthetic appreciation, etc.

>> No.15540621

Absolute fucking brainlet take. This is "insulin will make you starve" level of incomprehension.

>> No.15541909

yes, hormone blockers lower iq substantially

>> No.15542970
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>> No.15543442
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what about this guy https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-thursday-edition-1.3679117/scientists-research-man-missing-90-of-his-brain-who-leads-a-normal-life-1.3679125

>> No.15544222

probably fake

>> No.15545405

>This is a valid concern. Drugging up the children and adults is not a good idea and is why civilization is in decline.
Right, but if we let people live out their normal healthy lives then drug company profits would be in decline, whats more important?

>> No.15546230

tough question

>> No.15546245

He's not actually missing anything, his cranium is filled with water and his brain is just super-dense tissue lining it. He also isn't really leading a normal life, since he had mild retardation and went to see the doctor due to recurrent fainting spells.

>> No.15547312
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>lets encourage children to get chemically lobotomized, then they'll be too stupid and incapable to be a threat to our new world order

>> No.15548510

Chemical lobotomy

>> No.15549338

all of the children getting browbeaten into being faggots are already in public school, the grooming isn't happening anywhere else. public school kids are already lobotomized by the curriculum

>> No.15550404

Wow, thats crazy, I had no idea that "hormone blockers" actually worked by causing brain tissue to atrophy and die.

>> No.15551356

hormone blockers are like using a hysterectomy for birth control.

>> No.15551378

They prevent the brain from growing in the first place. Different cause, same result.

>> No.15552333

This is unironically whats happening

>> No.15552917

>changing bens comics to be more racist
Improving them
>think it's a deliberate slander operation
Racism, for lack of a better word, is good. Racism is right, racism works. Racism clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.

>> No.15554391
File: 70 KB, 600x600, 6j9lzsznopj71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does reduced hypothalamus size cause suicide?