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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15513668 No.15513668 [Reply] [Original]

Is analysis vol 1 the same as undergraduate analysis?
is algebraic structures the same as undergraduate algebra?
is Real analysis the same as part 1 of Real and functional analysis?
So i like Lang books and my library only has those older books but they are hardcover with pretty covers.

>> No.15513815

C'mon, anon, you know you're not going to finish these.
Sure, you'll ride a temporary wave of enthusiasm and maybe progress into a few chapters of A First Course in Calculus, but then you'll get distracted by other things and fall off the board for another few years until you're ready to try again.

>> No.15513872

This stuff should be easy IF you're White, NE Asian or Brahmin class Indian.
The PROBLEM is these things get tedious. And can you force yourself to focus on tedious shit when you'd rather do something else?

>> No.15514065

Well i did basic maths and linear algebra and i really liked then. Now i'm planning to do undegrad algebra and analysis.

>> No.15514073
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Well i' ve been doing it for 2 years now. I did calculus, linear algebra, the basic math, some number theory. And know i'm looking to do undegrad analysis and algebra but i only have the books i mentioned. Pic is proof i'm not a lier. Yes i'm following the memes.

>> No.15514077

C'mon, anon, you and I both know that you didn't really "do" those books. You skimmed them. You didn't do all the exercises. You didn't start over again when you got an exercise wrong. You didn't make those books your own.

>> No.15514079

C'mon, anon, you know you're like the rest of us here: you collect more books than you read. And two years? Obviously your heart isn't really into it. There's nothing wrong with working at a gas station. It's reliable work.

>> No.15514081

Yes i didn't do them from start to finnish. I skipped the stuff i didn't found interesting and of course there were exercises that i couldn't complete. But, overall im pretty happy studying maths.

>> No.15514082

>Yes i didn't do them from start to finnish.
Aha! Your honesty is a good asset, anon. It will help you see that this isn't really the path for you. A lot of people look down on menial work like working at a gas station, but not every elite human being has an electric car. You can contribute to society through good service.

>> No.15514085
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>> No.15514130

>There's nothing wrong with working at a gas station.
Not sure where you live, but nearly all of the elite mathfags that I've met were working shitty jobs on the side.