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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15507600 No.15507600 [Reply] [Original]

What's the board that you can piss off knowing you'll sleep easy at night?
I say it's /sci/ despite their endless knowledge of how to kill you in 101 different ways they're a bunch of theorist pussies that'll die of old age before they finally put their theories into practice and even then they'll fail at it hilariously.

>> No.15507606
File: 702 KB, 843x572, TIMESAND___HeleneLeahGutfreundLookedLikethis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Carmen Sandiego was the name Helene was using when she had run away to California to do the Manson murders.

Helene Leah Gutfreund, the topic of /hlg/ on /fit/, looked quite like this hooker when she was younger. Since then, she had some prominent freckles bleached off her cheeks and forehead, I assume so that people might less easily identify her as the real Manson murderer. They wrote "Helene killed her" on the wall in blood but the cops changed it to "Helter skelter" because her mother was the queen of England at that time: Elizabeth Windsor. She had run away from her home in Brooklyn at that time. From there, she went on to be the bobble head on the left in the blank soup room video and to be quasi-deified as "Hecate" by the Hands of Death cult that venerates and worships her. I think they call her Hector in the CIA too.

>> No.15507608
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>> No.15507612
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>> No.15507873

Jesus I asked for /sci/ not /x/.

>> No.15507887

/sci/ doesn't know anything
it's not a bunch of theorist pussies
more like a bunch of coping autists who couldn't pass calculus 1 if they tried (which they won't, as they are terrified of quantifiable failure)

>> No.15509000

Anyone of them. They're all just pseudo-intellectuals who care too much about their anime imageboards.

>> No.15509155
File: 2.77 MB, 3208x1560, 2023-06-18_19.49.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading something about a girl brought onto the ark by one of Noah's kids. I understood this as the "bad lineage", but the male side wasnt brought on. I believe this tempered the continued bloodline and that the male's side of it was the reason for the flood to begin with.

Whether it was know it was going to happen before hand or if it was an emergency correction is what Ive been curious about, as time to evolve the female side may have been needed and the "out of control destructive" male side was a byproduct.

I have no clue what translation or where I read this but it really stood out to me, so when I hear people say "Cain's blood line/whatever Tribe is gone" I think "Nah, its inside the machine somewhere like Neaderthal's or some other "extinct" bloodline."

>> No.15509256

Pffff hahahahahahaha

>> No.15509259

You're talking to a homeless man. He has nowhere to put real books.

>> No.15509263

What is the problem with Kindle? lmao.

>> No.15509281

"You read papyrus scrolls?! Pfft, I only read stone inscriptures. If its worth saying...its worth putting it onto stone."