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15503305 No.15503305 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any convincing proof that climate change is a real problem and not another covid nothingburger?

>> No.15503314
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there is oodles of evidence that global warming is a hoax

>> No.15503321
File: 217 KB, 1903x435, climate spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many more do we need?

>> No.15503332

>and not another covid nothingburger?
they're both real

>> No.15503463
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no your climate change, and there was no "covid". another propaganda claims hidden in question

>> No.15503465

Science must be reminded of its errors as often as possible until it corrects them.

>> No.15503470

There are no scientists here

>> No.15503473

This board is for scientists to post on.

>> No.15503541

It could be argued that a warmer wetter climate would be more beneficial for our species than going back into an ice age.
Humans are very suited to hot climates and we're less tolerant of the cold, more people die from the cold every year than they do from heat for instance, wanting to push us back into an ice age will literarily kill more people than if it got warmer.

Because of the warmer wetter climate and excess Co2 the global deserts have been shrinking, opening up more areas for agriculture, for some reason this is seen as bad and the media would rather the opposite happen.
In fact a warmer climate would be so beneficial to us as a species I started calling it terraforming instead of climate change, it's opening up new shipping routes and making more land arable, if I was an alien observer I could only conclude the humans are fucking geniuses using locked up hydrocarbons for energy while simultaneously making their planet more hospitable in the future.

>> No.15503579 [DELETED] 

And larders who know how to stfu when they don’t know what they’re talking’s about.
There’s the door.

>> No.15503593

you seem upset

>> No.15504269

Theres no evidence whatsoever that suggests the people who say the climate is just fine and not changing significantly are lying or wrong in any way, but theres tons of missed predictions and outright falsehoods that the global warming hysterics have been caught in.
Seems pretty clear cut which camp is correct and which isn't

>> No.15504946

summers in my central european country have objectively gotten warmer. i checked the records. particularly in the past decade and i hate it. it's a real problem for me because i am dizzy and unproductive. i am not fat either. just too white for +35°C or something.
if it isn't "climate change" i do not know what it is but I want it gone.
>more hospitable
dude i can put on a coat in the winter or turn the radiator on. there's no clothing to make me cooler and we europoors don't have ACs. we usually can't install ones either

>> No.15504994

That’s not even all of them. I wonder how much the Heritage Foundation pays, in one of the threads he linked them

>> No.15505023

The flu is real

>> No.15505026

You can't afford a window AC?

>> No.15505562
File: 107 KB, 1078x898, Screenshot_20230610-223920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought a little one a couple of weeks ago for my bedroom cost £200 on amazon, (A) energy rating too, 75watts, the house is definably built to retain the heat, the moment the AC is off the heat from the surrounding walls heats the room up despite all the windows and doors being closed, this also happens without the AC as the house seems to take til the morning to actually cool down even with all the windows open.

Pic related, you can tell the exact moment I turned it on and turned it off and the amount of time it took to go back to the outside temperature, also right now it's 22:30 and 20C outside but 28.7C inside with the windows open.

>> No.15505570 [DELETED] 

>le heritage foundation is le funding people i dont le like
>but $90 trillion government funded corporations who support me are right!!!!!!

>> No.15505606 [DELETED] 

Euro has the worst urban heat bubbles on the planet because Europe has destroyed over 99.6% of it's native forests. Europe has no nature remaining, its just cities and suburbs. Being far north with short summer nights means there no time for the concrete and asphalt heat sinks you live in to cool off.

>> No.15505645

>Is there any convincing proof that climate change is a real problem
Never has been any scientific proof.

>> No.15505673

>just stay home lol
Not everyone's terminally online

>> No.15505676

He's complaining because he never leaves his house. If he did, he could just go somewhere cooler like people did historically.

>> No.15505678

What would you consider proof?
And more importantly, what would you consider proof, which would be possible to obtain with our current level of technology?
Once you tell us what you consider proof, we can have a real discussion

>> No.15505829

If there was any proof they wouldn't need to lie as much as they do.

>> No.15506604 [DELETED] 

None whatsoever

>> No.15506620

also covid is a real problem and the vaccines are safe and effective

>> No.15506682

job is job i guess and it's kinda nice that some of the schizos get to pull their own weight with this. unless they are doing it for free like a jannie.

>> No.15506840
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>> No.15506856

Climate change is normal thing and we can't do anything about it even if we wanted to, Even if all humans go extinct and all human activity stopped, climate will still change. Human have survived climate change before (civilisation hasn't)
Pollution is a real issue though, and eventually it will at best lead to massive population decline (& civilisation collapse) and at worst cause extinction of life in earth.

>> No.15506859

And currently there are quite many burning social and political issues other than climate change that are far likely to cause civilisation collapse in coming decades.

>> No.15507391


>> No.15507418

we don't have them here and our windows open differently too

>> No.15507573

> implying "climate change" is not a strawman made up from words.
hide propaganda in seemingly antipropaganda

>> No.15507647

it's not a joke, just stating facts

>> No.15507676


>> No.15507780

>the largest political ideology pushed by the scientific community in the history man
Wow dude, FIVE THREADS?!?!?

>> No.15507784

>purity testing to divide and conquer
Can you make it less obvious that you're a retarded shill?

>> No.15508659

Non stop until those liars get jail time.

>> No.15509091 [DELETED] 

jannie deleted most of them because discussing science on the science board is apparently some kind of problem. spamming the science board with children's cartoon masturbation material is just fine, but discussing science is out of bounds