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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15502633 No.15502633 [Reply] [Original]

>62 IQ Australian aboriginals would perform equally as well as 135 IQ Ashkenazi Jews and race is just a social construct
How do leftists rationalise this?

>> No.15502640

lol, you're not going to get many replies from rightoid chuds either because most of them can't cope with any suggestion that Whites don't have the highest average IQ

>> No.15502641

Jews aren't that smart. No community has 135 average iq

>> No.15502656

Would they? What's your basis for said assumption?

>> No.15502660

this is what is claimed by so called scientific institutions

>> No.15502668

If you just treated everyone equally then the smart based top 1% negroes would get a break. Mind you these smart bucks can also chimp out if you provoke them hard enough, they have more self control but everyone has a limit.

>> No.15502676

> 135 IQ Ashkenazi Jews
Lol no

>> No.15502679
File: 41 KB, 500x534, Jewish Solipsism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews aren't smart. They engage in coordinated subversive activities. When called out for the moral evil they do, they engage in Jewish Solipsism which is a process of pretenting that all people on earth are as morally evil (or worse) on average, as they are. After telling themselves and others this lie, they then declare that ill-gotten gains from scamming people/stealing things/subverting the host country and culture/nepotism/sabotaging non-Jews is just a mark of their superior intelligence because everyone is exactly as evil as they are, they're just evil + 20 extra IQ points.

This is of course bullshit, and this Jewish Solipsism cope keeps them from critically considering why every people group that has met them across history has eventually landed somewhere between wanting them deported and wanting them eradicated.

The image of the Jew as a super genius is a false image designed to demoralize non-jews. What you typically deal with is more like an autistic psychopath who is incapable of meaningful introspection.

If you want an accurate view of the Jewish people, quit thinking Bond villains and start thinking more about the Principle Skinner meme.

>> No.15502681

I don't make assumptions about individuals, we're talking statistics here. As a group, they're far less intelligent, and that brings societal problems with it.

What is your solution? We have a group of people that can't compete with the rest of society, what do we do about it?

>> No.15502702

Give them easy jobs like sweeper or grease cook or send them to prison if they commit crime. Prisoners can pay for their own upkeep using the G.U.L.A.G system of renting them out to corporations. They can help clean up fukishima, clear minefields, pick up cotton, under supervision.

>> No.15502724

Cope. Most of modern physics was invented by 200 IQ jewish geniuses. You are a stupid goy filtered by introductory linear algebra. But keep seething on an anonymous Taiwanese philatelist forum

>> No.15502735

Put them both in the desert with nothing and see who lasts longer with their intellect.

>> No.15502736

IQ is not a real thing.

>> No.15502737

What's the point of caring about a group with no function or intent? If you add intent, then you get shit like BLM and the solution is to prosecute the participants and financiers as a racial hate group.

>> No.15502748

They don't. They've moved on from this point and now say that math is racist, therefore we should dumb down difficult degrees so that dumber people get more money.

>> No.15502757
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Here is the objective truth: jews are smart. They are disproportionately represented in intellectual achievement like in mathematics or physics.
(However, this is a recent phenomenon starting around the 1800s). However, even within this realm, much of this "achievement" is extremely subversive. Jews led the charge in nonsense like critical theory, Marxism, psychoanalysis, boas anthropology, race denialism etc., and did so in a way not explained by IQ alone.
Regardless of this over-achievement, the overwhelming majority of accomplishment across all domains is still by European men. For example pic rel, from pantheon.world, I see 3 jews out of this list of most notable scientific/technological minds, (2 of them being Marx and Freud lol) which is still big over representation. But any advantage that one may get with jews are vastly outweighed by them destroying your nation. Note I am talking about group traits manifesting, in the same way blacks are more prone to criminality and shitting up the place, but don't necessarily conspire to do so (though jewish behaviors are more complex).

>> No.15503731

most contribution to math and physics has been by Christians thoughever

>> No.15503757

Come on, Marie Curie in 10th place ? Fucking male chauvinists, she deserves a top 5 spot at least

>> No.15503782

lmao even the literal scientific racism guys from back in the day admitted that asians were smarter than whitey, they just had other deficiencies that cancelled it out in a way

>> No.15503794

>Dr. Watson, who shared a 1962 Nobel Prize for describing the double-helix structure of DNA, told a British journalist that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says, not really.”
There's going to come a time maybe in the next 50 or so years, 3+ generations perhaps, when people start asking the hard questions on why certain groups of people are still an absolute mess.
The only solution in my opinion is a genuine way to increase intelligence beyond genetic limitations and developing AI systems that effectively manage them unbiasedly, as in AI governments because we know that they can't handle democracy(to be fair whiteoids can barley handle it as well.)

>> No.15503838

Marie Curie didnt do much, she was just lucky to be in the right time and place and was handed over a new tool: Radioactivity. How hard is it to just scan thousands of rock samples looking for radioactive signals? You'll discover new useless elements in no time

>> No.15503870


>> No.15503874

>I hate the White race
>because they're racist
you're the one with racial hatred and you're projecting it on all Whites

>> No.15503882

IQ tests are racist

>> No.15503885
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>My Jewish controlled side, is better then your Jewish controlled side.

>> No.15503888

oops wrong thread

>> No.15503892

Pierre was the visionary and he's not even on that list.

>> No.15504219

Its true.
Its easy to be the first to discover a few new elements that were always in trace amounts in the environment when you get handed a radioactivity detector on a silver platter
>radioactivity detected in mineral sample #2715 but not uranium
>wheres my nobel?
Wow, Polonium, very impressed
Pierre was as dumb as Marie

>> No.15504313

The nobel awarded to the Chinese woman for isolating a compound in traditional medicine which can be used to treat symptoms of malaria was dumb as well

>> No.15504315

>Most of modern physics
Which is a scam, albeit.

>> No.15504519

They don't. Progressivism is a religion. It takes up the hole left by the previous religion being essentially destroyed.
Empirically, it is true that humans are religious beings. How can a state, then, persist where there is no religion? It's metastable.

>> No.15504529

Name a Nobel prize awardee whose contribution can't be described the same way.

>> No.15504596
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>> No.15504598
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>> No.15504616 [DELETED] 

Higher preference for the eyes and bones when malnourished, like most animals.

>> No.15504624

Poor ability to deal with malnutrition.

>> No.15504688

>>>/pol/ bait, well established that IQ is garbage and nobody in the field has used it for decades, this isn't a political issue and if you think it is you have brainworms.

>> No.15505216

Reddit is still down huh?

>> No.15505285
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With 90 IQ rationalizing skills

>> No.15505317

Interesting read but "dunno" is a much higher IQ answer than either pretending you can read someone's mind or trivializing the intent of the question to "it probably hurt."

>> No.15505337
File: 109 KB, 588x823, brainlet 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. So much this. Niggers are just as smart as everyone else because there are some rightists who refuse to accept that Ashkenazi Jews have a high average IQ.

>> No.15505722

>I hate racists of all kinds
>including white racists such as those on 4channel.org
Your response?

>> No.15505765

>t. 90 IQ

>> No.15505779

>t. 80 IQ

>> No.15505792

You are a schizophrenic wortrhless little undergrad college tranny that just started his little linear algebra course.

How pathetic please stop thinking you know or understand stuff

>> No.15506093

>”caucasoid” has a yarmulke

>> No.15506122

>day 2 of /pol/ bait thread
so what do you guys think about murdering the homeless? if we're hosting off topic discussion let's just do it

>> No.15506125

not a fan unless you can describe it better

>> No.15506137

they provide nothing to society and refuse to learn how to, they're predisposed to failure, and any program meant to "support them" and "provide equal footing for the """disadvantaged""" to succeed" is an attempt to steal the money you earned and give it to a dead end genetic failure of society. Public execution parties are the ideal solution to encourage failures to succeed.

>> No.15506179

ok i’m persuaded to not give them free money but still not persuaded on the kill thing. like if it's an army size population of homeless zombies, i see, but if it's a few and they all know how to bury their shit 200 ft. from water then i don’t get why

>> No.15506194

except they shit in the street, which is subhuman. there's probably some genetic way of tracking that subhuman ness, but being homeless is enough indication. if you're just "unlucky" enough to have debt crop up unexpectedly you just weren't fit and should be killed anyway. It would prevent them from breeding into our population by accident too.

>> No.15506202

who would fuck a hobo tho, except another hobo? if someone shit less than 200 ft. from water source then yeah it’s like an animal put it out of misery. but if not who cares

>> No.15506206

why are there still hobos if not for their genetics continuing on?

>> No.15506218
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the highest intelligence is actually held by greeks, but we're smart enough to know, we don't want to waste time on inane argumentation.

>> No.15506235

cause they fuck hobos? what kind of trick question is this supposed to be

>> No.15506241

right, so even if the idea seems disgusting to you SOMEONE does it, so they need to get executed.

>> No.15506249

does what, fucks a hobo? who cares. if they shit inside 200 ft. of a water source or don’t bury it properly then it’s dangerous, if not who cares

>> No.15506253

if you fuck a subhuman you are also willingly settling for subhuman, which makes you an animal fucker, which should also be killed. the morals needed to rape an animal that can't consent is also subhuman. there's probably a gene for hobofucking.

>> No.15506255

what does that have to do with a hobo fucking a hobo? you aren’t communicating thoughts very clearly

>> No.15506258
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>> No.15506262

with a regular person fucking a hobo* class crossing like that is animal fucking. hobos fucking hobos is irrelevant as it would be solved by execution. it happens all the time, because a hobo baby would be "feral." hobos only propagate because humans are breeding with poor "people"

>> No.15506263

most no some yes
by what measure

>> No.15506267

this sounds like ai word vomit. who would fuck a hobo except another hobo?

>> No.15506271

like I just said, a hobo x hobo child would be feral, and too far gone to be classified as anything other than ape, so clearly middle class people with an animal fucking gene are attracted to the subhuman hobos in the same way white blondes are predisposed to dog fucking. Therefore all hobos and hobofuckers (animal fuckers) should be put publicly to death as deterrent to doing it.

>> No.15506275

ah i see, in your language hobo ~ feral. if feral animal lives and shit 200 ft. from wTer, who cares. if closer, then neighborhood watch takes care of it

>> No.15506292

allowing them to exist at all is a threat to society interns of weakening potential bloodlines. mass public murder would be a blessing given the punishment such a crime should warrant. Shitting anywhere near society is a health risk, and the existence of a person willing to do that is a threat to my very life.

>> No.15506301

danger not unless it’s shit less than 200 ft. from water, bloodline not unless you’re fucking it but how would you fuck a hobo unless you’re also a hobo, doesn’t make sense

>> No.15506309

I grow a garden in my yard, all rainwater that filters anything nearby is in my dirt. I do not want Fe tanyl laced herpes shit anywhere KILOMETERS near my food. they need to be executed for public safety.

>> No.15506399

Yes, you're correct. Glad we agree now.

>> No.15506487

Ironically, it is the 135 IQ Ashkenazi Jews pushing this narrative, because it hurts white people.

>> No.15506862

yeah but i dont understand modern physics (or calculus for that matter) so it must be wrong, idiot

>> No.15506868

show pic of garden?

>> No.15506875

Why do you assuming that leftist necessarily rationalise their beliefs? Do you think leftists are some sort of staunch rationalists?
Leftists in general are mostly motivated by feelings of inferiority, lack of power, emotion and irrationality btw.

>> No.15506878

You are wrong.

>> No.15506880

seems like a broad generalisation to apply to a large number of people, someone on 4chan certainly wouldn't go there and project their issues onto some nebulous scapegoat, though, would they?

>> No.15506899

No it's not a generalisation, let's be quite honest, rational and objective here (can't expect this from infantile and emotional leftists desu)
I suggest reading Psychology of modern Leftism by Ted K in his manifesto and also studying how beliefs of American leftist types are completely detached from reality (statistics show this, search on internet).
Leftists have basically destroyed society (in the west) at this point and have made civilisation collapse inevitable, I am pretty much hopeless at this point so I am not some sort political activist, just telling the absolute truth, lately I have been thinking whether such civilisation collapse is inevitable and leftists are infact symptom of a larger disease, maybe civilisation itself is a disease, one cannot avoid noticing the foundations of civilisation lay in greed, sloth and gluttony.

>> No.15506903

teddy was a batshit retard, anybody who says he's some kind of scholar hasn't ready anything beyond his famous meme line. I'll watch the videos you've linked, but I'm skeptical.

>> No.15506910

Equality is a largely a delusion, an idealistic dream, a lie human societies tell to themselves, similar to many other lies such as Santa Claus, it's has very primitive roots, the idea of heaven, where there is abundance is also rooted in equality.
There is no Equality on Earth, nothing is Equal, Nature is not a industrial production line.
Whole of Human history is fight against this aspect of nature, humans are greedy and selfish, they want to consume more and struggle less.
This is why we formed Equal family, Equal Tribes, Equal Nations etc, these Equal entities fought with other such Equal entities (family vs family, tribe vs tribe , nation vs nation), the thing is as I said Equality is a mere ideal, Equality (civilisation) can only be managed to an extent exclusively for some, others must suffer for it, this is how civilisation (hierarchy and specialised work) was born.

>> No.15506914

I think that killing them would be a waste of forced labour, even a week of a person working themself to death at gunpoint is a better use of tax dollars than trying to help them or sanitize a place to kill them

>> No.15506916

Sorry but that's nothing but a COPE via ad hominem anyways I linked some videos too, they talk about academic studies and statistics.
As for Ted K, he was 167 IQ math prodigy and had a PhD, what he has written in "psychology of leftism" can be individually verified by anyone with above 90 IQ, and those studies I talked about earlier actually prove him.

>> No.15506919

PhD holders are frauds and shams we all know that establishment is fake, appeal to authority.

>> No.15506927

This is infact a generalisation, some of PhD holders are definitely shams but most of them aren't, specially in fields that are scientific (rational).

>> No.15506952

if you wanna call the same institution that tries to shill dark matter and climate change as reputable then you're fucking retarded

>> No.15506962

first off they pretend racial iq differences don't exist because it's inconvenient to them, but when pressed they make up some bullshit about the difference being entirely environmental and the fault of whitey's oppression, unless it's the jews, then it's their scholarly culture

>> No.15506978


> 62 IQ Australian aboriginals

IQ tests hugely depend on environmental factors and literally by design are predictors of developed nation job/school performance.

Western nations IQ averages have increased 40 points in the last 100 years. Look up the "Flynn effect"

So if do IQ tests on people who haven't grown up in a developed nation society, ofc they are going to perform shit.

> 135 IQ Ashkenazi Jews and race is just a social construct

bullshit number

>> No.15506989
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Why are aboriginals with European admixture so much more successful? They cry about muh stolen generation but the ones that were successfully integrated into society are the most successful. Really makes you ponder. Must be their diet.