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15498850 No.15498850 [Reply] [Original]

or any planet. Why didnt anyone mention radiation? Every problem with surviving on mars as a colony already makes it impossible but the radiation is the most impossible one to overcome.

Is this dipshit elon really going to send some losers to die on mars in 5 years?

>> No.15498854

Every lizzard kid knows you must build and live underground to prevent that shit from killing you, while using automatas to work in the surface.

>> No.15498855

Every engineering/technological component made has alternate uses on Earth. AI, sensors, global internet, digital prosthetics. The flow of these will echo through humanity for a thousand years like light bulbs and refridgeration.

>> No.15498877

nothing more retarded than pending billions to go to a desert.
But you gotta keep the economy alive right?

>> No.15498892


>> No.15499063

>Elon conned me into thinking mars was possible

>> No.15499118

huge greenhouses made of radiation proof glass. problem solved

>> No.15499124

>Why didnt anyone mention radiation?
The silicate dust is going to be worse. We'll never be able to inhabit mars so long as breathing the air would basically end up with breathing glass, and even habitats have a huge issue of trying to get rid of or manage that sort of dust. Radiation is comparatively an easy task to manage if you ask me the dust just fucks up everything.

>> No.15499135

pointless, just build shit a few feet underground and the radiation is lower than our background level.

>> No.15499186
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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. You are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive. CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are, then perhaps you get the Mars landingss livestreamed straight into your brain and other subsequent landings as well as soon as they become available. Or maybe you can livestream several landings at the same time with the same bitrate and no loss in experience quality.
Also if you buy the latest Neurolink brain processor you can pretty much surf the whole galaxy and land anywhere.

>> No.15499197

Mars gets less than half the sunlight of earth... 590 W/m^2 vs 1370 W/m^2.

>> No.15499198

Humanity has maybe 50 more years as the top species on the planet

>> No.15499204

people want to live on the surface

>> No.15499218

Youre 50 + several too late, human. Evolution can happen in a single lifetime but not by "retard lab means", breeding doenst cause Evolution, just Gene shuffling.

You have to strive towards it just to activate Gene expressions, let alone "Chromosomal Activation", that shit was seriously reality warping.

>> No.15499239

You're talking about Mars when we don't even know how to get past the Van Allen belts.

>> No.15499264

more like 50000000000000000 years

>> No.15499448

>Is this dipshit elon really going to send some losers to die on mars in 5 years?
Congratulations, you have fallen for elon's latest marketing scheme of saying something outrageous and not following it up.

>> No.15499452

le vague spooky prediction

>> No.15499468

only a child would say something so ridiculous

>> No.15499590

you can literally stop radiation with shit. we have to send jeets first

>> No.15499758

It's also hard launching rockets in a dusty environment. I'm afraid the only solution is locally terraforming the surface layer.

>> No.15499868

You confuse moon dust with mars dust, dumb cunt. Mars dust is nothing special because of wind erosion.

>> No.15499889

>there are no silicates on other planets

>> No.15499962

Thunderf00t and Common Sense Skepic have been calling out his bullshit for years. Check out their videos. They go in-depth debunking him. Musk is going the way of Elizabeth Holmes.

>> No.15499977

Stop making sense

>> No.15500105

it's not only possible but happening next decade.

>> No.15500108

Beggers cant be choosers, for the next ~50-100 years.

>> No.15501531

Why does it never get mentioned

>> No.15502417

I know right, just like nuclear reactors not possible because radiation, how the fuck are you going to boil water with spicy rocks when radiation exists, are nuclear engineers just going to die boiling water?

>> No.15502838

I was not aware of how bad it was until I played Kerbal Space Program with the Kerbalism radiation mod. It is the ultimate and final blackpill that space travel is a science fiction fantasy that will never happen.

>> No.15502852

why not colonize Mercury considering it's the closest planet to Earth

>> No.15502883

You just blast through
>but muh radiation
harden up, cupcake

>> No.15502912

>it's not only possible but happening next decade.
I hope you're right, anon.. I hope you're right

>> No.15502920

Is your channel doing so bad you have to shill it on 4chan now, Philip?

>> No.15502926

You just go through. It's not like it's made of some solid material.

>> No.15502986


The universe beyond Earth will be explored and settled by radiation-hardened transhumans and eventually posthumans

>> No.15503015

Will it though? What's the gain even from doing that?

>> No.15503022

>Calling out his bullshit for years
>"Musk will be bankrupt any day now!"
>Shifting goalposts each time he succeeds
>Year after year
Not exactly the crushing indictment you think it is.

>> No.15503176

It's Elon time. Multiply it by 2.5 to get the normal result.

>> No.15503182

why don't we have a base on the moon yet? from what i understand it should be possible with the tech we currently have

>> No.15503199


>> No.15503203

what for?

>> No.15503204

Fuck you nigga cuz we can

>> No.15503212

I'm one of those people who believe spending money on 'impossible projects' is worth it if it means we can inspire the next generation of geniuses. Imagine the next Newton watching SpaceX land their rockets.

>> No.15503307

Just land on the icy poles, that way you get water as well

>> No.15503791
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We haven't even been to the moon in over 50 years. Musk needs to calm down. Really things like Mars should be reserved for sentient AI that aren't hindered by human limitations like requiring water and oxygen to function. Never mind that it takes at least seven months to get there, meaning even a flyby would take over a year.

The moon is a lot more realistic, we've been there before and it only takes three days to get there. If he put the same amount of effort and resources into that, maybe we'd eventually see some progress up there

>> No.15503796
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Personally I'm more hyped for JUICE, it's going to be sweet being able to see Ganymede and the other Galilean moons up close. Much farther than Mars but also somehow way cooler. Some of them are also potentially more habitable than Mars. It would be great if they could send a rover to Titan or something someday too

>> No.15503876

Radiation is not the worse one. You can be cave people or create some sort of colonist habitat with a barrier. The worse one was always lack of gravity and the harsh affects on the human body. Rotating space habitats in asteroids are the most based

>> No.15503895

It will be done by androids with no need to eat, sleep, shit, fuck, or breathe. they will be ai systems bestowed with human curiosity and the urge to explore.

>> No.15503898

You need economic or political incentives to get things done kid.

>> No.15503910

Just live underground, but the gravity is the real problem because gravity affects how our genes even work

>> No.15503940

oh no poor you, how will elon ever recover? a random /sci/ neet won't go to mars, elon should be cancelled!

>> No.15504630

the radiation problem is massively overblown, just put some dirt on the dome, fucking solved

>> No.15504638
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well, at least you learned somethings

>> No.15504648
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>he doesn't know about the hyperserpents

>> No.15504675

Yeah just add a few more tons to the rocket.
How are you going to make that take off? Retard.

>> No.15504691

Are you suggesting the dirt should be taken from Earth or something lmao

>> No.15504696

You think the radiation problem is a mars only thing?

>> No.15504698

ok retard

>> No.15504758

On the rocket the crew is confined to a limited space and are protected by polyethylene (or other synthetic materials) against protons and neutrons and by metal shielding against high energy photons. The shielding also doesn't have to be perfect because it's only needed for a few months.
On Mars the colonists would need to be reliably protected for decades and they can use a thick layer of Martian soil to cover their habitats for that. They don't need to pack it with them.

>> No.15505657

There is no mars. There are no planets. It's not what you think.

>> No.15505661


>> No.15505665

I think you mean Venus. Venus actually might be more practical to colonize than Mars (at least in the upper atmosphere).

>> No.15505680

Ngl, I'd much rather be an airship colonist than an underground mole on Mars forever bound to stay in darkness.

>> No.15505711

Living on Mars is possible but Elon is a lying sack of shit when he says it'll happen within 5 years or something like that. We won't even have a functional colony in our lifetimes. We'll get there, just "eventually". The sheer amount of challenges and logistics alone to have a sustainable colony on Mars is nothing short of insane but you gotta crawl before you can even walk so it's a better idea to start small scale by doing a base on the moon. It's way closer to home and if things get real fucky it's only a 3 day trip back home instead of a 7 month one.

>> No.15505713

Way better sci-fi trope. Plus on Venus, all the solar energy you could ever dream.

>> No.15505746

I agree with this Anon. Let's be more realistic and project a manned landing by 2055 and a continuously occupied research base by 2130. With such realistic goals the nation is sure to be galvanized. We need to make sure there's no agency or rush to get to Mars because it will just happen on its own

>> No.15505766

Do you know any works of science fiction that has Venus colonies?

>> No.15505774

You are underestimating Elon if you don't think he's capable of dumping unprepared people to fend for themselves in inflatable cramped habitats on Mars. Only later to say that his martian colonists have actually a lower risk of cancer than traditional Earth dwellers despite everything pointing to the exact opposite.

>> No.15505790

>The evil rocket man is going to frigging kill people!!!! Just like bioshock!!
What is it about Elon that makes people act so deranged?

>> No.15505807

Spending decades or a lifetime underground will kill you. And you can't make children on Mars because of low G.

>> No.15505823

He's not evil. Merely uncaring. So he very well may do so for publicity.

>> No.15505844

We're not going to Mars. Period. Climate change and/or war will kill us off long before we can even realistically think about going there.

>> No.15505861

How are Mars expeditions to be funded? In the wealthiest country on the planet, 90% of the budget is eldercare, defense, and debt repayment.

>> No.15505968

I think elon could build rockets that could do it, but I don't think there will be any serious paying customers lined up, with all the habitat and life support stuff sorted out and ready to go.

>> No.15505974

Bruh what the fuck are you talking about? Hes just some business guy. What makes you so angry about him that you think he uncaringly murders people?

>> No.15506011

Sneedlon chusk

>> No.15506190

You weren't "conned," it's just another challenge to be overcome. Every dollar given to Musk is a dollar invested in Humanity's future.

>> No.15506269

/sci/'s obsession with Elon is unhealthy.

>> No.15506498

Hope you don't mean landing there. We will never live there tho

>> No.15506594
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>> No.15506599

only if jews and niggers aren't genocided.

>> No.15506614

>And you can't make children on Mars
Not like we're making children on Earth either.
Look at South Korea.

>> No.15506664

Space suit protects astronauts from radiation. But when we actually start leaving on mars we will have to construct special domes. The domes have to be extremly well made to sustain mars harsh environment and will cost millions to build just one. It has to protect from wadiation and also harsh weather on mars like winds. We will be very limited to things we can do on mars.

>> No.15506681

You fucking gay dipshit, i've radiated ur mum and sister with my cum last night lmao

>> No.15506719

>Just live underground
Autist. You are not actually a human.
What about the gravity? Let's hear it. What does 38% gravity imply? No really, answer to this post.

>> No.15506802

Or you can invest to better the earth than going to a faggot orange planet.

>> No.15508931

it's the right choice in the long run, eventually resources will run out on earth, the only way to get them will be to get them from space

>> No.15508941

Will they though? It's not like those resources disappear after use.

>> No.15508942

Why not both?

>> No.15508952

Nothing specific but: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_in_fiction

>> No.15509015

Imagine being born on this perfect, beautiful Eden and thinking, "I'd really like to go live on that barren red planet." Absolute retardation.

>> No.15509027

Ayo why white pepo climb mountains. Ayo why white peo leave Africa when they had a perfect climate here

>> No.15509202


>> No.15509253


>> No.15509307

If they're non renewable yes

>> No.15509343

A round trip to Mars would kill a human crew due to the radiation exposure, so just getting to Mars would probably mess you up pretty bad. Invent some radiation protection first.

>> No.15509346

Which resources are nonrenewable? Uranium?

>> No.15509988

We have to take economics and time into consideration. Fossil fuels aren't renewable

>> No.15509993

He'd launch you into the sun if he thought it would make people on twitter like him.

>> No.15510008

>Fossil fuels aren't renewable
Look up how/where that term was invented.

>> No.15510165

That's not relevant

>> No.15510519

then they can live on the surface of earth

>> No.15510520

china is planning to build a moonbase within the next 20 years
unlike white countries, when china sets a goal like that, they mean it

>> No.15510664

We handle silicates here on Earth just fine.

>> No.15510757

idiot, the atmosphere on mars is so thin , a storm with 100km/h has the force of a fart. storms are a non issue, a tent can survive storms on mars

>> No.15510770
File: 984 KB, 2327x2980, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yov wovldn't vnderstand...

>> No.15510797

>Why didnt anyone mention radiation?
Be a you live with it everyday, stop being a whiny faggot

>> No.15510861

Send them to live in an eco bubble in New Mexico or Arizona, for real. They only want to live on the surface of mars because they think that it'll be a paid-for utopia, and it is the only place you can be recognized for something groundbreaking while doing literally nothing but existing.

>> No.15510863

>Single party state is good because moonpeople

>> No.15510871

Is the meaning of life going to come to you in a mars dream? Surely you won't have to deal with people there in a tiny bubble. Ennui isn't going anywhere, and going to mars will only temporarily feel 'new' and 'cool' before you realize that this feeling will follow you unless you find some other purpose.

Or, you know, forever jump from honeymoon-phase to honeymoon-phase until you run out of things to distract you and you find that you've accomplished nothing of your own.

>> No.15510873

Take yourself on a one-way trip to Everest's Rainbow Valley.

>> No.15511393

100 kph wind on Mars has about the energy as 25 kph wind on Earth. Not really dangerous but nothing to sneeze at either, especially since the gravity is only a third as strong so stuff (and dust) will get picked up by wind way easier.

>> No.15511554

This might be a silly question, but how much does the elemental make-up of whatever the rock/dust of an area is made out of affect how easily the dust is picked up by winds? Like pumice dust vs something heavier? I'm sure the fineness plays a larger role, but I was just curious.

>> No.15511660
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Hey guys, I figured out how to deal with the gravity issues. Just make part of the colonies giant Gravitron machines. Just need to make sure the top is strong enough to keep people from rippen through.

More seriously, you could also dig large circular tunnels and set up train tracks on an incline, and run habitat trains on them. Any serious colonization effort will need tunneling machines & ability to make rail roads anyways, for bulk transport.

You also probably would not need everyone on the train section all the time, mostly your delicates like pregnant women & young children. Have everyone else takes shifts. You could also have a higher g track that you get on at the Gains Station, that people do periodic workouts on.

>> No.15511663
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>you've accomplished nothing of your own.
Here is a book your speed.

>> No.15511720
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The Yuppie Trail takes a lawyer or doctor every other day.

>> No.15511730

>Surely the rich won't go to space and hoard resourced up there
>Surely they'll send resources back to the hollowed out planet the rest of us live on
lol, lmao

>> No.15511744
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>Surely the rich won't go to space and hoard resourced up there
The corporation sends people to those desolate rocks to mine and ship back anything they find. If its a habitable planet they'll terraform it, takes decades.

We manufacture those, you know?

>> No.15511833

I'm sure they'll find plenty of ways to strip those rocks that doesn't involve wasting resources on making the space-wagies comfy. Why would I change the atmosphere when I can have you pilot a drone from your corpo-cube? You wanna go outside? Here, I'll give you 30 extra minutes on your virtual headset this Sunday.

I don't foresee much manufacturing taking place by the poor meat sacks on earth when it's cheaper to manufacture in-orbit than ship stuff down and back up constantly.

I'd like to believe they'd keep us in mind, anon. I really would. I just don't think I can.

>> No.15511882
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[indignant sigh]
I'll tell ya what...here's a 24 day pass for Earth. Take your family, breath real air at least once before you die. Just be back at the station before the weekend...

...oh, and dont make any 'bad calls', ok?

>> No.15511936

o-o-oh thank you, sir!
I plan on seeing the company bioshpere at the main offices, I've always wanted to touch a plant! I hear the smog is blown out of the commerce plaza this time of year as well and you're even able to see the sun rise over the distant residential blocks at ~10am!

>> No.15512232 [DELETED] 
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>colonising mars
>when Europa exists
>built in radiation protection
>water is confirmed too be present
>might even have life and if not you could import deep ocean creatures too fill it up.

>> No.15512948

>Subjecting Europa to the nightmare creatures on our planet
Be the lovecraftian alien you want to see in the universe.

>> No.15513623

Its just a pretext to get normies to buy his spacexshit stocks. The reality is his getting government contracts to send reconnaissance satellites into space. Thats why his puahing for the whole space colony shit, its a cover up.

>> No.15514099

He has to make the poors think that they'll benefit somehow or at least make them think he's doing something 'cool' because he's just a manchild like that.

>> No.15514307

It was possible 50 years ago, the reason it's literally black people complaining that they aren't getting the gibs instead.

>> No.15514316

Who cares about radiation? You've got gravity to deal with first. Then you have to figure out what makes a core work and then how to make it work again. Atmosphere is down the list.

>> No.15514321

>huge planet made of sand
>Hollow subsurface and discard most of sand into space
>use rest to turn outer surface into thick glass shell
>now have smaller greenhouse planet with earth like gravity inside greenhouse shell
Give me my prize money.

>> No.15514324

A large percentage of astronauts sent to Mars would have mental breakdowns during the mission. Building the vehicle to get there is probably the easiest part of the process, the logistics, and human factors are significantly harder issues to solve. We are certainly not going there in the next 100 years.

>> No.15515361

The surface gravity isn't going to significantly increase by removing the sand. Certainly not from a 3rd of Earth's gravity to close to Earth's gravity.

>> No.15515363

>You've got gravity to deal with first
How do you "deal with gravity" short of making everyone live in centrifuges?

>> No.15515365

lead weight injected into every bone to match an earth-equivalent weight, duh

>> No.15515375

Might be better to way for customizable dna babies so you can make them grow hollow bones like birds so there's space for more lead.

>> No.15515378


>> No.15515383

Planets are off the table really. All the near-standard gravity planets we'll ever find will be uninhabitable either due to being complete lifeless shitholes or because they host aliens with fucked up imcompatible aminoacids. Both will be incomprehensibly hard to terraform even to a basic level. The final redpill is O'Neill cylinders built for next to nothing by full-cycle automated drones outside planetary gravity wells. No jellobabies and meme gravity, no radiation, no living in an underground pod on some fucked husk like Mars, just chilling in climate-controlled, 1G, rural space utopia, every schizo ideology and religion gets its own cylinders so no endless wars for dirt. Musk et al should really be researching how to do space mining automation bootstrapping in the asteroid belt.

>> No.15515683

>should really be researching how to do space mining automation bootstrapping in the asteroid belt
That tech also handily rolls over into the concept of Von Neumann probes, making terraforming not completely out of the question with the speed at which they can be sent out ahead of O'Neill Cylinders.

>> No.15515690

Weighted cock-rings. You'll be jelqing from birth.

>> No.15515793

Tungsten butt plugs

>> No.15515850

As long as they're ferromagnetic so you can use them in zero-G.

Stay away from MRI machines, though.

>> No.15515971

My personal plan is to try month long trip then live in the grassy desert with sand niggers. Still gonna figure out how to feed a man on sand.

>> No.15515995

nah, jews will destroy everything in under 10 years. they think they will merge with ai and live forever

>> No.15517785

As fucking garbo as the govt. is, and how negligent/exploitative they can be, I'd still rather trust them than a dirty corporation.
Especially one run by such an egotistical maniac.
You'd be left to die the next time he offers $30bn for reddit as a joke and gets sued to high hell when he backs out of it, when one of his chromium interfaced rockets bugs out and lands in a residential area, or when the govt. decides to stop giving him uncle sam's tendie subsidies because he either failed to deliver or over some political stunt.

It truly baffles me with the overlap between the antivax crowd and the supporters of a dude who is developing literal brainchips in a slaughterhouse factory.

>> No.15517818

Sorry but the likelihood of getting killed by [your government] is several orders of magnitude greater than getting killed by Elon.

Unfortunately the empirical data around the number of supervillains emerging from megacorps has been disappointingly scant.

>> No.15517851

You aint fooling me. Elon's crowd has alwags been le electric vehicle climate fags and le infinity and beyond space science fags. They are the ones that would repeatedly doom saying "gas ban in 5 years" and defend his burning all innovation garbage and death traps with hard to reach emergency door latch. Dont even get me started on hypooloo.

>> No.15518116

If we remove direct state violence, we're left with what?
Neglect to take care of a person who can't find work or is fired by the free market?
Failure by them to enact regulations and guidelines a corp is allowed to sell us?
Failure by them to hold a corp responsible for dumping chems directly in your water supply?
Willfully assisting corps in putting down labor strikes? (This one is taken out of the running by ignoring direct state violence, though)

It's not looking good for Elon, here.
I'm not beholden to his whims in the same way I am the govt. while living where I do now.
On another planet though, you're going from a bad/apathetic ruler here to a direct totalitarian one there.
He can speak his platitudes about libertarianism here all he wants, but the second he doesn't turn a profit, you know what they say about 'absolute power' and all...

Yeah, the ifls libs really sucked him off for a while there when he made his dumbass meme Tesla Flamethrower.
He fell into the LINO, crypto-bro, and free-speech/free-market 'absolutists' recently, though.

>> No.15518138

>and free-speech/free-market
Didn't he just ban some random words on twitter to piss off libs?

>> No.15518156

How exactly do you think a workers strike will go if mandates are established a-la needing you to be "extremely hardcore. This will mean working long hours at high intensity."
How exactly do we suspect a person willing to terminate people who speak ill, of him both in a public forum and on the private company Slack, will react?

>Be free speech absolutist
>Ban words
>"No sweaty, when doing it to 'own the libs' then it doesn't count."
>People actually will believe this makes sense.
Yeah, he did. Cis and Cisgender are slurs now apparently.
Elon is a double nigger

>> No.15519017

Just send an animal first and decide the course of action from the results

>> No.15519077
File: 254 KB, 850x953, The-map-and-lis-t-of-Iranian-wetlands-that-have-been-regis-tered-as-Ramsar-site-in-the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans can't survive on Mars, but chad ultrahuman Ramsarians can. They already withstand natural radiation higher than the Martian surface with no ill effects.
That's the REAL reason America has surrounded them with military bases and does sanctions; to cripple their economy and prevent Ramsar superhumans from conquering space and coming back to take over Earth with space resources.

>> No.15519081

What animal can endure 6 month of space travel in a tiny spaceship?

>> No.15519728

Fruit flies could

>> No.15520290

>Elon straps Laika2.0 into the passenger seat of a tesla in the cargo hold of a ship.
>Airdrops it from Mars orbit
>Fires the nearest female employee for crying during his big moment.
>Right before it makes impact while going fuck-youMPH, the twitter livestream fails because he forgot to pay his bills
Such are the wonders of science.

>> No.15521015

>>Right before it makes impact while going fuck-youMPH, the twitter livestream fails because he forgot to pay his bills
>Right before impact the tesla autopilot detects imminent crash and engages the "erase all evidence of responsibility" protocols and turns off the dash cam

>> No.15521369

The thing is, if we can find a way to live on Mars we can sure as hell improve life on Earth with far greater ease to such an extent that escape to Mars won't be necessary. But of course that wouldn't leave Musk in a position of supreme overlordship over a colony of indentured servants a couple hundred million km from the nearest ethics oversight committee, so you know, pros and cons, really

>> No.15522332

>Instantly sends the report to the insurance agency to increase your rates

>> No.15522460


>> No.15522620
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>Elon conned me

IQs this low will not be allowed in our ethnostate

>> No.15524353

not the anon, but yes it is. Too many mfers think they fill their car with big lizard juice.