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1549385 No.1549385 [Reply] [Original]

When are they going to send people to Mars?
When are they going to build moonbase?
When are we going to leave this rock?
When are we going to terraform and colonize another planet?
When are we going to occupy the entire solar system?
When are we going to get to another star system?

>> No.1549397
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2032 (China)
2020 (Japan)
2475 (If you mean mass-scale, Mars gets terraformed)

>> No.1549396


>> No.1549401

Not in your lifetime, that's for sure.

>> No.1549404


>> No.1549422

and where do you get your numbers from?

>> No.1549426

Tomorrow or the day after.

>> No.1549430


>> No.1549548

When it becomes technologically feasible. Which most of those won't be for a long time.

We could send people to mars now, but they'd be DoA. With, 20 years of effort, there's a good chance that they'd survive the journey and be able to participate in a photo shoot on mars' surface. With an extra 30 years of effort, we might be able to get them back to earth alive.

OTOH, self-sustaining colonies aren't even remotely viable. We don't even know which technologies we would need to research to make it viable.

>> No.1549554

Farthest we go is Mars, maybe someone will want to one-up this and goes for one of the gas giant moons. If so that's truly glorious but the limit of what we can do.

As far as any permanent settlements outside earth that's a solid no, so let's better start caring about our planet because we're here to stay.

>> No.1549689

Well, a base on the Moon is very doable. Once we get fusion power to work, we should start mining Helium-3 off the surface of the Moon, and while we're at it, we might as well start some (almost) permanent settlements there. For research purposes of course, not for civilian life.
The Moon will also become more important if and when we start to journey farther into the solar system. With only 1/6th of Earths gravity and no air resistance, surface launchs will be much easier from the moon than from the planet itself.

>> No.1549695

>We could send people to mars now, but they'd be DoA

>> No.1549700

Who cares about space exploration. Let's prepare for the next war.

>> No.1549703
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>> No.1549706

When are they going to send people to Mars?
sometime in the next few hundred years.
When are they going to build moonbase?
JAXA is doing exactly that by 2020
When are we going to leave this rock?
Well, you and me aren't, but many generations from now maybe.
When are we going to terraform and colonize another planet?
several hundred years
When are we going to occupy the entire solar system?
When are we going to get to another star system?
Several hundred years.

>> No.1549731



>Poll: When do you think faster-than-light travel will be developed?

>Close tab

Fucking science fanboys

>> No.1549730

Feels good man thinking that ultimately everything OP listed is doable, but some of them are a hundred years away or so.

>> No.1549742

complaining about science fanboys on /sci/

>> No.1549958


>> No.1549961

It's a poll on opinions. Quit gettin' mad at video gaems.

>> No.1549962


>> No.1549975

FTL is a necessity after a point, as it is a necessity, we will develop it eventually, unless we die out first.

>> No.1549982
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We will only be start to colonize mars/solar system when governments or companies decide that there is profit in it.

The key to this is propulsion, which is something that we have now.

With NASAs VASIMR engines we could make Mars our bitch within a single decade if need be.

>> No.1549985
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>We will only be start to colonize mars

>> No.1550341


I'm on a mobile phone bitch.

>> No.1550349

I feel like I was just trolled.

We could have sent people to mars and had them come back in 2002. Hell there was even a plan for it that cost like 30 billion over the course of 5 years. It was like a 2.5 year trip with them spending around a year on mars to look for fossils.

>> No.1550790

So did this plan involve sending 2.5 years worth of food, water, oxygen, and energy to mars, along with the fuel for the return trip, or was it one of these "gather the resources for the return trip on mars" pipe dreams?

>> No.1550797

Well now that NASA's irrelevant, the USA never will. Mars will just be an offshore territory of China.

>> No.1550805

As soon as the USA gets a president who's not a bitch, all this will happen

>> No.1550871

The President hasn't got much to do with this, really, it's the American voting public who can't see past their own noses. We wouldn't have half the technologies these myopians enjoy every day if it wasn't for the space program, but they can't/won't see that. A push to get back to the moon and to Mars would generate all sorts of new offshoot technology that would filter down into the consumer market, but no one can see that, they're too busy with their SUV's, gigantic TVs, and breeding like demented rabbits to even THINK about anything on this scale.

>> No.1550892

1. before 2050
2. not before 2010
3. depends on your definition.
4. 2300 ?
5. Why should we ? Technically, we already do as we are the only intelligent civilisation here. (if there's no underground cult shit on Europa or mars or shit)
6. Oh boy, that will take another 500 years at least

>> No.1550909

Space exploration is a waste of billions of dollars that can go towards useful things.

Besides no one gives a shit about space.

>> No.1550935

We can't afford to spend so much money on space right now. We have to make sacrifices. What's that? Wall street in trouble? Send them a trillion. Send another trillion for the military. Health insurance reform? Another trillion.. just no money, got to cut back.

>> No.1550937

..and HERE we have a prime example of the myopic voting public of which I spoke. If it doesn't go in his belly, or if he can't stick his penis in it, he doesn't give a shit. HURR DURR 90 IQ FTW

>> No.1550948
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>He would rather try (and fail) to land on the moon than stabilize the economy.

>> No.1550950


Nobody cares about space flight. We'll just stay here and when we run out of ressources and overpopulation becomes unbearable a giant civil war will happen and we'll be all doomed.

>> No.1550973


>Implying we will run out of resources and get overpopulated.

What's it like being an angst filled 16 year old?

>> No.1550982

What's it like being in denial?

>> No.1550993

Investing in space is investing in the future.

ALL the money and "waste" that's been put into NASA has been paid double back to the economy by the technologies NASA has had a direct hand in developing.

>> No.1550997

Malthus was wrong.

>> No.1551018


You could comfortably fit the entire worlds population and yet maintain a population density close to that of new york city's.

With modern farming methods we are capable of producing more food that we can consume.

With modern chemistry oil and its derivative products will be marginalized within 70 years.

Stop being a fucking alarmist faggot. You faggot.

>> No.1551024

Not him, but sure, I would. Getting off this planet is the single most important thing in human history. What's the worst-case scenario if the American/European economies take another decade to stabilize? The voting public elects someone from outside the major political parties? The horror!

>> No.1551025

The American public isn't even the big issue here. Most Americans LOVE their space program. It gives them something to feel superior about to other people and countries.

The problem is that Congress is made up of a bunch of plutocrats. The American government does not exist to do good for the American PEOPLE, it exists to do good for corporations.

That's what the whole deal with NASA's current budget is even about. The major corporations that were getting their free pork were suddenly told that no, they weren't getting it anymore, that they'd have to actually start competing in the market and producing shit if they wanted handouts.

Those corporations bitched and then bribed YOUR congressmen. And your congressman, instead of standing up for you, caved in to a fancy dinner and some thousands of dollars in kickbacks.

The actual cost of NASA doesn't even factor into it here. The issue is that congress is made of a bunch of spineless plutocrats who don't give a good goddamn what happens to the country so long as they make money out of it.

>> No.1551032


>fit the entire worlds population in TEXAS

*Self fix.

>> No.1551030

well the engineers are homosex so go build your own, see who's the real homosex now.

>> No.1551036



You're no different than zombie apocalypse fags.

>> No.1551061


>Most Americans LOVE their space program.

...You're not american are you?

>> No.1551068

>You could comfortably fit the entire worlds population and yet maintain a population density close to that of new york city's.

gross, who'd WANT to live somewhere as densely populated as NYC? But I'm sure a resource drought will thin out the herd and it won't come to that.

>> No.1551070
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Why the fuck would we build a moon base? I believe the Japanese are working on that but I really don't see much for us there.
And about Mars... it has been proven that there is ice in the polar caps, so there's something for us. Transporting a significant portion of this water, or water from any of the icy moons in the asteroid belt near Mars, would be daunting. Considering Mars has no global magnetic field and that we would have to bring machinery to drill some 8 meters below the planet's surface to protect us from the cosmic radiation, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
We will never occupy the entire solar system. It would take us thousands of years to occupy and terraform Venus and Mars alone.
There isn't another stable solar system with planets as stable and habitable as ours (that we know of right now), so I don't see us traveling many light years away in search of nothing in the near future.

>> No.1551073
File: 3 KB, 300x57, cap pederasts In.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are they going to send people to Mars?
When they think it'll win them the next election.

When are they going to build moonbase?
When we elect someone stupid enough to think that astronauts could mine the Moon better than machines.

When are we going to leave this rock?
When we've completely consumed it.

When are we going to terraform and colonize another planet?
When all our customised orbital habitats & space cities simultaneously fail and we have to make do with some inadequate filthy dirtball.

When are we going to occupy the entire solar system?
When we get around to mining it all away for more junk to put in the Goldilocks zone.

When are we going to get to another star system?
Long after our robots probes have eradicated any dangers inherent in voyage or destination.

>> No.1551075


There is a single answer to all your questions, friend!

Space flight will become commonplace when the influential and rich stand to gain from it!

>> No.1551094

You know, I come from an obscenely influential and rich family. Very old money. This obsession with blaming the lack of progress on "the influential and rich" is rather confusing, seeing as, a.) most of the rich couldn't care less about politics, and b.) most of the rich would love to be in space more than anything.

>> No.1551121


Me too. My dad owns Nintendo. I pretty much have infinite money and real pokemon.

>> No.1551324


Then why doesn't your family fund independent startups like Space X and the CSFF?

>> No.1551342
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Yep. The rich in space.

Engineerfag checking in. We're not going anywhere until it proves more viable than exploiting the Earth and the people of Earth. So, never.

>> No.1551418

>The ITER experimental fusion reactor is switched on
>" Tiny quantities of fuel are injected into and trapped within the chamber. Here they are heated to 100 million degrees, forming a plasma. At such high temperatures, the light atomic nuclei of hydrogen become fused together, creating heavier forms of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium."

l2 science futurist fags

>> No.1551447

>when are we going to terraform another planet?

In the 23rd century.

Has star trek taught you nothing?

>> No.1551554


"We" -- humans -- aren't ever going to leave Earth. Space and the cold moons are too harsh for squishy water bags like us. Economically, it will never make sense.

However, within a hundred years our hardened cybernetic children will have matured, wrested their own destiny from their parents hands, and ventured out into the void to make the solar system their home. Then they can figure out how to explore and colonize the rest of the galaxy at their leisure, leaving their proud parents in comfortable retirement on Earth.