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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 178 KB, 1000x1481, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15493325 No.15493325 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15493329 [DELETED] 


>> No.15493331


>> No.15493332
File: 824 KB, 498x266, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Not all saints love all people."
Apt phrase...

>> No.15493334
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>> No.15493345

RIP, King.

>> No.15493349

He made it to 81. That's longer than I will. RIP Ted.

>> No.15493401


>> No.15493407

What happened to him at Harvard should have been mentioned in the article

>> No.15493414

history will redeem him anon, he doesn't people to bat for him

>> No.15493415
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Best known for other work.

>> No.15493418
File: 858 KB, 1280x823, self improvement uncle ted edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words of advice

>> No.15493440


>> No.15493455

>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the wave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

>> No.15493468
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>> No.15493472
File: 39 KB, 500x500, noooooooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted's dead?

>> No.15493478
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>> No.15493479


>> No.15493485

how can one man be so based
rip my nigga ted

>> No.15493491
File: 312 KB, 674x859, 1637600654556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted's dead, baby. Ted's dead.

>> No.15493496

He died without ever having sex.

>> No.15493498
File: 9 KB, 249x250, Pepedaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much cock he had in prison

>> No.15493502

what about that teacher lady?
didn't they have conjugals?kyn0ay

>> No.15493503

goodnight sweet prince

>> No.15493515
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>> No.15493533

I was sad for a second. But then I remembered he blew some people's faces off and then they had no face which made them die. That's not a very polite thing to do, to blow ones face off. I would wager that Ted enjoyed having a face and if someone blew it off then he would be quite cross

>> No.15493551

He is not human
He is above human
Like a earthquake or a storm
He is as natural as the force of nature
Pray for our world that has rejected him, that has rejected all things natural

>> No.15493561
File: 315 KB, 976x549, _130003698_apple_vision_pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press s to spit on Ted kaczynskis grave

>> No.15493562

rip uncle

>> No.15493578 [DELETED] 

>In particular, one must learn to control the expression of one's emotions. the ability to remain calm and self-possessed under all circumstances wins respect. See Anti-Tech Revolution, page 173.

>This approach can be supplemented with a technique that Nelson Mandela used with outstanding success to get and keep leadership of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa: He strictly controlled his emotions, rarely allowed himself to show anger, remained always calm, self-possessed, even-tempered. 182 This kind of deportment wins respect
and encourages others to look to an individual for leadership. Among the Andaman Islanders, a potential chief was “a young adult in the camp who possessed the virtues that attract even younger men to seek his company. He was usually a good hunter, generous, and, above all, even-tempered .”

>A revolutionary working in a radical environmentalist group won’t need to conceal his anti-tech commitment. But for obvious reasons he must avoid pushing anti-tech ideas aggressively, and he must not show disrespect
for radical environmentalists’ ideas. If he argues in favor of anti-tech he must do so in a good-humored way, and if an ideological discussion becomes heated or angry he must withdraw from it.

unsure if NPC or not desu. learn to control the expression of emotions?

>> No.15493579
File: 51 KB, 695x904, ted_Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Don't cry Because it's over, be happy because it happened”
― Dr. Suess

>> No.15493581

>In particular, one must learn to control the expression of one's emotions. the ability to remain calm and self-possessed under all circumstances wins respect. See Anti-Tech Revolution, page 173.

>This approach can be supplemented with a technique that Nelson Mandela used with outstanding success to get and keep leadership of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa: He strictly controlled his emotions, rarely allowed himself to show anger, remained always calm, self-possessed, even-tempered. 182 This kind of deportment wins respect and encourages others to look to an individual for leadership. Among the Andaman Islanders, a potential chief was “a young adult in the camp who possessed the virtues that attract even younger men to seek his company. He was usually a good hunter, generous, and, above all, even-tempered .”

>A revolutionary working in a radical environmentalist group won’t need to conceal his anti-tech commitment. But for obvious reasons he must avoid pushing anti-tech ideas aggressively, and he must not show disrespect for radical environmentalists’ ideas. If he argues in favor of anti-tech he must do so in a good-humored way, and if an ideological discussion becomes heated or angry he must withdraw from it.

unsure if NPC or not desu. learn to control the expression of emotions?

>> No.15493583

name ONE(1) contribution he made to the actual fields of mathematics/science

>> No.15493585

I can name TREE(50)

>> No.15493586

It means keep a stiff upper lip like a weak British slave.

>> No.15493589


>> No.15493591

it means mail bombs to innocent people

>> No.15493595

just read his phd thesis
or watch this

>> No.15493606

F and RIP.
Young Ted was brutally subjected to the modern evils of the psychologists, psychiatrists -- of scientists. They attempted to completely destroy and sacrifice his spirit. He sought peace, then justice, but never found either in this world.

>> No.15493627
File: 194 KB, 960x466, 1683469519127639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would have been a flat earther today if he had access to information and the internet, no doubt in my mind.


>> No.15493631


>> No.15493647

RIP king

>> No.15493657
File: 742 KB, 1243x1100, Anime Kaczynski Problem, downscaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15493678


>> No.15493701


>> No.15493783

Jews got to him

>> No.15493787

Shit writer
Shit mathematician
Driven crazy by airplanes and pynchon


>> No.15493825

he's just like me

>> No.15493835


>> No.15493836

good riddance
one cuck less


>> No.15493856

Rest in peace

>> No.15493939

He's free now.

>> No.15493953

RIP wise man.

>> No.15493959

what does this mean

>> No.15493965
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>> No.15493967

If f is a real-valued Borel-measurable function defined in H, is the set of curvilinear convergence of f necessarily a Borel set? What if f is assumed to be of Baire class 1?

>> No.15493982
File: 71 KB, 472x471, 5lodis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this tell me about science?

>> No.15493985

What happened?

>> No.15493988

The question remains open.

>> No.15493993

aaaaand cringe

>> No.15494007

He died several years ago, that why they started releasing all those movies about his life around the same time.

>> No.15494018

He 13 when he went there and got stuck in a group which was subjected to literal MK Ultra experiments.

>> No.15494019

The reason that he could write proofs for curvilinear convergence sets of continuous half plane functions and not more general Baire class functions is because there’s this nice lemma that says if two open sets in R2 meet the x axis on 1D open sets that have nontrivial intersection, then those sets have nontrivial intersection in the half plane. This allows us to sort of pick points in the half plane that form the paths on which curvilinear convergence occurs. You do not get a similar lemma for P^xi sets in the half plane that you’d work with for Baire class functions

>> No.15494205

completely had chumpsky's number

>> No.15494222
File: 215 KB, 440x402, Pepe crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, I knew it would happen but I really hope he could live to see the apocalypse

>> No.15494230

>subjected to literal MK Ultra experiments
he wasn't one of the full-on mk ultra brainwashing subjects or anything. he was in one experiment which was essentially no different from the sort of "help out with this psychology study" thing that college students do for beer money all the time.

>> No.15494434 [DELETED] 

good riddance
rest in piss

>> No.15494435 [DELETED] 

what are you talking about, the guy was a fucking idiot

>> No.15494441

>source: a fictional tv show

>> No.15494443
File: 27 KB, 700x350, politics and science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Chomsky had Epstein's number, Epstein gave him $270k, Chomsky refuses to say why

>> No.15494458

you fell for the atheist -ism...
None of those -isms is supposed to work. All those -isms are pure ''thought experiments'' that atheist love to do in order to entertainment themselves.
It's daydreaming. Anarchism is a one of the hundred -isms made up by the bourgeois revolutionaries to saturate the political field in an attempt to make the plebeians stop thinking that kings were a thing. Atheists rewrite history this way.
With its moronic humanistically wishful-thinking non-aggression principle (NAP), Anarchism is literally the atheist fantasy of ''humanism of the bourgeois, without the legal republic of the bourgeois'' so it remains 100% controlled by bourgeois intellectuals. ie ''humanism is awesome''. And of course it can't be done in real life. It's literally a power fantasy for impotent beta cuck atheists. This is why it appeals to bugmen like tranny-lover Ted Kazincky and vaginally herd-follower Ayn Rand. Before atheists, anarchism never fucking existed and nobody ever though about this crappy religion (or ideology like atheists say, about their own religions).

>> No.15494477

How did he get into Harvard when he was 13?
>college student

>> No.15494486

He was a genius anon.

>> No.15494546

Possible, Hawking died in the 80s and they kept his image alive until 2018

>> No.15494560

He entered at 16 according to Wikipedia.

>> No.15494748


>> No.15494823

What was he doing from 16-36? Plus he only got arrested in his 50s? I always assumed they got him in his 30s. Seems like he could've ended up like grothendiecke if he was born earlier. Also these two seem quite similar in personality to Perelman just that he got negatively affected by some element of government and reacted poorly. Their natural tendency is to isolate after some negative realization about society usually in their 30s and 40s. Possibly a phenotype of people with 145+ iqs?

>> No.15495221

take your meds faggot

Ted was scientifically correct. If you disagree with him you are a religious nut job

>> No.15495229

16 : entered Harvard
20 : entered university of Michigan
22 : earned his master's degree
25 : earned his doctoral degree and became an assistant professor
27 : resigned, moved to his parent's home
29 : moved to a remote cabin in Alabama
33 : performed acts of sabotage including arson and booby trapping against developments near to his cabin

>> No.15495292

>more skizo shit

>> No.15495329

So no mention of mk ultra

>> No.15495343

That was during his time at Harvard.

>> No.15495369

Or maybe he just developed schizophrenia like Nash in his early 30s?

>> No.15495373
File: 249 KB, 960x1280, TIMESAND___JANUS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15495376

Ted was a waste of space defeatist faggot, good riddance.

>> No.15495692

>Bombs people selected by essentially library research.
>Still called "non aggressive"
But what can I say. You believe in the invisible dragon in your garage. You cannot be helped anyways.

No he wasn't. If he was acting out of a moral motivation, then he should have selected his victims way more carefully and considerate. He basically selected them by chance based on very weird criteria. There was no moral philosophy behind it.
On that note:
What would be your moral considerations when selecting candidates for murder, /sci/? Would you do it at all? Do you already have a list? What would be your criteria (or in short which algorithm would you use)?

Why is your eye bulging out?

>> No.15495705

Kaczynski's trial was a few years before autism awareness became a thing.

>> No.15495726
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>> No.15496098

employee of the federal government - ideally either a policymaker, or NSA/CIA
end list

>> No.15496100


>> No.15496138

S, fuck that luddite muderous piece of sit and anyone who worships him