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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.15490368

these lil niggas come all the way from zeta reticuli but as soon as the come into our atmosphere they crash their advanced spacecraft. oops.
and that didn't happen once they just crash one after the after
it's never "ufo crashes into rice paddy in indonesia" or "traffic jam due to ufo crashing into motorway in holland". it's always in a way the us military can covertly pick up the debris.
the only time anyone actually noticed was roswell?
nah I ain't buying it chief

>> No.15490372

Aliens only visited the US because they're mainly interested in the most advanced civilization of the time, that's why they built the pyramids in egypt and not some sub-saharan backwater. In another decade or so they'll be crashing in China

>> No.15490377
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>most advanced civilization


>> No.15490387
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mick bros... I don't feel so good

>> No.15490390

Urban sprawl is based though because you don't have to live like a termite in a bugman apartment

>> No.15490392
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>having private houses is... LE BAD!!!!!
>you WILL live in the pod tower and you WILL be happy!!!!!!!

>> No.15490395
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>ufo only crash of US air space
>do so with great frequency
>nah I ain't buying it chief

Your assumption are correct on at least 1 account.
Air/space craft don't malfunction without a cause. I suppose pic related may be 1 cause.

>in b4 "but why would the US try to piss off alien life. It's not al logical thing to do."
Maybe, but do you remember the reaction most recent with the Chinese spy balloons? They shot it down, and the very next thing they did was re-tune the radars to look for more of the same, and shot down every single thing on radar. They sorta coyly admitted they didn't know if all the object they shot down were balloons and they didn't recover any debris so even now they don't know WTF they shot down. They demonstrated very clearly the policy is shoot first and ask questions later.

>> No.15490397
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I believe in aliencock

>> No.15490646

>try to piss off alien life
IF it really is something from alien life, and they have the tech to come here, they'd understand how creepy and stalkerish it is to do what they're doing. hell, they're fair game, they know we are different factions on earth, and we fuck with eachother. If they get in the crossfire that's not fault of ours.
entering someone's yard unannounced is a good way to get your shit fucked up.

>> No.15490660

I believe 100%. Some short faggot who pretends to be a spy and a pilot sometimes convinced me that they came to this gay planet in planes. The ayy lmaos were genocided and their souls make us feel bad.

>> No.15490670

If I'd be an advanced alien civ coming here I'd 3D print human ufo shit just to fuck around with them
>now send them some of those "greys"

>> No.15490687

an alien just flew over my house

>> No.15490788

tell be brother, did it have tiddies?

>> No.15490792

how many operating thetans are you on friend

>> No.15490965
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Yes, just like they believed that pumping your veins full of mysterious chemicals is a good idea.

>> No.15490972
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It doesnt matter if anyone believes in aliens because its not information you can act on. Knowing about aliens doesnt change anything in your life.
Any alleged effect of alien disclosure is going to be something about your personal pschology (i.e you find meaning in life or the opposite) or some politician will use it as an excuse to do more politics. Nothing directly to do with the aliens of course.

>> No.15491229

>private house
>neighbours dick is hanging over your yard

>> No.15491271

there is no fucking aliens. it never is. they never give you any irrefutable proof. yet you keep talking about it.
they did this to you for more than 60 years, and they'll still do it to you. why? because you, the same as your fathers, are absolutely retarded. you're as dumb as your pops. that's why it works. and your stupid son will also believe in aliens on earth.

>> No.15491272

I feel about 69 zyklon b-ed ayylmaos gangbanging my soul.

>> No.15491278
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In a world of 4k the evidence is shitty blurry frame. What did they mean by this?

>> No.15491355

fake. they have one craft, and it's some kind of probe that crashed a long time ago.
there is also an alien object orbiting jupiter or some of it moons, a bit larger but probably also a probe caught by the jupiters gravitational pull.

all the posturing is to scare the opponents that are feverishly scouring the earth for another probe, since they learned about jupiter object.

>> No.15491376
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>> No.15492224

I honestly don't know how anyone can take aliens seriously. Science is evidence-based, this really isn't the right board for this.

>> No.15492563

The alternative, that these are all man-made, is probably scarier than aliens anyway.

Based on the firsthand testimony of 3 different pilots + a radar operator that were all present for the Nimitz encounter, rough estimates indicate that 1100GW of power would have been necessary to perform some of the maneuvers that were witnessed by the Tic Tac craft.

If we assume this was Chinese, as it wasn't the US, and there's no way it was Russia...

Then that means China was testing a drone near the continental US that was powered by nuclear criticality.
It would be better if it were aliens.

>> No.15492566

>The alternative, that these are all man-made
It's a psyop. None of this is even real.

>> No.15492575

>Based on the firsthand testimony of 3 different pilots + a radar operator
your conclusion would make any sense IF you believe the reports.

>> No.15492578

>I come to 4chan to spam it with ZOG narratives
how organic

>> No.15492599

bros, imagine for a nanosecond that space humanoid bio-alien sets foot on ground. a single fart can wipe humanity. the wrong bacteria/virus like equivalent could wipe us out, and fast. a single burp or cough. that would be one of the most serious biohazards imaginable. that shit would be in quarantine and lockdown and they'd nuke the area if need be.
did any of that happen where the humanoid aliens have been reported? no? gee I wonder why.

>> No.15492618
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>the most advanced civilization of the time
that would be lenin's russia.

>> No.15492652

It would explain why humans took an accelerated path. If we are in a zoo, that’s hilarious. Frankly why the fuck not

>> No.15492675

What the dude said to French media was that sometimes the craft was left unoccupied, sometimes crashed and other times captured. I wonder how it will play out though since he is being backed by the previous inspector general who's now acting as his lawyer and he may face legal recourse if everything is bullshit.

>> No.15492685

>Is /sci/ starting to believe?

I'm completely open to the idea, but I'm waiting to see some physical/substantial evidence before I get too excited or invested in any kind of reaction.

Namely, they need to address the elephant in the room and explain exactly the process in which TWELVE alien spacecraft manage to crash on Earth. Because what they're implying is a little silly. That an advanced alien species is somehow capable of breaking the laws of physics to get here, but then incompetent enough to crash? Are we shooting them down? Does human error just scale up infinitely and it does "just happen"? Are Aliens deliberately dumping their garbage on us just to see what we'll do?

With that said I'm infinitely more interested in seeing the Alien Pilot Corpses than the craft and reading what the autopsies have had to say about them.
I'd very much like to know if all life in the galaxy shares a common ancestor, if each planet has it's own *completely unique* genesis of life, or if we're somewhere in the middle with constant cross-contamination on a microbial scale. I'd like to know the answer to that before I die if I can help it.
I'd also be very, very, curious to gleam any kind of cultural details: what do they eat, what kind of clothing do they have, were any cultural nick-knacks or paraphernalia found with them? Did any of them have a little Ayy Bible or a Xeno Religious Icon in their jumpsuit?

>> No.15492688


This deboonks the whole thing. Lenin would've never kept such a secret from the masses

>> No.15493580

I already knew this actually. It's a matter of when, not if.

>> No.15494271

yeah, aliens haven't figured out how to fight the sniffles, apparently, just interstellar travel

>> No.15494279

I think the problem is we might not be able to fight their sniffles. we sterilize our mars rovers so we don't contaminate that planet with our life but we get aliens running around here and they take no measures?
how much are you willing to lie to yourself?

>> No.15494581

We should only allow vaxxed + boosted aliens to land on earth.

>> No.15495880

>Are Aliens deliberately dumping their garbage on us just to see what we'll do?
Could be a seed, maybe to help us advance if we can figure out the technology.

>> No.15495882

maybe because viruses don’t cause disease

>> No.15495884

this has already been solved on /x/. They’re actually not that advanced and don’t really understand our technology because they didn’t develop along a similar technological path as we did. They are awaiting the birth of AI.

>> No.15495985

Ok, and? What now?

>> No.15495990

This post is about you.

>> No.15497506

I don't buy it. the CIA has been suppressing thousands of patents in the past hundred years. just with Tesla's stuff you could probably do insane shit that would pass for alien tech.
Who knows really, if there wasn't a bunch of Tesla tier geneticists that created "horrors beyond imagination" among the suppressed tech.

>> No.15497524

you don't know much about the history of the Soviet Union don't you. read a history book and stop rotting your brains on TikTok and don't be a teacher pet, on a leach in a drag-furry-bdsm outfit brandishing a Chinese/USSR/globohomopedorainbowflag it's cringe and you're gonna feel so much regrets when you finally realize you've been used and are left a hollow sub-human husk with just enough soul left to feel the flame of the hell you helped them forge for yourself
also you're a retarded faggot

>> No.15497706

>Are Aliens deliberately dumping their garbage on us just to see what we'll do?

I would say this.

Faking crashes just to simulate contact, which the government covers up.

>> No.15497947

Lots of people have been contacted for years.

>> No.15498047

how did these mofos get here then?

>> No.15498060

actually i came across a reasonable explanation. particularly if you assume the spacecraft are unmanned
our rover is still sitting on mars and we left shit on the moon. we didn't need it anymore and bringing it back would have been an unnecessary expensive hassle.
let's assume the ufos were just probes that were sent to collect information and then transmit that back home. just like the mars rover. why bring the ufo all the way back through the galaxy which is probably super costly when you can just dump it here. maybe there even is some kind of self destruct mechanism that breaks enough of the machinery so bob lazar cannot reverse engineer it.

>> No.15498180
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I'm starting to believe that that other whistle blower that was coming up in the news before all this was real

>> No.15498199

I think it's safe and fine. I've come to accept the existence of ayys. I trust they will do nothing bad to me.