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15490180 No.15490180 [Reply] [Original]

Why is science & engineering so much more conservative than the rest of academia?

>> No.15490182


>> No.15490187

-Greater requirement for reason and discipline (as opposed to emotion and liberality)
-In-culture prestige (Conservatives often don't respect artsy types, but are much more likely to respect the "hard" sciences)
-Belief in economic applications (A physicist or engineer might go on to get a job at a real company that does things, but artsy types may be forever confined to academia. Or working at Starbucks)

>> No.15490217

108 democrats : 1 1 republican
>humanities/social science
20 democrats to 1 republican
5 democrats to 1 republican

>> No.15490226

He's asking why the ratio isn't consistent and the gap for science/engineering isn't nearly as large. I'm curious what the bulk of "interdisciplinary" is when broken down.

>> No.15490228

Misaligned incentives.

>> No.15490233

Doesn't that say there's still 4 dems to 1 republican even in stem? And that's the lowest ratio? How is that possible? Are republicans just white trash and hicks in America or something?

>> No.15490236

They have actual jobs.
>Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

>> No.15490238

Well... yeah.

>> No.15490251

Midwit cope. There's nothing impressive about cheap and plentiful physical labor. Any able bodied man can do it.

>> No.15490252

Who's talking about physical labor? Smart and capable people work in industry with their PhD, while the least capable ones work in academia.

>> No.15490254

At least for professional schools like medicine, that's just flat out false. The academic residencies that lead into academic careers are the most cutthroat competitive of all.

>> No.15490255


>> No.15490257

You mean they're heavily gatekept. That doesn't relate to achievement or results in any way in academia, it just means you had someone on the inside who liked you.

>> No.15490261

The ratios will still likely skew democrat in industry.

Regardless, there's little evidence for what you say. Academics usually have higher IQ. Most professors also have worked in industry before.

>> No.15490265

>You mean they're heavily gatekept
No, I mean they're extremely competitive. You apply for those academic residencies in the same process as the regular ones too, everyone applies together - it's just that the academic residency matriculants are on average much more capable than the community residency people.
There are meticulous details kept on the performance of people in standardized testing and people from top schools tend to drift into top academic residencies with top scores.

The people in academia in medicine are generally at the top of their class.

>> No.15490269

Higher IQ correlates with conservatism on purely demographic grounds.

>> No.15490271

>The people in academia in medicine are generally at the top of their class.

>> No.15490272

It's more often rooted in reality, and not wishful thinking for silly people.

>> No.15490278

Literally the opposite. Dumb people have more kids.

>> No.15490282

Wrong correlation.

>> No.15490288
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>wishful thinking for silly people.
is that a dark matter reference?

>> No.15490371

More of them realize they'll be making money. Lots of them switch when they become gainfully employed since there's really no ideological difference between dems and reps in America (if you ignore the theatre).

>> No.15490476

No one cares about feelings in science only logic and facts

>> No.15490730

because higher iq.
more smart = more conservative

>> No.15490736

By definition, the smarter and more honest you are, the further to the Right you go.

>> No.15490791 [DELETED] 

t. Brazilian monkey

>> No.15490800

dumb women have more kids, dumb men have fewer kids

>> No.15490939

This interpretation does not fit to the data. Intelligent people generally are more likely to be democrat as shown in the above statistic.

My interpretation:
Cognitive flexibility is the best predictor of your party. This explains why all academics are democrat and why social scientists and especially interdisciplinary academics are even more so (in stem there is only one truth, life is simple and you do proper work. In the social sciences not so much.)
The actual question is: Why is there such a huge gap of cognitive flexibility in america? Have the microplastics turned the frogs gay or has the lead turned the republicans stupid.
I suspect the latter based on the international view on trump. Might be an interesting topic to study.

"When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind. What Do You Do, Sir?"

>> No.15491044

>"When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind. What Do You Do, Sir?"
Facts don't change, only interpretations thereof.

>> No.15491075
File: 950 KB, 1644x3840, Screenshot_20230609-143041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are republicans just white trash and hicks in America or something?
About 10 years ago there was calls from inside the right that higher education was from Satan and that they should just become truckers instead. The religious priests in the republican party have always sought to dismiss education among their young followers in order to keep their power.

Men with a higher education is now likely to have more kids.

>> No.15491625

>Academics usually have higher IQ. Most professors also have worked in industry before.

>> No.15491636

Republicans are at the extremes and democrats are in the middle of the iq distribution

>> No.15491641 [DELETED] 

except for the niggers, which are democrat. those are concentrated at the bottom.

>> No.15491671

> more conservative
Your chart says Democrat/ Republican

>> No.15491700

Could be any number of reason, really. I suspect that it has to do with more stringent and focused passing requirements than other fields, but I could be wrong.

It might also have something to do with nazis because nazis have a sneaking tendency to embed themselves anywhere they can find purchase.

>> No.15491792

>as shown in the above statistic
Academics aren't intelligent.

>> No.15491803

>Are republicans just white trash and hicks in America or something?
pretty much yes

>> No.15491963


>> No.15491997
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It's usually about money

>> No.15491999


>> No.15492004

>can't read the fucking graph that states democrats outnumber republicans in literally every field

>> No.15492008
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Smart people don't vote. It's an obvious charade. Leaders naturally need to be mythologized and born from a race bred and groomed to lead. I would not put a donkey in a horse race. Until there is a throne my work is purely for the sake of the field.

>> No.15492040

This seems like a pretty loose correlation to begin with but I'm assuming this is more just showing those with money have more incentive to align with the side that pushes for lower taxes since all these professions are pretty level in terms of intelligence

>> No.15492051

It's more that Democrats have a much lower capacity to contribute productively to society. That is why they cluster in the soft pseudosciences and make most of their money through rent seeking.

>> No.15492059

Is there any example of a known Democrat who hasn't made one or more completely idiotic public statements?

>> No.15492072

>Are republicans just white trash and hicks in America or something
literally yes. anyone with higher education leans to the dems side

>> No.15492402


>> No.15492716

yeah, the "free thinking egalitarians" on the college campuses are incredibly hostile to anyone who doesn't share their political beliefs and they ostracize all of the heretics to the point that even the most conservative fields are massively liberal

>> No.15493625
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They don't think it be that way but it do

>> No.15494501

Physical sciences are more based in reality so theres less mental illness amongst those involved. Not saying that they're sane or even well adjusted, just not as bad off as ppl who devote their lives to studying literary fiction

>> No.15494611

>psychiatry and pediatrics mostly dem
who wouldve guessed?

>> No.15495536

both are female dominated

>> No.15496217

unfortunately, the idea of a female pediatrician is absurd. women hate children, they love abortion

>> No.15497369

they define anyone who voices differing opinions as "hate speech" these days

>> No.15498127
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>> No.15498179

Intelligence of democrats, yes

>> No.15498207


>> No.15498584

contradicting einstein, the jew god of the atheists, will get you accused of antisemitism. his theories are the soience atheists' religious dogma

>> No.15498865
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There are no democrat scientists or engineers. There are only fakes, scammers, and parasites with degrees. All the work that matters is done by conservatives.

>> No.15498868

So fucking true. Instead learning from their betters they just hate and sabotage anyone who is better than them, and that is practically everyone.

>> No.15499048

This thread reads like a "right side" thread written by "left side" people.

>> No.15499068

Engineering hard sciences are 40-55% Republican.

Those democrats are all the biology slags.

>> No.15499088

All we care about is facts not feelings or subjective opinions unless thats criticism towards theorem that is still logical and not emotional

>> No.15499093

Less number of Niggers and Women, however It's worsening too.

>> No.15499776

Thats why the peer review system destroyed science, when a peerless scientist comes along the peers are able to easily shut them down

>> No.15500465
File: 31 KB, 588x549, disgrunteled soyence man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15500477

college/university pushes leftist views. not because they are more merited, but because of jewish/corporate influence over academia.

actually sitting through four+ years of uni isn't a measure of intellect, intellect is only a hurdle. it's a measure of submission.

>> No.15500480


>> No.15500579

Sitting in a basement and posting on /pol/ for 4 years is even easier and the sign of an even lower intellect than those sitting at college.

>> No.15500633

I don't know, but what I do know is that there's three closeted natsocs in my 32-person physics course.

>> No.15500773

And there's 29 communists in the class.

>> No.15500776

Physicist here—I’m an absolute monarchist

>> No.15500791

Not remotely true. More like 70 dem/30 repub at shitty schools and probably like 90 dem/10 repub at good ones.

If you want to see majors with lots of repubs, check business, psychology, or economics

>> No.15500853

Nah, this is according to a 2014 study across all universities.

Also MIT used to be majority conservative, only recently have they decayed.

>> No.15500885


professional, science and engineering has only slightly more democrats in them. All other sectors are just academic grift.

>> No.15500892


I've long lost the hope of finding anyone with the balls to stand up against keynsian economics and stop suckling on the gov tits... econ is FLODED with libtards

>> No.15501106

Wow you’re so edgy being a nazi

>> No.15501785

>*kvetching intensifies*

>> No.15501870

Its the trade school of universities / they are low IQ white trash.

>> No.15502366

>white trash
racism is banned on 4chan outside of >>>/b/
which is where you belong

>> No.15503481

>higher education was from Satan
and they were correct

>> No.15503498 [DELETED] 

Mods and Jannies are only offended with negros or jewish are insulted with racial language, you can insult whites all you want here, call them every name in the book, call for their genocide and there will be now response at all to any reports, but when blacks or jews get the same treatment then whoever is doing it gets banned

>> No.15503539

>science & engineering so much more conservative than the rest of academia?
I'm seeing a "Professional" bar right there that refutes this, chud.

>> No.15503548

Chuds aren't very careful with how they interpret data. They were shitting up this board for months with their erroneously interpreted data. I usually just smirk and then hide the thread.

>> No.15503632

All of the responses to this made me realize part of the reason democrats have such entrenched views and are so dismissive of other perspectives is as much about perceptions of social class as anything

>> No.15504284

Did you also notice that jannie bans everyone who ever uses the N-word of ultimate power, buy you can say anything nasty you want about whites without risking repercussion?

>> No.15504295

Thorsten Veblen had them pegged decades ago. Liberals are easy to manipulate due to their oversocialization and opinions on status signaling.

>> No.15504854

Not true. I shitpost against nogs or rednecks depending on the thread, and there's no rhyme or reason to the bans I get.

>> No.15504869

Gotta earn money so you can waste it donating to Trump's legal fund

>> No.15505212 [DELETED] 

you're on the wrong board >>>/pol/

>> No.15506436 [DELETED] 

Jannie bans n-word posters constantly, but you can say anything you want about whites, no matter how terrible it is

>> No.15506449

hold up, wtf, when did this happen? et tu brute? did the wokies win and take down 4chan as well?

>> No.15506453

Openness personality. Humanities and broad interests overlap with a personality that is of divergent thinking. It accepts as many hypotheses as possible as true or plausible. However, this isn't how science operates. Science doesn't care about scope, it cares about veracity, accuracy, and exactness. As such it narrows down to as few hypotheses as possible and rejects the rest, which is actually a good thing, as that separates the wheat from the chaff. Humanities on the other hand don't separate the wheat from the chaff because they're disciplines fundamentally concerned with speculation, not exact truth per se. Soft sciences stay soft because to stop being soft they'd have to stop speculation, and humanities faculties are fundamentally institutes of speculation

>> No.15507574 [DELETED] 

>it cares about veracity, accuracy, and exactness.
how do you believe that in the face of the replication crisis?

>> No.15507583

I thought the republicans were winning so damn hard that every college was going conservative, how they could they fall to our enemies?

>> No.15507611

Filter conservative applicants

>> No.15507616

follow the money op.
Scientists rely on government grants whereas engineers rely on employers. Simple as.

>> No.15507660

slave morality

>> No.15508235 [DELETED] 

>government grants
thats another one of those sleazy weasel word concoctions like saying "replication crisis" in lieu of "outright fraud".
"government grants" are just handouts for unproductive losers, its welfare for the over privileged segment of the unemployable community

>> No.15508246

Higher ed is full of immigrants who vote dem for free gibsmedat

>> No.15508255

No? Government grants are super competitive and don’t pay out nearly as much as private benefactors

>> No.15508831

>Are republicans just white trash and hicks in America or something?
Funny they actually believe they are a silent majority, when in reality they are a vocal minority.

>> No.15508902

It tells a lot that /sci/ brainlets are mostly conservative.

>> No.15509086 [DELETED] 

>I hate /sci/
why are you here?
just to promote your political agenda to people you hate?
why do you even want to have people you hate sharing your agenda?