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15489743 No.15489743 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15489754

Pretty safe, considering that I dont live in America.

>> No.15489755

Can he do surgery and not kill me? If yes then I don't care. Cut me open, fix the issue, close me up, keep my penis covered so the nurses don't laugh at it, make sure I don't wake up mid surgery.

>> No.15489765

>keep my penis covered
Not an option. He specialized in transgender surgery. He needs open access to your penis to cut it off.

>> No.15489772

How much does it cost to look at that pic?

>> No.15489780

>He specialized in transgender surgery.
Then I have no use for him since I'm not mentally ill.

>> No.15489796

I'd feel fine. The guy probably grinded his studies unlike white americans who get everything through nepotism.

>> No.15489826

>selfies le bad

>> No.15489845

He's more intelligent and reliable than you, jealous faggot

>> No.15489853

For 1, I'm straight. 2, I have 2 PhDs. 3,I fucked your mom. 4, I'm responsible for several power production facilities while trying to retro fit chemical filters in a water treatment plant. And 5, my hand writing is readable. Talk more shit cause you know if we met face to face, you would need several doctors to keep you going.

>> No.15489910

Getting two phds is signal of low iq. Instead of specializing in your field, you spent 5 years studying something completely unrelated.

>> No.15489914
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I would deny being operated by anyone who isn't white under the pretense of religious belief

>> No.15489920

>trusting the medical industrial complex
Enjoy your cocktail of pills and early death.

>> No.15489922

Not that anon, but not capitalizing acronyms is also a sign of low IQ.

>> No.15489931

i don't trust doctors in general.
if I were to get one though, I'm pretty sure the asian-brown ones are (were?) held to a higher standard when applying to med school, so assuming that's an indian he's probably my best bet.

>> No.15489953

>noooo everything is completely isolated
A master of 1 right here.

>> No.15489964


>> No.15489980

depends on your insurance

>> No.15489981

not 1 but 2 puny hideous dicks

>> No.15490011

Ooooooh 2 PhD :O that's so difficult, you must be very intelligent :O how many researches did you do? :O did you get to wear a white coat? :O

>> No.15490055

Not just white. Green, blue and check this. Dark navy blue.

>> No.15490137

What makes him not safe? His pose or his skin color?

>> No.15490158

>least ethnocentric racial group, explicitly disadvantaged in every institution in US for the sake of diversity
>get everything by nepotism

what did he mean by this?


>> No.15490165

He's making a selfie. Only stupid people make selfies.

>> No.15490309

An MD is much more prestigious than 2 PhDs.

99% of PhDs are people who didn't have the grades to get into professional school or the skills to get a job after undergrad.

>> No.15490312


>> No.15490347

As long as he's not mexican or black, brown/yellow/white are fine for me. They earned their degrees and are competent enough. Others haven't and are pulled up by the system. So in case of emergencies, expertise matters.

>> No.15490356

1. Dr. Karan is British.
2. Indians and Asians are even more disadvantaged by affirmative action SAT manipulating trickery than Whites, so an Indian American doctor had to grind their way to any position they got

>> No.15490358
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>sample size = 1
>1 person selected by OP in hopes of maxing out replies

I don't think OP knows what an average is.

>> No.15490431

>Uh hi, uh, Dr. Singh, thank you for seeing me. You see I've been having this...
>Uh, excuse me?
>Ah, yes I have cash in my pocket here. As I was saying I've been having this constant acute pain right here in my abdomen and...
>No, there's no blood, you see...

>> No.15490444

And what if the black and brown did earn it?

>> No.15490447
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Statistically, you're betting on the losing horse

>> No.15490559

All yuropoors wish they were in America. They're soulless goys who would love the higher paycheck

>> No.15490576
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>> No.15490580
File: 131 KB, 652x384, circumcision revenge on male population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15490763

why the fuck would you get two PHDS?

>> No.15490808

They at least had to work to earn their credentials instead of riding on nepotism, wealth and other kind of privilege.

Medicine and complacency don't mix.

>> No.15490819

Yeah, those gosh dang (((White))) Americans getting everything for free.

>> No.15490833

This also applies to medicine.
medicine is for drone Normies who want to feel scientific and all doctors are technicians, not even engineers and even less scientists.

all nurses are gigawhores, full of herpes and they give handjobs to the patients who have the biggest cocks

no joke

so it is normal for coomers and whores to idolize other coomers and whores.

Same thing for women and law schools.

>> No.15490870
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Soientists are professional liars and murderers so at least them being more open in their evil is good.