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15489003 No.15489003 [Reply] [Original]

How come Antarctica hasn't warmed in over 70 years?

>> No.15489153
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Real article.

>> No.15489167

>ice is melting but that doesn't mean anything got warmer

>> No.15489203

Antarctica? Why didn't you save her?

>> No.15489305

How would I know? I don't study Antarctica.

>> No.15489351

What's the primary source of sea ice in that region? The ocean itself freezing or ice from Antarctica sliding into the ocean? If it's the latter, less sea ice would be a sign that the ice on Antarctica is solidifying instead of breaking up.

>> No.15489477
File: 275 KB, 720x1170, Screenshot_20230608-180047_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of it melts and refreezes again in winter. It doesn't seem to freeze as usual.

>> No.15489660

What are these ice for?

>> No.15489896
File: 42 KB, 928x578, antarctic-sea-ice 1978-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15489950

It's another episode of
>eyy, let's report on the first part of the abstract and ignore the rest of the abstract

>> No.15490183
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Because global warming is fake af

>> No.15490193
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Antarctica isn't real like the rest of the world. It sits on a dimensional border and only incidentally brushes ours enough to interact with.

>> No.15490200

>"Stupid reality! Why cant you go along with our lies and propaganda!"

>> No.15490370
File: 39 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put ice in drink
>some ice melts
>as expected, ice that hasn't melted still has a temperature below freezing
>act surprised and dumbfounded

I am in fact, surprised and dumbfounded there are people posting on /sci/ who at the very least think they can pretend they don't understand ICE IS COLD!!

>> No.15490373
File: 74 KB, 850x511, IMG_8423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antarctica is under vastly different oceanographic conditions due to the Antarctic circumpolar current. Temperature changes in the region are more muted than in the arctic. This is not new information and has been case since forever

>> No.15490422

>dig coal, burn coal, powerrrrrrr
>water mines itself
Free up these solid resources, make it a greenhouse. Total resource availability.

>> No.15490468

i went there with a group of other people on a cruise and there are pictures and videos of this happening

>> No.15490727

>70 years of temperature record shows no warming trend because reasons
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas

>> No.15491673

thats a good reason

>> No.15491853

>I give relevant data and physical reasons for why Antarctica has less temperature variability over time
>you still have zero arguments

>> No.15492448

its a demonstrable fact that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas

>> No.15492494

Because it's cold

>> No.15493117

you are bipolar.

>> No.15493124

The entire landmass is encircled by a very cold ocean current that prevents it from heating up

>> No.15493543
File: 61 KB, 760x625, IMG_3698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>measured and observed interactions between gas and infrared radiation aren’t real because I say so
This has been observed since the 1800s

>> No.15493742

they believed in a lot of dumb stuff in the 1800s
co2 has subsequently been proven to not be a greenhouse gas

>> No.15493751

>co2 has subsequently been proven to not be a greenhouse gas
You post this in every thread yet never provide evidence

>> No.15494498

if co2 were a greenhouse gas then the antarctic would have warmed substantially over than past 70 years. you have no evidence that co2 is a greenhouse gas other than having heard greta and al gore say it is. greta is a high school dropout who can't do math and al gore is a politician

>> No.15495419

Thats great news, I'm a big environmentalist so it makes me really happy to learn that the Earth isn't really overheating the way they're always saying it is on CNN & NPR. Why does the mainstream media circulate so much worrying disinformation about the environment?

>> No.15495445

You seem to lack the understanding that not all elements behave the same way

>> No.15495503

This. It's very good news to know that climate change isn't happening. Somewhat disturbing that nobody reports on it though. Don't they want to let everyone else celebrate the good news?

>> No.15495998
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>nope I’m just refusing to accept basic measurements

>> No.15496039

Jetstream in the southern hemisphere is also markedly different and less subject to perturbations than in the north, as the southern hemisphere is mostly ocean.
A lot of warming in the arctic is currently being caused by extreme heatwaves caused by shifts in the jetstream bringing continental/tropical air masses further north than usual.

>> No.15497329

that only means that the massive amount of heat accumulated during the antarctic's greenhouse summers should take even longer to dissipate.
and yet measurements show that the antarctic is not warming.
or melting

pretty much proves global warming isn't happening

>> No.15497806

>nothing to see here, global warming isn't real, go back to your meat, high fructose corn syrup, teevee, and vidya!
>stop asking questions and CONSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

>> No.15498510

>scientists struggle to understand
cause they're low iq and stupid

>> No.15498901

True and real. Those organizations are not worth of any respect.

>> No.15498908

Your own graph says CO2 is irrelevant, and O3 is massively important to prevent ultraviolet light, whose photons have far higher energy, from heating the planet.

>> No.15499645

NASA should be defunded, they only exist to waste money and spread lies. We already have a better space program run by Elon Musk, NASA serves no purpose and does not need to exist

>> No.15499706

Imagine wasting billions on what Elon does for millions and still thinking you're smart.

>> No.15500486

they're dumb, thats why blatantly obvious things such as their own stupidity are not obvious to them.
thats one of the paradoxes of idiocy

>> No.15501741

>eating meat is bad
tell that to your ancestors, the previous 100,000 generations of your family were all meat eaters

>> No.15502402

>How come Antarctica hasn't warmed in over 70 years?
Because global warming is as transparently a false narrative as covid was

>> No.15502501

The previous 100 generations minus the 4 or 6 most recent ones were eating little meat and mostly just bread and vegetables like the poor starving presents they were. They were short and stupid compared to the higher classes and nobility with high meat diets, but they still ate it no matter how bad it was for them.

>> No.15502533

Climate change is very complex and the effects are not that predictable, especially if you focus on one phenomena or event.

>> No.15502630

>How come Antarctica hasn't warmed in over 70 years?

>> No.15502643

How can it melt while its temperature is BELOW freezing?

>> No.15502644
File: 911 KB, 400x320, TIMESAND___Antarctica.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it because what they're calling "the temperature in Antarctica" is a fake data feed that has nothing to do with the temperature in Antarctica?

>> No.15502645

It clearly shows that CO2 absorbs some bands of IR while being transparent to everything else which makes it a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15502646
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>> No.15503558

CO2 is not a "greenhouse gas"
If CO2 were a "greenhouse gas" then the "greenhouse effect" would be observed on Mars, which has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth does

>> No.15503565

Except, we do observe a greenhouse effect on mars, albeit it is extremely small due to the low density of the atmosphere.

>> No.15503569

Science says we don't, thoughbeit.

>> No.15503572

We do though.

>> No.15503608

we don't though, midwit. Go back to plebbit

>> No.15503631

But we do. Why do you insist we don't?

>> No.15504278

Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, whatever puny amount of temperature above the calculated planetary equilibrium temperature is measured is within the error range of the measured temperature

>> No.15505142 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 1957x1338, global warming is a hoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The global warming hysterics say the exact opposite, they know exactly how everything is going to work out and they claim they can tell you why too.

>> No.15506251 [DELETED] 

>ice is melting

>the data shows ice isn't melting

>> No.15506630 [DELETED] 

The global warming hysterics aren't reasonable people, thats why they're called hysterics

>> No.15506764

>CO2 doesn't absorb radiation
Are you incapable of using a search engine?

>> No.15507727 [DELETED] 

CO2 is not a "greenhouse gas"
CO2 does not cause "the greenhouse effect"

>> No.15507740

CO2 absorbs some IR and no visible light + UV. That automatically makes it a greenhouse gas.