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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15485772 No.15485772 [Reply] [Original]

>it is unscientific to assume we are the only life in the universe
>it is schizo to talk about possible aliens visits on earth
Tell me /sci/, if somebody else out there actually figured out how to pull an FTL, what's your best guess on how they did it?

>> No.15485782

>It's probable bacterial life exist somewhere else in the cosmos, therefore incredibly advanced aliens covertly stalking humanity is a FACT!

>> No.15485783


>> No.15485835

FTL travel means causality is violated, resulting in nonsensical paradoxes - not paradoxes of intuition like the double-slit experiment, but events occurring in different sequences.

>> No.15485838

>>it is unscientific to assume we are the only life in the universe
The truth is never unscientific.

>> No.15485864

>the truth
Bible told you that one?

>> No.15485868

You sound very insecure.

>> No.15485882 [DELETED] 

You are projecting hard.
Traditionally the only people that claims to know to an absolute certainty we are the only life in the universe as the truth are also the ones who claims the Earth is flat and the center of the universe.
If I give you the benefit of the doubt you aren't another schzio, what's your argument scientifically we are the only life in the universe?

>> No.15485887

You are projecting hard.
Traditionally the only people that claims to know to an absolute certainty we are the only life in the universe as the truth are also the ones who claims the Earth is flat and the center of the universe.
If I give you the benefit of the doubt you aren't another schzio, what's your argument scientifically we are the only life in the universe?

>> No.15485892

>You are projecting hard.
Most ironic post on the board today considering >>15485864.

>> No.15485899

NTA but science has never succeeded in creating even the most primitive living thing. They take it as an article of faith that abiogenesis will just naturally occur if you throw enough billions of years at it despite there being literally ZERO examples of it.

>> No.15485901
File: 31 KB, 694x968, soyence bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another shit thread for idiots who can't tell the difference between hollywood bullcrap and irl
why do these idiots feel like they're welcome to post on /sci/, is science know to be for morons who can't tell the difference between TV and IRL?

>> No.15485902

Dubs checked and correct. Even in the most favorable "intelligently designed" laboratory conditions abiogenesis is impossible. To assume that it must therefore be possible somewhere else is hubris.

>> No.15485910


>> No.15485916

>process allegedly took millions of years under non-fully understood conditions
>wHy cAn'T tHeY RePrOdUcE iT

>> No.15485920

So how did life evolve on Earth?

>> No.15485923

Shill thread. There are no aliens.

>> No.15485925

there is nothing that makes earth unique astronomically speaking. Therefore, if it happened here, it stands to reason there is an equal chance of it happening somewhere else.

>> No.15485926

>Therefore, if it happened here
Which it never has, let's keep in mind.

>> No.15485932

Where did life come from then, according to you?

>> No.15485936

According to science: nobody knows.

>> No.15485937


>> No.15485940

Abiogenesis has never been successfully completed on Earth despite hundreds of attempts in the most favorable conditions possible. Scientists are so desperate that they now claim that panspermia is how life got to Earth and abiogenesis here is impossible.

>> No.15485943

the entire universe is moving away from earth at enormous velocity
all in order to get away from you and your noxious know it all soience poser personality

>> No.15485947

>there is nothing that makes earth unique astronomically speaking.
Except for the fact that it's the only known planet with life.

>> No.15485953

So what's your claim how life got here?

>> No.15485959

The fact we don't know the specifics about the origin of life doesn't preclude the fact life does exist. Therefore we can conclude it is a non-zero chance event.

At some point, under certain conditions, non-life gave way to life.

>> No.15485961

That is not an astronomical fact

>> No.15485962

You know exactly how life was created but you're horribly afraid to admit it to yourself.

>> No.15485968

Sounds to me like you are the one who's afraid to answer a simple question.

>> No.15485975

>At some point, under certain conditions, non-life gave way to life.
Correct. At one point life was created on Earth. There is no indication a separate creation event took place anywhere else.

>> No.15485987

We also don't have any reason to believe this to be a necessarily unrepeatable event.

Without further evidence, speculation can be used to argue either point

>> No.15485992
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I..I always knew we were grown in alien labs.

>> No.15486006

>We also don't have any reason to believe this to be a necessarily unrepeatable event.
We have quite a great deal of evidence to believe that there is no life anywhere in the visible universe, and following Occam's Razor it's more plausible that we are the only place with life.

>> No.15486013

>We also don't have any reason to believe this to be a necessarily unrepeatable event.
We can just calculate minimum complexity for life to emerge and extrapolate.

Problem is that would ruin Star Trek fantasy so we don't want to think about it.

>> No.15486032

Hilariously untrue.
Exoplanet survey has not even reached 10000 out of a universe composed of billions.

Any evidence for or against therefore lacks the weight needed to be meaningful, let alone definitive

>> No.15486041

See >>15480399

>> No.15486051

If life on earth arose through natural means, however unlikely they might be, if it was purely a matter of material and physical conditions and chance, you must concede the possibility of those circumstances being possible again somewhere else where those conditions might happen.

>> No.15486055

>If life on earth arose through natural means
Which it didn't.

>> No.15486060

Then I believe we have reached an axiomatic impasse

>> No.15486143

Why do schizo feel the need to contaminant this board with their shenanigans.
Do you understand what science means? It means REPRODUCIBILITY.
If you can demonstrably reproduce life through non-physical means, every galaxy brains here will kiss whatever ground you or your God walks on.
But we all know you can't do that since you are just another 2bit charlatan fated to the dust of history among countless other dead religions.
Kindly fuck back to >>>>>/x/.

>> No.15486224

>If you can demonstrably reproduce life through non-physical means
Let's see you demonstrably reproduce life through physical means. Oh yeah, you can't.

>> No.15486270

>we don't have the technology to do it yet
>therefore God did it
How many above argument have your retarded religion made though out history.
How many more times are you going to keep making to embarrass yourselves.
Protip: You can't burn people nowadays.

>> No.15486279

>If life on earth arose through natural means, however unlikely they might be, if it was purely a matter of material and physical conditions and chance, you must concede the possibility of those circumstances being possible again somewhere else where those conditions might happen.
What? We have the probability, of course we know it can happen. The problem is it shouldn't have happened even once and so early, and it certainly hasn't happened twice or more within the first 15 billion years within our event horizon, as would be required by alien folklore.

Also, just biting the bullet on probability does not work that way. You cannot rationally comprehend, much less accept probabilities beyond a certain point.

>> No.15486283

>creating life requires unimaginably advanced technology we haven't even dreamt of yet
I accept your concession.

>> No.15486287

>life can be created with technology
No sir, I accept YOUR concession.
Now kindly fuck off back to >>>>/x/.

>> No.15486315

>no u
>it can be imagined in science fiction therefore I win
lol the absolute cope

>> No.15486456

Every non-zero possibility IS possible, no matter how unlikely. That's the bedrock of probability

>> No.15486457
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I wonder what aliencock would taste like

>> No.15486466

Our inability in RE-creating life with experiments that by necessity need to somehow condense millions of years into something approachable in human timespans is not proof that the process can't happen naturally.

Can't cook a casserole in a microsecond by heating to a million degrees for an instant

>> No.15486473


>> No.15486502

idk but alein pussy us probably otherworldly

>> No.15486720

The probability is why we have certainty it's not happening. You can't just want something strictly logically possible to be true and then multiply by infinity and say it occurs, if that were the case even zero probability events might occur since you can just associate it with an undefined number.

I reiterate:
>If P(you are dreaming)>>P(something), you're fucked.
>If P(you are in a simulation)>>P(something), you're fucked.
>If (the maximum number of physical interactions that can occur in the universe prior to heat death)>>(expected number of physical interactions required to randomly produce an event), you're fucked.

Probability is literally an assessment of beliefs, you can't escape by just wanting to suck alien cock.

>> No.15486941

essentially. its probable these crafts obey physics of the bulk.

>> No.15486962

Even if the science says there is life elsewhere in the universe it also says FTL *is* impossible so we will never find it. There are no aliens giving Earth fly-bys.

>> No.15487000

>idiots gets stupid ideas implanted in their heads by hollywood scifi
>then they believe the hype when CNN says stupid ideas are coming true
low as f IQ
they did the same thing with the fake virus, there were all sorts of virus movie, video games, novels and tv shows and dumbfucks fell for it when CNN said the same thing was happening in irl.
inability to separate entertaining friction from irl reality is a feature of double digit IQs
you're the dumbfucks who ran into the Jersey swamps when war of the worlds came on the radio

>> No.15487106

It's only impossible if you think you have already discovered all the pieces to the puzzle.

>> No.15487225

I have. As much as I wish FTL was possible it is just wishful thinking.

>> No.15487244
File: 221 KB, 1387x1397, archangel michael smoking a cig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship Satan. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.

>> No.15487246
File: 68 KB, 834x628, sad in wilcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 proofs aliens are complete fraud:


>> No.15487248

It's like asking a caveman to explain how a microprocessor works, no guesses will be even close to reality

>> No.15487249

>I have
Guess we should just cut fundings to all science endeavours now since you have discovered all there is to know about the universe.

>> No.15487314

Never said we know everything about the universe. But FTL, yeah that shit aint happening.

>> No.15487385

>actual FTL happens
>well technically he isn't FTL
Everytime. Screenshot this for posterity.

>> No.15487460
File: 32 KB, 656x679, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of those videos are AI-generated

>> No.15487469

Shut up freak

>> No.15488973

we don't know much about most exoplanets besides their size and orbit, how could we tell if it has ayys just from those?

>> No.15490505

I don't know if they have ftl travel. But the ships I have witnessed personally or seen on videos are faster than anything else.

>> No.15490519

ytf risk it their tech falling in our hands? or even worse, one of them. this is like the wettest dream of literally spacenigs. we really are the spacenigs of the universe, because we dream of juicy aliens with tech would come in our neighborhood so we can fucking rob them and take what they have.
you will never have alien tech!