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File: 83 KB, 762x549, skepticism2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15485728 No.15485728 [Reply] [Original]

I find it strange that getting a 4 year degree makes you more pro-vax, but getting a PHD makes you less willing to get a vaccine. How is this possible?

>> No.15486016 [DELETED] 

Low IQs get college degrees, smarter people can either figure out how to earn a living without wasting years of their life at adult babysitting camp for arrested psychological development cases or they can show that they're at least smarter than the average adult babysitting camp attendee and move on to advanced learning.

>> No.15486213
File: 236 KB, 1086x1039, Higher Education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel explains it best.

>> No.15486216
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1653159661858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shilled keyword: "vaccine". implying injections help "immune system" fight "virus", and for evey "virus" you need matching "jab" carefully crafted by best $cientists. is there a better term for this than simply schizophasia? Bible and germ theory are not just regular schizophasia, they were designed to make people schizo.

>> No.15486325

Widespread social pressure said to get a bachelor's degree. Then it said something else, and the same people listened.

>> No.15486332

Probably D-K effect. Would be more interesting if it was broken down by degree.

>> No.15486337 [DELETED] 

>hates God
No wonder you're possessed.

>> No.15486344

>materialist atheist schizophrenia
No wonder you're possessed.

>> No.15486353

>Widespread social pressure said to get a bachelor's degree. Then it said something else, and the same people listened.
Nicely put.

>> No.15486657

op is fake and gay >>15475747

>> No.15486779 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 516x1280, vax cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are, only retards got the vaxxx

>> No.15487408

not science. ban yourself.

>> No.15488795 [DELETED] 

>they drank the kool-aid

>> No.15488797

most people are vaccinated without any side effects whatsoever

>> No.15488801

Most people didn't take it.

>> No.15488812
File: 29 KB, 680x314, covid_vaxSwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick google search tells me
>More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population.

also countries with highest vaccination rates had lowest excess mortality look at sweden for example

>> No.15488847

>it's only been a week
>the old thread is still up

amateur, troll-kun

>> No.15488881 [DELETED] 

all lies

>> No.15488890

>also countries with highest vaccination rates had lowest excess mortality look at sweden for example

>> No.15488897

Peak of state indoctrination without the intellectual maturity to question the wisdom of the state.

>> No.15488919

what's the truth then

>> No.15488950

Sweden had no lockdowns or masks at all, hence their population stayed healthy

>> No.15488961

i thought having one of the highest vax rates should make them the most unhealthy countries no?

>> No.15488967


>> No.15488980

masks have no negative effects on health, nor do lockdowns

>> No.15489607

Cope more fatty.

>> No.15489674

I got a bachelor’s degree and I never found the covid vaccine to be necessary

>> No.15489678

even educated people make mistakes it seems

>> No.15489701

Do you remember the bird flu scare in 2013 or Swine flu? Remember how they were hyped up to be the next Black Death and how they ended up absolute nothingburgers? The exact same happened with Covid and everyone was screaming to shut down society while nobody who was already healthy dropped dead. I was a wagie then and I still had to show up to work

>> No.15489851

>The Pandemic That Wasn't
swine flu was a hoax, just like covid

>> No.15489856

It's true that once you are postgraduate you begin to opine on topics and "trust your instincts" on things you have no business to opine on.

>> No.15490642

You aren't postgraduate and you're opining on what its like to be postgraduate

>> No.15490647

What's the source on the graph?

>> No.15490657

Also, if you're gonna make up data for a retarded circlejerk, at least learn how to spell veterinarian.

>> No.15491743

all epidemics in recent times have been hoaxes created as a means of selling medicines

>> No.15492326

.t someone who is physically incapable of getting a PhD

>> No.15492338

Guess hi/low vs the middle works on every conceivable level.

>> No.15492767

vaxxxies will never admit they were tricked no matter how much evidence they're given, they are too full of themselves to ever consider the possibility that they were easily taken in by a retarded television charade

>> No.15493777

Atheists are all arrogant know-it-alls. Makes them easy targets for any grifter

>> No.15494567
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too smart of get tricked, bible stories are all fake!!!
>*gets tricked by every other form of media known to man*
there needs to be a name for this phenomenon

>> No.15495557

the invention of antibiotics put a permanent end to deadly viral epidemics. the 1918 flu epidemic was the last one, the primary cause of death during that epidemic was bacterial pneumonia induced by wearing masks

>> No.15496251

…and now they want to limit the use of antibiotics

>> No.15496264

antivaxxers will never admit they were tricked no matter how much evidence they're given, they are too full of themselves to ever consider the possibility that they were easily taken in by a retarded disinformation charade

>> No.15496309

false dichotomy, shilled by globohomo

>> No.15497814

because they're the lowest IQ group as explained by fpbp >>15486016

>> No.15498509
File: 38 KB, 420x314, dog laughing with assburger who didn't get the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google would never lie

>> No.15498593

Jesus said "that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven", well, I say to ya that a Graduated shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Truth.
You already know how defensive people are about things they put a lot of effort in, even to the point of interfering with scientific-engineering progress. Expressing a disident opinion or sympathy to it may risk their whole careerm
The less theorical your career is, the less sucker you are.

>> No.15498596

>on things you have no business to opine on.
Counterpoint: "Never trust strangers" never stops applying.

>> No.15499665
File: 82 KB, 498x468, distraught soyentist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a low iq NPC!!!
>thats impossible!!!
>I'm too smart to fall for stupid shilling an emotional manipulation!!!
>you're trying to kill grandma, take the vaxxxx, put on a mask!!

>> No.15500492
File: 91 KB, 1284x1268, heterosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao if all 5.5billion die

>> No.15500496

I thought the vaxxers were tricked.

>> No.15501748

they were, because they're low iq

>> No.15502128

Cool. Wanna show me the data? How about a source.

>> No.15502137

>…and now they want to limit the use of antibiotics
Those methane producing humans aren't going to slaughter themselves.

>> No.15503208
File: 199 KB, 1000x600, 1686062385865251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the data is in OP pic

>> No.15503287

Multiple people keep posting it because antivaxxers have to lie. Antivaxxers cherrypicked an incomplete survey. The completed survey shows the opposite, so what you'd expect, where PhD's were least vaccine hesitant. It's even posted in another thread because OP double posted for twice the disinfo I guess. >>15475747

>> No.15503304

no antivaxxers got tricked by russian and koch-backed disinfo

>> No.15503323

>source is a facebook survey
>results have never been reproduced by any other study

>> No.15504200

>tell us you've got a bachelor's without telling us you've got a bachelor's

>> No.15504212

They don’t have to. (Different guy)
Stop making me look bad. The vax doesn’t need your help to look retarded.

>> No.15504822
File: 12 KB, 576x471, Mount Stupid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, most undergrad courses get you to the peak of Mt Stupid and no further.

>> No.15504826

>They don’t have to. (Different guy)
I assure you they do. I know because of my learnings.

>> No.15504828

Given the amount of establishment butthurt the survey caused, it's very strange that no one did their own study to refute it. Or maybe they did and didn't like the results so they never published their findings. Really odd.

>> No.15504833

1. Stupid Facebook survey manipulated by chuds and MAGA boomers. It literally had people saying they had a PhD in being an Apache helicopter.
2. Still shows that 75% of PhDs got vaxxed lmao.

>> No.15504841

Oh it's even better. By the time it was finished most PhD's were vaccinated and least vaccine hesitant. People keep reposting the link and facts and antivaxxers keep proving they don't give a single shit about the truth.

>> No.15505537 [DELETED] 


>> No.15505560

>study members with a lower baseline cognition score were markedly more likely to be vaccine hesitant

>> No.15506409


>> No.15506431

A lot of people here mention the DK effect, but that isn't the case: https://www.talyarkoni.org/blog/2010/07/07/what-the-dunning-kruger-effect-is-and-isnt The reality of DK is that people are poor at self-assessing and everyone sets their mean self-evaluation as slightly above average. Weak correlation leading to regression to the mean, alongside "better than average bias" in both competent and incompetent.
Furthermore, a few things. Firstly, true IQ, as measured by the shit chinks are best at of matrix and nonverbal reasoning not kike "verbal intelligence" wordcel bullshit, positively correlates the most to education out of all life outcomes. There is no stronger overlap between intelligence and any life outcome than education. The correlation of IQ is linear with all life outcomes, with no shift or U curve inverse or otherwise or whatever, a higher IQ is always beneficial equal shift beneficial no matter how high you are in it. However, the same isn't the case for educational progression, where the correlation between IQ and educational success decreases with advancing education, presumably being lowest in graduate school. Nonetheless, correlation of IQ and education is still very, very high, with even college completion rates being explained 60% or so by IQ genetically, though . Behavioral differences and outcome differences from 100 IQ to 120 IQ are the same as 160 IQ to 180 IQ, the only reason we can't go that high is because while the effect is linear the rarity at the tails and extremes isn't, it resembles near exactly a bell curve when you control for single-allele mutation large effect sizes and stuff like traumatic brain injury. Furthermore, the midwit degree, as assessed by a talent study, is Master's not Bachelor's. Highest IQ people were far more likely to have a PhD, but more likely to have Bachelor's instead of Master's. Reasons plausibly diverge, but it could be that smarter people get further in grad school, and that most of Masters

>> No.15506444

just seemed to have had the grit to persist in spite of their stupidity. Bachelor's and PhD are relatively financially and occupationally inferior to Master's but far more educationally valuable. A Bachelor's degree/Undergrad is about getting all the best and most valuable shit ever thought and making you up to date with the most current of the best shit. PhD, on the other hand, is an apprenticeship that helps you develop the ability to do independent research, as well as being the official "researcher's permit". The ideal of PhD-level academia is for the government to get all of the smartest people in a country and shove them in a socially protected institution where smart people can do what smart people want to pursue intrinsically and the government can yoink that for improving its power and maybe human welfare. But the industrial complex and the past century created this retarded paradigm where education was corrupted to be a highway to the rat race and that's where Masters stem from, which essentially teaches you to work obediently as some cuck in an industrial ant colony. High school is an equally corrupt institution.
Essentially, a midwit is someone more educated than they're intelligent, irrespective of level of both intelligence and education level, it applies all the way, with this phenomenon being purest at seemingly Master's and most common at PhD.
This might've changed with the Internet, the computer,(and programmers and other talents) and the decay of the west though, with LGBTQ and kike wordcel propaganda mucking about and women corrupting the humanities. Many highly intelligent people skip university to replace it with certificates. Though this is a blight, as they now have no government-protected place of gathering and no way to unite and be selected for. The talent of millions of highly talented people, especially chink men, are wasted to get niggers, trannies, and women in their place instead. Truly disgusting.

>> No.15506560
File: 136 KB, 681x688, image_2023-06-17_083732615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picrel. genetic correlations are far stronger than environmental. introducing environment introduces noise which drops variance explained to around a quarter, not majority. still positive and quite strong correlation

>> No.15507650 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 500x775, 1683838358645439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaxxxxie "truth" keeps on changing
who could believe in that?