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15484604 No.15484604 [Reply] [Original]

How many cows need to be killed to prevent global warming?
Is 200k enough?

>> No.15484609

it's called "climate change" now, schizo

>> No.15484611

So dumb, cow farts are such a tiny percentage of human emissions
This is like western countries reducing their birth rates while Africa, China and India exist... oh wait

>> No.15484696

>sacrifices your animals to the climate gods to change the weather
this is what passes for rational science in clown world, literal old testament superstition from 4000 years ago

>> No.15484701

That's like saying the Soviets really believed the holodomor would stop capitalism in Ukraine.

>> No.15484754

Literally Aztec science

>> No.15484788
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>>sacrifices your animals to the climate gods to change the weather

>> No.15484798
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how long till we overthrow the priest "scientist" caste who are parasiting off our hard work and failing to deliver anything good

all they know is transhumanism, generative coomer AI, gender fluidity, electric vehicle and vaccines

>> No.15484799

Just kill all the "elites": dismember, flay, and boil alive those motherfuckers. That is the right thing to do to save the planet.

>> No.15484806
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All liberals, socialists, communists, all of them should kill themselves to save the planet. If they refuse we need to make them good, in the only way that such a thing is possible.

>> No.15484807

>Homogeneous white majority countries.
We are winning bros.

>> No.15484814

Amazing insight, it really is that simple isn't it. God it seems so ridiculous but it fits perfectly.

>> No.15484835

there used to be 60 million buffalo in the US
plastic vapors and metal based particulates are way more of a concern

>> No.15484849

It'd be nice if they could take care of that dumb mick viruses dont exist along with this

>> No.15484901

Kek why is it only the "sacred" animal, why aren't they calling for the culling of buffalo, lama, chickens and goats and why do they think that the greenhouse gas released by plants being digested won't still be emitted into the atmosphere at some point anyway?

>> No.15485031

this board has become overrun with literal morons

>> No.15485034

So they're just not even trying to hide that this is all about creating artificial precarity anymore, are they?

>> No.15485035
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just bomb all private jets

>> No.15485038

The jets themselves are blameless and bombing them will only cause further air pollution.

>> No.15485039

I mean figuratively, they should be banned.

>> No.15485040

WEF are pushing for that already.

>> No.15485043

The right statistic is clear jewery, there's nothing true about it. Move on, everyone.

>> No.15485045

No, they're pushing for carbon credits to make it more expensive for poor people to travel.

They fly to Davos on private jets.

>> No.15485147

>Yes goy, sacrifice your cows to reduce co2 emissions by 0.002% and save the earth, btw don't forget to import milk from us now

>> No.15485160

famine was inevitable, basically industrialization of agriculture made most of rural population useless eaters. nobody was going to feed parasites for free.

>> No.15485162

go read


>> No.15485165

based. travelling is degeneracy

>> No.15485175

>You vill kill ze cow

>> No.15485184

All of them.

>> No.15485367

Potato eaters are some special kind of retard

>> No.15485718

lmao you're really showing who you are with this one.

>> No.15485784

Idiot, no one said that.
Just stop international air travel except for necessary government endeavors.
Make non-local meat and plant product transportation illegal
This would fix more than just emissions. It would start to fix the jew problems who rapaciously destroy the world.

>> No.15486068

no, the jews have made my local beef so expensive that I prefer to continue eating inexpensive south american imports and will continue to do so until the atmosphere is enriched with enough co2 that I can raise sufficient cattle in my 0.5 acre yard

>> No.15486968

bible af fr fr

>> No.15486982

Googled it and the article is admitting Ireland isn't killing any cows. I don't really get why someone would make up a fake news headline and then admit to the lie in the main text. Is it to avoid getting sued or something?

>> No.15487050

Ok Gorbachov

>> No.15487266
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>all of them

>> No.15487613

it's the new lisenkoism.
it's worldwide

>> No.15487682

>eat hot chip and lie
it's an older meme, sir, but it checks out

>> No.15487708
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>> No.15487714

I wish they tried that shit in india
Whats the cow population of india anyways?

>> No.15487718

They are unironically trying to monopolize food industry to elite owned insect farms

>> No.15488824

What a waste, dairy cows are one of mankind's greatest inventions

>> No.15489391

If they stop all flights for just *one* day a year, problem solved.

>> No.15489918

if they stop for 2 days then that means we can have 3x as many cows

>> No.15489975

>literal old testament superstition from 4000 years ago
Yup, NPCs never change. They believe exactly what they are told in every era, over and over again

>> No.15490112
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Today they want to ban cows, because they are 'the biggest polluters'. Tomorrow it will be pigs or whatever is next on the list until we get to bugs.

>> No.15490120

>The move is apparently an attempt to reduce emissions created by the farming industry, with The Telegraph reporting “an option being considered by the Irish Department of Agriculture to reduce emissions by a quarter by 2030 is to initiate a cull of 65,000 cows a year for three years, effectively reducing the national dairy herd by 10%.”

They want to do it, what's so hard to comprehend here?

>> No.15490661

how much co2 does Irish beer production cause?

>> No.15491169
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Soientists are pieces of garbage, killing, destroying, subverting countries with their "theories"(that have yet to be proven). They are the perfect jewish golems.

>> No.15491317

they really are moving us to shit food. they are using guilt to force us into it.

>> No.15491319
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1997 was the year of our gravitational assist that leads to immortality (luck).

>> No.15491594

worse than shit, vegan fake milk causes cancer

>> No.15492390

>i'm an advanced civilized scientific progressive
>I'm not a primitive superstitious semi evolved moron
but also
>sacrifices your animals to the climate gods to change the weather
the science religion is the lowest iq and most primitive of all religions

>> No.15492491

>you vill become ze grain slave.

>> No.15492497

they are accelerating a malthusian collapse due to dysgenics and high mutational load post industrial revolution which weakened selection pressures.

>> No.15492551
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>> No.15492642

You know how many cows are killed everyday so that some hot air can have his """""man burger"""?

This whole post is literally a nonstory, especially because it leans they'll just stop breeding/replacing the cows that are killed for normal everyday industry.

Fys and kys

>> No.15493629
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>I am the savior of the precious farm animals
>humans? I fukking hate 'em
furry faggit

>> No.15493679
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>>sacrifices your animals to the climate gods to change the weather
Funny because that really is how it is.

>> No.15493766

>You know how many cows are killed everyday so that some hot air can have his """""man burger"""?
Exactly, they're killed for bugers. Not pointless climate change fighting

>> No.15494089
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I am prepared to do my part.

>> No.15494093

>how long till we overthrow the priest "scientist" caste who are parasiting off our hard work and failing to deliver anything good
Never. The pagan priests were never overthrown until Christianity took over in 800AD. Then the Christian priests weren't much better.

>> No.15494589

Somone should tell Greta that insects also produce CO2

>> No.15495505

so does fungus. better kill all the mushrooms to stop global warming