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15484485 No.15484485 [Reply] [Original]

why are 110 IQ men less likely to have sex than 70 IQ shit flingers?

>> No.15484505

Formal education neuters masculinity, the higher your IQ the better you learn and forget your true instincts

>> No.15484510

uhmmm rape is a crime chud

>> No.15484512
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I was thinking more about attitude and mindset, not rape. Since very early on men are feminized by the system so they don't disrupt society - well, if you're low IQ this is much less effective
And women, despite what they may say, dislike passive men

>> No.15484518

then how come I was reported for being inappropriate when I asked out a girl on campus?
now I can never talk to women because guys talking to women is illegal now

>> No.15484521

You're probably ugly or socially awkward or both.

>> No.15484525
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>approaching women
If you have the correct grindset and attitude they will approach you. I have never approached a woman in my life mate
Actually that's a lie. When I was 12 I approached this girl in middleschool, I was still a total beta that bought into the bullshit people taught me about how to act, so she laughed at me. After that I never approached a woman again, they all came to me on their own

>> No.15484528

Think about what happens after unprotected sex and there is your answer

>> No.15484530

i know what you mean lad, your mum approaches me for sex and drugs all the time

since IQ is overwhelmingly genetic then the factor is biological as well. median higher IQ man is physically feminized by nature

>> No.15484564

that doesn't make sense
shouldn't women be biologically motivated as well?
also I'm not short, I have good beard genetics, broad shoulders, and a visible but not gross amount of musculature
so what if I am socially awkward, the instinct is to breed why is there this ridiculous meme standing between that? I really have nothing to say to woman, what the fuck would I say to a woman besides the biologically obvious.
Thus you're wrong, it has nothing to do with instinct or logic
how does that work? how do I get women to approach me?
Usually when they come near me I avert eye contact and walk away to avoid being annoyed and most of the time I will put a book in my face to make sure no one thinks I want to talk to them, because I don't.
But I would like to reproduce

>> No.15484575

Not that anon, this is not really related to the thread at all, but you have to believe it before you can see it and I'll leave it at that

>> No.15484577

>how does that work? how do I get women to approach me?
You have to make yourself attractive to them, then they'll show interest. Only after that start persuing them

>Usually when they come near me I avert eye contact and walk away
Clearly you're very awkward and low on the social skills, that's the number one woman repelent, far worse than ugliness.
Work on that, try and walk with some Low IQ drug addict crowd and copy their behavior. It's what I did in my teens and worked out
But there's other ways ofc, you need to look and act confident, and have high social standing in your enverionment (could be friends or high job position, just depends)

>> No.15484591

My IQ is 146 and I have never had sex. I think it's relevant data.
sounds gross. why would I want promiscuous women? Sounds like a red flag if she is going up to guys. Also attractive to who? Assuming women are human they might have different tastes.
>Clearly you're very awkward and low on the social skills
Why would I want to talk to people? I have tried before, it's pretty boring. I am only comfortable being around my immediate family, otherwise I would prefer to be alone.
>try and walk with some Low IQ drug addict crowd and copy their behavior.
no, I don't like drugs and I don't believe in crime because it seems like a burden

>> No.15484600

>why would I want promiscuous women
I don't think non-promiscuous women exist anymore anon, if you want a unicorn I can't help you much
>Sounds like a red flag if she is going up to guys.
By women approaching me I don't mean them asking me out (althought it happens sometimes), I mean them showing clear interest in you. It's different yes
>Why would I want to talk to people? I have tried before, it's pretty boring
To have sex, you said you wanted to procreate man, sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Get drunk, make some friends, it's necessary for your goal barring some insane luck.
>no, I don't like drugs and I don't believe in crime because it seems like a burden
That was just an example and my personal experience, probably won't even work if you're older and out of college

You could try some religion too, I've met some religious girls that are crazy about getting a husband.

>> No.15484614

I'm quite violent when drunk

>> No.15484623
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>> No.15484698

>Assuming women are human they might have different tastes.
Female attraction clusters around the same basic portfolio of traits, hence why women of all races rate white men the most attractive.

>> No.15484714

I highly doubt that anglo-germanic men are the most attractive
clearly Spanish men are the most attractive
the word white is nonsense

>> No.15484718

>I highly doubt that anglo-germanic men are the most attractive
You can have as many wrong beliefs as you like.

>> No.15484731
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>> No.15484739

at 15

>> No.15484761

I didn't know hispanic hapas were anglo. TIL

>> No.15485106
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Damn retarded girls must be pent up


>Our findings indicate that women with ID need to be provided with school-based sexuality education tailored to the level of understanding needed to attain the requisite knowledge to form relationships, understand sexual and romantic relationships, and practice safe sex when they choose this option. Families along with education and healthcare systems should provide opportunities for women with ID to talk about their sexual needs and make their own choices.

>> No.15485123
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foolishly crafted propaganda.

>> No.15485131


Acquire money and hire a surrogate. Best way for you to reproduce while obviating all the bullshit courting rituals.

Most people have very vapid lives, and so they fill it with distractions.

>> No.15485148

>posts the same pictures
Name a better combination.

>> No.15485158
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> namefag
paid shill confirmed!

>> No.15485167

Women want their males to care about their offspring as well most of the time. They might have judged you unable to do so.

>> No.15485392
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why don't they just date each other?

>> No.15485410

So be neurotypical, I got it thanks

>> No.15485412

It's a dysgenic trait on an individual level to be intelligent after a certain level of comfort is attained in a society. One reason is probably delayed onset and rate of puberty.

People are generally attracted to physical as well as mental sexual characteristics. When you develop these later and most likely to a lesser extent than others it hurts your chances with the opposite sex at the very least during the adolescent period.

Catching up later isn't impossible but harder since those that started earlier have gotten better at it and there is a degree of awkwardness to it.

>> No.15485778
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Here's why.

>> No.15485831

The odds are good, the goods are odd

>> No.15486012

They are cute and funny, chud

>> No.15486153

I doubt the veracity of this chart. I have no evidence for this, I just think it's bullshit.

>> No.15486178

Maybe theres 10 men for every woman in that cohort

>> No.15486186

Is there really a correlation between intelligence and delayed puberty?

>> No.15486278

>based 80 and 90 iq chads have a higher than 1 odd of having sex

>> No.15486552

more likely to be picky enough not to fuck the first fat, ugly, std ridden, retarded cunt that spread her legs maybe?
midwit yes, but on the high end of midwit so more like to be self-conscious about it, neurotic and lack the self confidence needed to assert himself and appear attractive to the gaze of average looking girl he is aiming/attracted to/wouldn't go Bellow, maybe?

>> No.15486578

It's almost like there are more than two girls in the world and they don't speak for everybody

>> No.15486606

A man says
>I want a woman that is loyal and beautiful
You can say that doesn't speak for every man too, but it sure speaks for most men

>> No.15486632

Clearly because women are deep and are attracted to intelligence and stuff

>> No.15487428

They aproached me at some instances in the past but i was motherfuckingly blind. Once i realized what was going on then i also realized that such moments didnt happen since like a lot of time. I feel like i lost a moment kek. Regret is not the expresion because back in the day i just didnt want but i would punch in the face my past self if i could. Like cmon man make fucking calculus you retard

>> No.15487633

The less self aware you are, the easier social interactions become

>> No.15487855

Then check the study:
>After controlling for biological sex, age, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, individuals in the lowest cognitive ability group had significantly lower odds of experiencing each type of sex than those in the average ability group. Although individuals in the highest cognitive ability group had significantly lower odds of experiencing vaginal intercourse than those in the average ability group, this association did not remain significant when analyses were stratified by biological sex.

>> No.15487894

I'm sorry. The graph actually stems from https://doi.org/10.1016/S1054-139X(99)00061-0
>Controlling for age, physical maturity, and mother’s education, a significant curvilinear relationship between intelligence and coital status was demonstrated; adolescents at the upper and lower ends of the intelligence distribution were less likely to have sex. Higher intelligence was also associated with postponement of the initiation of the full range of partnered sexual activities.

>> No.15487930

people with tattoos are the niggers of the white race