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File: 96 KB, 600x859, DSM-5_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15482823 No.15482823 [Reply] [Original]

We all know , diseases , like bubonic , flu , Heart attack , but about mental illness , can you use the scientific method , to prove it ? , it´s all just a myth ? .

>> No.15482825

Yes go to a psy ward and see if mental illness is fake /thread

>> No.15482826

Yes, but it's overdiagnosed.

>> No.15482829
File: 70 KB, 685x485, 41398_2015_Article_BFtp2015117_Fig3_HTML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can observe behaviour or take MRI-scans from the brain to observe symptoms. Why would you think mental illnesses are not scientific?

>> No.15482837

>MRI scans
literally none of psychology/psychiatry does this

>> No.15482842
File: 2.76 MB, 198x360, 1685220125411314.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do not have any structural brain abnormalities then all mental illnesses are basically behavioral problems that can be "fixed" with diet, sunlight, and exercise. Everything else is a scam because even people with half of their brain missing can be perfectly functional members of society.

So ya, mental disorders are basically all fake and gay. Psychiatry and big pharma are just another Jewish scam and psyop to convince the goyim to chemically lobotomize anyone that ends up noticing things a little too much.

>> No.15482855

> we all
> bubonic

>> No.15482861
File: 28 KB, 620x413, 1685016786680444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine reading it and suddenly understand that all those are PROJECTIONS

>> No.15482864

Yes, mental illness is real. Take for example a man who believes he's a woman and who cuts off his dick. Is this an example of mental illness? No, definitely not. That's sane and normal behavior. Now for an actual example consider a boy who gets bullied, attacked, ridiculed and excluded. In reaction to this he develops feelings of insecurity, helplessess and loneliness. This is clearly mental illness. A totally abnormal reaction not justified by the factual circumstances. This boy needs therapy and meds for the rest of his life.

>> No.15482888

the only real mental illnesses are those conditions which involve obvious intellectual deficits, such as down syndrome. otherwise it isn't a mental illness.

>> No.15482896

Yes and no
yes there are measurable "disorders" but they are measurable largely through mental calculus
yes there are measurable "illnesses" and they often have a measurable organic cause
one can be mended the other cannot
modern retards people cry about this shit too much though so I staunchly say it does not exist

>> No.15484589

Nothing exists outside of my mind

>> No.15485028

akhually that has been removed from DSM in 2012, chud

>> No.15485033

"Metaphor" is a better word choice than "myth," but they aren't real illnesses because they aren't disprovable. If a doctor accuses you of having tuberculosis, you can shut him up with a simple test. But if a doctor accuses you of having manic depression then you have manic depression and will always have manic depression and it is impossible to ever not have manic depression. The doctor who diagnosed you can lose their license and be imprisoned, you can go fifty years without a manic episode, doesn't matter because there are no criteria by which a diagnosis can be disproven.

>> No.15485080

Whether you call the conditions "illness" or not is a matter of semantics. But autism, schizophrenia, and trannies definitely exist.

>> No.15485087


If you dropped those "crazy" people off in the ghetto 2 AM near a bunch of black people. I guarantee they would all start behaving themselves.

>> No.15485090
File: 302 KB, 1600x1200, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neurologically speaking. Where does free will end and "my ADHD/Tourette's syndrome/autism made me do it" "my addiction made me do it" "my chemical imbalance made me do it" begin? Point to the exact spot. Give me a number. Normies never seem to give you a straight answer. Either everything is free will or nothing is free will. Either all of our actions are determined by our brain chemistry or none of them are. There is no in between. "Mentally ill" people aren't special.

>> No.15485092

>Where does free will end
free will never began. it doesn't exist. a child's fantasy.

>> No.15485094


Mental illness is "real" today in the same sense witches were "real" in the Middle Ages.

>> No.15485095


>it´s all just a myth
A misnomer. The mind, being an abstract concept, has no anatomy and thus no possible pathophysiology. Brain tumours and lack of sleep can produce symptoms clinically indistinguishable from "mental illness". Possible phrases with "mental"
>competence (legal and otherwise)
The difference between a pain specialist and an psychiatrist is that the pain doc doesn't pretend to "diganose" anything.

>> No.15485096


The DSM isn't based on medical evidence but medical authority. The end.

>> No.15485098


There's no proof that what we currently call "mental illnesses" are biological, neurological, organic, or that they're even diseases, and there's no proof that they're effectively treated by drugs. Epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease are legitimate brain diseases that meet the criteria for a disease. You know what separates a neurological illness from a mental illness? Evidence. Schizophrenia is a word coined by a Swiss psychiatrist named Eugen Bleuler in 1908. He also coined the word autism in 1912. These "diseases" weren't discovered, they were invented. Not a single mental illness as they are currently defined can be found in an autopsy.

>> No.15485103

then remember they have nothing more than correlating activity to observed behavior which is not a direct link because "behaviors" are catch all terms which if you question anyone who believes in them where "anxiety" or "happiness" is logically set up as an axiom you will be met with mental illness of the scientific kind

>> No.15485114


Epilepsy is a brain disease. Schizophrenia is a "mind" "disease". Whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.15485124

Specific pathophysiology or stfu.

>> No.15485149
File: 338 KB, 1662x836, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mental illness is very real okay?!!?!?

>> No.15485176

EEG is pretty standard practice because even I have had it.

>> No.15485180


Okay so you're okay with us cutting all disability payments to people who don't have the EEG markers? Cool.

>> No.15485185

Schizo shill