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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15479747 No.15479747 [Reply] [Original]

>Intelligent brains take longer to solve difficult problems: participants in a study with higher intelligence scores were only quicker when tackling simple tasks, while they took longer to solve difficult problems than subjects with lower IQ scores

>> No.15479751

But do the intelligent brains solve the problem with greater accuracy? If yes ok, if not they're not more intelligent in reality and the measure used for intelligence is wrong.

>> No.15479753

>In fact, the brain models for higher score participants also needed more time to solve challenging tasks but made fewer errors.

>> No.15479759

Yeah just reading it now
>In more challenging tasks, you have to store previous progress in working memory while you explore other solution paths and then integrate these into each other. This gathering of evidence for a particular solution may sometimes takes longer, but it also leads to better results.
Seems like the results aren't revolutionary, the dumb ones can't figure it out and just guess at random quickly

>> No.15479841

So u be sayin asians good at competition problems but shit at building correct in depth theories are the dum dums.
Who woulda thunk?

>> No.15479848

>quick shot
>wrong answer
this is shockingly on-topic

>> No.15479854
File: 75 KB, 200x146, fd_fan-an.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rigor is for the dead...Mr.Rigor-mortis.
[Bull's eye, spits dip]

>> No.15479866

First time you said something semi funny.

>> No.15479924

Simple problems would indicate a zero sum choice, thus making it easier for the more intelligent persons to expedite the solution. On the hand, a multifaceted issue might have a plethora of outcomes--none of all being equal to the last. The less intelligent person might be contended with a path of least resistance, provided the answer is salient; whereas the more cognitively inclined might be fully willing and able to atomize the task at hand, analyzing all possible outcomes; then, and only then, can a copacetic choice be made. Paralysis by analysis.

>> No.15479941

Stupid people working alone with limited resources will never solve some tasks at all. They might spend seven years on a single task and accomplish nothing.

>> No.15480069

The real world scenario is the dumb/midwit ones train those difficult problems until they can solve it using no brain activity. Smart ones with no prior experience will take a researcher-like route in solving those problems and may even make more questions/problems in the process.
You see this on SAT practice, leetcode practice, some exceptional researcher who invented those data structs and algorithms do slightly better than average on standardized or contrived exams.
In many ways >>15479841 is correct.

>> No.15480166

While true you must learn to be aware when it makes sense to switch to one or other behavior to maximize profits.

>> No.15480181

That's not what zero-sum means. Stop pretending to be smart by using words you think are difficult; you're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15480188

>who is Zhang Et Al

>> No.15480883

This one is a good example of one such simple mind. The subject is only able to think in an unidimensional evaluation such as "accuracy" (which is a scalar).

Most problems are vector/tensor problems.

>> No.15480901

Did subjects with lower iq solved the problems?
And as for that depressed fellow, he should buy weed from locals, but he's so down he will probably be sold camel shit instead of hashish

>> No.15480904
File: 170 KB, 469x418, TIMESAND___Sphinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I am called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

>> No.15480998

>t. doesn't know any math.
fuck off

>> No.15481023
File: 959 KB, 2801x2121, 1685873878758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, not the vector/tensor problems

>> No.15481032

>words words words, the thread
small brain, shorter distance. that simple.

>> No.15481036

Another useful display of this subjects middling intelligence. He starts droning about mathematics, likely equating it with calculation and some adjunct to that enterprises, when the initial poster (myself) used mathematical language because it's a perfect 1:1 reduction (we could say it is isomorphic to) of how any complex systems work. Of course, the units operated on don't even have to be numbers.
Does the poster think complex systems are transcendental to formalistic language? This investigation will likely not receive a satisfactory explanation what he thought when he made this post, on account of the IQ of the subject.

>> No.15481054
File: 6 KB, 260x324, Fake_passport_1160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of many names, I presume..."Jorji".

>> No.15481060


>> No.15481320

>But do the intelligent brains solve the problem with greater accuracy?
Or perhaps with more care about the underlying assumptions.

>> No.15482176

Ever since I began elementary school, I knew I was smarter than those around me. While the mediocrity and retardation which surrounded me would rather I focus my attention to pointless toys and sucking bananas, I directed my mind to the secrets of the universe. By the time I reached 4th grade, I had already created multiple inventions. My intellect was noticed by the adults around me, but rather than being appreciated for my profound genius, I was mocked and called arrogant. It was for this reason that I began to hide my intelligence, and devoted myself to a private study of Plato. I built a safe place in my mind to shield me from the unphilosophical, the unsophisticated, the unenlightened rubes. While those around me immersed themselves in hedonism and utilitarian masturbation, I discovered the sacred forms and became educated in the arts of mathematics and virtue ethics. Now, after having tested my intellectual steel against my books, I come to this discord server to bring great intellectual gifts unto you who listen. Heed my words carefully, and listen without bias.
I am the most intelligent man to walk the earth. My intellect has not been surpassed by anything in heaven above, nor earth below, nor seas between. Within my mind exists the vast secrets of the universe. No mortal man can even begin to relate my logical processes whit anything that he has born witness to. I am the totality of human intelligence, the mind of god within a man. Do not be arrogant, and try to compete on my intellectual level. Instead, listen and do not question my words, for they are the words of god. My rational faculties are the mouth of truth herself, and every though I have is a word from her supreme mind. Listen, and all shall be revealed.

>> No.15482192

I remember my first post too....

>> No.15482413

pasta aside, learning how dumb most people are was surreal to me. I always stayed in tight knit groups in school and associated with smart people, without realizing that's what I was doing. Then at HS graduation, they listed off everyone's name and where they were going after this. ~120 people or so, and there were maybe 8 going to pursue a serious subject in university, 5 of which were me and my friends.

Then you get to university, and come to realize the people here are the same 8 from a hundred other schools, and yet half of them will drop out in a year and another 1/4 continue but don't give a shit about the material at all

>> No.15482502

>women take forever to come up with what to eat
>will readily talk your ear off about how you can totally just tell your boss to fuck off and let you work the way you want to instead of listening to his directions
Checks out

>> No.15482744

>be retarded
>can't figure it out the problem
>give up and put down a bs answer to get to the next question

>> No.15482782

I was impersonating lol

>> No.15482920

>le snarky reply about muh mental illness
depression isn't real and these retards get their meds for free while people with severe illnesses like type one diabetes have to pay

>> No.15482992

Doing research and looking into papers, Zhang et al.s are EVERYWHERE and usually published under big names like MIT, Meta or whatever.
These papers are mostly empirical results, with heavy assumptions on their experiments, and very much industry oriented (fast paced research with little to no theoretical background and heavy use of heuristics / statistics).

Then once in a while you'll see a groundbreaking paper published by a lone white boomer and his three PhD students from a slightly above average school but not MIT-tier with undisputable theoretical rigor.

>> No.15484461

>half of them will drop out in a year
This isn't true.

>> No.15484554

Because we have to actually think about it and process information before coming up with the best possible solution instead of just diving headlong into it with no real plan

>> No.15485734

time isn't relevant at all to measure intelligence, it's what your brain allows you to achieve