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File: 19 KB, 640x480, FINASTERIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15477726 No.15477726 [Reply] [Original]

Is DHT really a trash hormone after puberty that only gives you acne, bph and hair loss or does it serve some important function that's vital for men?

>> No.15477737

kys troon

>> No.15477792

it serves many purposes in the body, most of which aren't understood fully but what you should be worried about with fin is that it's not just a 'dht blocker', it blocks about 13 enzyme conversions, dysregulates your estrogen, progesterone and cortisol through negative feedback loops and it's a gamble based off your biology how severe if affects you or if things return back to normal when you stop. it is not worth taking for anything other than prostate cancer.

it's safety profile is also extremely questionable like accutane, which too is a 5ar inhibitor

>> No.15477841

Finasteride is completely safe and stops hairloss. DHT doesn't seem to do anything useful after puberty. And since Finasteride doesn't block testosterone you can still easily build muscle and your libido will be unaffected.


>> No.15478344

Yes, dht just like prog is worthless. What you need is either testosterone or estrogen, also fin is crap and weak as shit always go for duta
Meme. The main problem with fin is that it's shit and can't overpower all forms of 5 alpha reducatse fully

>> No.15478957

DHT being worthless is a cope by baldies
It has demonstrated neurological function including things like protection against alzheimers and this is why brain fog is a rare but real side effect of DHT blockers

>> No.15479175

Just get a hair transplant every 5 years or so because it falls out again. Hormone blockers is basic tranny shit

>> No.15480299

just take minoxidil

>> No.15480322

DHT is a trash hormone and anyone who says otherwise is a bald loser who hates people trying to save their own hair. The only two places in the body where DHT actually plays a role is spermiogenesis (though the studies on it prove that testosterone alone can maintain function for >95% of men, the remaining ones need to stop medication for 1-3 months if they want to father a baby) and neurosteroid production (which is not affected by finasteride since finasteride does not affect 5AR-1 while dutasteride may or may not affect it depending on whether it crosses the BBB).

>> No.15481199

tranny pharma shills are on every board now, aren't they?


what a load of bullshit. finasteride is basically chemical castration light. the real, selective dht blocker is minoxidil, you can take loniten instead of tinctures - loniten is a pretty much depreciated boomer heart pill. To emulate the fina shill's and baldy's logic itt: if your heart gives out from loniten, you were too weak for hair to begin with.

Loniten also filters the crypto troons: makes your beard and body hair thicker. Also a reason why it fell out of favor as heart medication.

>> No.15481200

>Loniten also filters the crypto troons: makes your beard and body hair thicker. Also a reason why it fell out of favor as heart medication.
it made some women into bearded ladies and turned men into wookies. it's literally doing that which finasteride mostly doesn't.

>> No.15481346

>baldcel projection: the post
DHT has many well known properties, it's an anti inflammatory agent and as already mentioned ITT it's an important neurotransmitter which is why they're legally obliged to list brain fog as a potential side effect.

>> No.15481422

it keeps your penis erect

try topical, its not going to your penis. if you eat tablet. say bye bye penis

>> No.15481663

It's important for brain and immune system.

trannies have higher DHT

>> No.15483577
File: 1.73 MB, 500x352, Lain1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad I don't have to cope with this
>tf father and maternal grandfather both have full heads of hair.

Idk how this shit works I think its a cope when people say balding is from high test levels since I have seen some super estrogenic men balding. What is the genetic cause for balding is it just lower DHT or does it interact differently in the body? I know my father had very good test levels and was in sports most his life so the high T explanation makes no sense.

I think I should be good though since I have both my father and maternal grandfather with full heads of hair well into old age.

>> No.15483589

I wouldn't fuck with your hormones anon. I guess it depends how old you are balding at 30 is not that bad. But if you are under 25 I can understand why you would be desperate just research this crap.

>> No.15483603

it's a combined factor of the tendency of an individual's tendency for T to be converted into estrogen via aromatase or DHT by 5a-reductase, and the hair follicle's sensitivity to DHT

been on fin for over 3 years now and it's never been harder, cope

>> No.15483613

But will I go bald is there any chance anon? I just need to know so I don't worry about it.

>> No.15483616

>just chemically castrate yourself broo
There's a small chance you get permanent ED even after stopping. And if you do nobody will take you serious.
Good luck bald-kun

>> No.15483622

Case in point: these are the type of shills who will berate you if you get permanent ED from it.
Go ahead and take it OP.

>> No.15483635

You can get genetically tested. If you don’t have the risk factors it is unlikely you will experience male pattern baldness.

>> No.15483647

Minoxidil is not a DHT blocker.

>> No.15483870

how's the weather at tel aviv?

>> No.15484598
File: 26 KB, 480x360, baldness and genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finasteride is completely safe
>Yes, dht just like prog is worthless.
>DHT is a trash hormone and anyone who says otherwise is a bald loser

DHT is absolutely essential for the brain
I wonder y genuis men almost always are bald. I would speculate that its because of high 5ar activity in the scalp thereby feeding the brain with more dht

>> No.15485632
File: 119 KB, 897x265, then vs now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder y many of them who take finasteride report watery semen and only comes back to normal normal texture after stopping it. Is dht crucial in spermatogenesis or semen production?

>> No.15486173
File: 69 KB, 943x472, 1683255251997504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fear the reaper.

>> No.15486185
File: 42 KB, 507x608, 1584653187455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to fuck up my body's homeostasis to save a few hairs that will fall out anyway.


>> No.15487510


>> No.15487630

I am trying Cosmerna right now. RNA topical hair treatment that blocks the androgen receptors on the top of your head so DHT cannot bind to them. Waiting for it to arrive since I had to order it from South Korea.

>> No.15489194

muh mooscles
muh libido

>> No.15489206

>100 dollars a month

>> No.15489302

Yes I have a job so I can afford it lol. I typically save 2500 to 3000 a month after all bills, groceries, and entertainment are paid including rent and including cosmerna subscription. I'll test any hair treatment that doesn't look like it will fuck up my hormones.

>> No.15489771

This >>15480322 is the most correct post in this thread. The usual suspects are really trying to derail 5ar blockers for whatever reason. I'm assuming it's because FtMs use it because their hair lines get raped when DHT hits and therefore it's a tranny drug. Out of 1,8 million prescriptions Finasteride only has ~6k complaints to the FDA. It's extremely safe and any sides go away if you cease using it.
Not feasible if you want a decent hairline. The grafts in the back are in limited quantity you wouldn't want the back of your head to look bald. Body hair does not have the texture, the diameter, nor the length to look convincing. It'd look really wispy and scraggly.

>> No.15490086

one thing i can tell you:
go bald and its almost game over with girls.
Unless you have : 1) good skull shake, 2) strongly masculine face (small eyes, quare jaw) and are fit (low body fat and at least some muscle)

Its a -1.5 or -2 modifier on your score out of 10.

If I couild go back in time I'd take finasteride, a thousand times.

>> No.15490133

you suddenly begin getting approached by 2/10's and the fact that they think they have any chance is deeply insulting

>> No.15490449

I'm muscular, with a 6/10 face
I get approached by fat women almost exclusively and it's so depressing
I'm genuinely way out of their league but my looks match wouldn't ever consider going out with me

>> No.15490474

Cosmerna is clearly 100% bullshit

I mean even when I had great hair I was unable to get girls. Seems silly to risk finasteride side effects for hair when I can 100% say it's made zero difference in my ability to date. I'm Norwood 3 and will probably be 4 or 5 in a few years but I've stopped caring.

I've had good hair almost my whole life and have maybe been approached twice.

You aren't out of their league if they're the only ones you can get with

>> No.15490487

I was out of their league until 10 years ago
Their standards got fucked up

>> No.15490490

Yes, dating apps have cause hoeflation. Although really it's the fault of the insanely hot guys who give mediocre women attention on them.

>> No.15490504

>Cosmerna is clearly 100% bullshit
We'll see. It looks promising imo. Care to explain why you feel it is bullshit?

>> No.15490527

I mean it has one study that was never peer reviewed, that the company selling it did. There’s no long term data, there’s no proof it works, it’s being sold direct to consumer which is ridiculous, they’re making zero effort to get it FDA approved despite the fact that they could charge magnitudes more for it if it was, it’s not even for sale in the country it’s made it, and the recommendation of once every two weeks wasn’t even the protocol in the single study they did, it was once every week.

>> No.15490598

They cant get me. Not in a million yets. They are totally out of their minds.

And they approach me confidenly smiling, like they knew theu were doing me a favor. 'Its your lucky day, bakd man!'

>> No.15491104
File: 89 KB, 692x530, 1478131653358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you even care about getting women at the age you are balding means you fucked up anyway.

The precious few attempts women have tried with me I told them to fuck off because I don't like attention. It turns out having autism is worse for your chances of getting a ladyfriend than having no hair.

>> No.15491138

You are a malding manlet desperate to make others as pathetic as you. Post hair lmao

>> No.15491139

Yeah likely sperm production. This was the only actual side effect I personally experienced. Went from thick loads to almost clear and sticky. Apparently it was enough to work though since I knocked up my gf, but we were going at it like rabbits every day for half a year after she moved in so that probably made up for it

>> No.15492606

I pretty much agree with your post but I'm desperate since oral fin breaks my dick until I stop using it and minoxidil's side effects related to the heart sound too scary to try.

>> No.15492754

I'm on fin for over +10 years now (I'm 38). No sides whatsoever, although my sperm is more watery but I haven't had problems with conceiving a child (success at second attempt). My father was bald as a knee at my age. I have full head of hair.

>> No.15492968

Sorry kike, not taking the drugs

>> No.15493120
File: 617 KB, 3196x2400, aocg9vys0aza1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn those guys look horrible. They really should have taken finasteride like pic related instead of falling for anti-fin cult.

>> No.15494986

Why are you conceiving on it? You should get off it for 1-2 months.