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15477338 No.15477338 [Reply] [Original]

What's even the point of space travel if FTL isn't possible? Spending your entire life in some shitty tin can so your great-great-great-great-great-grandson can make it to Proxima Centauri and stand on a barren rock?
Nothing interesting or worthwhile out there will ever actually be in reach, no one will be able to go out and explore or conquer space. Everything outside our solar system is outside of any sort of reasonable travel/communication range

>> No.15477340 [DELETED] 
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>The first thing detectives from the Toronto police sex crimes unit saw when they entered Roderick Cowan’s apartment was an autographed picture of William Shatner. Along with the photos on the computer of Scott Faichnie, also busted for possessing child porn, they found a snapshot of the pediatric nurse and Boy Scout leader wearing a dress "Federation" uniform. Another suspect had a TV remote control shaped like a phaser. Yet another had a Star Trek credit card in his wallet. One was using "Picard" as his screen name. In the 3 1/2 years since police in Canada’s biggest city established a special unit to tackle child pornography, investigators have been through so many dwellings packed with sci-fi books, DVDs, toys and collectibles like Klingon swords and sashes that it’s become a dark squadroom joke. "We always say there are two types of pedophiles: Star Trek and Star Wars," says Det. Ian Lamond, the unit’s second-in-command. "But it’s mostly Star Trek."

>> No.15477359

Interesting, anything more about this phenomenon?

>> No.15477417

FTL is possible, it's just the good old alcubierre drive.
It will take a impossible amounts of power, so good luck

>> No.15477430
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>> No.15477459

Let's say it's possible to accelerate to light speed or beyond somehow, how do you stop? How do you prevent yourself from just suiciding? Don't you experience time entirely differently at those speeds? Isn't that a huge problem?
Isn't there also a plethora of other issues that need to be solved too?

>> No.15477471

it's space travel, you decelerate by just doing whatever you do to accelerate but in the opposite direction

>> No.15477476

>Don't you experience time entirely differently at those speeds?
Only relatively, locally nothing happens

>> No.15477978

alcubierre drive isnt real or possible regardless of power, its some retarded extrapolation of general relativity where some desired curvature goes on on one side of the equation and the mass-energy tensor is spit in the other. Negative, imaginary mass is not real

>> No.15478087

Seems like wormholes are the only real potential means for spreading across the universe but as far as I know, they're still mostly speculative.

>> No.15478787


>> No.15479158

Not to mention that there simply IS NOT a single other place in the universe which can support human life in the same way that Earth can.
>life-hospitable planet
yea cool, imagine for a second it has the conditions to support human life and in fact has some plants or animals roaming around or whatever. Then it also has viruses, bacteria and prions of its own to which humans have no resistance at all. You are dead the moment you step on that rock.

>> No.15479159

how low iq do you to be to be unable to separate hollywood and tv soience fiction from reality?
its got to be under 100

>> No.15479177 [DELETED] 
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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive and neither are sciencegolems™

Outer Space is a complete meme.

>> No.15479196

Since space isnt real (its literally nothing) why dont we just skip it and get to the point?

>> No.15479232

>What's even the point of
not science

>> No.15480240

Dumbest fucking take
Do you have any idea whatsoever how big the solar system is?
How retarded are you that you think interstellar travel is necessary for space exploration to be beneficial?

>> No.15480247

You assume a future where space travel is technologically possible yet humans are still limited by biological mortality when the latter issue is easier to solve, considering we already do have examples of immortal or unaging living beings.

>> No.15480252

Regardless of how you travel from point A to point B, if you are effectively faster than light time travel occurs which the universe likely doesn't permit.

>> No.15480262
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>Not to mention that there simply IS NOT a single other place in the universe which can support human life in the same way that Earth can.
Then why not make places that can?

>> No.15480263

Well, if you don't mind leaving behind everyone and everything you know and love, relativity helps out in this case. The closer you get to the speed of light, the more the path length shortens from your perspective, and so the journey takes place much more quickly than you would think.

From the perspective of a stationary observer, they would say that your clock has slowed down because you are going so darn fast, and so you would age much more slowly, and your experience of time would be different.

So as long as you think we can get arbitrarily close to the speed of light, then space travel can still be worth it for people willing to give up everything and permanently leave behind everyone that they don't bring with them. Still a big ask, but people like that exist, at least.

>> No.15480265

Because y-you just can't, OKAY?
OP and all the other naysayers believe that in the future space travel is possible but all other kinds of technologies have stagnated.

>> No.15480276

>travel out into the universe, proud explorer into the unknown
>arrive 20 years later, land on Planet X
>There are people there, space travel has advanced so much that they just left earth yesterday to come here on vacation

>> No.15480577

So when the only trace left of humanity are autonomous robots they will be able to colonize the galaxy.

>> No.15480595
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>> No.15480598

Because the alternative is presumably the extinction of your species. We need to expand. Sustainability can't exist with innovation and progress of a species, or at the very least it stagnates innovation to a critical degree. Earth will die someday but we need to make it out alive.

>> No.15480834

I agree
It would be way easier to live in space cans , then it would to find another planet
Explore with probes

>> No.15480844

God made this massive beautiful universe for us. Enjoy it.

>> No.15480851
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why do you think its your place to be in charge of the fate of entire human species? you don't even plan on raising children.

>> No.15480863

We don't need space travel like airplane travel.
We just need to populate alternate planets besides Earth. That is the true purpose of space travel.
Distributed humanity is vital, as the speed of causality puts a hard limit on the spread of toxic ideas. We need a lot of different nuclei of human society in the galaxy that are insulated from e.g. globohomo ideas.

>> No.15481046

Stop spouting terms you have not the first clue what they even mean. Prions are non-transspecies. In particular, THE prion is non-transspecies.
Moron. Go back to your popsci playpen.

>> No.15481102

you die from prions

>> No.15481255

Point is further analysis of the cosmos not just making up theories while staring through a telescope

>> No.15481379
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When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 400+ year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have ALL been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally ALL of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.

>> No.15481386
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>he thinks we don't already have antigravity propulsion technology

(((Someone))) is hiding it from you.

>inb4 schizo ad hominem

>> No.15481388

You can "want someday" all you like, I have three kids and counting and I agree with Anon, we need to expand.

>> No.15481462

>some gay-ass artificial spinning station
that will never be like the earth. At best it will be alright but it will never be like home. We evolved here, there is no other place in the universe as nice for us as here.

I think the point of the thread is that its all a psyop and that we were never meant to venture out. There's nothing out there for us.

>> No.15481529

>Earth will die someday but we need to make it out alive.
You realize this is a cope for you being unable to come to terms with mortality and that you're also a midwit because there exists exactly zero feasible ways for humans to survive autonomously away from earth. Even the ISS, a mere 400km away requires constant resupplies from Earth's surface.
Only someone lost on huffing sci-fi star trek farts thinks space exploration is analogous to sailing the seas where you have freely available breathable air, seafood to catch, and reasonable expectations of locating land where new outposts can be built.

>> No.15481725

The inherent nihilism of capitalism will drain the planet and we will be forced to send generation ships.

>> No.15482205

If we can convince the greedy ones there is great profit out there, they will get us out there to mine the oil or resources on another planet, then we can use those advancements for science and exploration.
The first mining operations are going to be rough and lead to some deaths so I would wait until they have smoothed things out and got used to being far away first before going.

>> No.15482230

There's the potential to nurture trillions of sentients in the Solar System. We've got plenty of work to do without going further afield.
Sonny White has demonstrated a working but small warp bubble. Twice if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.15482233

FTL is possible, so pointless hypothetical

>> No.15482235

relativity theory is blatant nonsense with zero basis in reality
all purported "experimental verifications" of it are also seen with electromagnetic retardation
in reality there is a universal reference frame, and everything moves relative to that frame

>> No.15482253

The universe has effective light travel times through different paths.
We'll have to make a path.
That's what ftl implies here

>> No.15482318

what is like being technically an adult, but still living in a twelve year old's fantasy life? how does arrested psychological development get started anyway?

>> No.15482504

I agree. I mean yeah I guess if we get just .2c then we can go to and back from the centari system in 40ish years but still...

>> No.15483178

Assuming an alien world has bacteria is as absurd as assuming it has birds and mammals. Bacteria are a taxonomic group that evolved on Earth, there is no reason to assume evolution follows the exact same path on different worlds

>> No.15483409

Space exploration is the hardest so it's based.

>> No.15483412

Our Solar System is big and fascinating enough. Once you've seen one new planet you've seen them all.

>> No.15483419

If this time dilation nonsense was real (it's not, it's made up soience like dark matter) I'd use it to see how humanity evolves not to travel to some barren rock in space.

>> No.15483484

If time dilation is not real, then how do you explain the reduced decay rates of cosmic muons?

>> No.15483499

ahahahahahahaha the soientists have made up some complicated sounding bullshit to make cattle retards stop questioning them
Yes Anon time dilation is real, totally not made up sci-fi bullshit

>> No.15483502

>I don't understand it, it can't be real!
gotim, smoothbrain

>> No.15483508

Are these cosmic muons in the room with us right now?

>> No.15483513

A cosmic moo-on just flew over my house!

>> No.15483529

Time dilation is the logical consequence of the speed of light being the same in all inertial reference frames.

>> No.15483546

Time dilation is pop sci bullshit like dark matter and dark energy. You are insane and retarded.

>> No.15483552

Please explain how the speed of light can be constant without time dilation.
>You are insane and retarded

>> No.15483557

Why didn't they catch up to the ship and tell them?

>> No.15483583
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Boomers can recognize and report star trek memorabilia more descriptively than characters on Dakimakuras so the media has more info to publish fake news articles with.

>What's even the point of space travel if FTL isn't possible?
Almost as if that was the point in meming this non empirically proven speed you're referring to.

He's going to post something retarded and contradictory like assuming light "has a speed in a vacuum" despite the very sentence implying this light is negating the very vacuum it's "traveling in".

It's as real as time(the measurement) itself. Ask "What is it actually being dilated?" and you'll have no choice but to fall back onto a medium of some sort that can undergo said hysterisis that you're deriving this time dialation measure from. Or, circularly re-quote yourself saying "time/time dilation" over and over and repeat the premise of what was asked.

>> No.15483594

If you travel at the speed of light your peers who are not will not age faster than you. And you are beyond saving if you believe this made up nonsense.

>> No.15483596


The point is that we have no other choice.

Either do, or we die, along with the rest of earth's life. And try do it as efficiently as possible with the shitty technology we can build within the limits of "known" physics.

We should also do it as fast as possible, given how fragile our civilization is, which is why AI development should be accelerated, not slowed down, and be allowed to fully democratize - which it already has, and will remain despite whatever suicidally retarded regulations goverments come up with.

>> No.15483610
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>And you are beyond saving if you believe this made up nonsense.
The "speed of light" is made up nonsense along with the majority of other theories revolving around the phenomena. No one has ever even seen "light", they see "illumination" which is just the effects of a perturbed medium. It's like calling waves of water in a pool something different than the water and then claiming the water doesn't exist when there is no waves splashing in it making it visible.

>> No.15483657

>time dilation
sounds like some globohomo tranny bullshit

>> No.15484002

It is neither complicated nor made-up bullshit, you just assume that because you haven't bothered to look into it.

>Muons decay quickly to electrons
>They normally have a half-life of 1.6 microseconds
>Muons traveling towards Earth at .98c survive the trip in greater numbers than we expect
>Apparently these muons have a half-life of 7.8 microseconds
>This is explained by the fact that they experience time dilation, so their clock runs slower, exactly as the math of relativity predicts

So again, how do you explain it, if not with relativity?

Actually, I think they are. Cosmic rays can often pass through walls and ceilings and stuff.

Yeah, probably.