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15477100 No.15477100 [Reply] [Original]

>father is 70
>never lost his hair, still almost completely full
>Summer 2022 he starts losing it
>it looks really patchy
>recedes unnaturally fast in 1 year
How is this possible? Why is it that he went so long with hair, but he started losing it really suddenly, almost at random? Is it possible that Covid is accelerating androgenic alopecia?
Perhaps the virus is accelerating aging in the brain/follicles.

>> No.15477170

Was he vaxxed? It's pretty popular to blame the vax for everything and anything.

>> No.15477184

If you don't lose your hair by 70 you pretty much just don't have AGA. This is further supported by your comment that it's patchy. AGA is normally associated with the familiar patterns of recession. It's far more likely it's just normal hair loss due to age.

>> No.15477188

covid can cause hair loss, as well as some other weird things, some people lost their teeth after covid

>> No.15477189

>everything is the vax!
>everything is covid!

>> No.15477190

No, actually, which is what worries me.

>> No.15477216

He either has cancer or got covid and didn't know about it so now the virus is doing its damage. Make sure he exercises and eats healthy. Boomers are dropping like flies.

>> No.15477842

Does he live near a 5G antenna?

>> No.15477936

Who cares he is 70.
Unless he is going to do an al pacino and fuck mid twenties mystery meat

>> No.15478668

jelly much

>> No.15478701
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The reaper spares no one. Not even your dad. But it's okay, there's worse things in life than loss of hair.

>> No.15478795

weird, my dad's losing his hair too suddenly in his 70s.