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File: 36 KB, 500x500, germaphobe-1-362312176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15473822 No.15473822 [Reply] [Original]

I have Germaphobia because I simply lack the understanding of how germs work.

How long do germs live and how easily do they jump from surface to surface? Any time I touch something I just have to imagine the history of everything it came in touch with.

I live in a big city where of course you see occasional bird poop, dog poop, spit and piss on the streets. People step through it and then go into a store. Now if someone drops something and picks it up did any of these poop germs transfer on it? I can't help but think about that. The people stocking the shelves may have scratched their butt or cleaned their nose or went to the toilet and washed their hands badly before touching all the products. How many germs transfer like this? In the big city you have occasionally hobos go into the store and who knows what they touched. How dirty are the hands of cashiers and how much of that transfers onto the stuff I buy? I see people occasionally drop something and pick it up but isn't the floor in a big city basically lava considering all the dirt on the streets?

Could any microbiologists shed light on this? If I bought say a can of soda in the store and took a sample from the surface. Would I find a concenctration of germs that could make you seriously sick?

>> No.15473826

lol, another invented story

>> No.15473836

It's a total meme. Getting sick from these kinds of germs is extremely rare. I've been paying prostitutes to shit in my mouth. I've been licking public toilets. And I'm perfectly healthy. Never got sick.

>> No.15473837
File: 81 KB, 828x1012, 1683155211141022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're mentally ill, "mental illness" and "brain damage" are synonymous terms, both mean "impaired & poorly functioning brain", so low IQ goes along with mental illness. people with low IQ are too stupid to understand science.
you're just looking for excuses to play victim, but you're too stupid to realize whats going on even though everyone else does. low iq and lack of brains is a common feature of urbanites.

>> No.15473843

Did I post on the wrong board?

I am looking for someone with an understanding of microbiology to comment.

>> No.15473854

>everyone except me is dirty and evil!!
you should consider committing suicide, you're never going to to be happy or satisfied with life, you're always going to be bitching about how its not quite good enough for princess. why suffer through half a dozen decades of that when you could just end it all now?

>> No.15473861

It won't help. I've already sneezed on every handle in your home.

>> No.15473865

you are on a wrong planet. evacuate immediately

>> No.15473895

>city slickers can't handle dirt

>> No.15473906

why is everyone in this thread such a faggot? op asked a valid question

>> No.15474000

where do you think you are

>> No.15474004

This is 4chan.

Not a microbiologist, but yes you will always pick up a lot of bacteria, viruses and really whatever when you touch something. These will be easily fought off by your passive immune system (ph-barrier and so on). Because of this only very few organisms actually get further. But even those you won't notice, because they are not relevant to the brain's level of organization. They only become relevant when they impact your ability to act. At this point many will have been wiped out by your immune-response. This is why you don't get sick that often.

How long they live depends on the type of agent. Coronaviruses have a half-life of a a few hours. Nonetheless they nearly never transmit via surface infection. Bacteria are more stable, I think. But they do nothing on your hand. You would need to lick your hands if you wanted to get infected.


Ps. Actually contamination is good, because it will keep your immune system up to date for the real killers. And even more than that, one could say your entire body is (and always will be) contaminated (At least your gut. The rest not really.) Your life is based on these bacteria and would not be possible without them. The actual problem is not "germs" (as in bacteria etc.), but infectious agents (those germs which actually do harm). So you are and always will be dirty.
You might have OCD or smething similar (maybe something with a sensationalist part). Consider getting yourself treated for that, if you suffer from that.

>> No.15474007

Kys you tranny. Germs are a meme

>> No.15474013

being germaphobic seems quite rational to me desu
in general being hyperparanoid about health is rational, you can be wrong 1000 times and be fine, but if you are wrong once you are dead

>> No.15474016


>> No.15474065

herbivores eat shit and don't complain. cats wash themselves by licking and are ok.

>> No.15474080

Try another board, this one is filled with pseuds.

>> No.15474276

>you can be wrong 1000 times and be fine
Looks where it has gotten OP. Taking reasonable precautions is rational. Being hyperparanoid just causes anxiety and stress.

>> No.15474284

The problem for germaphobes is that most bacteria are already inside you.
What you need is to live in a way that they're balanced and happy so the nice ones your body is ok with keep the nasty ones under control.

bacteriocides run the risk of allowing the nasty ones resistant to the bacteriocides to run rampant over your body whiuile the nice ones perish

>> No.15474303

> you need
but does society need retards?

>> No.15474308

Well idiots who poison their body either intentionally or unintentionally tend to self eliminate with time.

>> No.15474316

Humans are constantly surrounded by sheded dead skin cells, plenty with germs, whatever you fear, really, on them from anything those people came in contact with. Think about next time you take a breath.

>> No.15474324

>I've been paying prostitutes to shit in my mouth. I've been licking public toilets.
>And I'm perfectly healthy.
Anon, I ...