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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1547134 No.1547134 [Reply] [Original]

My god I fucking hate every singe fucking one of you.
You fucking annoy me. I wish I could just never visit this website in my life again. pic related, oh look, I'm totally 4chan cuz I said PIC RELATED, you guys must be my fucking friends because I use the fucking language you use bla bl abl abl a FUCKING CARE.

I'm in here before you will say that you don't care, and I don't care either. Because it was all an elaborate ruse to, oh wait, I fail to give a fuck that much to even finish that sentence, let alone finish it with correct grammar.

>> No.1547142
File: 113 KB, 351x398, dokurolaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're looking for /b/, it's that way.

>> No.1547152

uhh.. dude this is /sci/. /b/ probably has the responses you're looking for though.

>> No.1547154

No I'm not. /sci/ is rotten from the inside, more so than /b/ could ever be.

>> No.1547174


/sci/ has its days, but to say its 'worse' then /b/ is just silly. Nothing can be worse than /b/, just like how nothing is south of the south pole.

>> No.1547181

been to /new/ recently?

>> No.1547192


true /new/ is pretty bad. But to the extent of /b/? Come on, don't kid yourself.

>> No.1547194


this. was about to post the same thing. /new/ is the shitstain of 4chan

>> No.1547217


/new/ at least has actual discussions rather than 8 year olds spewing old unfunny memes all over the place.

>> No.1547230

current discussion on front page of /new/

>Why do liberals support ideologies that turn our honorable men into pathetic wimps?

>ITT: Conservative men.

>ProTip: Homosexuals are not men, they are mutants.

cue 100+ replies all in agreement

>> No.1547238

cool story bros

>> No.1547258


Well if you wanna talk about that kind of ridiculousness, check out /v/. 80% of the threads there aren't even vidya related, and when they are the threads die quick.

>> No.1547285

I would have to put /vp/ up there with the worst.
you can't beat /vp/ for pure unadulterated underageb& faggotry.

>> No.1547309


Well like it was mentioned before, they have actual discussions. They may be gay or whatever to you, but their threads are always pokemon related, so at least the board is working.

>> No.1547330

I'd have to say /b/ is the worst
Its not even a contest
I used to lurk it when it had a reasonable amount of faggotry, but ever since 200m get things have never been the same...

>> No.1547347


It was trash wayy before that, Around the introduction of boxxy is where it became intolerable for me.

>> No.1547363

I didn't say it wasn't crap before
I said it had a reasonable amount of faggotry
and by reasonable I mean barely tolerable

>> No.1547366


ahh, okay then.

>> No.1547386

/b/ is definietly the worst its full of internet tough guys, and highschool mcdonalds working poorfags who think they are hardcore internet people by lurking on /b/ and calling each other niggers.

>> No.1547404
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>> No.1547410
File: 1.79 MB, 211x173, 1280966107864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1547447

I see.